Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

Mimbe393939 said:
Now my greatest weak point is consistency to be socially charged until I completely break whatever AA I have.

I have noticed this with myself as well. The last two weekends I went out and did 5-7 approaches each time and felt awesome. But I am not consistent about going out during the week. I did once this week and had a similar situation where I only ended up approaching one girl.

I noticed that the approaches on the weekend have been in a more fun environment. For example, it was at a farmers market with an indoor area which means I did could stand instead of having to walk around and I could go in the AC area to get out of the 100 degree heat. When I have been going out during the week it feels like a pain because areas I got to are 1-1.5 hr bus ride, its 100+ degrees outside, and I'm walking around for an hour or two starts to make your feet sore. Now yes, those are all excuses and part of being out there, but if I can find opportunities that are more enjoyable like the farmer's market then I enjoy the process of CA, the actual act of just going out to do them. Sounds like you found that with driving to the mall instead of bussing.
Bman said:
Mimbe393939 said:
Now my greatest weak point is consistency to be socially charged until I completely break whatever AA I have.

I have noticed this with myself as well. The last two weekends I went out and did 5-7 approaches each time and felt awesome. But I am not consistent about going out during the week. I did once this week and had a similar situation where I only ended up approaching one girl.

Right, it sucks when it happens because it's like "you we're killing it man now, you suck today" only motivates me to go harder because I feel like such a fucking pussy. 1 approach in 2 hours is better then sitting at home wishing in my books, at least. Deleting OLD is going to help me, because I have no other option but to go and hunt for my meat and I'm not going to starve this summer. No other passive income streams of women, the days I started to go inconstant I'd have OLD dates that would flake, or I'd just cope to not approach by saying oh well I'll just message OLD matches I'm working in a solution to getting laid consistently, no more distractions.

Initially during my #1st date near the end I proposed she comes to my apartment for "movies" she initially agreed, but I know because her emotions we're high that night. When it came down to the day before, I sent her a confirmation text and her logic started to kick in, she mentioned going to someone's house for the #2 date was a little to fast for her, go figure. I set up a hiking/trail date close by, picked her up. Drove somewhat away, not too far. We walked for 1.5-2 hours, we found a nice little spot on some rocks near the water we must have sat for another 2 hours. I was grabbing her thighs, kissing her, pressing up against her. She came out in short shorts and a tight shirt, seemed less shy/let me grab her with my hands on her hips pulling her closer and closer while I was holding onto them/making out with her, and was not as tensed as up from date #1 or as terrible as a kisser as she was. I tried to focus on some connection building/emotionally stimulating topics, while flirting, teasing and making fun of her a bit in a joking/fun manor. I had fun, not that put off from her not putting out immediately. I kind of enjoy it, we both know we want to fuck each other, the tension is just building up, and when she's over I'm going to cut it with a knife in half. Would be nice to make this a girl a plate, we seem to get along quite well and compliment each other nicely and can relate on some deeper things like being independent, a planner and have our shit together, not into the party scene. I will continue to keep hustling and trying to spin plates, not much else to say, let's get to it.
APPROACH DAY 6/29/2022


0/6 Solos + 1 duo

Mostly got blown out, I was not allowing myself to eat dinner + go home until I approached at least 1 duo and or a group set so that's what I did. I saw a cute looking girl with her hipster VERY short haired friend so I approached direct. Just basic conversation, when I introduced myself I held her hand for a couple seconds and said I like your fashion. I ignored her friend, and she just allowed what was going on. The girl I approached instantly offered her instagram after our very short convo, and handed me her phone to type in my name, when I asked for her name she was kind of stammering her words giving it to me haha. I thought wow, this girl is more nervous then I was trying to approach a duo. Going to send my follow up tonight, and try to flirt/neg a bit before setting up a date. I am glad I got a duo set in now that it's not some profound unworldly thing like the first approaches were, anymore.

