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Moses progress log

Don't let the guys keep bullying you into gutter game if you don't want! I made the same realization long ago that it's not worth staying up for. It's only useful for fun and doing an end of night recap.
1/4 dg
2/? Ng
0/2 dg next day
Night game was the focus again but before we went to the club I met Kodak Black.2 celebrities in 3 days,I'm on a roll.was really trying to get laid but got blown out alot.both my contacts unfollowed me on insta so I think one was an attention whore and the other one I think I came strong after the makeout. Nothing eventful happened after and I stayed over at a wings place to get sleep and just day game off the wakeup day game but I took forever to sleep so was sleep deprived when we went out again.he had a date in 2 hrs and I only did 2 approaches cause I was exhausted. Still really tired writing this but I need to reset sleep schedule so I'll prob just do laundry and then call it in a couple of hours.also got called a creep by the girl I made out with yesterday lol.

Wasn't super detailed cause I'm tired

2,232 left

Until tomorrow
Sept 7th
2/12 dg

Started gaming at around 7pm cause I had stuff to take care of before that.my sleep schedule is almost stabilized again.most of my approaches I ended cause I couldn't get them to comply with a stop.also got a date set up this friday.this will be my first official date(besides insta dates)

Notable approaches:
-approached a Latina girl that barely spoke english.used that as an excuse to shorten conversation and asked for her number.tried to insta date but she said text her later to meet up.
-approached thick black girl headed toward train station.chit chat for a little and found out she was a worker at ice cream museum.didnt try to insta date cause she told me she was in a rush from the beginning when I tried to stop her.

What I learned:
-using my brother and other wing as a crutch to approach
-only really need a crutch in the beginning of session
-even one day off kinda throws me off

What I did good:
-when all my wing left I was able to do 7 solo approaches

What I did wrong:
-stuck in a group think mentality with wings
-didn't employ walking with girls to get them to comply later on

2,224 left
Until tomorrow
Sept 8th
0/9 dg
1/1 ng

Won't be super detailed.Dg I think my approaches were off because I only had 1 girl that actually stop for all my approaches.did ng and got number and makeout about 30 seconds of opening girl.her friend grabbed her away while we were making out tho.my date for Friday flaked and gave some excuses.showed the text to my wing and he said she was lying so I think that's dead but I may text her for a Sunday date.

2,215 left

Until tomorrow
5/9 dg
0/2 ng
Sept 10

So technically not a virgin anymore cause I put the tip in.technically but I still want to go all the way.so I met this girl by a park.complimented her and from the jump she showed high interest.told her we should get a bottle of wine(not the best move because she already had 2 drinks and from the jump she was down).We stopped to drink the wine at the park across from where I was going to pull.We finished half together and then I suggested we go to a private spot. We went into hotel and I told her to walk in a little behind me so as not to alert the staff.took her to bathroom and we made out.then pulled her pants down and started fingering her and pull the condom from my wallet(messed up her because my nails were jagged and cut her).I got her angry when I told her to get on her knees bitch.she was ready to leave so I was polite and told her it was an endearing term where I'm from in the hood.she gave me a look in the mirror and we made small talk a little bit and then she said I was kinds fine and initiated the makeout all over again.pulled up her shirt first and then took off her pants with her pants with her panties(I vaguely remember this from BoyToy escalation guide) Lifted her up and tried to put it in.the tip got in but then I leaned back to get better positioning and that when her mom called lol.she freaked out grabbed all her stuff and ran out saying she was super late.before she left I took out the wine out of her back and this was my next mistake,she immediately wanted to drink again and I basically took 3 sips and she drank the rest of the half.started vomiting and from there it was dead because her mom started spam calling her.ran after her to get her number cause she forgot and then walked her to train station cause she downed the other half of the bottle before she left hotel(don't really mind but my wing suggested from now on to pace her so that I don't get me too'd after the sex). Every other set was pretty bland.met up with pancakemouse e and we gamed all the way to phebes.from there I aggressively opened as many gutter game sets as possible.one was very possible but my timing was off because my wing opened her friend and suggested and afterparty with the two of us but I let mines go to early cause they came in a big group and I thought they wouldn't let her separate(wing later told me that these people were just walking together lol)

What I learned:
-cut my fucking nails lol
-dominant talk won't work well for me now because of the frame I give off
-girls and guys get drunk at different speeds.always pace the girl.

