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Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

Mimbe393939 Tinder Stripper Pull + No Lay - Going Bald

So, as the title reads. I pull the stripper back to my apartment, but no lay. Life raw dogs me on this one, but I been raw dogging it for so long, so it goes both ways.

I had like 4-5 leads I was talking to, from like August 25th-31th when I started hustling Japanese hard. I screened most of them out by just going ghost sorta, like the vibe was not that great anyways, Kind of going for quality now/good vibes instead of just EVERYONE.

So I don't respond to her August 31st, and then she hits me up September 6th, so almost a week of no contact, and she re-initiates. Perfect, amazing sign.

Random information, she knew I had a shaved head/was shaved head and liked it

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She's like noo not too late for a date UwU lmao.

So we talk back and forth, just random pings/other stuff I do

She is a stripper, and works at a downtown club that I know of, sometimes. But honestly, that doesn't bother me in the slightest, which I'm sure deep down she is wondering why does this guy not care, making her hamster spin. Which is something that is mind blowing to me. That I have the abundance to go out on girls that are STRIPPERS, and not feel jealous or some type of way

She mentions how she's at the college near my apartment and thought of me, if I wanted to hangout with her

Honestly, maybe I should have, maybe I should not. Well I chose should not, since it's like I'm in her frame and she's setting up the date and I'm like Ok! I just made some bullshit excuse about how I'm busy, seeing my parents

So I decline with my excuse, and proposed a real date with her. Which was today.

The bubble tea spot at my apartment, o'l faithful. The same staff have seen me with 4 girls so far there, which I thought was quite comical. It's like every time I look at one of the girl staff I've seen every time, she smiles at me with her eyes lmao, like she knows what is going on hahaha

So Miss Stripper ubers there, I drive. I see her get out of the Uber, immediatly vibe check with a side hug say what's up

She is wearing lipstick, a dress with her cleavage out for me to ravage, so I think..

Fuck this girl is so sexy, slim looking face, but like thick but slim, my favorite. She is Pakistani, I seem do have a lot more success with foreign women, with my harder/masculine looks, rather then getting all the volume like the soft looking Jim from the Office boys. GAY. I can see now that is becoming my prime demographic here, even though I will get white girls sometimes. It seems these types of women with more masculine father upbringings are more polarized by my harder looks, it seems, But what the fuck do I know. Low trust or die.

The pre-text vibe was kind of like she made a sexual hint, and I hinted it as well. But not showing my cards completely, like a game of poker. I find my "game" is screening a lot for yes girls, rather then pushing through on the bullshit ones, it seems I am getting a good eye and sort of know what interactions to look for, rather then the ones I have to work super hard for, to get to her to turn her into a "yes" girl, which is something I'd like to get better at.

I'm like this girl is so sexy, we get our bubble teas and go for a little walk since it's crowded

I seed a quick teasing pull on our way out of the shop for our walk "Maybe if you're cool, you'll get to the see the balcony I wave at you at" (I can see the college she goes to, from my apartment balcony/inside joke I do with girls)

Just small talk, teasing nothing out of the ordinary.

I ask about her job as a stripper, and she says not for the first date, another time . I am like a little kid recently I find, just totally interested in what she has to say, or any woman I go on a date with for that matter, so much to learn from people, so many different perspectives, it's really fascinating.

We go on our little walk around the college, I wanted to gain some more compliance and investment before I cemented the pull and went for it totally and stood by it, since the bubble tea shop is close to the college.

When we start walking over to my car, "I say let's go to see my balcony, I'll show you where I wave at you from"

No resistance, nice.

We drive a short drive, to my apartment. We get in, I give her a little tour, turn on the lights, turn on a show. I go to the washroom.

But to my dismay, after I'm done relieving myself, a situation occurs. FUCK.

She is on the phone with her friend, and her friend does not speak English very well. I hear her talking and she says like "Girl don't worry I'm coming" "I can be there soon"

Her friend who doesn't speak English very wells car doesn't work/isn't starting. Idk, she just wants stripper to comfort her so she's not alone since she's an anxious person

I knew this date was soon over, RIP our date. I just imagined the gravestone for it, at that moment hahaha

It was my turn to get raw dogged by Life. That's fine. The friend is not that far away, so I just say let's go

I drive her, since it was quite a short ways away. See the friend, see the car. Ok I believe her

I drive off into the full moon, hungry. These things happen. Part of this game, we'll see if I'm ghosted or not. Don't care, I got Japanese to hustle.

