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Moses progress log


Today was pretty boring to start.just hit the gym and went out to approach.also quit the job I got today because all the benefit I thought I would get didn't happen.also got complimented on my outfit today so I know my style is getting better.got my first insta date and almost insta pull as well.will detail later on.

Notable approaches

-girl I approaches ignored me .tried to get in front of her and then she crossed the street lol.
-2 other girls just straight up ignoring me
-1st contact stopped and we had a good convo with her giving me her insta.Tried to insta pull their but she said she was literally a block away from her friend house who she was meeting.i believe because when I first approached and told her to stop she said shes right where she needs to be.she also I followed me later lol.
-insta date girl,was a microbiologist and looked had a nice ass.said she was stressed about work and was just walking to destress.told her let's grab some bubble tea and get to know each other (thanks Mimbe393939 ) and we walk 4-5 blocks to get the tea.The entire walk I was texting pancakemouse
where I can pull and what I should do cause he knows the area well and when we got the tea I moved her 1 block away to the spot I was gonna pull at.we talked about gender roles and shit cause my mind blanked on me lol.after that told her I was gonna get juice at cvs but also brought a condom as well.then told her I know a spot thats a block away and we should go.she agreed but half a block away from hotel she said what do you want to do at a hotel.I told her stress relieve and she said she doesn't mind that but not tonight and gave me her number lol.super frustrated but really motivated because this is the closest I've ever gotten to a lay.i really can wait for tomorrow.

What I learned:
- gotta find something better to say than stress relieve
-need better topics than gender studies
-shoudve already had a condom with me.

I am super pumped for the next day.
2,361 left.
Until tomorrow.
Moses21 said:

Today was pretty boring to start.just hit the gym and went out to approach.also quit the job I got today because all the benefit I thought I would get didn't happen.also got complimented on my outfit today so I know my style is getting better.got my first insta date and almost insta pull as well.will detail later on.

Notable approaches

-girl I approaches ignored me .tried to get in front of her and then she crossed the street lol.
-2 other girls just straight up ignoring me
-1st contact stopped and we had a good convo with her giving me her insta.Tried to insta pull their but she said she was literally a block away from her friend house who she was meeting.i believe because when I first approached and told her to stop she said shes right where she needs to be.she also I followed me later lol.
-insta date girl,was a microbiologist and looked had a nice ass.said she was stressed about work and was just walking to destress.told her let's grab some bubble tea and get to know each other (thanks @Mimbe393939 ) and we walk 4-5 blocks to get the tea.The entire walk I was texting @pancakemouse
where I can pull and what I should do cause he knows the area well and when we got the tea I moved her 1 block away to the spot I was gonna pull at.we talked about gender roles and shit cause my mind blanked on me lol.after that told her I was gonna get juice at cvs but also brought a condom as well.then told her I know a spot thats a block away and we should go.she agreed but half a block away from hotel she said what do you want to do at a hotel.I told her stress relieve and she said she doesn't mind that but not tonight and gave me her number lol.super frustrated but really motivated because this is the closest I've ever gotten to a lay.i really can wait for tomorrow.

What I learned:
- gotta find something better to say than stress relieve
-need better topics than gender studies
-shoudve already had a condom with me.

I am super pumped for the next day.
2,361 left.
Until tomorrow.

Keep a condom on you at all times. I keep mine in the coin purse of my wallet.

Chad (whom you may meet at some point) often says "when you think you were close to a lay, you probably weren't". Not to continually be Mr. Realist, but he's right. There's so many things that have to go right for the lay to actually happen, even if you were close to pulling. Still, you should be proud that you got this far and eventually you will get it with enough calibration.

Next time, don't mention that it's a hotel, just say it's a "private spot". How you seed the bathroom pull will depend on her archetype. If she's more of a comfort girl, you'd play it that way, if she's more adventurous you might start talking about if she's ever had public sex, etc. Has to be done in a calibrated manner.

Make sure you are following the Pancake method of having her follow you on Instagram rather than the other way around: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2018/03/17/how-to-instagram-close-the-pancake-way/. But more importantly, make sure you are pushing for the number only until you can massively improve your IG presence.
Since I stopped approaching in the hood,I've brought a condom with me everyday.idk why i slipped up today.And your prob right about not being close to the lay.i didn't even really get psychical with and and only grabbed her hand once.shouldve focus on getting a kiss or makeout and then pushing for pull. I really fucked up saying hotel but a good learning point. And yeah most girls who gave me insta never responded and that may be because my insta is brand new basically.

