Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

Paid Renegade

Jun 18, 2022
Hey guys, I’m Colton.
Just made a quick post on the “New Members” thread and wanted to get into a little more detail here. I’m thinking this will become my progress log going forward.

Anyway I’m 26, have been lurking here for a little while and finally decided to jump in. I want to give a big thanks to Andy and Radical/Cam because both of you guys have really helped me to improve lately in the getting laid department by giving actionable, clear advice.

I joined several free dating apps about 2 weeks ago now and have fucked 5 girls since then, all on the first date and all at their place, except for one girl in the back of my car. It’s crazy for me because before this I had little sexual experience. I also got drunk for the first time last weekend, and did molly for the first time 2 nights ago. (Didn’t even know what molly was until I looked it up beforehand) I’m still feeling a little euphoric/spontaneous right now which is probably why I just woke up and decided to join the community here.

The girl I hung out with 2 nights ago is also bi and showed me several videos of girls she is sleeping with (all legit 8’s/9’s) and says she wants to put together a threesome, so we’ll see, that might be another first coming up.

It feels overwhelming right now but in a really good way, like I just need to find the balance between being productive/responsible and still having fun, because I have really fucked up my schedule and also made a couple of questionable decisions in the last couple of weeks.

1. So yes, one of my primary goals right now is to strike the right balance between dating and productivity, so that I can get as much benefit/sex as possible from that without it fucking up other areas of my life. Need to come up with a good system.

2. I also want to improve my logistics, which currently prevent me from inviting girls directly over to my place. On top of that, I live out in the suburbs with not a very large population.

3. Most of all, I want to focus on increasing my online income and becoming fully location independent. Am working on a couple of online business ideas currently.

4. 4 goals at once may be too many but I want to improve my photos for online dating. Current photos posted below. Please let me know what you think…

Taking a short breather from online dating and haven't logged in to respond to messages in a few days.

Alright - focusing in on my primary goal, making more money online.

I have an ecommerce business which was making a good bit of money (about $8-10k/mo at its absolute peak, which was short lived) but has since dwindled pretty significantly. It's also not location independent. Making about 1.5-2k mo in profit right not and I've picked up a part time job to help make up the difference.

I saved the money that I made from this business, and invested all of it over the last couple of years - resulting in a dividend portfolio worth about $118k that pays me about $410/mo in dividends. Good start but a long ways to go.

I have 2 ideas right now that I am looking to get started on.

The first is blogging. I snagged a pretty cool domain name and have a good idea what I want to write about. Still trying to figure out the best way to construct the actual website though. Looking at theme/pagebuilder options right now.

The second thing I want to do is start an instagram account for the purposes of 1.getting better photos for my tinder profile and 2.potentially making a little money by linking to a website with affiliate links. To take pictures I'd be driving out into the city and trying to replicate the sort of street style photos that Andy and Radical like. Actually tried this for the first time last night, and while I fully expect to suck at first the results didn't actually look too terrible IMO.

Funny thing though, literally the first place I stopped to take pictures of myself, within about 1 minute a guy pulls out his phone an starts filming me. I just smiled and waved, he waved back and climbs into his SUV. Haha this is literally the one thing that was giving me anxiety about taking photos of myself in public - looking like a tool and ending up on youtube or something. Oh well, we got it out of the way first thing and it wasn't a big deal.
Soo... dealing with something pretty shitty right now.

Started getting an unusual burning sensation while peeing yesterday and it's carried over into today. My mind has naturally jumped to possible STD's. So now I'm online in my spare time looking for a fast and cost effective way to get tested (don't have insurance)

I was supposed to hang out with this bi girl I've been seeing and was very likely going to have my first threesome tonight but instead I had to text her and let her know what's up. So yeah that's probably off.

I had unprotected sex last week with someone who says she hasn't fucked anyone else in 3 months and has been tested since then, and with another girl my penis made such brief contact that I hesitate to actually call it unprotected sex. However I've gotten blowjobs from 5 girls over the last couple of weeks and obviously wasn't wearing a condom for any of that action, which apparently is bad because you can catch certain std's from oral sex.

