Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

Published my first post... Still going to polish it up some more and try to throw in a little SEO. The cool thing about blog posts is that even after they're live you can still go back and improve them, even republish if you want to. Just like with any kind of product listing.

The website is definitely pretty bare and unimpressive looking, but it's okay. I'll set the goal to improve the site visually each week going forward, even if it's just a small change.

Have a wild night planned tonight with this cutie. she's so naughty. Will not stop sending me pics
Whew, wild night. Got about 2 hrs of sleep. Pretty awesome experience overall. Definitely a couple firsts.

Goin into work in a little bit and going to revise my website/blog post a little.

Have been putting some thought recently into ways to potentially monetize a dating profile. Have always wanted to combine self improvement with also earning money.

If one had a really bad ass profile/set of photos, I can see a few ways it might work. Came across some articles where people (namely women, unsurprisingly, since they get so much attention on the apps) have actually managed to make some coin from tinder and other apps.

- Connect your dating profile to a business instagram account
- Send viewers to a website/blog
- Promote for local venues/events
- Offer a service - personal training, tattooing, massage, etc.
- Be a wingman - help get dates for guys, i.e. get a girl to bring her friend along for a double date or something

And a few other ideas. Far fetched? Probably, but still fun to think about
Your best shot would be to manage a girl's OF which is advertised through her Tinder.

I matched with a girl who made an extra $200 per month just by having a link to "buy me a coffee" where guys can get access to lingerie pics if they pay $5 or something. Without her lifting a finger, mind you. If a business-minded guy got behind that to manage it, it would print even more money.

I might get into this game myself once I'm in LatAm.
Nothing too interesting to post today - Monday is usually my busy day packing up orders for the e-commerce biz so that’s what I’ve been doing mostly.

Contemplating an alternative theme for the blog posts. These would be weekly, formulaic posts that show weekly profits made through investing/business. The goal would be to sell investing tips. Just playing around with writing practice blog posts to see if I like them. Throwing lots of darts over here haha

Holden yeah that’s a really cool idea. I was curious so I spent a good while (~45 minutes) combing through tinder matches today and managed to find 3 with onlyfans accounts (advertised through IG). So a very small minority.

These girls also didn’t reply to my opening message and they all had something in their profile like “not active on here”, which makes me think they’re on tinder to promote their IG/OF and likely swiping right on everyone
Did the day's writing and added a custom logo to the website (not showing up on every page though, which is weird)

Signed up for MailChimp and working on adding an email opt in form

KillYourInnerLoser Dude you're fucking awesome, thanks for responding to me in your video. 100% what I needed to hear.

Going to start asking every girl I sleep with if she's ever considered making an Only Fans, and offer to take photos.

Have never been active on Reddit but I'll start posting there too.

EDIT: just texted a fwb, asked her if she’d consider doing Only Fans and offered to take pics of her. She agreed.
Another surprisingly busy/profitable day for the e-commerce business. Did not have time for much else so far today but did get my writing done and will hit a workout in a few minutes

Am currently setting aside $150 a week to invest, and as I said before am receiving a little over $400 each month in dividends. Equals $1000 per month being invested. Medium-term goal is to have basic living expenses covered by 30 years old (while living abroad) Need to pick up the pace a bit

It’s why I’m so interested in blogging, etc.

A location independent business (that I want to do long term) would significantly improve my ability to move abroad sooner

While I was working today I spent a lot of time thinking about various business models. Easy to feel pulled in so many different directions.
Completed some more orders, going into work @ my part time job in a bit (I'm keeping it for now as a back up and for added financial security, and I only have to work there several hours each week if I want to keep my foot in the door.)

Will probably dump the job as soon as I'm sure I won't need it any more.

Created some visual elements for my website today in photoshop. Still not 100% sure on the layout so playing around with some different looks.

Have been thinking about good ways to measure small improvements in one's dating profile over time.

What I'm doing right now is photofeeler. Has definitely been helpful. My main photo (same as user photo) got a 9.7 so that's the one I've put first.

Photofeeler also has helped me to A/B test small changes in photos, such as cropping or adding filters.

Since I want to gradually improve my whole profile over time, I thought of a method that would tell me whether any changes made to my profile are beneficial - using photofeeler to get a "cumulative score" on my whole profile.

To find the cumulative score, I'll take the average PF rating of all of my tinder photos. Let's say I have 4 photos with an average score of 9.2

Now if I can boost that number (by adding a new photo, editing a photo, replacing a photo, etc.) then I can say I've made progress.

So still using the above example, let's say I test a new photo that rated 9.3. Should I add this as a 5th photo?

Adding this photo would boost the cumulative score, so YES.

It's a simplistic way to look at things and has limitations, but at least it's objective and gives you a score to work with.

The best option I've got right now is Photofeeler. It's helped me get to the level I'm at currently but has some limitations as others have pointed out. For example, I threw up a couple of selfies/shirtless pics that got heavily penalized on photofeeler, even though I've had girls from tinder say that they really love the pics.

Also get downvoted on PF any time I've added a picture of me with another girl (but have had girls on tinder like those pics too). When you look at the data on these more polarizing photos on PF you'll see that there's a much wider spread in voting pattern, sometimes an even split between "not attractive" and "Very attractive"

Anyway, let me know if anyone's got a better system down! I'm talking about something that you could use to measure small improvements (even 1-2%) in your dating profile, since those little improvements will add up over time. But you have to be able to test them one at a time.