Today was a late start cause I had to meal prep for protein intake and did Calisthenics while the chicken cooked.also went clothes shopping at tj maxx for button down shirts while approaching.also took an ebik e back to Soho because I wasn't satisfied but it was dead by then.did approaches on ebike on the way there.also did 2 approaches in the hood

Notable approaches:

-Triple set but didn't know at the time. Approached when she was about to walk in store and she just smile and ignored me.
-Approached girl heading into chase bank.We talked outside bank and I didn't push for insta pull because she said she was gonna meet with friends after bank.
-seen a girl jogging.She was fine and she stopped for a bit so I approached and she said she was just resting for 30 seconds or something like that.we had small talk for half a minute and she just said u want my number and gave it to me.first number close on a jogger.
-scared her on approach.walked with her and she gave me number right before she got into train station.said I was too young but could tell her age before approach and my eyes are terrible(got eye doctor tomorrow to fix)
-Thick college student whom I had small talk with.blah blah blah asked for her number and she said yes
-last approach of the night.Thick Chinese nyu student.her accent was hella strong.tried to insta pull but she said she was busy and give me her number.
-2 approaches in the hood.1 was super scared cause I caught here in between a highway block.the other called me sexy and gave me her number.
-4 approaches on ebike.1 said I was too young for her.another stopped and we chatted;tried to insta date but only got her number.3rd on the phone with her "situation".last one super scared and didnt give name.
What I learned:
-I should've push the insta date for all them
-been getting consistently rejected by Indian girls
-got to stop saying excuse me and just say hey or yo
-gotta go out earlier if I want it get more approaches in
-dont leave if Im not satisfied
-hood bitches are receptive but I needed to learn NYC approaching first.(need bigger sample.
Today was nothing special but it's a grind.
2,330 left
Until tomorrow.

Did 1 more and forgot to increase the contact/ rejection ratio.last 1 may have been a hooker lol cause I think her pimp went somewhere but she gave me number and when I biked back she had her dude or something with her.
Moses21 said:
-been getting consistently rejected by Indian girls

Welcome to the club, there's a lot of us!

They want tall, clean, and white here. Otherwise you get nothing but attitude.

Went to eye doctor today.got a pair of contacts to test for the week and my glasses and permanent contacts are coming next week. I was fucking blind but never realized until I put the contacts on lol. Also a wing I later met told me that I was being overcharged for the contacts because I ordered through hospital and that I was best to order online once I know the ones I need. So after hospital I went home and decided to skip gym(all good because I only need 3 more days which I'll do in a row starting from tomorrow).Hit Soho at around 5 and did a couple sets and then met a wing from a week ago.We gamed together the whole day and I pretty much just soaked up his style(this guy's a pro) and we shot the shits.then he Introduced me to another one of his weeks.This guy gave me pretty good advice telling me to balance game and life so that I can be satisfied outside of women.Me and the wings hit up the nightclubs later and the second wing advised that I opened a set.I did and I got amazing reception from here but this was my first night in club game so I was just focused on the number which I got.The wing later told me that I should've moved her because she was really feeling me but I was trying to play it safe.We gamed a little more and ended our night with pizza before calling it.

Notable approaches:
-1st approach of the day.we talked and then said she had to go to bank.Left her alone and saw her walking again 10-15 mins later.Reopened her and got her number.
-approached a half ukranian girls.got her to stop and we chat for 30 seconds.ran out of shit to say and just asked for number and got it.
- approach a thick girl and got amazing receptions.smiling, giggling,the works.tried to insta date but she said she was heading to the gym.gave me her number.
-approached a girl heading out of bus.also heading to the gym.talked for about 1 min and asked for number.she insisted on Instagram but per @Pancakemouse advice and just personal experience with my newborn insta account,I pushed for the number.after a little protest she gave it.
-nightclub approach with African girl.wing said i couldve pulled but it was my second time in nightclub so I wasnt calibrated.