I just know I'll probably pull next time for real, if I'm not ghosted. Thought was tons of sexual tension, but doesn't matter what I think. IT MATTERS WHAT THE UNIVERSE THINKS.

I shave my HEAD, I am BUZZ CUT/BALD

So this is an insecurity of mine that has always haunted me, and this past year it was apparent that I was going bald, I noticed my hair to start thinning out/my hair when wet looked awful

Tons of hair in my shower, which I thought was nothing, I was never was that mindful of it until I got here/into self improvement/looksmaxxing

I had to do something, and fast. It was either the Big 3, hair transplant or go bald

My hairline was nothing special ever since I was a kid, I always had a YUGE forehead. So a hair transplant was not sufficient for me, it's bald or go home baby. Fuck it.

Now how I got to this conclusion.. I must have watched 40-50+ going bald videos, watched all of Radicals balding videos all of KillYourInnerLoser even on his bald dating YouTube channel, that is so underground. I always wondered what would happen if I buzzed my hair, I was tired of this insecurity that haunted me and I wanted a way out. I saw other bald/buzz head boys slaying pussy, and not giving a fuck.

It gave me a lot of confidence, I did not wake up and say ok I'm ready to shave my head, nope. Not a chance.

Even these past 2 months, I knew I had to do something I even made an accountability pact with colgate that I would be shaving my head in January.

I eventually got tired of waiting, the thoughts of what if, what do I look like. it bothered me, I would look at my razor over and over, and think I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it.

I was spending $40 every 2 weeks to get a nice cool fade haircut, my hair needed a new cut and I honestly was like why should I keep paying that, might as well just say fuck it.

I was messaging colgate at work like today is the fucking day, IM SHAVING IT, MILITARY SHIT, FUCK IT. I was giddy in the grocery store buying some things, like I can't wait to shave my fucking head, I can't wait. I WANT TO SEE IT!

I got home, and shaved it all off with a number 3. I was quite happy with how I looked, and I will be rocking this look and owning this I don't give a fuck, take it or leave it attitude.

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Sorry boys, I'm #JustShaveItBros from now on.

Definitely feeling the confidence from slitting this insecurities throat and making it my little bitch.



Mimbe393939 said:
The bubble tea spot at my apartment, o'l faithful. The same staff have seen me with 4 girls so far there, which I thought was quite comical. It's like every time I look at one of the girl staff I've seen every time, she smiles at me with her eyes lmao, like she knows what is going on hahaha

I've been going to the same coffee bar and I laugh every time I see the same waitress working because she has literally seen me 2 or 3 times that same week with different girls. No shame. Hahaha Can't wait to do a Holden and go on a date with 2 girls at the same time to see the waitresses reaction.
Mimbe393939 Tinder Lay Report #8 - 19 Year Old Chinese Girl

I fuck a 19 year old Chinese Girl last night

This girl was super receptive in the initial texting, and gave off some hints she was sexually available, I hinted it as well but I never show all my cards at once, just like poker and never reveal everything

But her texts starting to get colder and colder leading up to the date, so I just kept matching her energy low effort, she'd take a few days to respond/hours to respond

Eventually set up a date with her, I didn't even think this would happen since I sent a confirmation text in the morning, no response, sent another since I had to drive out like 20 minutes, no response

THIS GIRL finally hits me up 30 minutes up before the date, I was telling the boys in the language learning chat I guess it's Japanese for me tonight boys LMAO. Did not think it was going to happen, the boys didn't either

But she FINALLY confirms it 30 minutes before, I pop my cialis like a tic tac and drive downtown, on my merryway into the sunset

We meet at the mall, vibe check with the side hug, she's 5'1 and she is honestly in kind of like chill wear and glasses looking like a God damn Asian nerd dork lmao, it's always the most innocent ones though who are the naughiest, and you'll see why later.

