Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

once you define yourself by what you are (someone who talks to hot girls) instead of what you are not (the person that your excuses are targeting, that "weirdo who shouldn't talk to girls" or whatever your internal battle is), anxiety turns into excitement
APPROACH DAY 7/17/2022

0/20 Solo Approaches

The main focus of todays session was just forget trying to be smooth,negging/flirting for now and having the best interactions I've ever had, and just focus on approaching/volume no matter how shit the interaction goes

So that's exactly what I did.

I shortened my opener and started delivering it in chunks depending on how she reacts. Instead of this mouthful lol.. "Hey excuse me, I know this is totally random but I thought you we're cute and I wanted to say hi"

I found doing this, made me feel more confident to approach in that I didn't have some huge mouthful that I had to blurt out at the girls

Still chickened out on a bunch, but I am getting better. I'm glad I got blown out 0/20, it only makes me want to do more/try harder. The rejection part doesn't bother me in the slightest, just have general anxiety like holy fuck they're so hot

It didn't feel like holy fuck 20 approaches! It's getting normalized now

Had some good interactions, but all girls soaking in my validation and then they deliver the lone and behold, the person we all know and love in daygame, the boyfriend when I go for the number close, haha.

Rice said he was gaming before his tinder date, so we said hello and chatted for a bit but we parted ways so we can lone wolf it up and kill our AA. We approached the same girl at different times, and she told him someone just told me the same exact thing earlier hahaha, he asked if he was wearing a black shirt but she didn't remember. I thought it was quite comical.

Not much else to say, let's fucking get to it.
Bro, you killing it. Truly an inspiration for a guy like me. But man, I'm so confused with your way of counting your approaches, what does the 0 stands for? I thought it was like when you couldn't approach lol.

Also, really cool that you saw a guy doing game as well. I swear man, I never see anyone doing it where I do, it's crazy. I really get now when GLL talked about this being a 0.01% of guys thing. A question, when your doing these sets you stay stationary at a place or keep doing laps, let's say, around a mall? Keep it going man!
Fuckboy Aspirant said:
Bro, you killing it. Truly an inspiration for a guy like me. But man, I'm so confused with your way of counting your approaches, what does the 0 stands for? I thought it was like when you couldn't approach lol.

Also, really cool that you saw a guy doing game as well. I swear man, I never see anyone doing it where I do, it's crazy. I really get now when GLL talked about this being a 0.01% of guys thing. A question, when your doing these sets you stay stationary at a place or keep doing laps, let's say, around a mall? Keep it going man!

Hey man, appreciate the kind words. Thanks for writing.

So the 0/20 for example, signifies that I got 0 numbers that session, but 20 approaches got done that day. AKA me saying Excuse me, direct opening them displaying my intentions.

So I only day game exclusively at this one specific mall, it's where the most volume is at, in a good spot that the hallways are not too wide so you don't have to full on run at the girl, or girls. But in September, when college starts back with in class learning. I will start approaching there/still go to the mall (the college is a 3 straight minute drive from my apartment)

A lot of my sets are walking but if I see someone stationary I will approach. I just do laps and have a route I do, of all the high traffic spots. So for example all the good stores are on the 2nd floor, and the first floor. So I will go up the escalator from 1st to 2nd, walk past all the good stores, and then go down the escalator on the other side to 1st floor, walk all the way to the initial escalator and just repeat that route, and whatever meat looks good, I'll approach.
APPROACH DAY 7/23/2022

0/8, pretty barebones session

Really slowed down my speech down in this session making my voice deeper and slower

I took nearly a week off to study game/ push/pull, I wanted to know what kind of flirty/teasing/negging interactions I should be shooting for, what spikes emotions instead of grandma talk platonic interactions which is what I was having. So I definitely was feeling the ring rust.