What I learned:

-my fashion has already hit peak according to two wings but they said that may hurt me because I'm a beginner and it comes off as incongruent.
-nightclub is way more fast past.
-numbers don't work in NYC.better to push for insta date or same day lay.
-Best to do a game immersion period and then focus on money but don't neglect finances entirely

What I did wrong:

- I'm giving off a too friendly vibe according to wing and that's why I keep getting hit with boyfriend response or girls that were intially highly invested lose interest.
-not always pushing for insta because of excuses girls makes that may or may not be true
-doing more talking than the girls and not letting her ramble

What I did good:
-went for almost every girl I found attractive
-smiling while talking
-upping my fashion sense

What I can do better:
-approach anxiety is pretty low so now I should focus on learning as much from the interaction as possible
-staying in set as long as possible to make the number solid.
-always push for the insta date and don't give up too easily in interaction

2,307 left(The nightclub approach doesn't count as the bet is specified to daygame approaches only)

Until tomorrow
love not only how much action you're taking, but how you're trying to break down your sessions and taking copious notes on your mentors' advice.

i always come to your log to see that approach counter go down btw :D
colgate said:
love not only how much action you're taking, but how you're trying to break down your sessions and taking copious notes on your mentors' advice.

i always come to your log to see that approach counter go down btw :D

Thanks man. The support really means alot and keeps me going.
I agree with colgate , the amount of cold approaches you’re doing are motivating. I was in NY a couple weeks ago, definitely one of the best cities for getting laid!

pancakemouse said we should share style advice, as we have a similar archetype, I’ll hit you up.

Today was a very late start. Woke up at decent time but laid back down and ending up knocking out for another couple of hours.Got injured yesterday on ebike ride home so I skipped leg day cause my knees were sore and hurt when going up and down stairs.My watch came in and I'll adjust it before I go to bed so that I can use for tomorrow. Went to Soho with my bro and later ending up winging @pancakemouse and another wing.Not gonna lie today in terms of number my approaches were as frequent because I was distracted socializing.also didn't persist in alot of the approaches because I got a few age objections and kinda just let them go instead of pushing.

Notable approaches:
- Girl heading on a date. Said I'll hit her up to see if it was a bust and I could take her out later.number closed.
-latina with green hair and piercing.Seem very interested but had to go back to work after her break.number closed but no response on greet text.
-approached in train station.friend was being an absolute bitch.told her she look like she was in a rush so I got her snap but she didn't add me back yet.
-approached a double set with pancake.they were BORING.within ten seconds I wanted to leave but i made small talk so that pancake could talk to his girl.we just let them go cuz they were so dry.

What I learned:
-gotta throw more jokes in to get them laughing
-high interest doesn't mean shit in NYC.gotta focus on same day interactions or the girl will quickly forget you
-im more likely to give up on age objection as its an insecurity of mine that I think I look too young for some women.

What I did good:
-i made sure I smiled while I talked and tried to copy a wing who has sort of a frozen smile
-didn't leave set even when the Snapchat close friend was being a bitch.
-pushed a little more when girls said they were in a rush by saying I'll only take a minute.

What I did wrong:
-went blank on age objections
-was socializing a little too much
-developing prejudice against Indian girls because I've been consistently getting rejected by them so I've been avoiding approaching them.

What I can do better:
-get up earlier
-research some game material(don't Info overload though)
-moving away from compliments and more towards cold reads

Crimson I wouldn't say I mastered style yet but it's way better so yeah hit me up and I'll teach u everything I learned so far in fashion.

2,296 left
Until tomorrow
Just got home from night game.super tired so will post detailed report tomorrow.


Did chest calisthenics before I went out. All the approaches were on the street but the focus of today was night game.it started out with 5 and then two went to a different club.my bro caught a stomach ache and ended up leaving so me and 2 other wings proceeded to night club.other wing got side tracked by a friend and then there was two.we talked and he helped me figure out my strengths and weaknesses.Also he took the lead in nightgame because this was my first time being there when the club was packed.after club we ran gutter game and called it quits at around 4:45am.

