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Moses progress log


Jul 14, 2022
Ok so to start off, I've been approaching everyday for the last two weeks consistently and the month before those two weeks somewhat consistently.i live in NYC and approach in lower east side.I wanna start a progress log so that I can get feedback on how my approach or going.pretty much been getting blown out for the past month and a half and have approach about 225 women so far and only 6 or 7 numbers which don't reply.my brother is my wingman and we both can usually get 10 approaches in a day.i did get a girls insta about 2 days ago and we agreed to get drink either next Friday or Saturday.Thats pretty much everything that happened so far.
Got a donut today.nothing really notable only 1 actually stopped and the rest barely acknowledged me.
Got a number on my 3 rd approach.madw short talk about how she feels about NYC and gave her a hug when I left.Notable approaches were:
-girl trying to duck me but walked with her until she told me she was a lesbian
-other girl barely said her name and had to have her repeat 3 times until she basically growled out her name.after got her to smile and giggle but left saying she had to go before best buy closed.

I've been trying to walk with them per pancakemouse suggestion on his blogspot about girls hardly stopping.Also been working on speaking and walking slower and smiling more during approach.I feel the former was successful while the latter requires more work.Until tomorrow.
If they don't stop I'll walk with them and then try to stop them once I have some investment from them. If they still don't stop I'll say "listen I know you're rushing off but i'm going the other way. I'll walk with you to the end of the block and by then we'll either hate each other or Ima get your number"
pancakemouse said:
If they don't stop I'll walk with them and then try to stop them once I have some investment from them. If they still don't stop I'll say "listen I know you're rushing off but i'm going the other way. I'll walk with you to the end of the block and by then we'll either hate each other or Ima get your number"

I'll try that but usually when I walk with them it's either I have a boyfriend or they'll give me their number and only stop to give the number.
Before session me and my bro discussed me having to smile more.i got a lot more stop implementing the smiling.
Notable things-
7 out of 10 of them told me they had a boyfriend.
The ones with the boyfriends continued to let me hold their hand(most of them)
One said she was just talking to someone but would giving me her number and instead said maybe we'll meet again.
Until tomorrow.

Edit- did another one got her to smile and handshake but told me she had a boyfriend
Overcoming the boyfriend objection:

"damn why you bringing your boyfriend into this, I'm just trying to get to know you"


"you can't just be social, you always have to make it about your boyfriend?"

"it's new york ma, everyone got something, anyway I'm Moses"

These are to be used early in set when it's a greater chance her excuse is BS.
Got like 6 hrs of sleep but went out anyway.just got ignored or straights no's when I went for number.on the flip side I was moved forward to phase 2 interviews of a market/canvassing job I was trying to get for the past week.Not gonna lie though I thought that I would've made more headway 250+ approaches on. Also ran into the girl I have a date with on friday.thats all for now.Until tomorrow.

Edit- at Wendy's now but gonna do one more on the way to the train station.

Edit- did another one but got ignored lol
It takes some guys 1000 approaches to get their first lay.

Best would be for you to absorb some actual daygame material and potentially go out with some guys in the Game NY group to watch them approach and learn in person. There's a lot of nuance in this that's hard to pick up right away.
Completely went brick for first 9 and was heading to the train and saw daygamer get out set.just curious to see where his head was at and approach it.Lo and behold it was pancakemouse .we did a couple set running into the night with his wing and he point out what I could improve and work on.tbh it was a very enlightening experience and I think it accelerated my progression.also made a bet with hit about hitting 2500 approaches by same time next year and really looking forward to it.Until tomorrow.
Had another daygame session with Pancakemouse ,went for about 4 and a half hours and he basically adjusted my game for me.
Notable approaches:
-got an ioi leaving train and just approached her mid stair way and took her hand and walked her downstairs.made small talk but she said she was in a rush so just grabbed her number.
-went to Wendy's before meeting Pancake and saw my cashier leave register so approached her and got her insta.
-opened a canvasser for a store outside the store and made small talk for about 3 mins and got her phone number.
-appraoched a Hispanic girl and made small talk and got her number but she said she was going on vacation the next day and she'll be back in 3 weeks
-approached a middle eastern girl with a big ass.she seem receptive and I got her insta but tried to kiss her on the cheek and she kinda freaked out and later unfollowed me lol
-opened a duo set with Pancake and managed to get the girls number but later found out it was some random guys number lol
-Did an approach where girl kind of ignored me so I put myself in front of her and she had a little fit lol

