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Moses progress log

Hell yes. Looking forward to fifth lay report.

Now let's get you your first daygame lay, too. Did you write down the notes Lean and I gave you this week about your sticking points? Post them here for accountability.
pancakemouse said:
Hell yes. Looking forward to fifth lay report.

Now let's get you your first daygame lay, too. Did you write down the notes Lean and I gave you this week about your sticking points? Post them here for accountability.

I did write dg analysis reports but used real names so I will go back and edit the names before I post.

I've got my first back to back week lay.also according to my wing I actually used game on her to close her.So I was opening sets in the venue I was in(stayed in one venue the entire night) and encountered alot of friendly blowouts or makeout's but couldn't get her to leave.I got one girl to comply with me after makeout and was pulling her but her friends were outside and grabbed her away from me.This kind pissed me off but I tried again and continued opening sets with more or less friendly blowouts.

I then saw a set who was slightly thick and decided to open.She initially gave me bad reception but I continued and eventually she became warms towards me.One thing to note is that I consciously decided to work on my tonality for this set which my wings told me earlier this week was a major reason why I couldn't hold day game sets.I flipped the frame on her a couple times through teasing and calling her a bad kisser and qualifying for a second kiss and still kind of not giving her full satisfaction.
At this point she was like I was the one who approached her and nothing she does is never enough and just straight up asking what I want.I felt like I had enough buy in at that point and told her to come downstairs with me.she complied after a little resistance and I got as far as taking her panties off and bending her over before I heard a bang on the door.It was the bouncer and later my wing told me upstair that some dude snitched on me when he saw me bring the girl into the stall.

We got kicked out and I told her I know another spot and I tried that spot but it was locked so I just walked her to taco bell cause I know they have private bathrooms.she protested a little like "really a taco bell, are you kidding me" and I just deflected by telling her if we could go to her dorm and she said nah they don't allow it after 1 am.From there I told her we have no other option and she complied.fucked her in standing missionary and doggy and then got some head from her.Didnt get to go a second time cause as I was getting hard they starting banging on door to use bathroom so we had to leave lol. From there we parted way and tbh the sex wasnt even that good so I don't think I'll hit her back up.

What I did good:
-overcame the AA I had in beginning
-flipped the frame on her well
-improved my tonality when focused on it

What I did wrong:
-trying to pull to the backup spot when I wasn't sure if it was open
-using the mens stall to fuck in club instead of women's(there are more private stalls in women but I just felt uncomfortable so I went to mens lol)
-not day gaming before to deal with AA

What I can do better:
-do dg before ng
-make my improved tonality a unconscious competence trait
-Scope out club closing spots earlier in the night before I attempt to close

1,703 left.
Haven’t really been on this for a while cuz I don’t really think anyone reads my logs.Still been approaching daytime and night and have been doing fairly ok for the night time.I’m at lays now and they are all night game lays with me more or less only closing all of them only once and some twice.My daygame needs a lot of work however and I still have not closed from it despite about 1300 daygame approaches now. To resolve this I have decided to cut down on nightgame and leave a little bit earlier so that I can consistently daygame everyday(maybe 1 rest day). Now for the fr.