Notable approaches:
-puerto rican/Chinese girl who was in double set.opened and introduced wing and we chatted our girls separately.she tried to give insta but I pushed for number.
-african girl walking towards friends.very quick and fast and she offer her snap.took it but should've pushed for number.
-arabian girl walking with friend.tried to open friend but completely unreceptive to me.arabian girl open and and I wrote my number and sent a hey sexy text to myself.i put wrong number in or wrote the wrong digit cuz I never received text lol.

What i learned:
-gotta be way more aggressive for night game
-using compliment openers in night game doesnt work and cockblocks will try to attack u for it.
-dont focus on high number anymore but get the most I can out of the interaction

What I did good:
-failed night game open got me cockblocked by some dude.wing told me I came off to soft and to open again.i did and I had better frame but the bouncer was telling us we had to leave outdoor venue and go in so kinda went no where.
-wing had a chance to pull but was getting cockblocked by fat friend.i tried to distract fat friend and was pretty successful.wing later said it was good but it didn't matter because girl being gamed knew her fat friend was judging her.
-after seeing my compliment opens in the club I started trying to use observational opens during gutter game.

What I did wrong:
-compliment openers
-not pushing for insta dates
-trying to get compliance too early from certain sets(one that's comes to mind is a girl walking past best buy.tried to get her to stop and she considered when I asked her to chat.i should've walked for maybe 30 seconds and then asked)

What I can do better:
-be more aggressive/signal with body language for compliance
-show no weakness in clubs especially with cockblocks around
-dont stare too hard at girls before approaching(this is because of no contacts and glasses but this problem isn't significant on the days I wear contacts.

Didn't really do alot of approaches but got a insta date on second approaches.she gave some sign throughout the date like hair flicking and crossing legs and offering breath mint when we sat down(I think she wanted me to kiss but when I tried to lead it with a are u a good kisser she said ask another question and from then on clammed up on anything sexual.

What I learned:
-i gotta make insta dates faster and take the lead
-day game and night game consistently will be tough so it may be better to only do them together on weekends
-gotta ask sexual questions sooner to filter

What I did good:
-2nd insta date of the week
-hung in there for as long as possible for experience
-tried to pull to her 3 times

What I did wrong:

-date was too long 2hr+
-didn't screen her early on
-when I did screen her it was too intense I think

What I can do better:
-gotta double down on the practical habits that allow me to keep a strong mentality and persevere
-be more sexual and screen earlier
-left for home after insta date due to frustration but wanted to go back halfway home.next time I should sit down or have a snack to cool down so I can continue.

2,277 left
Until tomorrow
1/8 daygame
1/3 nightgame

Todays beginning sucked.there was no good set till about 1 1/2 hr in because it was Sunday. Just mainly walked around looking for my type and then met with wings later.

Notable approaches:
-Met a girl a little after meeting wing.seem very receptive and tried to insta date later that night.didnt pull through
-met another girl through nightgame.took my number and texted myself hey sexy.she didn't seem to like that very lol.
-approached a girl who was very drunk but I didnt know at that time.was gonna insta date but seen she was stumbling so went for number.she just said shes not gonna answer so no point.

What I learned:
-I gotta find a way to my voice deeper
-gotta be more psychical and screen through touching more
-Club is way more fast pace and prob my best bet to get makeout experience/fingering and such.

What I did good:
-put my self out there in night game knowing I'm sort of timid when it comes to that.
-stayed out even though the begining volume was downright atrocious
-pushing for insta date on every interaction that was going somewhere

What I did wrong:
-not enough psychical screening
-took too long to get into gear for nightgame
-giving up certain sets too easily during gutter game

What I can do better:
-practice deeper voice
-more pyshical
-not letting girl control the situation

2,269 left
Until later today
2/13 dg
1/2 ng

Today I just got up,showered, and went out. Alot of my type was out but I was getting blown out alot with bf excuse.ended up going to the club and got my first ever kiss and makeout.was about to get a handjob but the bouncers saw and kicked us out lol.tried to insta date her for coffee and then move her cuz she was dtf but her friend hit her up and then when I tried to smooth things over with the friend;her friend called and uber and basically cockblocked me lol.we exchanged numbers and I kissed her goodbye.