What I did good:
-technically lost my virginity
-first half of the night was me solo
-voice tonality is better when talking to girls(most of the time)

What I did wrong:
-went to two venues but did low ng approaches
-girl told me she had to leave at a certain time but like in previous post my time management sucks
-i let didn't pace the girl well(we drank from the tap but next time I'll get cups to measure how much she's drink and when to cut her off)

Sept 11
Didn't go out today cause I woke up late and went food shopping.by the time I finished it started raining

2,206 left

Until tomorrow
congrats on (technically) losing the v-card!!!!!!!!!
1/8 dg

Been waking up late consistently lol.gym and approaching are the only consistent things in my life right now. I'm also thinking about joining a boxing club as well very soon.wanted to continue for a lil while longer but it started raining and my braids are on their last legs before needing to be redone.

Notable approaches
-on the way home girl gave me iois on the train.we got off on the same stop and I approached.she blew me off and I was confused as hell.
-girl who's number I got.tried to push for insta 3 times.she seemed into me but she kept saying she had to do stuff

What I learned:
-still anxious when solo approaching
-best to get it over with as soon as possible when solo
-gotta start fitting approaching into my own schedule

What I did good:

-Approached solo
-pushed for insta date on interaction that was good

What I did wrong:
-easy opening set of the beginning but I pussied out
-not buying an umbrella when I knew it was going to rain
-opened some approaches from the front

What I can do better:
-open first set quicker
-forget about frontal approaches

2,198 left
Until tomorrow
Only going to post major events from now on but I've still being going out every single day.

This weekend
Failed pull from club:

Made out with a girl at night club.saw she was down and I pitched wine nearby.i didn't have logistics but the wine spot was by a park that was closed by then so I was just gonna smash there.she gave I can't my friend objection twice but I managed to successfully squash it twice.about a block away from the park her friend called her and told her she was looking everywhere for her and that she was outside of club waiting for her.couldnt get her to continue with me and basically spent the walk back to club trying to get her to change her mind.probably came off too needy cause by the end of it she was pretty much not feeling me at all and didn't respond to my text.
Later that night got a huge ioi from girl outside pizza shop and opened and got her number but didn't push for anything else cause her friend group was there.
Went out with a bunch of wing to a club I've never been to.it was much much harder here and I struck out everytime even when my wings told me she was into and that I should open again in 30 mins but don't try to copy the style of the wing I'm usually with.pretty much burned every set I could and then headed home with two wings.
Had a date with the girl from pizza shop.just brought a bottle of wine and we drank it outside of park.this was my first ever date(I've had insta dates but no dates where girls actually come out to see me).it went from her showing high interest in me to me somehow fucking it up and her just losing interest and saying she had to meet with friend after 45 mins.tried to pitch another meet up but I think that's over with.

All in all it's still good experience because I'm getting better every week and it was my first real date.

Until next time
Moses21 said:
Only going to post major events from now on but I've still being going out every single day.

You should post how many approaches you have left when you update, too!
pancakemouse said:
Moses21 said:
Only going to post major events from now on but I've still being going out every single day.

You should post how many approaches you have left when you update, too!
Completely forgot about that lol.