Walk a short time to my bubble tea spot

We sit and talk about random bullshit, just teasing her, and probing her deeper with different things, interested in what she has to say, what information can she offer me that I don't know.

The sun is setting, I say let's go for a small walk (close by the parking garage where my car is of course 8-) ) since we're downtown and it's beautiful at night. We walk around and talk, I occasionally walk close to her

Eventually before I seed the pull I start probing her for what she's doing the next day/tonight, doesn't seem like she has anything, ok sweet

Seed the pull to apartment, ok let's do it

Drive off into the night with LAY NUMBER 8 to my apartment

We arrive, and get into my apartment, all the lights are off so she doesn't think it's like some preconceived thing that I'm going to fuck her

Dim all the lights, I always wait to lock the door as well. Go to the washroom and let her sit alone, get used to the environment a bit

I show her some clips of Baki haha, since she was interested in my language learning journey and I told her that I'm just trying to shadow how these GENTLEMEN, speak.

Put on Seinfeld, and honestly the night is growing darker and darker, I'm not trying to be up all fucking night and go slug it out early with the construction boys.

So I decide to escalate, we already sitting next to each other, what am I gonna do SIT AND WATCH SEINFELD? Fuck no. I came to play.

I tell her I can't make a move if you're so far away, she instantly inches up closer and we start making out

I tell her stop using so much tongue, and continue to kiss her. She compliments me and says I have "good moves" Thanks future GF!

After making out, I tell her lets go fool around in my room

I start grabbing her ass standing, making out. Just throw her on the bed

Start slowly undressing each other, kissing her body up and down. She's tiny she's 5'1, skinny, but not like super skinny like the Native girl I've been fucking. Awesome

Eventually she's in her underwear with her bra off, and I go to the bathroom to put on the condom

When I come back, she's still in her underwear. I tell her take it off.

She's too slow, or doesn't want to YET, I literally just push her down and rip them off of her, and start fucking her. She told me that was so hot later, literally just fucking take what's yours. Be a hunter, not a fucking leaf/berry gatherer like a chick.

She's so vocal, moaning, expressive. That's something I've been waiting for. I fuck her in missionary to start and she's so wet I can hardly handle it. Like holy fuck girl, contain your excitement

I don't end up lasting too long at the start, but my cialis I bought from a online roid phrama has my back. I cum, put on another condom and go back at it again while still staying hard lmao.

I fuck her deep, while going in-between deep-fast. She's moaning, shouting, and telling me "fuck me daddy, fuck me like I'm yours, I can feel you stretching out my pussy, I'm so wet for your cock"

I'm whispering in her ear "Moan for me bitch, shut the fuck up and take it, you like being my little fuck toy?"

She cums, and she's going crazy. She tries to push me away, with her arms and legs and I just say Nope, you're not going anywhere. Then press down on her legs even harder and keep going.

We do this whole routine another time, tried doggy style but was losing my boner since height difference was fucked

I would have gone again, but she said that her pussy was so raw and couldn't take anymore basically lmao. YOU WANTED DICK, NOW TAKE IT BITCH.

We cuddle and I have my hands on her back, and she says "What you don't like my ass, put your hands on my ass"

I tell her, don't tell me what to do and keep my hands where they are lmao

She tells me that I'm her 5th lay, I call bs instantly. I said listen, I don't care how many fucking lays you have. I'm thinking exactly like a voice message colgate sent in my head, but for me "YOU'RE LAY NUMBER 8, I JUST HAD 8 IN 5.5 WEEKS NOW, I STARTED THIS YEAR, I'M FUCKIN NEW I'M FUCKIN FRESH, LETS GO"

She tells me I'm her 12th, sweet. Not that I care what the fuck she has, just wanted to call her out on some bs lmao

It's getting late, so I say well we should get going, and I drive my future gf (SIKE) to a train station close by, and drive off into full moon lit night

She also thought my buzzcut was hot because I don't give a fuck about tiny follicles on my head

That is 8 Tinder Lays in 5.5 weeks.

Still hustling Japanese on the daily, will post some updates later on, just at a study stage/understanding concepts/babbling like a baby forgetting my native language, and learning their rules.