Notable approaches
-girl gave me strong eye contact when walking past her with wings.approached told her that maybe we could grab a coffee after Im done hanging with friends.shee agreed but never hit me back up.
-opened a 3 set and all the friends were open to me.chose the one with the biggest ass and asked for her number.on leaving her friends called me cute
-italian girl who I got makeout from.asked her name and then grab her neck for compliance and asked if she was a good kisser.idk what she said but I went for it and she was receptive.after a while took her hand and lead her to a couch.made out while I tried to finger her.she tried to stop me several times with her hands so I put my hands on her chest and the down my pants and she was receptive.then the bouncers just hounded on me lol and we go kicked.also lost an earring or the magnet I think but I have replacements at home so all good.the rest was her friend cockblocking outside lol and she cared alot about what her friend thought I think.

What I learned:
-dont ask for a kiss just ask if your a good kisser
-very little talking required for club
-breathe from diaphragm for deeper voice

What I did good:
-first kiss and makeout ever
-strong non verbals and deeper voice for most of the night(hard to maintain as time goes on)
-being open to learn from the wings who are teaching me

What I did wrong:
-couldve told girl to ditch her friend because I feel like I had enough pull with her to do so
-kinda slowed down on opening sets once time came to hit the night club
-not game related but haven't been completely consistent with the habits that allowed me to build mental fortitude for a couple of days now

What I can do better:
-wake up earlier and take time to re do my habits that I believe will lead to my success
-less asking and taking a more commanding mindset(calibrated though)
-be more social during group sets(can't let my wings get cockblocked)

Today was amazing and I'm getting closer and closer.

2,256 left
Until tomorrow
0/2 ng
3/? Dg

Day game today was actually pretty good sets out but I was in my head because of stressing about a few thing outside of approaching.then it started raining on me and I could get my braids wet so I stood under scaffolding and then Wendy's for about an hr.head to night club and met a wing outside and the others were already in.got blown out alot Inside but also hesitated alot when trying to escalate.got another make out but my wing basically set it up for me and I took her insta cause she wanted to find her friends.the rest of night night was just my wings and I talking and eating pizza.

Notable approaches:
-one I approached in club was super hot.talked to her for a good minute and should've push for kiss cause her friends left and she still stayed there talking to me.
-another one was basically giggling when I asked if she was a good kisser and starting trying to walk away.shouldve told her to come back cause I felt that I couldve just gone for it and she would've been ok.
-my wing introduced me to a girl and she couldn't believe I liked her.my wing started cheering us to kiss and she complied.made out for about 10 mins and then she went to go find her friend.

What I learned:
-if she's still there talking to me go for it.
-check the weather before I leave(especially since my hair can get severely messed up with rain)
-look at the positive of my progress.even if it doesn't seem fast I am making progress.

What I did good:
-got another make out.
-was a more effective wingman when I got blown own and was able to lead platonic convos to occupy a girls that would otherwise cockblock(most of them eventually did)
-approached the highest I ever have in nightclub

What I did wrong:
- too distracted from other areas of life
-didn't push for the kiss when it was at least a 50/50 for some girls.
-approached some without smiling and came off too serious.

What I can do better:
-go for the kiss everytime I feel I have a chance
-try to be more aware of iois in club
-pay more attention to body language objection and learn that that sometimes a women objection means ignore or try a different way(very thin line and a fine point to master)

2,254 left
Until tomorrow
1/12 dg
0/1 ng
Night game was suppose to be the focus of today but we didnt go till later and it was a LGBTQ club so I over thought it alot cause I didn't want to accidently get with a transgender.got alot of bf excuses during the daytime.

Notable approaches:
-girl who works at a club.exactly my time.tried to push for insta date but she declined.gave me her number but didn't respond to confirmation text.

What I learned:
-i couldve pushed with club employee girl with more psy
-i was being less agressive than I usually have been for the past couple days because I opened a feminist and got a mouthful and subconsciously became less assertive
-girls I makeout with may not follow through with plans

What I did good:
-went for every set I wanted and even some I was iffy on
-pushed a little more in sets when I realized I was being submissive
-fantastic eye contact

What I did wrong:
-not following through with passive things that will make my game better but longer investment time
-voice getting soft/low on girls I find very attractive
-still using compliment openers on girls that clearly have high egos

What I can do better:
-focus on diaphragm breathing
-recapture the persistence I had in the beginning

2,242 left

Until tomorrow
3/4 dg
1/? Ng

Woke up super late but I wanted to hit the gym so basically hit the street when the sun went down.didnt do many cause I was socializing and then we ended up going to a bar.opened maybe 8 girls but failed to use the makeout opener my wing gave me to about 5 of them.last girl was the one I kissed for a bit and then when I was leaving I saw it on with her boyfriend(she told me she had a bf after our second makeout)bitches ain't shit.after that we really just walked around but the streets were dead.