2,123 left

So it's finally happened.got my first full lay after gaming consistently for 2 months.I met her a bar/club half and hour past midnight.She gave me good iois and I opened as she was passing me.teased her about being a vampire with no fangs and made fun of her being white washed.got the makeout pretty quickly and then went back to teasing her about how shes not a real gym girl.thought she was alone so pitched instadate saying lets grab wine and go on an adventure and she accepted (I later found out she was with friend and she ditched them).got wine at a near by store and we just talked about her family history and then sat in the park.she didn't bring a jacket or sweater and she said she didn't get cold cause the place she from was a cold region(Mongolia).we only finished half the bottle when I resume the makeout in the park.tried to finger her in the park and she unbuckled her pants and that's when I knew she was down.Told her I got a private spot nearby.walked her to private bathroom stalls(which had security but the guy didn't care) and she was surprised when I showed her but then she was like it's so private and the rest is history.she basically taught me how to finger correctly and the actual sex was just me thrusting.i went 2 rounds and then got a blowjob but she wasn't really good at blowjobs so I didn't finish. Was there for about an HR and then we went separate ways and im pretty sure she gonna ghost(it was a bathroom close).she was pretty attractive which surprise me because her pants were baggy but once she took off her pants I saw she had a squat butt.the rest of the night was only a makeout but Im still on cloud 9 from first lay so who cares.

What I did good:
-very good at seeing ioi now
-this was my first solo night game as my wings were in another club

What I did wrong:
-kinda wasn't going in as hard after lay
-i know for sure any retention game I used of her was ass as it was my first time doing it
What i can do better:
-longer term but better logistics will probably help with retention
-my inexperience definitely showed and that may also be a factor in weak retention

Until next time

1,994 left

Since the last post I've had a few odd pulls and numbers but nothing note worthy.this week alone however I've had 2 insta dates excluding the lay.(first one I got cockblocked by the same private stalls cause it was late and they close early on week days and after the girl was uncomfortable and left.2nd I didn't sexualize enough and the insta felt platonic towards the end.ive also had 3 pulls including the first insta date of the week but they all didn't go well.got a shit ton of numbers this week but only one is actually down to set a date which is this week coming but tbh not really interested in her as it was a throw away but may do the date for more exp.
Moses21 said:

So it's finally happened.got my first full lay after gaming consistently for 2 months.I met her a bar/club half and hour past midnight.She gave me good iois and I opened as she was passing me.teased her about being a vampire with no fangs and made fun of her being white washed.got the makeout pretty quickly and then went back to teasing her about how shes not a real gym girl.thought she was alone so pitched instadate saying lets grab wine and go on an adventure and she accepted (I later found out she was with friend and she ditched them).got wine at a near by store and we just talked about her family history and then sat in the park.she didn't bring a jacket or sweater and she said she didn't get cold cause the place she from was a cold region(Mongolia).we only finished half the bottle when I resume the makeout in the park.tried to finger her in the park and she unbuckled her pants and that's when I knew she was down.Told her I got a private spot nearby.walked her to private bathroom stalls(which had security but the guy didn't care) and she was surprised when I showed her but then she was like it's so private and the rest is history.she basically taught me how to finger correctly and the actual sex was just me thrusting.i went 2 rounds and then got a blowjob but she wasn't really good at blowjobs so I didn't finish. Was there for about an HR and then we went separate ways and im pretty sure she gonna ghost(it was a bathroom close).she was pretty attractive which surprise me because her pants were baggy but once she took off her pants I saw she had a squat butt.the rest of the night was only a makeout but Im still on cloud 9 from first lay so who cares.

What I did good:
-very good at seeing ioi now
-this was my first solo night game as my wings were in another club

What I did wrong:
-kinda wasn't going in as hard after lay
-i know for sure any retention game I used of her was ass as it was my first time doing it
What i can do better:
-longer term but better logistics will probably help with retention
-my inexperience definitely showed and that may also be a factor in weak retention

Until next time

1,994 left

Since the last post I've had a few odd pills and numbers but nothing note worthy.this week alone however I've had 2 insta dates excluding the lay.(first one I got cockblocked by the same private stalls cause it was late and they close early on week days and after the girl was uncomfortable and left.2nd I didn't sexualize enough and the insta felt platonic towards the end.ive also had 3 pulls including the first insta date of the week but they all didn't go well.got a shit ton of numbers this week but only one is actually down to set a date which is this week coming but tbh not really interested in her as it was a throw away but may do the date for more exp.