I am really trying to hit the nail on the head with my sub communications/my vibe so I

Also I enrolled in an expensive 30 day voice course, my voice does not sound super deep or high value at all right now. Although I have been doing exercises + the course now

I truly feel like I am KILLING my inner loser

Going to re-download tinder, I think it could help with my overall abundance mindset/vibe/confidence in my CA interactions (Only going to run dates 5 minutes away from my apartment or GTFO.)

CA is still going to be the main focus.

Going back to the field tomorrow, I have unfinished business.
APPROACH DAY 7/24/2022


Was not feeling it today, I didn't want to go out, rainy day, gloomy. But I forced myself for mileage.

I had a receptive girl who stood with me.. But I saw she had a unibrow, so I dipped set. Just felt super nervous to top it off during our interaction

Just one of those days, tomorrow is a new day with new pains and pleasures.

Not much else to say, let's fucking get to it.
Mimbe393939 said:
APPROACH DAY 7/24/2022


Was not feeling it today, I didn't want to go out, rainy day, gloomy. But I forced myself for mileage.

I had a receptive girl who stood with me.. But I saw she had a unibrow, so I dipped set. Just felt super nervous to top it off during our interaction

Just one of those days, tomorrow is a new day with new pains and pleasures.

Not much else to say, let's fucking get to it.
LMAO I would do the same if I saw the unibrow, fucked up teeth, whatever... We're doing this to bang sexy chicks, not average ones.

Also it's natural to feel a bit out of the game if you haven't done CA in a week or so. Just keep it going bro, you're doing well.
Haha bro you doing 5 on a bad day, man I hope I can get there too.

I think we can all agree it's about time to throw those goddamn masks away too. You never know what you'll find behind it once you open a girl these days :lol:
Fuckboy Aspirant said:
Haha bro you doing 5 on a bad day, man I hope I can get there too.

I think we can all agree it's about time to throw those goddamn masks away too. You never know what you'll find behind it once you open a girl these days :lol:

You will get there, trust me. Just got to keep fighting, some days it sucks, some days its easier, some days its harder. Just don't stop. Used to take me hours and weird rituals to do 5

Keep going you're doing great
I planned to do some CA today, but was having a pretty shit day.

Didn't sleep well, was a grind to get to work, just wasn't having it. Had reached out to an old friend whom I enjoyed their company, and thought we had a great connection, only to have them engaged, to unadd me 2 days later, which was today.

The grind, does NOT GIVE A FUCK if you're happy or feeling bad, wasn't going to let bullshit stop me from progressing.

I've been starting to take my IG more seriously, I know some guys here will appreciate it. I went from having 30 followers 2 days ago, to today 69 -> 170. Also got colgate 100+ followers.
From doing follow4follows & some guy blessed me up with if he invited me to a server, he'd get followers, and I'd receive 100 just for being there + posting in the server that I got my 100
So that's what I did.

Been messaging girls on tinder all night while listening to my voice mastery course, audio files

Going to take tinder more seriously as well, I think just being immersed dealing with women + going on dates can help my CA progress/vibe/abundance mindset after being blown out in my last 3-4 sessions.

Going over to CA girls house who I've been seeing for a while, on Wednesday, don't have any expectations as she's super conservative + wants comfort (no other leads. So fuck it, GLL average guy game for this one)

Finalized my package of overseas shirts, should arrive in 8-19 days, 2 new pairs of joggers are arriving on friday.

Here are some pictures of my IG progress

EDIT: Just hustled another 100 IG followers
What is the purpose of getting followers on IG? The follower count is irrelevant, especially when they’re non-organic followers that that follow for follow bullshit. Your account can get flagged for that.

You also need more than one post; at least 9 so you have a filled out grid.

If someone looked at your IG right now, it’s weird as fuck given the lopsided follower to following count, with only one post. Especially if the profiles following you are the same thing; weird profiles with weird follow counts and content.

The purpose of followers is not to have a big number, because that causes it’s own challenges. The main one being that women who value that kind of thing will consider rejecting a guy with a high follower count as a form of validation.