Did cardio and then went out for daygame meeting up with pancakemouse and a bunch of other wings.we shot the shit and did some set but the volume was lacking in terms of the sets I wanted.most of my sets didn’t go anywhere and I got a weak number but I think on the 4th I open a somewhat thick Irish girl who just finished shopping in soho and was heading to a thrift store.a little banter back and forth and I knew I would be able to get drunk with her after she went shopping so I just went with her to the thrift store.On the walk I tease her about being a Midwest girl and her Eastern Europe philosophy(yoga,astrology.crystals,etc) and probe her about her logistics.she tells me she has roommates and that she lives in midtown so in my head I cancel that as possible closing location due to getting cucked by a roommate mid sex with one of my other lays. I guess I build the vibe up well enough because after walking some she say she doesn’t feel like going shopping anymore and she want to get drink.take her to a spot I’ve been trying out and she’s basically waiting for me to escalate at this point.she brings up the topic about sex first and how she wants to have a hot girl summer cuz she’s been stuck with a boyfriend all this time and I tell her I’ll give her an intro course. Ask her if she dance and she says yeah she did ballet and I told her to show me her moves(I sat in a empty area so I could escalate in peace).started twirling her around and got the makeout fairly easy from there.made a joke about being a cheerleader in high school to lift her up and from there I was sure she was down.we were in bar for only 30 mins when I pitched the private spot.she complied very easily and we walked there…here’s where things went downhill.I took her to a private bathroom and she slightly freaked out but I calmed her down and told her she could leave whenever she’s uncomfortable.she complied but every time I tried to take off her pants she froze up and after the 3rd try she said she wanted to go meet up with her friends.I tried for drama game here cause I knew once she would ghost cause I hit point of no return.drama game failed lol and left things on a sour note where I didn’t even take her number.after that went out for night game for a short while and called it a night.

What I learned:
-I need to build more time even with a set that I think is down especially if I’m pulling for public sex
-I modeled the pull after a wing I’m shadowing and I failed to heed his advice where his way of pulling for public sex would be to prep the girl a little bit before they reach the spot trying to build comfort and asking her how adventurous her past experiences have been to get a better read on her.
-can’t let one bad experience with roommate make me completely rule her spot out as an option especially when I don’t have logistics.

What I can do better:
-build the tension right before bathroom pull
-maybe get a second drink and more time in set with bathroom pulls
-don’t burn it if I think I can get a d2

What I did wrong:
-failing to notice her noncompliance when I escalated in bathroom(more reserved than when we were outside)
-failing to also notice that she probably would’ve been down to go back to her spot(she blew going out with her friends for me so I should logically surmised that they were out and her place would be empty)
-rushing the interaction because I thought it was in the bag

I think for the pulls I’m trying to do I need to build more comfort then sexual tension because if they don’t trust me they’ll just see it as a sleazy move and auto eject.

1,158 left.
Moses21 said:
Haven’t really been on this for a while cuz I don’t really think anyone reads my logs.

Yes they do. You have 5917 views, you think that's just me refreshing over and over?!

pancakemouse said:
Moses21 said:
Haven’t really been on this for a while cuz I don’t really think anyone reads my logs.

Yes they do. You have 5917 views, you think that's just me refreshing over and over?!


My phone doesn’t show how many views but that is surprising.
Recap and action plan from here+First dg lay

Small recap of between last post and now.I have been semi consistently closing in ng but for the longest time now dg has pretty much gotten to the point where either I get stopped once I get to my closing spot I have or me getting instas with girls on a platonic frame.I took a little bit of a break for straight daygame and did only consistent ng for a time(about 5-6 weeks) during which time I took coaching(a counter proposal for my bet with pancakemouse) but by then whatever dg skills I had pretty much deteriorated and I also showed up late to my session so the coaching wasn’t the best roi for me at the time.

At this point I realized that I excessive ng will give me lays but at the cost of dg skill(cuz I won’t come out) and also just a general disruptor in my life.I started consistently daygaming for a week.I then fell back into ng for 2 weeks and then sort of came up with an agreement for how I’ll do ng going forward which is as follows.

- [ ] Can only ng once a week until I consistently dg 5-6 a week for a month(only 2 ng day max per week after)
- [ ] I can stay out as long as u want for the for the first ng day but when I get the second one I have to be heading home by 2 but can stay longer if train has excessive wait time or I pull on the way to train
- [ ] Ng day will probably be Friday
- [ ] I can ng with no limits during special weeks like welcome week parties or halloweekend etc
- [ ] No longer counting sets so no approach quota per day
- [ ] If I fail to hit the first point I gotta skip ng or atleast be at 4 so I can make up for it on Sunday
- [ ] Day after I ng will probably my rest day and will be used for things outside of game that require full attention

I never wrote a clear outline of how to conduct ng but I think this way is most successful.I believe dg AND ng and both essential because at the very least they both create momentum.