Seriously, when you look online all of the experts are saying to wear a condom for blowjobs. Who the fuck actually wears condoms during blowjobs?

The limited statistical info I could find online makes it seem pretty unlikely that I would have caught something but regardless I've gotta go through with this now to find out for sure. If anyone has thoughts or advice on this I sure wouldn't mind hearing it!
That symptom I was mentioning yesterday ended up going away completely all on its own. Most likely nothing to be concerned about but still getting tested anyway for peace of mind.

The girl I texted yesterday still wanted to hang out so we did that and had an awesome time. Did anal for the first time. Also forgot I had a date set for last night that I had already scheduled so I get a phone call from this other girl while I'm getting head. Funny but felt kind of bad.

As cool as this girl is (the one I hung out with last night) I realized that most of the positive emotions I felt about her were actually due to being really high the first time we hung out. So I am not sure how I'm feeling about continuing with her. I don't want to make a habit of getting high/drunk on all of my dates.

Also this other girl I met last week is wanting to get together and chill again. I haven't logged into any of my dating apps lately and am not motivated to do so because I'm feeling completely sexually satiated which is a really odd feeling.

I have completely up-ended my schedule though which has to change as I am not being productive at all right now. Got woken up by a blowjob around noon and didn't end up back at my place until 3 in the afternoon and having barely eaten anything at all. I think maybe I'm just getting some of this out of my system but still.

I picked a really interesting time to start this log because I was kind of waiting until I had more of my shit together but instead ended up joining when I feel like a total mess haha. I will settle into a groove here and figure out exactly what I'm doing. I know firmly what I want but still finding the right way to go about getting it.
:arrow_up: And since all I've basically done in this thread so far is rant and ramble, let me share something that might actually be helpful/interesting to someone!

ESPECIALLY to guys who have shit logistics or don't want to invite girls directly to their place but still want an easy lay on the first date. Now I am NOT positioning myself as any kind of expert (obviously) but rather showing something that has helped me recently and what I am doing right now when I message girls. Try it for yourself and see what happens.

Here's what I'm saying to girls after I match with them. Using Andy's template as a starter and trying send as few messages as possible to screen fast and be efficient -

Me: Hey, you're sexy. I'm Colton. Watcha up to?

Her: not much just chillin, you?

Me: Just [whatever I'm doing]. Any fun plans later?

Her: Nothing really, you?

Me: Nope not yet! In the mood to snuggle up with a good movie and could use a partner in crime

Her: Hmm that sounds good

Me: Drop me your number and we'll figure something out

And then if I get this far then I'll ask what her living situation is and if she's able to have guests over. Obviously it's very aggressive screening so it won't work for most girls but when it does go right it looks something like this:
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Went directly over to her place and banged while her roommate listened. Had a lot of fun and intend to keep seeing this girl
So much sex is in front of you, my man, if you want it. You are a legitimate Chad.

STD risk is overblown: That being said, if you are near the city I think you are (I lived there too, once upon a time), there are multiple options for free STD testing at public health centers and other community organizations.
Great job man. I know how it's more complicated banging girls at their place. That girl looks hot.
This is only the beginning. Let's go!
pancakemouse Thanks dude I sincerely appreciate that. Lots of sex incoming for sure, just need to be smart/disciplined in how I go about it.

That's a great article, I have it saved on my phone too and it helped reassure me that I likely was in the clear. Anyway I got the testing all sorted out, just waiting to hear back on the results. But I've noticed that after several hard rounds of fucking, my dick just hurts and that's probably all it was.

