Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

This week I

Added $1200 to my portfolio and purchased 6 shares of SCHD (favorite ETF of all time)

SCHD currently has a pretty attractive dividend yield and on top of that an annual dividend growth rate in the double digits. It's also beaten the S&P500's total return over the last 1 year, 3 year, 5 year, and 10 year period (not an easy thing to do). On top of that it has been less volatile and isn't beaten up as badly as the S&P during market downturns. Am seriously considering making this one ETF the backbone of my entire portfolio and then making focused investments into high conviction stocks on the side that I think will take off (like Nautilus during 2020)

In the gym, I increased my weighted chin ups this week to bodyweight + 105lb x 6 reps. I also added reps to my rear delt flyes, side laterals, and lying triceps extension. Back down to under 170lbs bodyweight this week.

Yeah these weekly updates are pretty dry but whatever. This is the stuff that rolls the ball forward for me and it's me leveling up.
Added a rep to my chin ups and rear lateral raise.

Added 4 new products to my e-commerce store (across 3 different platforms each, Etsy, eBay, & Amazon).
Already sold 6 units this week.

Added $840 to the stock portfolio this week. Definitely coming in way above my goal of $2000 per month. Also purchased 8 shares of my favorite fund SCHD.

Style-wise, I went ahead and purchased a good every day watch recommended by Radical. Just arrived today and excited to get it sized properly and start wearing
This week I added a rep to my rear delt flyes. Just a little stronger each week...
It has been making a difference though and I got like 4 random compliments this week on my physique

Added $500 to the stock portfolio and bought 11 shares of schd (about $800)

Looks like I improved my dating photos a little and going to swap in a new pic. The lowest photofeeler-scoring pic in my entire lineup is now a 9.3

Got my watch fitted (guys, do yourself a favor and use a bent paper clip held with a set of pliers to push out the little pins in the bracelet. Then use a thimble or coin to push them back in when you’re done. Several YouTube videos on the subject. I initially took the watch to a jewelry shop but they didn’t take the time to do a good job and ended up being a complete waste)

Wore the watch through a couple date nights and am liking it. Thanks Radical

Unfortunately due to choices I made over the weekend (and probably catching a bug too) I feel like absolute dogshit today as I’m typing this. Decided to take the week off from training and am going to miss some work
Didn’t get into the gym at all last week due to being down with some kind of flu (not covid). That’s okay though, since I haven’t skipped a week in a looong time and I’m technically supposed to take a week off from training approx. every 8 weeks.

I did workout yesterday though and set a PR on reverse lateral raises. I do these with heavy dumbbells and they target the whole upper/mid back area.

Money-wise, added $800 to the stock portfolio and spent it all on SCHD. Only thing I’m buying right now and for the foreseeable future. The portfolio has been getting beaten down pretty good and dropped to $113k in value. On the flip side though, this means that high quality businesses are potentially on sale right now.

And while I haven’t been talking much at all about dating lately, I have started doing something that some of you may find interesting. I refined my messaging template down even further and this is what I’m sending girls now:

“Hey, you're sexy. I'm Colton. I'm looking for something very specific on here.”

Her: “What’s that?” Or she may say “Oh no I’m afraid to ask!”

“Lol in the mood to snuggle up with a good movie and could use a partner in crime”

From there it’s just logistics if she’s into it. Insanely efficient considering I’m really only interested in Netflix and chill type dates at the moment, and also that first message gets a lot more engagement than “hey, you’re sexy, what are you up to?”

To be fair, I believe that first message was actually taken from KillYourInnerLoser at one point and I just combined the two together.

Didn’t really message any girls last week due to being laid out with the flu but the week prior I set up new 3 dates with this using very little effort on my part. And unsurprisingly when you set dates up this way it’s basically 100% that the girl wants to have sex on the first meet.

I did hang out with a new girl last night that took the initiative to message me first. Single mom who lives with 2 kids, her older brother, and her mom. I’ve dealt with some bad logistics but I think this one takes the cake (we chilled in her room)
Paid Renegade said:
From there it’s just logistics if she’s into it. Insanely efficient considering I’m really only interested in Netflix and chill type dates at the moment, and also that first message gets a lot more engagement than “hey, you’re sexy, what are you up to?”

Perfect example of an "open loop" in psychology. I deploy open loops most of the time in my openers and also saw the highest response rate from them.
Gained a little strength this week in the gym (once again, +1 rep on the rear delt flyes) My back is naturally a strong point and usually find it quite easy to progress on these types of exercises.

Investing - added $700 to the portfolio on Friday. This puts me at well over $4,000 contributed in September. I'm going to reward myself for this by buying a new pair of boots.