Now my current weaknesses for dg as pointed out by a wing are

- [ ] Bad tonality
- [ ] Conversational skills have declined
- [ ] Vibe is very dependent on my mood
- [ ] Off way of sexualizing verbally

Now for the dg lay.I was doing solo dg waiting for my wing to ng with and got rid of my aa in less than 10 mins.The problem was that there were no good sets that were solo so for the first hour I was just opening throwaway working on trying to rebuild my funamental.I started getting the body language things down after a few approaches. My wing hit me up and we were about to start ng when I saw a set that I thought was good. Short 1/4 white 3/4 equadorian girl with a medium to large size ass. I opened and since I was practicing I managed to get her to natural stop.she hooked after I told her she looks like an La girl says no but she visited and asked me what I was doing.I told her I was meeting with a friend but he was an hr late so I didn’t think so anymore.she told me she was just coming off of work and that she was just heading home now.I think it was her that asked if you I wanted to do something at this point and I suggested wine.she made a face that was compliant so i just suggest Trulys across the street and she complied.

Made small talk in the CVS and got a hard seltzer drink and then went off the park close by.At this point I had good compliance but I didn’t really sexualize the vibe.I tried to kino her and she was indifferent to it so then I tried to sexualize verbally.I felt the frame was man to women enough so I baited her into asking me she thought I approached her.she thought I was trying to kill her lol but I used this to just straight up say I found her attractive.Cue the uncomfortable silence but now the frame was actually set. From her I tried to sexual again thru asking about her ex and if she likes toxic shit and she basically said they were both toxic and that she was the cause for the end of the relationship but wouldn’t tell me why then.

I still felt the frame wasn’t sexual enough though so I tried to frame things she said as sexual like her saying she was the adventurous type but it probably came off wrong due to my tonality.then her brother called and she basically told him that she would be home later and that she was with a friend(I thought she was tryna friend zone me so I contemplated just escalating as fast as possible to get blown out so I could ng) and that we knew each other since high school.After the call she talked about how hard it seems for her friends to meet new friends and how it seemed so easy with me and her.Here I knew I had to either get her in or out so I just ran my ng routine on her and then tried to get the makeout.she did not comply and was like she’s holding out for one guy.

I called back to what my wing was telling me about roasting the guy she likes or roasting her for liking the guy and I had her give me the details of her crush.she basically straight up offered him sex but he was either too oblivious or scared to make a move and she got friendzoned.I used this to make a joke about her being love from you because when dhe tried to call me a serial killer I agreed and am plied and told her that I was the one who taught Joe from the show all of his tricks.I then painted out the polarity of how if I was watching her from afar I would be a stalker but if she did it then it would be a Taylor swift song and this is where here frame cracked.Told her yeah she the friend that can’t take a hint and then gave her the friendzone pat.she thought about it and was like damn your right and then said she regretted not kissing me.I didn’t waste any time and pulled her close and got the kiss.called her out for just giving me duck lips and then she said she was shy and I told her she was contradicting herself and we made some banter in between cause I’ve gotten this kiss before and I knew it was a sign that you needed more comfort.

I opened up about some of my childhood and some similarities about our siblings and that seemed to get her to say her real objection which was that she really just likes agression so I lifted her up and grab her neck for the makeout and the flood gates opened.stopped after a min to o prep her for the public pull and asked her what the craziest things she was very vague saying she only been with two guys and then I probed about the second guy.Turns out the reason why she broke up with her ex was cuz the second dude hit her up on ig when they were fighting they basically met up and fucked in the park.I was able to relate and did slut shame and told her yea I did the same with some wasian girl about a month ago and then told her my other stories and that basically got it in her head that I was a player.made out with her some more and started grabbing her ass in the park and that when she was like we need somewhere more private.I told her I know a private bathroom(was completely honest because when I sprung it on other girls they looked at me like I was a scumbag and not in a good way) and she complied.threw a couple shit test at me during the walk and just agreed and amplified or just called out her attacking me with double edge compliments.from here I just walked her to the spot and the rest was history.Fucked twice and then someone was complaining and security tried to remove me he just joked about it but we still left cuz we were there for a while.In total the whole thing was a little over 2 and a half hours.got her number but I know public sex makes them less likely to hit you back up but I’ll still try to retain.

