Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

How do you measure your body fat? Just curious. I have a scale but that's hella inaccurate
Squilliam said:
How do you measure your body fat? Just curious. I have a scale but that's hella inaccurate
I don’t measure normally. But before I’ve used a combo of the caliper, the bio-impedance device, and best of all getting visual estimates from actual competitors at my gym

Now I generally just have a ballpark sense of where I’m at

And congrats bro, just saw your lay report
Paid Renegade said:
Did my writing just now. ‘Nother post on the way...

Working on some details related to the look/functionality of the site. If I can improve the face of the blog just a bit each week then I should be good

Want it to be a really excellent looking site that hits you hard and pulls you in


Met the girl from Monday again last night. Wasn’t planning on it but she hit me up at 8pm and I rallied. Glad I did. Sex was better the 2nd time. However I cheated by popping a bunch of cialis... don’t wanna get into the habit

@AskTheDom last time I measured my BF at this weight I was 8-9%, but I’ve got a little more muscle now. In my avi photo I’m around 13%. Fat intake is somewhere around 25%. Going to make sure I get my calories in each day, one way or another

I’m also aware that the stress and uncertainty of trying to work out this new business is likely affecting my energy levels and appetite

Yeah the combo: low fat % + low fat diet + cortisol spikes isn't the best for your libido, but i'm not a doctor, i'm just a gym bro that spent too much time on the internet :D
Squilliam said:
How do you measure your body fat? Just curious. I have a scale but that's hella inaccurate

just check what Renegade said below, these scales are accurate as a 60$ bill.

A guy at the gym was a pro and him looking at me for 2 seconds gave the same reading it took me with calipers, measures :D
Writing - done. Like this article better than the last 2. Also added categories to the blog.

Thinking about landing page offers.


Testing variations of a tinder photo on photofeeler but slightly confounded by the results. May try to put together a proper tinder A/B test but it looks like so much fucking work and $$ for results that are also questionable.

The gold standard would prob be measuring how many girls you can get to come over with each profile variation, but that's totally untenable especially when we're talking about tiny improvements. Just too much variance and a much smaller sample size compared to looking at hundreds of matches.

Will find a way to make these incremental improvements though.

Dividend portfolio just reached about $420 per month in passive income.
Ya I mean we could get statistical and talk about Confidence Intervals and required sample sizes.

But you just do enough of the right things and you get results.

Like I said from a pure measuring perspective: Avg likes per boost per 200,000 people in 25km radius seems to be the most accurate gauge.

That metric was actually pretty accurate at guessing how many likes I got on my boosts in Toronto vs Calgary.

But picture by picture?

Honestly you're better of just sticking to the principles everyone talks about and getting feedback from the most experienced guys you can get access to.
Writing completed. Instead of blogging I spent my time today putting together an instructional guide to accompany my most recent ecommerce product, which I sold my 1st unit of yesterday. (This is the product idea that I recently decided to try while I was high AF)

Got some fun plans tomorrow night that I'm really looking forward to.
Manganiello Yeah I get that about using experienced guys as a sounding board to test photos, at the same time it would be really nice to be running my own numbers. I'm just one of those guys that likes to have some number to confirm I'm on the right track. Same way in the gym, always trying to add the smallest increment to the bar and then make sure I never dip below that number, or with investing tracking my monthly passive income to make sure it's going up over time, etc.

I have this goal in mind of continually improving my tinder profile until it becomes an absolute beast, and then still gradually upgrading it from there over the years. Even though I know that it isn't necessary for getting laid. It just makes me excited.

Like I'm at the point with my physique where I'm getting plenty of compliments and don't really need to do any more in that department to get laid, but still feel the drive to keep improving and the only way I can reliably measure progress at this point is by adding 5 pounds to my bench press, for example, instead of asking my buddy at the gym if my chest looks bigger

A little foggy on your method - so you are first setting your distance to only show users within 25km, then running your boosts and taking the total number of likes you receive (within a week or so, I assume) and dividing that number by 200,000? How did you arrive at 200,000? Also assuming this is with the paid membership.

And you’ve used this to compare 2 different photos head to head?
Paid Renegade said:
Scheduled another netflix date for tomorrow night. In addition I’ve got 3 attractive girls that I’ve seen a couple times now and can text them when I want to hang out. Feels good, but does make it a little tricky to schedule with new girls because I really like to leave a day between dates to recharge. Also don’t want to go too long between dates with the same girl, in case she thinks I’m not that into her.