The main purpose of followers is to have actual people you’ve met through approaching and socializing. There will be a point where you’ll meet someone and have multiple mutual friends.
Mimbe393939 said:
Going to take tinder more seriously as well, I think just being immersed dealing with women + going on dates can help my CA progress/vibe/abundance mindset after being blown out in my last 3-4 sessions.


Newbies should do anything to go on dates and get laid, even if this means gaining a +5 in lameness due to app use (I'm joking guys, relax)
Also, you have a tinder with what I assume has more than one good photo, but only one photo posted on IG? Do you see how there may be an inefficiency there?

You also seem to resort to questions when approaching; this needs to transition to making statements and observations based on what she has going on. When you approach and ask questions, you’re essentially forcing someone to interact with you.

Also, since time is an issue, why don’t you practice night game in a high volume venue? It’s significantly more efficient and you’ll gain more experience faster.
Vice said:
What is the purpose of getting followers on IG? The follower count is irrelevant, especially when they’re non-organic followers that that follow for follow bullshit. Your account can get flagged for that.

You also need more than one post; at least 9 so you have a filled out grid.

If someone looked at your IG right now, it’s weird as fuck given the lopsided follower to following count, with only one post. Especially if the profiles following you are the same thing; weird profiles with weird follow counts and content.

The purpose of followers is not to have a big number, because that causes it’s own challenges. The main one being that women who value that kind of thing will consider rejecting a guy with a high follower count as a form of validation.

The main purpose of followers is to have actual people you’ve met through approaching and socializing. There will be a point where you’ll meet someone and have multiple mutual friends.

I just thought having 30 followers = super low value (late starter to IG, started this year never used it in high school)

I’m not going to do anymore weird follow growing opportunities since anything more will just be too delusional and I’m sure people will sniff it out too

From now on just organic growth with a few methods some reputable sources have told me.
Having a low follower count doesn’t mean anything.

Doing the follow for follow thing is actual low value though.

Don’t waste your time on the app; it’s a true time sink and waste of time. The purpose is to dovetail your OLD photo efforts into it, as well as post stories to show that you’re a normal person.

Your efforts are best leveraged into getting out there and socializing, doing a soft IG close, and slowly building it up from there.

A soft IG close is when you exchange IG and KEEP TALKING for a while to cement the interaction. So many dudes do what I call “number banditing”, where they see “getting a number” as some kind of accomplishment instead of trying to go on a mini adventure right then and there. They’ll grab the number and run away like a bandit. I still do it too, despite knowing not to.
Vice your thoughts on IG game is that it’s social proof/an easy way to keep girls like up to date on your cool lifestyle?

I mate of mine who’s an absolute pussy hound says he’d be text girls every day and send photos or voice notes to enhance to convo/keep them warm till the date. Is IG just an easier version of this?
Adrizzle said:
@Vice your thoughts on IG game is that it’s social proof/an easy way to keep girls like up to date on your cool lifestyle?

I mate of mine who’s an absolute pussy hound says he’d be text girls every day and send photos or voice notes to enhance to convo/keep them warm till the date. Is IG just an easier version of this?

I mean sometimes my lifestyle is cool, sometimes I post a video of my foster cats bringing me a toy while I take a shit.

The main point is to show that you’re normal and relatable.

And it requires less work than what your friend describes, because one post or video can go on your story and be seen by a wider audience than through text. I personally don’t have time or the desire to text women every day so I just post shit and set up dates with whoever engages.

Voice notes are super potent, I suggest everyone uses them.
APPROACH DAY 7/26/2022 Kind of...

0/1 At the mall that is close by, I did not feel like I wanted some super dedicated, grand master commute session

The 1 I did do, I felt pretty confident, but still chickened out on some super hot one. I don't know if it's because I'm working on mastering my voice through courses + practice + just immersing myself dealing with women on tinder. Just felt like that opener was a lot better then the last couple of times. I saw her and instantly just opened. Genuinely just felt good about shit, compared to past 2 days.