I did not warm up, I did not chew gum, I did not do my "ritual" After reading some content and hearing this Trying to really internalize this. I decided no more rituals, no more getting socially warmed up, no talking to guys, no talking to a cashier fuck all of that. I just went completely in this time, it's time to get comfortable being uncomfortable. You never know when your favored archetype is going to walk up, at any given moment. Changing my mindset to just go in, who gives a fuck what happens, what is the worst that can happen? You get blown out, fuck it. On the highway over, I was shouting BECOME DESNENSITIZED, NO WARMING UP over and over x5.


Had a date last night with a CA girl, we've been on 3 dates so far. She initially rejected my "movies" date at my apartment for the second because that seemed fast for her, in hindsight I should have not said anything about my apartment for the 2nd date and just took her out on a date and pulled so her logic can't kick in, and she's guided by her emotions. I have a date scheduled for Sunday with her for bubble tea not a far ways away from our places I usually just pick her up since she is so close by and can't drive herself. I think I built up enough compliance to pull her to my apartment. Didn't want to update my log again for some boring ass date, ONLY HUSTLE.
APPROACHES 6/30/2022

1/5 solos in under an hour

The number I did get, she seemed more attractive from a far when I got close, I saw her teeth it turned me off. She kept checking me out, looking at me up and down hahahaha, I kinda cringed a bit. Going to end up blocking/ghosting.

Not much anxiety this time, no getting socially warmed up, just went for it. The volume was not amazing but I am glad I got 5 in under an hour. I could have stayed, but I have a lot to do tomorrow, going to a party / picking up a friend early afternoon not trying to be exhausted for Canada day. Not much else to say, let's get to it.

I was at the downtown mall and saw Rice on his way to his Tinder date hahaha, randomly. Which I thought was kind of comical since we we're chatting earlier, but I don't announce my moves to approach. Said what's up and talked a bit before he went on, I thought it was kind of funny.
Mimbe393939 said:
Not much anxiety this time, no getting socially warmed up, just went for it. The volume was not amazing but I am glad I got 5 in under an hour.

Love the energy you're putting into this man. I enjoy checking your log because it feels like we are in a similar place with our CA progress. I'm have consistently been doing 5 each time I go out and getting better at them. For example, the last time I went out their was a very attractive blonde that I initially skipped from a bit of AA, but then bit that right in the ass, turned around, caught up with her in the store and approached (unfortunately she was engaged). I just had my first date from CA, too, which felt awesome just being able to do that.

Keep kicking ass man. Inspiring to see your progress.
Bman said:
Mimbe393939 said:
Not much anxiety this time, no getting socially warmed up, just went for it. The volume was not amazing but I am glad I got 5 in under an hour.

Love the energy you're putting into this man. I enjoy checking your log because it feels like we are in a similar place with our CA progress. I'm have consistently been doing 5 each time I go out and getting better at them. For example, the last time I went out their was a very attractive blonde that I initially skipped from a bit of AA, but then bit that right in the ass, turned around, caught up with her in the store and approached (unfortunately she was engaged). I just had my first date from CA, too, which felt awesome just being able to do that.

Keep kicking ass man. Inspiring to see your progress.

Thank you, I appreciate that. I have been following your log too. I pay extra attention to the CA'ers ;). I can definitely relate about the first date, I remember driving back from it on a cool night shouting I DID IT I GOT SOMETHING FROM NOTHING FUCK YES, even just making out with her it felt like I had gotten something from nothing.

I will continue to hustle, can't wait to see what cards we are dealt in the days to come.
Hey man, read your log, I really like your energy and it's inspiring. Nice tips on desensitization. Keep it up !


Did 0/1 doing errands, I checked out the local college before to see if any volume was there for summer school. It was dead, I just saw a bunch of guys studying/sitting down sadly.


On Friday the day after my last approach day I went to a Canada day pool party/get together of 20 people guys/girls mixed with my two friends, my friend knew the host.

I can see how the CA carry over is very real, I opened all the girls/groups and introduced myself with no care. I was playing beer pong solo me with a random girl vs her other 2 friends multiple times, teasing them, flirting and just having a good time.