Still on the free version of tinder and curious how different things would be with the paid membership but not feeling like it’s worth upgrading at the moment. I’m sure I will though at some point
Wrote for 30 minutes today on the topic of investing (working on first blog post). What I really want to do is write about self improvement (gym, money, girls, looks maxing, etc.) but without having to position myself as an expert, because I’m not one and will always have a long way to go. Kind of like a self improvement log but always trying to share something valuable I’ve learned and address a problem.

One mental sticking point that I have is that I would like my website to be safe for work but also needs to be really engaging. (Obviously this log is nsfw) So still trying to work that part out a little bit because I do want to write about the stuff I’m doing with online dating too - I just think it’s way easier to make that kind of content actually interesting compared to writing about something like “investing” or “nutrition” but I would like to able to show the blog to family, for example. I love KYIL just not fully onboard with putting myself out there in the same way

Sounds like you're doing well man. If Tinder dries up you can always delete your account and remake one. It also helps if you're really selective and swipe right under 5% of the time - This will boost your rating and get you seen by more girls.

With the website, I agree - You need to be an expert first, before you position yourself as one. If you want to write about girls, you can probably do so in a less tell-it-all manner, be a bit more PG with your writing and photos. It depends on your audience though, if you're writing for our crowd, we want to hear some explicit shit. Personally, I like reading well written posts that don't need sexual content or messages as their core, more on the self improvement tip.

One thing I've noticed is you're not doing any cold approach. Is this part of your plan? I reckon you could do well, to be honest. You've got height and looks, if you get good game you could pull some hot girls. And would also do well for writing content, learning lessons and self confidence, amongst other things.

Edit: just realised this is from a while ago lmao, hope it's still relevant for you
Paid Renegade said:
I have this goal in mind of continually improving my tinder profile until it becomes an absolute beast, and then still gradually upgrading it from there over the years. Even though I know that it isn't necessary for getting laid. It just makes me excited

Ok that's perfect. Do it.

I would just say be mindful even absolutely elite looking guys seem to hit a ceiling of how hot the girls they match with are. Seems like the hottest girls that guys get come from approaching or social circle.

I'm just letting you know so you're aware of that. Took me over a year to clue into that.
Paid Renegade said:
A little foggy on your method - so you are first setting your distance to only show users within 25km, then running your boosts and taking the total number of likes you receive (within a week or so, I assume) and dividing that number by 200,000? How did you arrive at 200,000? Also assuming this is with the paid membership.

And you’ve used this to compare 2 different photos head to head


[Number of likes received FROM BOOSTS] ÷ ([Population within 25km] ÷ [200,000])

You can have it over whatever period of time, weeks, months.

But it should equal to 1 like per boost for every 200k close to you (25km) on average.

I had my settings set to 50km out.

And usually I'd get 7-8 likes per boost.

Calgary has 1,400,000 people in the area (25km).

So: 8 ÷ (1,400,000)/(200,000) = 1.14

That's how I tracked it.

Cuz when I'd see guys in Chicago or New York rake in a shit ton of likes each boost. After you factor in the number of people around them

They'd still average out to about 1.0 using that ratio.

As for comparing picture to picture.
No worthless. Honestly you'd need to have such a gigantic sample size to detect the difference between each picture it's almost irrelevant. That's why I said get feedback from people who are experienced. If photofeeler makes you feel like youre progressing good. But realize it isn't an accurate gauge for how well you're picture actually does on tinder.
Manganiello said:
I would just say be mindful even absolutely elite looking guys seem to hit a ceiling of how hot the girls they match with are. Seems like the hottest girls that guys get come from approaching or social circle.

I'm just letting you know so you're aware of that. Took me over a year to clue into that.

Manganiello Alright thanks for the heads up, and thanks for explaining your method. Wonder why there'd be a ceiling as far as how hot of girls you can get online. I see some absolute stunners on there, and they're hooking up with someone right? Why not us.

Anyway yeah even if continued improvement to my profile doesn't equal better results with women, I'll still keep working at it because I'm looking at my photos as a measuring stick that shows the progress I've made. i.e. getting better looking, more jacked, better dressed, more successful, traveled, social, etc.

I've still got a ton of room for improvement though looking at my current pics. Will definitely post them up here again soon and hopefully get some feedback when I need help choosing between pics, just doing a little tinkering on my own right now.

Busy day today. Made some time this morning to get out and hike, felt awesome and definitely helped me work through some stuff that's been on my mind. Going into work now for a few hours and then driving out to this girl's place for a wild night. She went out and got handcuffs, toys, fruit and whipped cream, shrooms, etc. haha
Paid Renegade said:
Wonder why there'd be a ceiling as far as how hot of girls you can get online. I see some absolute stunners on there, and they're hooking up with someone right? Why not us.
Models are on Tinder to promote their IG (OF/sugarbaby services) and to scroll through guys when they're out predrinking with girlfriends as a social game.