Aku Yeah she's a cutie for sure, I'm actually leaving in about an hour to go hang out with her again

So anyway, did more research into website building but moving real slow. Apparently wordpress is going through kind of a shift right now and they've introduced new features that are starting to render some of the classic tools obsolete. Talking specifically about the addition of fullsite editing and "block themes". Still trying to wrap my head around this and figure out the best way to get set up. Don't want to build a whole website on a foundation that will need to be completely replaced or significantly altered sooner or later. Right now it appears that either using wordpress' default "2022" theme or making my own block theme (no coding required) may be the right way to go. Then you can supposedly use the inbuilt gutenberg editor to make just about anything. Any wordpress/blogging experts on the forums please feel free to speak up as far as what tools you're using
Last night I passed on a netflix date with a new girl (who I realized lives about 1hr away) and instead met up with the girl who's photo I posted the other day. Fucked for a couple hours, watched John Carpenter's The Thing, and got a surprisingly good back massage. She's pretty cute and reminds me of Melissa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny. The only thing that puts me off about her is her constant insistence that I cum in her without a condom (have already met several girls like this, with not a very large sample size - like is this normal or what?)

Haven't gone through my messages on tinder etc. for close to a week now and will try to get caught up and maybe possibly schedule with a new girl for this coming week. Kind of worried that I'll get penalized or banned for not responding to matches? Then again I think girls do it all the time right?

Web design research continues. Starting to at least get a good mental picture of how I want my blog to look and be organized.

I want to get back into the grind of doing at least 1 thing every week that has the potential to increase my income. It's how I built my ecommerce biz a few years back, by adding a new product every week. Once the blog is setup and has some kind of monetizable feature/product, then by simply publishing a new article every week I figure that I will be doing that one thing that may increase income. Thinking of each post as a product.

Currently on my own 3 day split. Prioritizing my own "big 3" lifts - Incline bench press, weighted chin up, bulgarian split squat

I set the goal for myself to PR an each of these in 2022 and just recently met this goal.
Weighted chin up - bodyweight + 105lb x 5 reps
Incline press - 230x5 reps
BSS - bodyweight + two 85lb dumbells x 6 reps

Then throw in some isolation movements to round things out and it's a really awesome minimalist routine that doesn't take much time at all
Paid Renegade said:
The only thing that puts me off about her is her constant insistence that I cum in her without a condom (have already met several girls like this, with not a very large sample size - like is this normal or what?)

Haven't gone through my messages on tinder etc. for close to a week now and will try to get caught up and maybe possibly schedule with a new girl for this coming week. Kind of worried that I'll get penalized or banned for not responding to matches? Then again I think girls do it all the time right?

Girls asking you to come in them raw is common if you're a Chad. It's an evolutionary biological holdover for them trying to mate with the most attractive man possible.

You will not get penalized for not responding to matches.
pancakemouse Yeah that's kind of a scary thought. My brother and several cousins are all "surprise dads" now after their girlfriends forgot to take their birth control. Going to be 100% with the condom use for sure. Hopefully like you said it's just a "holdover" aka subconscious/feelgood thing though. When I asked this girl about it she said it's about "validation" and that she wants to be my "cumslut" <- heard that word from multiple girls now

But then minutes after I leave she texts me asking where I put the used condoms (I flushed those suckers)
Said she was worried her dog might've eaten them, I'm 99.8% sure it's totally innocent but still that's enough to make the hairs on my neck stand up

Have considered getting the snip too. Hoping for that nonsurgical one "vasalgel" to come out

Other girl stuff
- So the girl I forgot about on monday has still been texting me to hang out. Decided to respond today and set a date for tomorrow night because I just want to chill (alone) tonight. This girl is hot but she seems on the fence about having me come directly over to her place so we'll see, could go either way

The girl I DID hang out with on monday instead also texted me today. I think you guys would like her, she's a dog trainer (with maybe the most well trained dog I've ever met, a snow-white wolf/husky hybrid) and also a dom for women exclusively and makes collars for women. When I met her she said "I train dogs by day and bitches by night" haha. Has a closet with like 3 dozen or more slutty costumes (maid, dom, etc.). She says she's seeing 5 girls on the regular right now. Has tons of videos with them on her phone including some onlyfans content where she pulled this chick's panties all the way up over her head, yeah apparently there's like a wedgie kink or something. She sent me some hot pics/videos which I have on my phone, not sure if I can/should share here on the forums

Oh yeah, and the STD panel came back totally clean. Cool

Business stuff-

Decided to not stall further and installed web hosting, wordpress, plugins, and a theme today for my website.