There was a small asian girl with her FWB, at one point this girl was on my lap and I had my arm around her, her FWB started to mate guard pretty hard after she got up HAHA and that was the end of that.

Me and another girl we're sitting on some small lounge chair, there was hardly any room so I moved her on me. Started talking, later in the night I tried to pull her back to my apartment to "listen to music" but she declined and kept saying I work at 6am tomorrow, I work at 6am tomorrow.

In hindsight I can see how screening hardcore for logistics in the night game/party scene are really going to be the bread and butter for pulling. What she is doing later, is she driving home with anyone, does she have something to do early tomorrow etc etc


I saw her on Sunday. I have been seeing this girl quite consistently x1 a week, I only text logistics. I did a bunch of conversation hoops with her for date #1-2. Now it's mostly just teasing,flirting with some hoops sprinkled in.

We went for bubble tea at a new spot I wanted to try out awesome bubble tea, would go back. The workers we're loud, the music was terrible. So I said let's get out of here and go to my apartment not really feeling the music here, she agreed.

I made sure to not have my apartment dim lit with romantic music playing in the background before she came, so she thinks I'm not trying to instantly fuck her.

I made sure to escalate SUPER FUCKING SLOW, like just sitting beside her, and having my arm against hers at first. I saw her body language was kind of closed off/not open to me, eventually I could see her legs started to like open up/start coming toward me, so then I put my hand there. Kept just having my hand on her bare thighs, not going in for a kiss just building up the natural tension that is already there. So after sometime of just having my hand on her thigh/chilling with her watching stuff on my T.V

I put on some movie, and then talk with her for a bit. Eventually we both look at each other and I go for it. We start making out. I am trying not to pounce on her, and just making out dragging it out. We made out for quite sometime/while I grab her thighs/hips pulling her closer and closer/grabbing her ass next to me. Eventually I grab her boobs from underneath her shirt while we kiss, this girls got a fucking bra so tight/no cleavage showing lmfao. Things started to heat up, I said let's go to my room. She replied, I don't think we're there yet.

I INSTANTLY, stopped fucking everything. I said we'll only do what you're comfortable with, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I stopped kissing, I stopped grabbing. I pulled back, and went cold/trying to train her in a way lmfao. I kept talking so she didn't think I was butthurt, I was a little disappointed. 4 dates, no sex god damn even though I know I'm not entitled to fuck all in this world, except death and taxes.

Eventually I started the same slow process over again after acting somewhat cold. I have my arm touching hers, then start to add more in etc etc

We start making out again. This time, we progressed a lot more. I told her come sit on top of me (her face facing me with her legs on my side) I was grabbing her ass/making out. Thing eat up again, we are grinding on each other, I grab her breasts/making out, I tell her take off your shirt, I start helping her. She pushes my hands down saying "noo" as I'm grabbing her ass I'm putting my hands down her jean shorts on the leg side, pulls my hands down again and says "I see what you're trying to do there" and giggles

I pick her up, while shes on my lap and place her down so shes laying down on the couch , she says "You know all the moves don't you" I just replied "Maybe" with a smirk and then went in to kiss her some more. Then I'm on top of her, I pinned her wrists down and we start dry humping/making out.

Eventually things calm down, and she's on my lap again facing me and talking. She starts to tell me things like "I knew what it meant when you said to come to your apartment for the 2nd date, I don't do ONS" I told her that I'd prefer something on going (She never has done online dating, and has told me before) that she hasn't been with a guy in a while. From her telling me some of these things, I believe her somewhat shes just some average/nerdy girl who drives a god damn electric scooter HAHA, she's a dork. She was surprised I kissed her on the 1st date and was so god damn tense/shy her kissing was horrible that night.

At a cross roads, this would make a potential good FWB, but if she tries to threaten me with monogamy for sex I'm out, and if this goes on another 1-2 dates, I'm out.
Mimbe393939 said:
I'm not entitled to fuck all in this world, except death and taxes.
Being entitled to taxes...okay you are definitely Canadian.

Looking forward to future updates on this potential "electric scooter" plate you have.