A girl who's hot enough to be paid for her looks (which is what I like to use instead of subjective "9s and 10s") is not going to waste her time sifting through 1000 matches per day in hopes of landing a date. She'll have enough opportunities without that hassle.

She can scroll through 1000 profiles of lame guys on Tinder or accept her male model colleague's offer of getting a drink tonight. Easy choice.

The hottest girl I ever got out on a date from Tinder made $10k/mo being a sugar baby, working 5 days per month (didn't fuck but logged about the date if you're curious.) Now she's looking for a relationship but in her prime she wasn't on Tinder to score a (non-paid) date with a random college kid.
HoldenManganiello Alright, thanks. So 9’s/girls hot enough to get paid for their looks, unattainable through online? Admit I wasn’t expecting to hear that

Btw, these are the pics I’m running right now (downsized to fit here)

I guess maybe there’s not much point in waiting if I can show them now and maybe get some insights

Mostly low quality cropped-in cell phone pictures, but I got a Sony a6500 that I’ve recently started learning to use.

Any advice/direction would be appreciated. This week I’ll try to get a proper picture with a couple of cute girls in the shot. Also might go paragliding this week and will try to get a cool action shot.

Anyway here’s the 4 I’m using right now –

And here’s some others I had on my phone –


Last night was hot, used handcuffs on a girl for the first time and had them used on me for the first time. I’d leave her handcuffed over on her side of the bed and wake her up every 30 minutes or so just to tease her and get her all riled up, then push her off and leave her there. Drove her crazy.

The thing that’s bugging me though, and this happened last night, is that I wasn’t able to stay hard for the actual sex. Fully hard for hand jobs, blowjobs, and just messing around, but when the condom goes on and I get ready to fuck her it goes soft. Performance anxiety I’d say, since I’m attracted to the girl and was feeling horny and had no problem getting hard for other stuff.

Like there’s no pressure with handjobs/blowjobs because even if you’re not 100% hard those still work fine. So there’s no performance anxiety. But for intercourse if you start to lose the erection it’s over so I’m always thinking about that, which then results in a self fulfilling prophecy. Has happened a few times now.

I can power through by popping Cialis but feel like it’s become a crutch and now backed myself into a corner where I feel like I need it to perform.

I also think there might be an aversion to intercourse on some level since pregnancy is pretty much my #1 fear. May be contributing to anxiety even though I’m wrapping up

Got another Netflix & chill date tonight with a different girl and not sure how I want to handle that. Horny and sexually frustrated since I didn’t cum last night but I can already feel that I’m anxious & in my head about it

If I pop the cialis then I'll be good but then I'm just kicking the ball down the road

Anyway. Some good stuff –

-Completed another blog post
-Put some weight back on this week
-Made a bunch of $$ through the ecom business this week and made some more big sales today
Paid Renegade

You should have no problem getting laid with those.

Buy the premium version of faceapp and experiment with all the settings.

Nobody can really tell you're using the fake smiles on your photos anyway.

Also the shirtless pic in front of the waterfall: if you can balance the lighting and get yourself to fill up more of the frame (crop the picture so it's more you and less background) that would be good too.

Both teeth brushing shots are good.

I'd experiment with a more natural (less obviously posed picture for your main pic).

Honestly the first teeth brushing pic you got could work well.

Photofeeler tends to overvalue direct looking at the lens and smiling pics. Which is why, I assume, you're using that as your main, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if your teeth brushing pic did better as your main.

Like who the fuck knows is rating your pics on photofeeler. Could be fat 40 year old women looking for a stable guy.

Not some sexy 21 year old looking to bang some dude that night.

Seems like fuckboy pics are the ones that are getting guys laid more, and those same pics score low on photofeeler.

When I tested Andy's main tinder pic on photofeeler it scored below 6.0.

... Side rant on photofeeler.

Rant aside. Point is that you should be able to slay with those pics.
I'd add the first teethbrushing pic.
Manganiello said:
@Paid Renegade

You should have no problem getting laid with those.

I agree he should have no problem getting laid, but if he's talking about getting hotter and hotter girls (8+), he really needs elite-quality photos, like the ones here:
Paid Renegade said:
The thing that’s bugging me though, and this happened last night, is that I wasn’t able to stay hard for the actual sex. Fully hard for hand jobs, blowjobs, and just messing around, but when the condom goes on and I get ready to fuck her it goes soft. Performance anxiety I’d say, since I’m attracted to the girl and was feeling horny and had no problem getting hard for other stuff.