"We are going to show the world what heads of steel can do."

Update - Japanese Progression + Thoughts on dating

I think it's been a month since I started learning Japanese.

I've gone 29/30 days studying,

Studying grammar, breaking down sentences, listing down words I know, sentences all on notion/in my notes

I have been doing something called Kanji everyday for the past 18 days after nearly memorizing their alphabet, To explain this lightly, imagine Kanjis as symbols that indicates a word, and there is 1000s of them. I use flash cards to memorize them daily, and an app called Anki

I also started a daily status/diary in Japanese on the app "HelloTalk"

I've been coordinating closely with colgate, everyday. I can't thank him enough for his time, effort and kindness, in helping me understand/showing me all the resources I need to achieve his level of Japanese. His efforts don't go unnoticed.

Thoughts on a month out of studying Japanese, things are starting to make more sense to me. Symbols are starting to become familiar, I can pick out parts of sentences and distinguish if they're words, or just particles used to put the sentences together.

I am getting such a new world view, and it's opening my mind up to the world. Which is truly amazing, I have so much respect for immigrants who go to countries and not only hustle their way to a piece of land, but to dominate the language as well. It's been a humbling experience thus far, and I can't wait to continue on with it, I am really enjoying this challenge.

Here are some pictures from my progression

That comic you see there, took me 2 hours+ to understand lmao, breaking it down, bit by bit.
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Here is me speaking/understanding dumbass Japanese. I can have such a little child convo at this point, but it's something I'm proud of lmfao.
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That status ultimately got corrected, but I don't mind sounding like an idiot or making mistakes in Japanese, just fuckin send it. If it's wrong, it's wrong, fix it later on. Don't be afraid.

Starting Monday I have a new efficiency plan that will be in effect, I don't want to say too much until I start HAMMERING it out.

I have been messaging Toasts program coordinator at his language school in Japan, my lease is up in May, and I am applying for the July 2023 term to be in Japan for 1 year on a student visa learning their language, I am awaiting her e-mail about the term, I had already told her what do you need from me so I can start the process immediatly, I hope to say SAYONARA BITCHES I'm off to Japan in July!

I have not been hustling dating like I have been, after getting 8 lays in 5.5 weeks (Almost 9 if I could have gotten hard FUCKERS). I am going for quality/good vibes now which is a slower process for sure, Instead of just trying to fuck everyone at this point, I don't care to rack up lays ATM. I am too hyper-focused on understanding Japanese/becoming conversational, it takes up a TON of my free time, minus me fucking around here and there.

My thoughts on not hustling dating like before is this (still trying, just not as hard as my goals have switched) I have a goal I want to accomplish, I want to be conversational and have a good understanding of the Japanese language. I'd rather long term gains - conversational in Japanese then short term gain having sex and hookups constantly with women I don't even value that much, it's just like eh you're aight, I got my dick in you but you're nothing special. I won't trade what I want later, for what I want now. I wanted to go to Japan and learn the language since I was fucking 16-18, I didn't wake up like this. But I didn't have the resources, hard work ethic I have now, now that I do. I need to make 18 year old me proud. The man who was asking about if Japanese women like foreigners on a Japanese English friendly forum.


Shoutout to all my language learning boys, learning fuckin hieroglyphics n shit.

Not much else to say, let's fucking get it.
Mimbe393939 said:
That status ultimately got corrected, but I don't mind sounding like an idiot or making mistakes in Japanese, just fuckin send it. If it's wrong, it's wrong, fix it later on. Don't be afraid.
Best mindset for learning a new language. Who cares about speaking correctly. Ive been here 6 months and im still dumb as fuck with Japanese. You can never speak the language if ur too afraid to speak.

But i know for a fact this isnt an issue with u.

Were both babbling babies looking for our mommy milkers


Pumped to see how this plays out for. You'll be slaying Japanese girls in no time.

Keep putting in the work.

As the title reads, I am going monk mode and hyper focusing on learning Japanese + looksmaxx. Gym, fashion, skin care.

I deleted all the dating apps I had on my phone, I found myself too many times swiping and wasting time when I could ACTUALLY be working on my goals, for what I ACTUALLY want.