0/6 at the mall

I feel mediocre, I skipped out on duos/others. The volume is awesome at the time I go, but I suck.

I have not been working as hard as I possibly can at this goal, so here it is.

I Mimbe393939, hold myself accountable to approaching for the next 6/7 days and hitting 50+ approaches. colgate is holding me accountable as well.

Not much to say, let's get to it.
Mimbe393939 said:
I Mimbe393939, hold myself accountable to approaching for the next 6/7 days and hitting 50+ approaches. @colgate is holding me accountable as well.


The more you do. The easier it gets.

Every approach makes the next one easier.
Every approach you skip makes the next one harder.

Be mindful of that.

0/13 total, 1 solo street approach + 2 duos at the mall, 11 solos at the mall

I had some nice conversations with a few girls, but they said they had a boyfriend/am on their way to meet him so I ejected.

Well some things happened HAHA

I almost fought a homeless person sort of.. I was walking in the door after I was done vaping, he kind of like stepped on the back of my shoes. When we both entered the door he said "Wassup" to me, I said it back whats up? He said it once more, and I said it again. When we walked in the doors he kind of stood there looking at me not going anywhere, I just thought man is this really happening rn, and just turned back around and went another way in the mall, not gonna throw down over some dumb shit.

I get fucking cold approached by a girl with a BEARD...

I'm outside vaping and some light skin chubby girl with fish net stockings short shorts, short hair, tattoos, a beard. I kid you fucking not, a beard, she had more facial hair then me. We start talking, I had 0 interest in her btw I just was like ok I'll use her as social momentum lmao, she asks me where I got my vape etc, we start talking about random stuff. We exchanged instagrams at the end, because I need more followers/maybe she can help me set her up with her alt hipster friends idk lol no harm no foul.

Was a nice session overall, Andrew Tates voice kept replaying in my head saying "Get pissed off." "Don't have 10 playboy bunnies? Get pissed off." "Don't like your situation? Get pissed off." I kept telling myself you have no number, get fucking pissed off, you have no number, no nothing. Mangas advice of "The more you do. The easier it gets." Kept replaying in my head as well, it is so simple, but it helped me. I'll be completely transparent chickened out on some, but once I started getting going I was doing awesome.

A few girls we're flattered which felt nice, one of the asian duos looked very flattered like the typical Japanese school girl cute laugh after I direct opened one of them and then saying I have a boyfriend sorry. The other duo I got completely blown out, like just kept walking saying I'm too busy, that actually felt good it was like my worst fears we're becoming reality, in a good way.

One super hot girl took out her airpods, looked at me I direct open shakes her head and starts walking, I started laughing.

DAY 1/7 DONE for getting 50 approaches, at 13 right now.

Not much else to say, let's keep hustling.

5 numbers, 1 IG
20 Solo approaches

Best session yet. I made a bet with colgate to hit 20 approaches today and held myself accountable in my action only telegram group. Honestly doing this, I felt like I HAD TO, and I really did, I can't let myself/everyone down once I put it in writing.

I did some small strategies like you don't get to vape until 10 approaches, I started to get to pissed off that I couldn't smoke so I started to going in on stuff my anxiety didn't want to

75% /20 approaches I started to get frustrated because I wanted to go home but I was chickening a lot on the hot girls, I eventually got pissed off and started approaching some of the hottest girls I ever have

The IG I got she is 5 minutes drive at the college residence very close by, and was Russian who moved to Canada 6 months ago

Another number is close to my area, I thought we had good chemistry

The last number was in a rush, but we still exchanged anyways

I will probably focus the most on the best two logistically, the rest logistically we're pretty shit to pull

Mind you, you know how the game goes. These numbers could be duds, not setting expectations high, keeping them low and not outcome dependent. Numbers = nothing.

I did what I said I was going to do. Not much else to say, let's keep hustling.
APPROACH DAY 7/10/2022

1/11, 9 solos, 2 duo sets

Didn't want to have a super structured long session. I have to go to my parents to eat dinner, I've been putting them off for a while playing this game so didn't stay too long. Was making good time going on shit my anxiety didn't want to like some super hot ones and duos.