So glad you finally broke through, brother. Welcome to the rest of your life.
So this lay was also an anomaly lay.was gaming with my wings and we were bouncing clubs.pretty much no results from that beside getting cockblocked by friend from a yes girl.eventually it was just me and another wing left and we ran gunner game.saw a solo set and my wing didn't want it so I went for it.off the bat I complimented her style and she said "really with the way Im dressed right now".I switched tracks and told her yeah I was just looking for an excuse to talk to her.after that she said I was annoying and I thought she was a bitch and I was going to eject.she asked me my name and I stayed in set after getting her to stop about a blocks walk in.figured since she was already kinda rude that I would just pitch an insta and see what's up.told her let's grab drinks and she said no because she'll make a mistake.i told her it's only a mistake depending on perspective and that seemed to get her to agree.my wing saw and said it may be validation cuck but to try anyway.while walking I grabbed her ring in her hand as an excuse to handhold.she complied and basically tried to tease me for about 2 blocks saying things like how long are you gonna be able to keep the conversation going and I would just flip it back to her by saying that partially depends on you.she tried to reroute the wine spot we were headed to cuz all the bars were closing at this time and I rejected it say the wine spot is closer.she complied again but later tried to do it another time and told me the real reason why.she said her place is in the direction she wants to reroute to and I said fine forget the wine let's go to your place.she was like yea I figured and that she just wanted honesty.had a little banter about how honest things should be and about how too much honesty may not be good.then she steered the topic to threesomes and I told her I never had any but would be interested in FFM and she say everyone she knows has had one and she would be interested.Then asked where I usually take girls to have sex if I live so far.(she just assumed I was a player).told her I usually do public or bathrooms and she told me that she also had public sex before(forget where she said but it beats bathroom sex).then she stopped and tried to intiate makeout.i acquiesced but cut it short and said lets save it for when we get inside because it was raining a little and my wing told me that kissing too much becomes validating. Talked some more and about a block away from her spot she tried to intiate makeout again but cut it short again and told her wait till we get inside again and she tried to call me annoying for that.told her she was annoying but endearing and then went up to her spot. She tried to get validation from me by asking if I was her type and I told her yeah your a gym girl but your not the gym girl I usually go for.got inside her apt and she introduced me to her cat and forewarned me that the cat would say howling because it likes to be in the room with her.got in her bedroom and she started taking off her clothes.took my clothes off and watch etc and put on condom.her she tried to get me to comply to eat her out.i told her no I don't do that and she said she can't get wet unless she gets eaten her.i just grabbed her and started fingering her and told her we'll see .eventually she stopped asking me to finger her and spread her legs.only went one time and then after she said she was sleepy.told her give me ten minutes and then Ill fuck her doggy style(here I messed up cause I waited 30 mins).after fucking I got lazy whereas the first close I kept fingering her and making out till refractory period ended.this one I just made conversation that steered towards anime and I nerded.ended up talking about our favorite animes for 30 minutes and then went I tried to fuck again she almost complied but then I tried to tell her to kick the cat out and she said shes really sleepy.tried to tell her let's do a quickie but she wasn't down and I gave up cause maybe I might be able to retain.tried to seed it and she was asking If I come around her area alot and I told her yeah I usually come here to party.shes said ok and I told her maybe we should do this again and she said yeah text me and you know where I live.might be able to retain but I think I over shared with the anime thing.Either way got my second lay.

What I did good:
-sucessfully flipped her
-stayed in set more with frame battle during ng
-set the frame as a fuckboi in her mind
What I did wrong
-knew she was tired but went anime overload
-held back certain comeback/flips I had for frame battle in fear of being uncalibrated or coming off butthurt

What I can do better:

-dont be afraid to come off butthurt in frame battle through words(tone of what I say is probably more important)

1,947 left.


Met my first close again and her ass was pretty high.when I tried to get her to leave with me say told me not were not having sex again.then later said she talking to someone lol
ACCELERATION BABY! Another win for NYC gutter game.