Notable things that happened in between post

- [ ] Got first coaching session
- [ ] Fucked three girls in 7 days
- [ ] Before this close I fucked another girl early morning so this is my first 2 in 24 hour close

I really got thank all my wings(especially one in particular)who endured my 1000 questions and stuck it out with me because it was there knowledge that allowed me to get to where I am a little over a year now when I met them.
Just wanted to put into context how much this daygame lay means:

At the very start of his journey Moses randomly found me on the street because he saw me daygaming. I have been following his progress since then. He has had one of the hardest roads to a first daygame lay out of any guy I've ever winged with. He was coming from complete virginity, having to learn women and social skills on the streets with our crew. And he has extreme nice guy tendencies and lacks the spice needed to close NYC girls who are the hardest in the Western world. More than that, he has an extreme logistical issue as he lives outside Manhattan with his parents and so he has to close girls in public bathrooms.

So he's battled a ton of hardships to knock this one off. Honestly, for most of the time I knew him I figured he would just quit like many of the other guys that we've met on this path. But he didn't.

Now that this hurdle is cleared, looking forward to the rest of the journey. Still plenty to work on.
Moses21 said:
Recap and action plan from here+First dg lay

Small recap of between last post and now.I have been semi consistently closing in ng but for the longest time now dg has pretty much gotten to the point where either I get stopped once I get to my closing spot I have or me getting instas with girls on a platonic frame.I took a little bit of a break for straight daygame and did only consistent ng for a time(about 5-6 weeks) during which time I took coaching(a counter proposal for my bet with pancakemouse) but by then whatever dg skills I had pretty much deteriorated and I also showed up late to my session so the coaching wasn’t the best roi for me at the time.

At this point I realized that I excessive ng will give me lays but at the cost of dg skill(cuz I won’t come out) and also just a general disruptor in my life.I started consistently daygaming for a week.I then fell back into ng for 2 weeks and then sort of came up with an agreement for how I’ll do ng going forward which is as follows.

- [ ] Can only ng once a week until I consistently dg 5-6 a week for a month(only 2 ng day max per week after)
- [ ] I can stay out as long as u want for the for the first ng day but when I get the second one I have to be heading home by 2 but can stay longer if train has excessive wait time or I pull on the way to train
- [ ] Ng day will probably be Friday
- [ ] I can ng with no limits during special weeks like welcome week parties or halloweekend etc
- [ ] No longer counting sets so no approach quota per day
- [ ] If I fail to hit the first point I gotta skip ng or atleast be at 4 so I can make up for it on Sunday
- [ ] Day after I ng will probably my rest day and will be used for things outside of game that require full attention

I never wrote a clear outline of how to conduct ng but I think this way is most successful.I believe dg AND ng and both essential because at the very least they both create momentum.

Now my current weaknesses for dg as pointed out by a wing are

- [ ] Bad tonality
- [ ] Conversational skills have declined
- [ ] Vibe is very dependent on my mood
- [ ] Off way of sexualizing verbally

Now for the dg lay.I was doing solo dg waiting for my wing to ng with and got rid of my aa in less than 10 mins.The problem was that there were no good sets that were solo so for the first hour I was just opening throwaway working on trying to rebuild my funamental.I started getting the body language things down after a few approaches. My wing hit me up and we were about to start ng when I saw a set that I thought was good. Short 1/4 white 3/4 equadorian girl with a medium to large size ass. I opened and since I was practicing I managed to get her to natural stop.she hooked after I told her she looks like an La girl says no but she visited and asked me what I was doing.I told her I was meeting with a friend but he was an hr late so I didn’t think so anymore.she told me she was just coming off of work and that she was just heading home now.I think it was her that asked if you I wanted to do something at this point and I suggested wine.she made a face that was compliant so i just suggest Trulys across the street and she complied.