Importantly, this puts me over the threshold of contributing $115,000 total to my stock portfolio (including dividends reinvested), which was my ultimate goal for 2022. Still, my overall portfolio is slightly in the red right now.
Gained 1 rep in the gym this week

Built a new (very basic) website to test an idea I’ve been playing around with

Purchased a new pair of boots, so I’ll have something stylish to wear during winter and any other time when my white sneakers won’t do. Bit of an investment but worth it I think.

Added 600 to the portfolio.
With the state of the stock market we’re still down at around $112k, but of significance is the average monthly dividend (passive cash income) from the stock portfolio has now exceeded $450 per month. Free money each month
Gained another rep in the gym this week. Side laterals. Gonna build big juicy side delts.

Added $600 to the stock portfolio.

Also decided it’s time to bulk. Specifically want to bump up my incline bench press. Its currently at 230lbs. This one is going to be tough.

Online dating - interesting message of the week:View attachment 2View attachment 1

And on a different note I am really trying to rack my brain finding new ways to make money. It’s been like an obsession. Today I added a note into my dating profile bio about me being a photographer looking for models and mass messaged a bunch of girls to see what happens. So far just a bunch of potential dates haha.
This week I failed to increase strength on my incline press (primary goal) but succeeded in upping the resistance for my side delts, rear delts, and triceps. I actually lost a pound of body weight this week which means I wasn’t feeding myself enough.

Am switching up my workout order and now hitting incline press 2x per week. Will up the calories.

Added 500 to the stock portfolio. Once again purchased shares in SCHD.

Ordered some new t shirts, in white and navy. What prompted this is my white t shirt actually got a hole ripped in on one of my recent dates. My Zara shirts have lasted nearly a year and most of them look good otherwise. Wash on cold setting and hang dry, makes a huge difference. Planning to refresh my black jeans as well and aside from this my next style purchase should be a jacket. Bomber or denim, not sure yet. (I’ll replace clothing items as they wear out, otherwise new purchases happen only when I crush my monthly investing goals, and only one purchase at a time)

Also had the bright idea of ordering a plan b morning after pill to keep in my car from now on. Had a scare this last week and after doing a little research decided it’s a no brainer since plan b costs like $30 and has a shelf life of like 4 years

When this happened it was too late to go to the pharmacy so I had to leave it up to the girl to take care of the next day.
Paid Renegade said:
Also had the bright idea of ordering a plan b morning after pill to keep in my car from now on. Had a scare this last week and after doing a little research decided it’s a no brainer since plan b costs like $30 and has a shelf life of like 4 years

I don't know if you can still cancel your order, but Plan B (Levonorgestrel) costs ~$9 max on Amazon.
pancakemouse haha I bought it off Amazon, but it was the brand name so maybe that’s why. Oh well, should be here tomorrow
You can do a free return and buy the generic. There's zero difference.
This week -

Hit a new PR on incline bench press (my top priority right now), 235x5 reps

Also hit 60x5 side lateral raises. I do these a little different though, with my arms fully extended at the bottom and bent inward at the top of the exercise. This makes it easier to handle more weight but more importantly evens out the resistance curve of the exercise to challenge the delts through the entire range of motion

Hit 65x4 on rear delts, using a similar technique.

Portfolio reached $124k in value for the first time since the stock market was on a tear this week. That’s a gain of about $14k compared to where it was at the beginning of October. Also added $500 on Friday
The main highlights of this past week are that I added $650 to the stock portfolio, and I also created a new digital product (a pdf file) and listed it on Etsy. The first copy sold within about an hour of listing it, and I’ve sold more since then. It’s only priced at $5 but I would feel justified in raising the price if I add more content to it, and I can also brainstorm a lot of similar products that I could create and list in little time.

The cool thing is that these sales are pure passive income at this point (I have a couple products like this generating revenue) and they are also location independent.

On a different note - I also really liked KillYourInnerLoser’s video about doing photoshoots with girls from online dating. I have been very interested in this, but more so as a way of making some extra money. My main hang up at the moment is trying to be tactful in how I message girls so that I’m being clear about what I want without violating Tinder’s terms (advertising/promotion)


Met a super interesting girl last night. Straight over to her place as usual, using the same template I usually do (“I’m in the mood to snuggle up with a good movie and could use a partner in crime”)

Anyways I liked that this girl was not only sexy (slim Asian chick, wore this really cool leather top and fishnets and high heels) but was also super nerdy and into botany and mycology. She legit had a whole garden full of Psilocybe cyanescens, which I learned is twice as potent as cubensis which is what everyone else takes as shrooms (also the only type I’ve ever taken). Anyway we had some really wild fun (didn’t get high yet) and I left with a little gift bag that I intend to try out this week when I have some quiet time.