I got a bunch of online lays, the quality was alright, I suppose. But the only way I can get better and convert higher girls is either CA, or looksmaxx. I don't really want to CA here rn, as it doesn't align with my current goals, so LOOKSMAXX IT IS BABY.

Now, I am happy with the current version of myself. But I want more. I feel like I hit the peak in terms of quality of women, for my current self. I want to reach the next peak, with it's new trials, pleasures, pains and also want to become a better man for myself, not only for girls but for everyone who I come into contact with.

Today marked the first day back at the gym, have also been eating more for a few weeks + getting my nutrition right.

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An outfit I put together, that's VETERAN approved. With some fashion that came a week ago.

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Here is the skin care I started a few days ago, to finally start aiming for clear skin

Also I got my Airpod pro case (was broken) repaired today, now I can listen to Japanese and fully immerse while I do errands/wake up, like for instance I got 1 hour of listening to Japanese just about going on with my daily life, which is huge especially when learning a new language.

Learning Japanese, gym, skincare, fashion upgrades, is all I am hyper focusing as of now. FUCK the dating apps for now, girls come and go. But you wake up with yourself every day. I am all in favor of hyper focusing of one goal at a time, with other goals that are achievable as well, that aren't so time consuming. Japanese is everyday, and it takes up 3-5 hours a day minimum, after my work. Gym is max 45min-1hr, skincare don't take long at all. Balancing all of these goals, with my main goal, is achievable.

I am just a rat in a sewer right now, I'm going to shut the fuck up and keep my head down, and put in the work.

Log will either be weekly, or monthly updates. As I hate daily updates. Time to be boring, before I get exciting again 8-)


First off, you're looking yoked brotha. Keep up the good work. I love this mentality. Time compression is a dangerous thing when you use it to your favor.

It looks like you found the core things you want to achieve right now, and you're chasing them. Get that cheese.
Mimbe393939 said:
Learning Japanese, gym, skincare, fashion upgrades, is all I am hyper focusing as of now. FUCK the dating apps for now, girls come and go. But you wake up with yourself every day. I am all in favor of hyper focusing of one goal at a time, with other goals that are achievable as well, that aren't so time consuming. Japanese is everyday, and it takes up 3-5 hours a day minimum, after my work. Gym is max 45min-1hr, skincare don't take long at all. Balancing all of these goals, with my main goal, is achievable.

You're doing goal-hunting the GLL way. Congrats.

For anyone still struggling with their goals, read and handwrite this fucking thing till it becomes part of you:


Best piece on hitting your goals ever written. Will give you the bitch-slap you need.
Where the fuck have you been Mimbe???

That's simple. Locking myself away, studying Japanese day after day also doing a nighttime skincare routine religiously

It's been a month since I've made an update here, so I think it's due.

I also want to monitor my progress and look back on how things used to be

Everyday, I have studied Japanese, I have not missed a day, except ONE. Which I will mention later on, since it's a step in the right direction.

How have I been studying? You might be asking

For the past month + I would Shadow Japanese

I would read a Japanese level 0-4 Beginner Book

I would do memory flash cards for Kanji (Japanese 3rd Alphabet, imagine a symbol = a word)

In this book. I will shadow listening to Japanese conversation audio, read the phrases out/comprehend them so I can sound Japanese, it's good to do this because your brain doesn't try and make up what it THINKS, Japanese sounds like.

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When I started reading Japanese a month ago, that is the kind of stories I was reading

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Now I can break down sentences in intimidating stories like this one, with ease using word dictionaries, NOT translators. I piece together the sentence using the information it gives me in Japanese, and I translate it back to English in my head, so I can understand it

In regards to the Japanese Alphabet, Kanji. I have at least SEEN Kanji, 417.5/2000ish.

417.5 symbols that I have at least SEEN, and understand a good amount. Is quite good for my ability I have in Japanese right now

Something I am now actively doing, that I did not do is watch... DUN DUN DUN. Anime, with English subtitles. it's a NERD, WEEB, EXILE HIM11!!!11!!