Made small talk in the CVS and got a hard seltzer drink and then went off the park close by.At this point I had good compliance but I didn’t really sexualize the vibe.I tried to kino her and she was indifferent to it so then I tried to sexualize verbally.I felt the frame was man to women enough so I baited her into asking me she thought I approached her.she thought I was trying to kill her lol but I used this to just straight up say I found her attractive.Cue the uncomfortable silence but now the frame was actually set. From her I tried to sexual again thru asking about her ex and if she likes toxic shit and she basically said they were both toxic and that she was the cause for the end of the relationship but wouldn’t tell me why then.

I still felt the frame wasn’t sexual enough though so I tried to frame things she said as sexual like her saying she was the adventurous type but it probably came off wrong due to my tonality.then her brother called and she basically told him that she would be home later and that she was with a friend(I thought she was tryna friend zone me so I contemplated just escalating as fast as possible to get blown out so I could ng) and that we knew each other since high school.After the call she talked about how hard it seems for her friends to meet new friends and how it seemed so easy with me and her.Here I knew I had to either get her in or out so I just ran my ng routine on her and then tried to get the makeout.she did not comply and was like she’s holding out for one guy.

I called back to what my wing was telling me about roasting the guy she likes or roasting her for liking the guy and I had her give me the details of her crush.she basically straight up offered him sex but he was either too oblivious or scared to make a move and she got friendzoned.I used this to make a joke about her being love from you because when dhe tried to call me a serial killer I agreed and am plied and told her that I was the one who taught Joe from the show all of his tricks.I then painted out the polarity of how if I was watching her from afar I would be a stalker but if she did it then it would be a Taylor swift song and this is where here frame cracked.Told her yeah she the friend that can’t take a hint and then gave her the friendzone pat.she thought about it and was like damn your right and then said she regretted not kissing me.I didn’t waste any time and pulled her close and got the kiss.called her out for just giving me duck lips and then she said she was shy and I told her she was contradicting herself and we made some banter in between cause I’ve gotten this kiss before and I knew it was a sign that you needed more comfort.

I opened up about some of my childhood and some similarities about our siblings and that seemed to get her to say her real objection which was that she really just likes agression so I lifted her up and grab her neck for the makeout and the flood gates opened.stopped after a min to o prep her for the public pull and asked her what the craziest things she was very vague saying she only been with two guys and then I probed about the second guy.Turns out the reason why she broke up with her ex was cuz the second dude hit her up on ig when they were fighting they basically met up and fucked in the park.I was able to relate and did slut shame and told her yea I did the same with some wasian girl about a month ago and then told her my other stories and that basically got it in her head that I was a player.made out with her some more and started grabbing her ass in the park and that when she was like we need somewhere more private.I told her I know a private bathroom(was completely honest because when I sprung it on other girls they looked at me like I was a scumbag and not in a good way) and she complied.threw a couple shit test at me during the walk and just agreed and amplified or just called out her attacking me with double edge compliments.from here I just walked her to the spot and the rest was history.Fucked twice and then someone was complaining and security tried to remove me he just joked about it but we still left cuz we were there for a while.In total the whole thing was a little over 2 and a half hours.got her number but I know public sex makes them less likely to hit you back up but I’ll still try to retain.

Notable things that happened in between post

- [ ] Got first coaching session
- [ ] Fucked three girls in 7 days
- [ ] Before this close I fucked another girl early morning so this is my first 2 in 24 hour close

I really got thank all my wings(especially one in particular)who endured my 1000 questions and stuck it out with me because it was there knowledge that allowed me to get to where I am a little over a year now when I met them.

This lay report is incredible man. It showcased really solid game and how you led her to a close. I'm very impressed, it shows me how much more I have to learn.