I intended to train my incline bench press twice last week but fell short on that commitment. I’ll make sure to hit it twice this week and try and add an extra rep.
This week:

Gained 1 rep on my rear delt flyes. Up to 65lbs x 5 reps.

Trained incline bench press twice but no strength gains there.


I took those mushrooms that I got from the Asian chick, on Wednesday night, by myself. It’s the first time I’ve done psychedelics alone, and these were a different species of mushroom that are more potent than the standard ones people take. I also took much more of them then I’d ever taken of the weaker ones before.

It was kind of brutal. I had brief periods of euphoria (and things started out with a pleasant body high) but pretty quickly became very anxious/stressed out and was unable to control my emotions. Fluctuated constantly between feelings of anxiety, sadness, euphoria, horniness, regret, etc. Left me feeling completely drained the next day.

I was going to just come on here and say it just a bad trip, but I don’t necessarily think that’s true.

The most painful parts of the experience seemed random or pointless at first but upon reflection I believe that I was actually being told some things that are to my benefit.

I won’t try to explain everything in detail but essentially my first realization was that the constant mood swings and anxiety were a reflection of the internet itself and my habit of using screens for entertainment. From the beginning of the trip onwards I was trying to “self medicate” using a movie, then music on YouTube, then other videos. All in an effort to entertain myself and feel good in the moment. But it didn’t work. It wasn’t until I was still again, staring out my window that I realized what the mushrooms (or my subconscious, or whatever) were trying to tell me.

The last few hours of my trip were marked by sadness, anxiety, and regret, but I knew what the association was. It surrounding a girl I’ve been seeing and was on the fence about if I should keep seeing her. The message I received was a resounding and clear-as-day “DO NOT PROCEED” and that’s what I’ve decided to do. After a couple of days have passed I can clearly see now it was the right decision.

I also went cold turkey and cut out the screens for a couple of days, which resulted in some positive action-taking and overall clearer thinking regarding some of the challenges and goals I have been trying to work on.

I was skeptical of whether this was just a shitty, bad mushroom trip or if it was actually possibly a good thing. But now I am leaning towards the latter. I wanted a pleasant, feel good high and that’s not what I got at all.


On a different note - I added another $600 to the stock portfolio this week and the value has been growing fast due to the stock market surging. Up almost $20k since the start of October.


After watching KillYourInnerLoser ’s recent video on doing nude photoshoots I decided to start messaging girls using his template since this is something I’m interested in. I believe Andy also mentioned in a recent video that there’s a guy he knows (on the forums?) who’s making $15k per month helping onlyfans girls make content. Would love to get in on that kind of thing.

Anyway I’ve started sending this out:

First message:
Hey, you're sexy. I'm Colton. I'm looking for something very specific on here.

Second message:
I enjoy playing with and mentoring girls, particularly teaching them BDSM & shibari and helping them explore themselves in the bedroom, as well as helping you grow into a more confident and capable person in life. I also help girls shoot photography/videos if you’re into that (for their “spicy content” if you know what I mean, as well as well as more tame photos for your social media) so if being the center of attention is something you’re into, I can help you explore that too.

I basically copied Andy/Immy’s message verbatim and I’m overselling myself a bit here but I wanted to see what kind or reactions I could get.

That said have gotten a few very interested responses from some very hot girls.

And this girl actually beat me to punch before even sent my second message, which I thought was pretty funny:

(I put in my bio that I’m into photography)

BUT unlike Andy, my primary goal with this would be to make money. However on dating apps like tinder you can’t just send out business proposals. So that makes it kind of tricky to figure out how to charge or in what situations to charge.

After thinking about it for awhile, I think these are some situations where being paid for photoshoots would come naturally -

If the girl doesn’t want to let me show the photos in my portfolio.

If the girl wants me to help on an ongoing basis with creating content for her onlyfans.

If she refers her friends or followers then I would charge them, naturally.
UPDATE: just got banned fro Facebook dating lol. Haven’t checked my other apps yet. I had a hunch about this because I had no messages in my inbox last night which has never happened before.
Paid Renegade said:
UPDATE: just got banned fro Facebook dating lol. Haven’t checked my other apps yet. I had a hunch about this because I had no messages in my inbox last night which has never happened before.
I'm guessing a girl reported you for the 2nd message

Match doesn't own FB dating so the other apps should be fine
Banned on hinge too:/

Man that was fast! Lol I’d be careful sending that one out.

Squilliam Yeah it was definitely the second message.
Nice log mate. The onlyfans stuff is super interesting, i've also been strongly thinking about trying to get into this the last few months. It seems one of the best options for monetising your dating life in some way.

I've been thinking more from the side of managing several girls accounts that i'd be dating, while helping them make content and with the general marketing side of things. Will be following this closely to see how it all progresses for you.