The number I got was quite close by, we had a nice convo and seemed to have good chemistry. Sending my follow up, some cute asian girl glasses, with the lulu lemon short shorts my age yummy yum.

I got approached by another daygamer haha. I was going up the escalator, and after I got off he said hey man are you gaming? I asked him how he knew, he said he saw me in set. We had a convo, I told him I started approaching a month ago, he said I'm excited for you man, he said if you come here I'll definitely see you again I work here and game here too. I'll definitely be seeing him again, that place is my stomping ground rn.


3/5 of the numbers responded from last night (last post)

I have a date with one of them friday, she seemed super enthusiastic after my nice meeting you earlier text. Instantly saying "Nice to meet you too!I would love to go out sometime :)" So I have date with her on Friday.

I tried to set up dates with the other 2 numbers who responded, I told them what's your schedule like, when are you free?

They don't know, so I said let me know when your schedules free and left it at that, not going to say another word.

Not much else to say, let's get to it.
Mimbe393939 said:
They don't know, so I said let me know when your schedules free and left it at that, not going to say another word.

Just message them 7-10 days later with a 'What are you up to girl?" and try to set up a date again. Most likely the "I don't know when I'm free" was an emotional response and they can change their minds later.
APPROACH DAY 7/12/2022

0/7 approaches, 1 duo set

Mostly me getting blown out, the duo girl seemed receptive but her and her duos English was horrible.

I had a good interaction I thought with a girl we we're walking together talking, I was trying to be less platonic and flirty/more negging this time around, but when I went for the number close she asked my age, I said age 24 (she was 26) she said sorry haha, idm.

To be completely transparent in my log, I had tons of AA + bad inner game today. I didn't approach last night since I had a huge migraine after work, just was bed ridden head felt like a bowling ball walking around.

Wasn't feeling myself today, it happens.

I hit 51 approaches in a nearly a week with 1 day to go, feeling a little accomplished because of that, but I am not satisfied. This is what I NEED + to be doing every week to really progress at day game CA/kill the amount of AA I have now.
APPROACH DAY 7/14/2022


Honestly this number was the best interaction I had so far

I didn't feel platonic, I was teasing her/negging her a bit

She said her name was Mercedes, so I teased her a bit and said sounds like trouble, I wonder what your parents are like then grinning, we both smiled and laughed a little
She said she was a spender, so I said oh damn, I shouldn't have approached then
Took her hand and said nice nails
Then just general small talk, I won't keep you since you're meeting your friend and then got the number

One girl I opened and she just looked at me and didn't say a word, and I just laughed in her face and said "Alright hahaha"

I still have baseline AA, and chicken out on a bunch

But I am glad my conversation anxiety is progressing and I am not some platonic robot asking them a best of bunch of questions and then asking for a number

That was the old frame I was in lmao

I made myself a 10 approach quota and followed through with it, I will keep upping the approach dose until this shit just becomes natural and I can do this in my sleep. The act of going out, I have a routine I do, so that part is normal to me.

I saw the other daygamer again at the mall today, he works there so after work he goes and approaches. He told me he doesn't see anyone else here except me, his friend I met, and that's about it. I saw him going in set he just goes in nonchalantly, it was nice to see because that's the point I want to get to. I got his number and was texting a bit back and forth

Not much else to say, let's get to it.
APPROACH DAY 7/15/2022

0/10, 2 duo sets

Had to give myself an approach quota of ATLEAST 10

Was not my best session BY FAR, had bad AA at the start.


I had a mindset change, near the end of my session I stopped telling myself the excuses to not approach, and started telling myself why I want to approach. Over and over replaying in my mind just go in, just go in. I will be bringing this new frame change in my next sessions.

Need to stop caring about being smooth/my interaction quality and just start fucking spamming, prancing around approaching girls left and right. Not doing enough, what I am doing is not good enough/sustainable to kill it at daygame.

New course of action, spamming and stop caring about interaction quality to get my AA further and further buried in the ground then start focusing on game/interaction quality.