Now add some paragraphs up in this damn joint.
pancakemouse said:
ACCELERATION BABY! Another win for NYC gutter game.

Now add some paragraphs up in this damn joint.

Lol yea the informal writing has been pretty token since first post I think.
Moses homework:

To avoid overuse of questions during interactions, write down three examples of lines you can use in the following categories:





Post here. Also post the story of your instadate + bathroom pull today.
11/28/22 Instadate+Bathroom pull

So the day started of with me and another wing starting on 14th.We walked down to Soho to catch the last bit of traffic that should've been there(it wasn't) and that is where we met pancakemouse. We joined up and went to another area for better traffic and did a few set and talked about how to improve game and so on.pancakemouse saw a set and told me to approach and it was an auto archetype match with her being very receptive.we talked for a bit and then I pitched drinks and then preemptively took care of her objection by telling her let's go on an adventure.

Talked for a while on the walk to the bar and the conversation lulled here and there but she would carry it for me sometimes.When we finally did get to the bar I chose bad seating which out her across from me but then saw another table and told her that we're gonna sit there instead.I got her sitting next to me but still with some distance so I asked for photos of her with different hair colors to get an excuse to move closer to her.We only had one drink and she said she didn't like hers so I pitched that we get wine from CVS or something and drink it outside.she told me she was out of time and that she had to help her mom with a situation regarding her brother.

The bar tab came and i paid and then just said fuck it and grabbed her hand and asked if she was a good kisser.her reply was come find out(the whole time she was waiting for me to escalate but I was nervous due to fear of being rejected in front of people in a bar) and we started making out. When it was time to go I told her there's another way out and then tried to probe her logistics outside.She said it wasn't possible due to roommates and I told her I live to far.I pivoted with I have a private spot and she gave some resistances saying she really needs to help her mom and then I told her my spot is right her and then she complied and I took her hand to see if she would follow and once she did I told her to follow me.pulled her into the bathroom but she said she really has to go and only stayed for 5 mins or so.All I got to do was makeout and grab tits and ass.It was still a major success in terms of daygame which I'm really lacking.Tried to hit her up but I got ghosted so I think it had to be an in the moment thing because when I asked her how often did guys approach her she said a fair amount.i then asked how often does she reply to there text and she said never so I kind of already knew from there.

What I learned:

-move faster if she receptive and giving ioi's
-go to places where I'm comfortable at or have been to before so I don't get nervous as easily (first time at this bar)

What I did good:
-managed to get her all the way into the bathroom
-handled all of her objection from insta date to bathroom pull

What I can do better:
-more fun conversation
-move faster if she interested
-figured out how much time I have with the girl during conversation

Now for the 4 categories to use in conversation:

Dhv(work in progress)-

Doing boxing before

Story telling-

Escaping from the cops despite breaking my foot

Smoked 37 blunts in 1 day(only for stoners)


Gym jokes about all girls just squatting and taking photos of themselves

Scholar by day club girl at night?(job by day interest at night)


X girls are crazy

You look like x(assume what she's doing)

You look like you from(guess country)(you look like your not from here)

1,839 left.
December 23,2022
Nightgame close

I started tonight with two of my wings at LES.we were all kinda cold and we open a few sets here and there.after one particularly brutal rejection I turned around and saw a girl giving me Bambi eyes.I didn't think about it and immediately open and got good reception but playing hard to get like rejecting the makeout a couple time but after I eventually got it I pitched her coming to my spot and she agreed and I lead her to coat check.

On the way to coat check her friends showed up and the leader of the group greeted me but started throwing huge shit tests at me and I did get flustered but my wing saw and came in to open the leader.she wasn't interested but he kept her distracted while I tried to get my girl to grab her coat.when her friends were around her she became more closed off but I managed to ultimatum her using a line that one of the coaches in NYC taught me.after that she was receptive to leaving with me but when I couldn't give her a specific location(I was going to bathroom close her and the spot was about a 20 min walk and it was 10 degrees) she said that wherever I want to go sound far and that she would go anywhere with me but outside.