Mall was pretty god damn huge compared to the one I usually go to, so it was hard to find stragglers. Wasn't trying to stay long at all, been at 4 hours sleep past 2 days, and waking up at 4:30 every 6/7 days a week, wanted to play catch up on sleep + do all my errands so I can camp when I am regenerated

I highly recommend reading this if you're new/a beginner like myself, it gave me a lot of peace of mind. I honestly felt like I needed to hear that. If you're new let's shut our fucking mouths rookie, and put on that red shirt, wear it proud, let's get on the field together.


Just been spamming tinder likes/talking to who is responding with new texting methods that aren't boring back and forth got 2 number closes, one wants to come directly to my apartment, but she's nothing to brag about.
Going to be flake city back on tinder, you know how the game goes gentleman haha
Listening to my audio mastery course, doing the action implementations that go with it daily

The action I've taken since Tuesday has been
-Messaging girls on tinder/number closing/trying to setup dates
-Seeing some girl x1 a week that I've seen for a month from CA, super nerdy comfort archetype lol
-Finalizing new fashion buys
-Vocal course everyday
-Fixing bad sleep schedule
-Booked a week off work for courses that will help me get an easier job in August
-Changed my hairstyle from comb over to messy at the front (got feedback and looks better)
-Getting my tinder text game reviewed

I've been in sort of a rut recently, on terrible sleep feeling like shit. So I'm fixing it, it's killing my CA progression + other aspects of my life.

Working 9.5 hours in construction every day , while sleeping 4 hours has been taking it's tole on me, caught up on sleep Thursday, Friday and going to keep on like this.

APPROACHES 7/30/2022

0/6 (Was not even expecting this much due to being off for quite sometime, or my shit mood before seeing Wing)

For this session, I was with Rice and it was me and him together at the mall, just rocking approaches.

The volume was not the greatest, we started hanging out quite later on in the daytime, if we would have done it earlier, would have been the Valhalla of approaches

I found that going out with him, helped my AA, put me in a better mood, it was just fun but not in a way that fucks with productivity. We still are there to work, not fuck around, we both know it. That's why we work well together, and get along like we do.

We we're with his friend earlier in the day, but ended up ditching him + his other friend so we could rock approaches

Honestly, probably going to just stick with me and Rice if I can, since another guy just brings me down + just fucking around

I'm not there to joke and have a laugh with a group of guys, I'm there to fucking work

Some of my push/pull/observations from my tinder text game are coming out during my approaches

I made an observation about a girl instead of just platonic/basic guy game. It felt calculated and nice

Some of the approaches we're without Rice, and I went in for the ones my anxiety was like FUCK NO PLEASE NO NO. Omg what are you doing?!?!

I feel like I am climbing out of this hole that I dug for myself with my poor sleep, I will be better, it's killing me.

Not much else to say, let's fucking get to it.
Mimbe393939 said:
I found that going out with him, helped my AA, put me in a better mood, it was just fun but not in a way that fucks with productivity. We still are there to work, not fuck around, we both know it. That's why we work well together, and get along like we do.

I definitely enjoy doing CA more with a wing. It gives a nice relief for a brief moment between sets to chat. I'm also more likely to approach hotter women when I'm with a wing. Literally just having the other guy there makes me want to work harder. Chalk it up to male competition, but it definitely makes it more fun.

Mimbe393939 said:
Working 9.5 hours in construction every day , while sleeping 4 hours has been taking it's tole on me, caught up on sleep Thursday, Friday and going to keep on like this.

Only 4 hours is brutal man. Definitely recommend get AT LEAST 6 but obviously aim for 8 if you can. I promise for every extra hour of sleep you get above 4 hours you will feel exponentially better. If you're putting in this much effort on CA with 4 hours, think of what you could do with 8 hours sleep.

Keep up the solid work, man!