Like there’s no pressure with handjobs/blowjobs because even if you’re not 100% hard those still work fine. So there’s no performance anxiety. But for intercourse if you start to lose the erection it’s over so I’m always thinking about that, which then results in a self fulfilling prophecy. Has happened a few times now.

I can power through by popping Cialis but feel like it’s become a crutch and now backed myself into a corner where I feel like I need it to perform.

I also think there might be an aversion to intercourse on some level since pregnancy is pretty much my #1 fear. May be contributing to anxiety even though I’m wrapping up

Got another Netflix & chill date tonight with a different girl and not sure how I want to handle that. Horny and sexually frustrated since I didn’t cum last night but I can already feel that I’m anxious & in my head about it

If I pop the cialis then I'll be good but then I'm just kicking the ball down the road

You already know this is a mental problem rather than anything physical, as soon as you start thinking about it you're fucked essentially. You have to find a way to purely focus on the moment, the girl and not allow yourself to get into your own head.

Something i've done a few times to help if i was feeling anxious about the sex is to give the girl a massage, just focusing on her body while she is relaxed laying down can take the pressure off and get you back into the moment.
Holden said:
It's definitely a must to keep swiping while doing Boosts. Girls you swiped on during a Boost will sometimes show up days afterwards with a "you matched with X thanks to Boost". Boosted likes go to the top of their stack I believe. If you just let the Boost run without swiping, you're wasting a lot of potential.

Late on this, but wanted to reply that in my experience, swiping during Boosts will lead to marginally more matches, but not for the above reason.

The "you matched with X thanks to Boost" notification does exist, but it's probably that Tinder simply appends that notification to any girls you swiped on during the boost; your profile does not actually stay boosted past the thirty minutes.

However, the reason why you should still swipe during the Boost itself is that any girls that you swipe on first who are also using Tinder during the 30 minutes you are boosting will see your profile boosted in their "liked you" queue. If you don't take advantage of this, you're simply relying on passive matching during the Boost, which is cutting off an entire queue.
Thanks for the feedback, guys

Cool, I added in the teethbrushing one as my main photo on tinder. You're right the reason I had the other one up is because it scored high on photofeeler, 9.9 up until about 50 votes and then dropped down to 9.7. But yes I can see how it's kind of staged and unnatural.

I've edited the waterfall pic a bit too like you said.

Btw I noticed on your log that your dieting down with keto/IF, let me know if you get burnt out on your plan and feel like trying something different. I can send along the meal plan I've been using to cut down. Took a lot of tweaking it to get it where I like. It's more calories than what you're on but can be easily adjusted if you need it to be less. I like it because the food is very filling so it curbs hunger nicely. Totally unsolicited and I'm sure you're good but just throwing that out there on the off chance I can be helpful

Thanks man I have been checking that page out, it's what I actually modeled my 1st picture after. But yes definitely have a long way to go to get to that kind of quality

Yeah def a mental problem, but still hard to get past. The other night I actually was giving the girl a massage and licking her ass etc., super into it but then transitioning to sex it's impressive how quickly I still lost the erection:/

Last night I just went over to the girls house long enough to bust in her mouth and then left before the movie was over. Didn't dare try to fuck her since I could already feel the anxiety building up beforehand and knew what would happen.


Did my 30 minutes of writing.
Got lots of orders sent out.
Going to actually start marketing my ecom products across FB,IG,PIN. Haven't done any active marketing up until now but kind of a no brainer. This ecom store is really the only major breakthrough I've had in business.
Paid Renegade said:
Btw I noticed on your log that your dieting down with keto/IF, let me know if you get burnt out on your plan and feel like trying something different. I can send along the meal plan I've been using to cut down.

Yea dude sent it.

I'm still experimenting rn with IF.
Majority of my fat loss came from a very strict keto diet (which I'm not doing rn). So Im def open for ideas.
Paid Renegade said:
The thing that’s bugging me though, and this happened last night, is that I wasn’t able to stay hard for the actual sex. Fully hard for hand jobs, blowjobs, and just messing around, but when the condom goes on and I get ready to fuck her it goes soft. Performance anxiety I’d say, since I’m attracted to the girl and was feeling horny and had no problem getting hard for other stuff.

Like there’s no pressure with handjobs/blowjobs because even if you’re not 100% hard those still work fine. So there’s no performance anxiety. But for intercourse if you start to lose the erection it’s over so I’m always thinking about that, which then results in a self fulfilling prophecy. Has happened a few times now.