It makes for good passive/active immersion, and it's actually enjoyable and takes away from the incomprehensible speech, that you desperately have to push through as a beginner in learning any language.

For the past 25 days, I have been held accountable with MakingAComebacks as my accountability coach, our agreement has been studying 3 hours a day, 2 hours in Shadowing Japanese/Understanding/Comprehension, 1 hour reading, and however long it takes me to do 50 cards in the flash card memory program (10 new cards a day, 50 reviews)

I have not missed a day for the past 25 days in our accountability agreement. He's a great accountability coach, he genuinely cares, and I seriously felt that way which has been an awesome feeling, he is a fucking powerhouse of a hustler. I wouldn't wanna let down that fucking guy, are you kidding me! That's for sure.


No, this is not a paid endorsement, yet ;)

Mimbe, how are you so motivated to study Japanese everyday, wtf wow!

Motivated all the time, no not all. Sometimes, sure.

You think I am fucking motivated to study everyday for 3 hours, fuck no.

You think Mohamed Ali was motivated to train every fucking day, I didn't think so.

The truth is, real training fucking sucks. DAY AFTER DAY, sure you will have fun moments. But the ability to keep fighting every fucking day for your goals, no matter what YOU FEEL, is very powerful.

If I only felt like studying days I felt like it, hell I would be fucking nowhere.

I have made decent progress on pronunciations, sentences, some vocabulary but that takes time.

Learning a language at the start is the hardest, everything is new, COMPLETELY different in how your native language operates as time goes on, progress will become easier and easier.

It has been 2 months since I have started this journey.

“Your mind must be stronger than your feelings.” -TOP FUCKING G

First step towards Japan

I have sent in ALL my documents, to the language school for them to start processing my application for the July 2023 term in Tokyo, Japan. Sending all my documents has been the only day I have missed studying.

Waiting to hear back from them, but I am certain I will be accepted as Toast goes there, and has been helping me and colgate apply/any questions we have, which has been huge and I cannot be more grateful.

I have not resumed dating, I have been sticking to my strict regime of learning Japanese, skincare, and gym.

All of these days of locking myself away, fighting, hustling. TRAINING when I don't fucking want to, will soon add up.

I will have the fruits of my labor, one day.

Until then.

Another month of Japanese - Language school updates - NEW JOB BITCHES

I'd say my Japanese has progressed, but my insecurity which is my BEST FRIEND doesn't give a fuck what we are at, we NEED MORE. I am still studying everyday BARE MINIMUM 3 hours collectively after working a fulltime job, it consumes almost all of the free time I have.

I left off quite far in the level 0-4 book 616/900 pages, breaking down sentences. I went from reading stories like

Reading Japanese

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To reading twitter, which is more natural Japanese

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My formulating sentences have gotten a lot better, this how they we're before

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My sentences we're AUTISTIC, BIZARRE colgate tells me. Nah, fuck that.

I got pissed off, and it destroyed some mental barrier I had and started to produce still scuffed, but more Japanese like sentences that is NOT in an autistic format and I started to express myself in a non retarded that is not "I ate hamburgers, I worked construction" and other dumb stuff. In my ENRAGED state, I produced this

This reads "Everyone thinks I'm motivated. I'm not, I hate studying everyday but I do because discipline. Everyone who studies everyday doesn't like it. I don't want it, but I do, and continuation is power. Motivation alone does not work. Never give up.

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Earlier this month, I was speaking Japanese with colgate and I basically feel like a total retard, I'm PISSED. I'M NOT RETARDED BRAIN FUCK YOU.

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After my episode of rage, I actually started to understand how to conjugate sentences better and the corrections I was getting on my sentences, I still need to finish this GEEK book but I need to balance experience and theory, which is what I am doing now

Listening to Japanese

To be quite honest, I fell off doing the shadowing Japanese for a little while, where you listen to Japanese convos until...