What I learned:
-Gotta play up the black rapper archetype if I want better success
-Be more loud and forceful
-Make them notice me even if that means getting in their face
-Speak slower and slow down but have excited tone of voice
-Better to be too aggressive than too passive but don't overstep my bounds
-Need chains,watch,earrings to play up the black rapper look
-Never ask more than 1 question in a row
-Other style of game that work in other places won't work in New York

2,466 approaches left
Until tomorrow.

Also got called from phase 3 of my interview about an hr ago and they told me I got the job.
Moses21 said:
What I learned:
-Gotta play up the black rapper archetype if I want better success
-Be more loud and forceful
-Make them notice me even if that means getting in their face
-Speak slower and slow down but have excited tone of voice
-Better to be too aggressive than too passive but don't overstep my bounds
-Need chains,watch,earrings to play up the black rapper look
-Never ask more than 1 question in a row
-Other style of game that work in other places won't work in New York

Instead of speaking slower, I would change the focus to "enunciation". You often string your words together and it's hard to catch your whole meaning - this is going to hurt you with foreign chicks especially.

MAKE IT FUN. There were sets where you had the girl laughing, do more like this. Not all girls are going to laugh at your jokes but you can still make them and tease them instead of chitchatting about "what type of jeans do you like to wear".

Figure out girls that like your archetype. We gave you some indicators yesterday and you saw some examples of which girls were receptive and which weren't. Continue to notice which girls give you frame and hone in on this.

Lean and I were impressed by your persistence in set towards the end. Even when girls were rejecting you, you were staying in, trying to flip that frame. Remember, though, when the girl isn't into you, you need to call it out right away BEFORE she starts walking away: "Damn, what's the matter, you don't like a little chocolate? (smile)" come up with some canned lines like this that will shock her out of her fear or indifference and get her laughing so you can game her.

Love the dedication to tracking the approaches. I just asked around for an approach counter app for you for Android, I'll let you know what I find out.

Start at central park trying out a new wing but was feeling his style of game at the park so we parties ways and I went to Soho.Opened a set and just making convo with the girl when I see @pancakemouse just slide up to the side to listen to convo.Basically duo with him with my bro but my bro later left and then we met his other wings.left late and was gaming for maybe 5 hours.

Notable approaches-
- first approach which pancake listened to.Opened her but she said she had a boyfriend at the end.Just made convo thinking I would get the number but later pancake said she was feeling me.
-opened a cougar outside of whole foods and kept maybe a ten min convos with her.she gave me her number and said we could be friend but I said I'll change that lol.
-Girl was late for dinner and walked with her for about 2 blocks and honestly thought I was wasting my time She gave me her number but did respond to the hug.
- Other closes were generic and pretty boring tbh.

What I learned:
-always be on the lookout for iois
-i always thought walking with them would mean anything but still # closed so anything can happen
-Girl can still be feeling you but she has a boyfriend that for whatever reason she want to be loyal to
-my mind has been racing to get the lay but now I realize I have to slow down and take baby step...kiss, makeout,fingering,etc...
-go for women my age., Older women have different values and u most likely don't fit them due to being young and nothing to my name.

Other News-

Starting my new job tomorrow.gonna have to learn to juggle work,gym,and approaching.In a week or so I should have it down
2,436 left
Until tomorrow.

Started my canvassing job and tried to do approaches when my boss wasn't looking.only managed 4 but got 1 number out of that.headed to Soho after and warmed up with about 6 approaches before my brother met up with me.did a couple and then ended up running into pancakemouse e.did a few together but then somehow I got split off from everyone and just started going solo again.