I can power through by popping Cialis but feel like it’s become a crutch and now backed myself into a corner where I feel like I need it to perform.
Last year I was also struggling with performance anxiety at some point.

Have you ever tried using a blinfold? For me it's my go-to when I struggle to get/stay hard. It's the best way to make all the pressure go away for me. It saved my ass many times.

If a girl is looking at my semi-flacid dick and looking at me struggling to get/stay hard I just can't make it happen. My flacid cock becomes the center of attention and I crumble under the pressure.

What works for me is this: I just take a little break to chill & talk with the girl. Then I tell her I wanna make her try the blindfold and just play with her a bit (without much expectations). Then I just play with her while she is blindfolded. She becomes the center of attention and none of the pressure is on me. She can't even see if my dick is soft or hard. If I start to become hard I can guide her hand to my dick while I finger her.

Worst case scenario: she enjoys the experience and you don't do penetration (there was no expectations anyway). 90% of the time I just end up getting a boner out of nowhere and we have sex.

If you are at a girl apartment, you can ask her for a piece of fabric or clothing to use as a blindfold and it does the trick.

It's just a suggestion. Worth a try if you haven't tried it yet.
Had a new idea for a product last night to add to my ecom store. Purchased a couple of URL variations centered around this idea and ordered materials today to make up a few prototypes.

Spent some time writing and building my other website as well.

Aku Thanks man, that is an awesome suggestion. 100% going to use it. Makes perfect sense the way you put it, and now I remember Andy said something similar in one of his articles.

Manganiello Alright no problem, I'll PM you the plan and post it here too in case anyone else finds it helpful.

Again it's more calories (I rarely cut on anything below about 2200 calories) but if your metabolism is actually lower, then you can subtract a meal (I'd drop meal 2 or 5) or scale the portion sizes down. However if I recall correctly you were on like 1700 cals, and you might want to consider bumping up the cals for a bit before you try cutting them down to give yourself a chance to readjust.

It's also not low carb. You can use it do do I.F. if you want. But I've found that traditionally balanced macros and more spaced out, frequent meals give me more energy for the gym and sports. Up to you.

Breakfast idea- 575, 40p, 18.5f, 64c
2 eggs – 160, 12p, 10f
¾ cup Egg whites – 95, 20p
Seasoning (Brandon Hendrickson): black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder (no salt)

½ cup oats – 150, 5p, 3f
A little Almond milk, for moisture – 30, 1p, 2.5f
Fruit (½ apple, ½ banana) – 100, 1p
1 tsp Cinnamon - 5
1 tsp Almond butter – 35, 1p, 3f
Then make next meal (work snack) 400 calories or so.
Look up Simeon Panda on YouTube, there's a recipe vid showing how to cook this up

At-work meal/snack – 395, 39p, 7f, 41c
6 oz (1 breast) 99% fat free chicken (Foster Farms) – 165, 33p, 1f
¾ cup brown rice – 160, 3p, 1f
35g guacamole (1/2 container from Costco) – 45, 1p, 4f,3c
1 cup broccoli – 30, 3p
Season with cumin and salt
Sometimes will sub a chicken burrito bowl (390 calories) which you can grab from costco

Pre-workout Meal – 490, 36p, 12f, 60c
6 oz 99% fat free chicken (Foster Farms) – 165, 33p, 1f
1 medium (5”x2”/130g) sweet potato – 130, 2p
1 tbsp. coconut oil – accounting for 20% loss – 95, 11f
Fruit (1 apple) – 100, 1p
Have started subbing for a homemade wrap, with chicken, cream cheese, guac, lettuce, and a low carb wrap. Delicious.

Post Workout Meal – 530, 48p, 15f, 51c
7oz (198g) Pacific Salmon – 230, 39p, 9f
1 cup white rice – 200, 4p, 45c
1 tsp. coconut oil – 40, 5f
2 cups broccoli – 60, 5p, 1f

Last meal/snack – 400, 48p, 7f, 47c
6oz (170g) pacific cod or tilapia – 145, 32p, 1f
1 cup sugar snap/snow peas – 25, 1p, 5c
¼ cup Orville Redenbacher popcorn – 160, 5p, 2f, 39c
2 tsp. butter – 65, 8f
Will often sip on a carbonated drink (ICE brand, zero calories) to further curb hunger

Totals (5 meals): 2390, 211p, 59.5f, 263c
Totals (excluding meal 2): 1995, 172p, 52.5f, 222c

Notes: I steam my broccoli for a couple minutes in the microwave first.
The chicken I cook in a crock pot with some onion powder, garlic powder, and some beef base
I cook enough rice and chicken in one sitting to last 4 days.