I AM LITERALLY GETTING SCLODED BY MY GOD DAMN TEACHER, FUCK I BRING GREAT DISHONOR TO DA FAMIRY If this was the old times I would have had a samurai sword to the damn chest, and then my head cut off KILLED BY THE TRIBE

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After this, I have made it a priority to listen HARDCORE to Shadowing ATLEAST 2 hours a day

I start to create my own vocabulary deck with all the vocabulary in the sentences, I do this for each section in the book

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After getting scolded, and actually putting in a LOT more effort then the half assed effort I was, I actually started understanding all the components in the sentences from listening, and I actively hear stuff I didn't before


I literally RESET my computer, to break old habits of watching english, browsing bullshit I used to in my OLD LIFE

I switched all my entertainment to Japanese, even if I have little comprehension to it. FUCK IT. TAKE THE PLUNGE.

In terms of learning, and continuing to study

I am now going to HELLOTALKMAXX, and text chicks with basic convos so it translates to vocabulary/memory

As of now, I can introduce myself from solely memory. Hello, nice to meet you. I am Mimbe393939. I am Canadian and other very basic phrases/words.

Going to build off that, as my baseline and get the vocabulary as the equivalent of NICE GUY GAME (BORING) to start, and start adding and adding onto it

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I'm also refusing to speak English to them, going to just keep PUSHING IN JAPANESE

Me and Colgate talk only in Japanese in DMs as well, I need to be able to communicate in Japanese not English, I'm going to Japan with the mindset that NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH there.

Language School Updates - Job Update

Brute turned into JIM FROM THE OFFICE Jk lmao

Due to my log being public, I won't disclose on what job I got. But it's not construction, BUT IT AINT THE OFFICE. There are a lot of good lessons in working a hard construction job

No one cares about intelligence,looks,money all they care about is ARE YOU A FUCKING ANIMAL, OR A FUCKING BITCH? WHICH ONE IS IT? Shut the fuck up and work, or get chewed out. Don't like it? Don't give a fuck, do the job or get out go back home with the women. Turned me from some wimp, 20 year old green kid into the hard working man I am becoming, I am forever grateful for this experience.

Going to miss this job and those guys the bonds and friendships I created at this place will last a lifetime, I have been working in concrete for 5 years, so it'll be a nice change to not be busting my balls for 9-10 hours a day, waking up at 4am everyday.

I am so pleased with this new employment, it's really good for self improvement, good benefits, decent wage this is just what I needed for my studies. I start in early Janurary.


I confirmed with the language school that yes I will be going with this school, and they be getting documents ready in the next coming months, I'm excited.

My distant dreams are becoming more real everyday, I keep focused. One brick a day, soon there will be a home, and then... an EMPIRE.

I'm still not dating, but I've had a few girls text me back.. But I don't respond, I know it's just the Universe trying to stray me off course. All I care about is overcoming this challenge.

natedawg Bman Appreciate you guys following my log, I keep up with yours. I just post monthly, for now. Dw I am always watching ;)

Treasure is plenty, beyond your wildest dreams... You just need to set sail for it.
Mimbe393939 said:
I have made it a priority to listen HARDCORE to Shadowing ATLEAST 2 hours a
as someone who also needs to prioritize listening, i can't stress enough how important prioritizing active listening is. especially since it's (personally) the most difficult area.

but on the other hand, not only do you become better at listening (obviously), it has the most carryover to your speaking, reading, and writing too. developing your inner voice in a foreign language is one of the most important aspects

it's so easy to get caught in the trap of "omg!!!! i can read japanese!!!!" wow whoopity fuckin doo guess what, there ain't no japanese subtitles in real life

but you've made great strides since the か KA き KI
く KU け KE こ KO days.
No I'm not dead yet ;)

Went out shooting with Rice the other day. I have no hair now, so I wanted to recreate a new

profile show casing all the new fashion I have accumulated in these past months and so I don't have women saying

Oh WeLl WhY DiD YoU ShAvE YoUr HeAd? also just being the new product instead of remnants of my past self with hair, so I can truly own this new look, and be loved for it.


Will be posting a big update if what I want works out. I have still been in contact with the Japanese language school throughout my forum time off

I completed an interview in Japanese a few months ago with the school and they've sent my documents off to Tokyo Immigration.

In a few weeks I will be seeing the status of my visa/documents, exciting stuff. Time will tell 8-)
one punch man is from canada???????????????????????????????

come back to japan!!!!