I knew she was still receptive so I said fuck it in my head and told her come downstairs to the bathroom with me.she complied and said lead the way and I was already edging around her friends so they didn't see me take her. Got downstairs and there was a bouncer guarding the bathroom.when he turned his back away from the bathrooms I rushed her into the men's bathroom but it only had one private stall and she was uncomfortable because there were other dudes there presumably waiting for it.she walked out and said lets go to the women's cause theres more stalls and I kind of hesitated cause the guard was watching the women's more then the men.when he turned his back again is ran into the women's and she followed but I must've been acting suspicious because he was immediately behind us.I just told him straight up"you know what I'm tryna do man let me slide you a 20 and go about my business" and he took the 20 and left lol.got in the stall and the rest was history.fucked her twice but the second time the condoms slipped off inside of her after I nut and I wasn't sure if it leaked into her so I walked her out and her friend were by the bar.

I went to the leader and told her I'm gonna take her friend to the store to buy something for her.she started shit testing again but at this point I didn't care so I was more free flowing and gave her shit back to the point that she eventually became friendly.my girl explained and the friend took down my insta telling me to go get the plan B with my girl and bring her back after.went out and got the plan B and then I split the cost with her through zelle and called it a night with her.my wings were outside(they tried to go to another venue while I was closing but it was closed) and we took the train home and I broke down the interaction for them.

What I learned:
-even if a girl see you getting rejected badly it probably won't mess up your chances with her(the girl that brutally rejected me was literally 90 degrees arm length from me and my girl was already looking at me when I turned towards her)
-it is possible to close on slow nights and freezing weather
-you can swing bathrooms bouncers some cash(most important lesson of all lol)

What I did good:
-sucessfully frame battled the leader after the close
-good improvisation after getting rejected from my original closing spot
-kept good mindset through the night

What I did wrong:
-first time the leader tried to frame battle I got flustered but due to my wings quick thinking it went mostly unnoticed
-had AA that look a little while to get over

What I can do better:
-recover quicker whenever I get surprised from unexpected events

All in all this was a good close.The hottest girl I've fucked yet and on what was supposed to be one of the worst nights for clubbing.got my 3rd lay now and 2 more away from reaching my goal set in introductions.I got hope but I got one week left.

1,803 left.

My hard work is paying off...for night game at least.i started off the night at my usual spot to warm up.the place has really taken a nose dive right now and what is supposed to be the new spot now charges us even tho we were social proofed before.

We headed to a fairly new venue to us and got to work.i got a ioi and opened.she was fairly receptive and very positive to escalation.made small talk and went for the make out.i then waltzed her away from her friends and pitch her coming to my spot.she was against this and said she wouldn't leave the venue.the previous close taught me that this girl was still down but just had a pack mentality where she wouldn't leave from her group unless I got the friends approval.admittedly if I tried gaming the friends all at once at my current level I would very likely fail so instead I told her I know a private spot here where she wouldn't even have to leave.

After hearing this she turned around to look for her friends approving or disapproving look but by then I had made it so there was a crowd between her and her friends.without the friends to judge she gave in my requsest and we headed upstair to the private bathrooms.there was a line even though there were multiple bathrooms. continued making small talk with her and spontaneous makeout's to keep her occupied and once we got in the rest is history.we did break the back of the toilet container however and I doubt she will hit me back up lol.

What I did good:
-moved her away from friends
-immediately went in once I saw favorable ioi
-used reference experience from past to push through a similar problem

What I did wrong:
-opened her again against wings advice after the lay and she was much colder to me due to an incident that happened during the lay.
-have a habit of being kinda simpy after the lay like trying to set a meet up right then and then and it comes off as needy

What I can do better:
-learn to game the friends in case I can't close in a venue
-get better logistics for retention game

Also got my 5th lay at time of this report but too tired to post right now.

1,703 left.