Gonna throw some darts and start building. Even if/when I have to change themes, it appears that it's not a big deal. Going with the "Blocksy" them for now but may change it if I need to. It's Gutenberg friendly and comes with pre-built templates

Installed several plugins including ones for security, SEO, image optimization, and site backups.

Next I need to connect my URL and configure a CDN

WILL have a post up before next week is over, mark my words.
Paid Renegade Hey, this is Cam. I saw your comment on my post, and it seems we have similar living situations. Is the "cuddle and movie" line the only one you use? Do you meet the girl in public or go right to her place always?
Camtheman said:
@Paid Renegade Hey, this is Cam. I saw your comment on my post, and it seems we have similar living situations. Is the "cuddle and movie" line the only one you use? Do you meet the girl in public or go right to her place always?

Yeah man, try it out and let me know how it works. But no, it's not the only one I've used. If you read the tinder guide on this website there's also a section that deals with banging girls at their place.

I've just been going straight to their place but only because it's what I want to do. I'm okay with missing out on some girls that would require me to take them out first.

You got some great advice from the other guys on your thread too, including the bit about doing it in your car. I'd avoid parks that are closed after dark though because the cops will creep up on you. Had better luck at a rest stop.


Took some time off work today and spent several hours on the website. Super minimal right now but I was able to add some of my own content and the functionality that I want.

Getting a hang (well really just getting started) with using the gutenberg editor. Luckily I have a pretty simple vision for how I want my website to look from the get-go. Added an image and several links among other basic things.

Looking over my thread it's pretty clear that although my stated goal is "make money", I've kinda let "get laid" occupy most of my mental real estate. However I strongly feel that increasing my location independent income is going to give me a much higher overall ROI than prioritizing getting laid right now. Will try to be more focused.

Still going to keep my dating profile up and keep talking to girls, and will post here whenever something interesting happens. Supposed to have a netflix date tonight with this cutie, will post some deets tomorrow.
Hung out with this cutie last night, once again went directly to her place. Ended up turning into a full on houseparty (she's got 3 roomates). Put on some netflix and ended up fucking. Loved her overall vibe and she was a lot of fun. Gave me a nice hickie (dunno why but it feels amazing having a girl suck/kiss/bite your neck and ears). Was supposed to meet this girl last week but forgot and then just kind of ignored her like a dick but she kept texting me and I decided to get together with her. Glad I did. Lots more to say but I'll leave it at that. Some pics below -
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Also still chugging away on the website but not much new to report! Had a day out with some family and friends today in the hot sun. My general social anxiety/awkwardness has really started to decline since getting on tinder/going on dates and I think that's my favorite part about all this. Feeling more comfortable in my skin. People close to me are starting to notice and comment on these changes too

Going to spend 30 minutes each day this week writing so that I can make sure to have my first post up before the week is over
Scheduled another netflix date for tomorrow night. In addition I’ve got 3 attractive girls that I’ve seen a couple times now and can text them when I want to hang out. Feels good, but does make it a little tricky to schedule with new girls because I really like to leave a day between dates to recharge. Also don’t want to go too long between dates with the same girl, in case she thinks I’m not that into her.

Still on the free version of tinder and curious how different things would be with the paid membership but not feeling like it’s worth upgrading at the moment. I’m sure I will though at some point
Wrote for 30 minutes today on the topic of investing (working on first blog post). What I really want to do is write about self improvement (gym, money, girls, looks maxing, etc.) but without having to position myself as an expert, because I’m not one and will always have a long way to go. Kind of like a self improvement log but always trying to share something valuable I’ve learned and address a problem.