Notable approaches:
-got really psychical with one girl accidently hitting her tits when I tried to reach for her necklace. She became hesitant and gave me her insta but said we gotta start off as friends.
-on the way home saw some girl waiting for train.look super slutty with white see through dress and wearing a thong.she told me she was high and gave me her insta but didn't follow me back.dont think anything will come of it,just wanted to see if she was dtf cause her clothes gave impression.
-did another walking close with some girl I walked with for two blocks.reaffirmed that walking with them is a viable option
-opened a set with a wing.they were cool and got her insta.his girl was lesbian tho.
-approach one with intent to canvass.she wasn't down to donate but she had a fat ass so I just switched to hitting on her and she gave me number after second time asking.
-cant really remember rest cuz I'm tired and got work early tomorrow

What I learned:

-while my archetype is still attracted to me I gotta max out the black guy look to get the hotter girls that go for black guys
-due to me being new and my canvasser instructor watching me like a hawk, I won't be able to get as many approaches in canvassing as I thought.
-it really is a numbers game,the last 3 contacts I got were back to back.

That all pretty much.Satisified but I want more progression lol.Really got to give credit to pancake tho.he basically accelerated my process manifold.
2,415 left
Until tomorrow.

Edit-mightve done two more but didn't log it in the app so I won't count them cause I'm not too sure.

Only got 1 number today and it was inside a store.completely went solo for these 11 tho and didn't approach while canvassing.its only my second day but my team leader is on my ass and I suspect that I won't be able to approach like i envisioned until a couple week into the job when I have more trust.only got 4 hours of sleep back to back for 2 days and it showed in my approaches.my voice was so low and I just didn't have presence so I just decided to make my way home after the 11th and try again tomorrow after 10 hrs of sleep lol.

Met my brother while going home.went out again and got 5 more approaches in.got a number but It turned out to be dead.

What I learned:
-Dont approach when tired because my results will suck and I just end up scaring women with my lackluster effort.
-Sleep is very important for me.had really low sleep for the last 2 days and by the middle of today I was just zoning out and I couldn't analyze well.My approaches look well to me but it felt like I was just going through motions and the women notices.My results were alot more rejections and women just being downright scared of me.

I'm super tired so going to bed.
2,399 left
Until tomorrow.
So didn't approach today yet cause I was suppose to to on date. My braids took alot a longer to do so I ended up texting her that I would be 15-30 mins late. Prior to that she texted me all day yesterday and all morning today but that was the last straw for her lol.tried to tell her let's meet later today but she hasn't responded and I think I'm ghosted.kinda bummed out but it was my fault cause this would've been my second time rescheduling on her.

What I learned:
-Time management is a problem of mines.

Gonna go out to approach when my brother wakes up.

Got alot of blow out scared reactions in the beginning.even had a girl ask if I just wait around to just hit on girls. At around 12 approaches in I went to a bathroom to practice and realize I wasn't smiling as much as I thought.resylts were somewhat better from there.the first has I had a wing and the second half I went solo.

Notable approaches:

-girl that ask if I was just waiting around to hit on girls.just thought It was funny cause she gave me number but wouldn't let me hug and instead opted for a fist bump.
-girl who gave me number. Leaving in a week and forgot her name at the end calling her something else entirely lol.
-last girl was like a stripper but said she was going to a burlesque show.she looked good but wouldn't let me hug or fistbump. She almost went for the insta date contemplated for about 15 seconds and then said she had to head home but gave me her insta.

What I learned:

-before every session I should go in bathroom and practice smiling and my smile while I talk to get a better feel for it.
-Always try to go for the insta date

Other news:
Got work tomorrow and idk how imma juggle gym work and approaching so what I'll try to do I make sure I hit the gym 4 times this week and do great at work.ill try u to approach everyday after work but everyday when I don't have work for sure.
2,382 left
Until tomorrow