What I learned:
-they will cheat on their bf
-i should probably enroll in a public speaking course
-better to do more sets before club/bar because gutter game is sparse

What I did good:
-got another makeout
-better grip on nightclub/bar approach anxiety
-stayed in set as long as I could

What I did wrong:
-stayed too long in sets where the convo died and the girl went to find her friend
-didn't approach as many as I should've during beginning
-trying out different ways of touching to makeout when I should've went with what's given success so far(original was also what got me this makeout)

What I can do better:
-better time management for day game
-getting a better read on girls for observational opening
-going for makeout within a minute(this will help cover my deficiency in conversation skills.

2,240 left

Until tomorrow
0/2 dg
0/? Ng

Today was not the best day in terms of approaching but might have been the best day I've had just going out.sleep schedule is utterly destroyed and has to be fixed at the end of this weekend.was getting rejected back to back in night game and even switched venues.at th second venue someone offered me a drink and me being a lightweight it just completely messed me up for the rest of the night.at that point we ran gutter game but my anxiety was worse drunk(but almost non existent at the beginning of the drunk phase).so tonight in terms of game was pretty trash.however right when we were going to get our end of the night meal we ran into none other than Anthony Mackie(The Falcon).when my wing approached him he joked saying only dudes recognized him and even demonstrated for us. He called out to two ladies walking by him and they just completely ignored him until my wing yelled out if these girls knew who he was.they still kept walking without a clue that a celebrity just gave them a shot. It was very eye opening to see someone who was in the avengers still gettibg rejected by women. That was the highlight of f the night and made it the best night(rivaling my second and third makeout).

What I learned:
-you can be super famous and rich and still get rejected
-too focused on my looks and letting that stop me from approaching some girls
-voice deepening exercises weren't as effective as I thought

What I did good:
-went out solo without my brother for the first time(I wasn't able to approach for 30 mins though)
-kept opening in the club even though I got blown out alot
-have 3 signature outfits to go out in

What I did wrong:
-blackpill/looking thought were strong in the back of my head while approaching
-didnt finish every set to completion
--letting girls comments get to me

What I can do better:
-continue to work on my looks but forget about it
-get 2 more signature looks
-more doing and less learning

2,238 left

Until tomorrow
1/2 dg
3/12 ng

Woke up super late again.gonna have to take melatonin to reset my sleep schedule tomorrow night.met up with 1 wing and did the 1 dg approach with him.then he went to a club and met the wing I was going to go the my club with.we hit the club a little early and I had massive ng AA.

Notable approaches:
-opened a girl on motorbike.she said I look like I was 12.tried to flip it but she eventually rejected but complimented me when I left
-opened a girl during gutter game in front of pace university she seem scared but she gave me her number.
-got opened by a girl in the club.made out with her a little and then tried to move her but she didnt want to leave her friends
-approached girl in club giving me ioi.she said she was with her bf at the time.seen her again later and she said that was just a hook up and not a boyfriend.put my hand on her neck and we started making out.3rd time approaching got her snap.and 4th time she ran away from me lol.

What I learned:
-iois are worth opening in club
- you can re-approach the same girl if she was receptive on previous approach.
-gutter game may not be worth the extra hours of staying out

What I did good:
-eventually beat aa I had in the club
-re approaching set that I thought had potential
-more aware of iois

What I did wrong:
-almost completely neglected dg for past couple of days
-took too long to start up even with a wing with me
-only started going after iois later into the night

What I can do better:
-conversation skills(girl gave ioi but I pushed for makeout too quick due to fear that she would see deficiency in social skills)
-push ups whenever I get high as(went to bathroom tonight and did a bunch of pushups and it helped)
-back off of psychical aggressiveness if girl need more comfort or just leave if she's a time waster

2,236 left

Until tomorrow