One mental sticking point that I have is that I would like my website to be safe for work but also needs to be really engaging. (Obviously this log is nsfw) So still trying to work that part out a little bit because I do want to write about the stuff I’m doing with online dating too - I just think it’s way easier to make that kind of content actually interesting compared to writing about something like “investing” or “nutrition” but I would like to able to show the blog to family, for example. I love KYIL just not fully onboard with putting myself out there in the same way
So the girl I'm meeting tonight, turned out she got her period today. Still wants to hang out and says she's gonna "lick me all over", we'll see boys

Made a little improvement to my tinder photos today after some testing on photofeeler. I know it's been said to take those scores with a grain of salt but I like that they at least give you some solid data to use. Changing the crop on one of my photos resulted in a 5% higher score. Hard to get that kind of information from dating apps alone

Did more work on the website and definitely improved the look of my homepage. Wrote a rough draft for another post that I like more than yesterday's. It's called "How I made $100,000 selling pine cones" <--- and yes it's true. Think I want to stick to the subject of making money online. (I have an entirely different URL that would work if I want to write about health & fitness)
Ended up having sex last night even though the girl was on her period. She's pretty wild, about 5ft1, and wanted to be really dominant during sex. Like wanting to choke me while she's riding on top. Left a couple bite marks too. Got a nice back massage tho. Took a shower together afterwards. Funny thing, this girl says she only goes for guys at least a foot taller than her (I'm 6ft2 and put it on my profile). She's attractive and I'd hang again

Wrote about a different subject today. One thing is for sure, making/writing content that people are gonna want to read is deceptively hard

I do have lots of doubts on whether I've selected the right idea to invest in, and this is something I've often dealt with when undertaking business projects. I've had success before but not with anything related to blogging

Still gonna write each day to try and flesh out ideas that I think will sell and are worth publishing (And will choose something to publish by the end of the week)
Just completed my writing for the day. Today and yesterday I essentially tried writing posts related to products that I am interested in potentially selling. Just writing practice letters each day with the intent to influence readers to purchase a predefined product/service is, I think, an underrated way to evaluate ideas. (Again I'm writing for 30 minutes every day)

Have a date in about an hour with the first girl who's photo I posted in this thread. Hanging out at her place again (3rd time I've seen her). Also have a date scheduled for Saturday with this girl:

(also seen her a couple times) She wants me to do shrooms with her and I agreed (I'm not a habitual user, never tried them before but down to check it off the list)
Paid Renegade said:
(also seen her a couple times) She wants me to do shrooms with her and I agreed (I'm not a habitual user, never tried them before but down to check it off the list)
I'd be careful with this tbh. Psychedelics with people you don't know well can end very badly.

That being said, sex on psychedelics sounds fucking amazing, I definitely wanna try it some day.
Date last night went really good. I'd say that's because I started feeling more comfortable and able to enjoy the sex rather than being as self conscious and nervous, once I got into it. Was able to focus on how hot this girl is, how good she felt, etc. Hung out for awhile and started watching "Aliens" (love this girl's taste in movies) like friends do and she starts grabbing and rubbing my dick and goes down on me. Fucked her really hard from behind and she came twice within about 10 minutes.

Later she noticed and commented on the hickie on my neck but didn't seem upset, which is good because I was a little unsure how she'd react as I haven't explicitly talked with her about the other girls and she has said a couple of things that gave me pause. Texted me after the date saying she can't wait til next time and already picked out the movie, but we'll see, I know this girl (and any girl) could ghost at any time

Wrote for 30 minutes and think I got the backbone of a solid first post going.

Just finished a tough session of bulgarian split squats. With heavy db's in each hand. That exercise is an absolute killer, especially on my ass, which is sore for like 3 days every single time after I do these. I've never experienced that from any other exercise. Even had 3 different girls randomly compliment me on my ass and this is the only lower body compound movement I'm doing. Think it's because it really builds the glute medius as well as the glute maximus and gives a more lifted, round shape.

I'd like to post my tinder photos here through a link to imgur or something where I can make sure they stay updated over time, but don't want them visible to the general public. Is it possible to display a link in your bio to members only?

I'm thinking that when I start a new page on this log I should probably go back and redact the photos from previous pages so that they're not just left up indefinitely. (Didn't get permission to share them here, but did block out faces and other details)

Lastly, I had to post this here because awhile back I was browsing through funny dating profiles and a couple of these almost made me cry:
(Yes I'm basically a child)
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