I’ve seen the YouTube videos where they A/B test tinder profiles - but even then they’re just looking at likes, which is not the metric that really counts, and will only reward profiles with a more broad appeal vs screening ones.
Paid Renegade said:
lso get downvoted on PF any time I've added a picture of me with another girl (but have had girls on tinder like those pics too). When you look at the data on these more polarizing photos on PF you'll see that there's a much wider spread in voting pattern, sometimes an even split between "not attractive" and "Very attractive"

Yeah take that with a pinch of salt, on PF there are a bunch of "sensitive" people that will be offended and downvote you if you have some edge.
I have a photo with the motorbike i got people saying i looked "arrogant" (which in hindsight i take it as a compliment)

I don't think there is a proper A/B testing system for tinder...if they would put one up for payment, they would swim in gold

(hey there tinder people reading, the idea is for free, just send me a bunch of boosts)
Yeah, Photofeeler is indeed the only tool I know that allows you to compare different variants of a picture more or less objectively.
Otherwise, as you noticed, Photofeeler can't really give you the true value of a picture.

On my side, most of my best pics got destroyed on Photofeeler with retarded comments like "aggressive" or "arrogant".
Like said AskTheDom, these negatives comments should be taken as compliments instead, but the data remains still fucked up.
Some elements are constantly giving a malus too, like wearing sunglasses or having a girl on the pic for example...

I remember one day I showed Photofeeler to my IRL friends and we tried to test a few of their pictures for fun and guess what ? The best rated picture ended up being the worst of the lot, but had the strongest "nice guy/boyfriend" vibe haha.

The biggest problem I have with Photofeeler is the price. They already got too much money from me in exchange for this very average service...
AskTheDom Lord Rey Yeah agreed.

Hopefully we can come up with a better method. Until then I'll keep using photofeeler when I feel that it's applicable (like comparing two very similar photos or playing around with crops and color corrections, etc.)

Can also poll girls that I meet and ask for their opinions. Less scientific but still something. For example last night I found out that one of the girls I'm seeing put my shirtless bathroom selfie as her new phone background because she liked it above the other ones. Mind you, this photo got like a 6 on photofeeler compared to my other ones which scored in the high 9's

Any way, I've decided to set the strict goal going forward that I will improve my tinder profile every month, even if only in a small way. Primary method of doing this will probably be using photofeeler except in cases where I can confidently make my own judgment or rely on feedback from girls or from the guys on this forum


Had a date last night (4th time with this girl). Really enjoying her, the girl made me cum twice

Have a date scheduled for tomorrow night with a new girl, a cute russian chick. Planning to go straight to hers and watch a movie

Then on Sunday night will try to hang out with my other girl, also for the 4th time


Just all over the place with business but at least I'm making objective progress in some areas. Have improved my photos recently, and need to remind myself that just around a month ago I wasn't even getting laid

Have also been getting stronger in the gym despite being at my lightest weight in a long time (168.5lb at 6ft2 as of today)

Still investing every single week and growing my wealth + passive income

Today I received a bulk supply of a new product that I am adding to my ecommerce store. Will be interesting to see how it goes, but I think it will sell. This idea actually came to me last week while I was super high with a girl, so would be pretty cool if it does work!
Paid Renegade said:
Can also poll girls that I meet and ask for their opinions. Less scientific but still something. For example last night I found out that one of the girls I'm seeing put my shirtless bathroom selfie as her new phone background because she liked it above the other ones. Mind you, this photo got like a 6 on photofeeler compared to my other ones which scored in the high 9's

Yeah dude, this tells you how much PF can be used, i would say it's good to test angles, effects and cropping but for the test of the subject, i wouldn't rely too much on it

Paid Renegade said:
Have also been getting stronger in the gym despite being at my lightest weight in a long time (168.5lb at 6ft2 as of today)
Damn dude, i'm 186 (i think it's yours 6ft2) and at my lightest i was 83kg with a bf of 12%- you are 76.5kg, you carry any fat at all ? :D

Added a new product to the ecom store today. If it sells it'll potentially open up a whole new category for me. Revenue was up significantly overall this week, so that's nice.

Playing around with yet another idea for the new website today. Wrote up a sales/landing page for the idea. Feels like I'm stuck in theory land with this overall though and always end up completely unsure what to do.


Date for tonight is still on with the russian chick:)

My other fwb sent me this whole string of messages today about how she wants to fuck without condoms. I don't really get it. This chick isn't even on birth control right now. Told her NO and she's acting really moody/disappointed


AskTheDom yeah dude I'm pretty fucking lean right now, although that's partly down to me skipping meals to go hang out with girls lately. Used to having 5 or so meals in a day to keep on my weight and shoving food in my mouth right before I go to sleep. Still keeping on the muscle tho and not giving up any hard earned strength gains
Paid Renegade said:
It's a simplistic way to look at things and has limitations, but at least it's objective and gives you a score to work with.

Better than nothing.

But this is me being a bit of a marketing geek.

You should be tracking your profile based on behaviour metrics NOT survey metrics.

In other words there's no skin in the game for someone liking a photo on photofeeler. But there is skin in the game for actually going out on a date. (If that makes sense).

I've seen more veteran guys on this forum get insane scores on photofeeler but then have that picture do worse than a lower score pic.

Seems like photofeeler prefers smiling well cropped pictures but actual tinder users like masculine well cropped pictures.

Anyway for awhile I was looking at likes per boost divided by 100,000 people in a 25km radius.

And it was something like 0.6 or 0.8 likes per boost per 100k people at peak hours was pretty good.

But at the end of the day it's really about whether or not you're happy about your results. There seems to be a hard cap on how many matches and likes your profile can get.
Manganiello said:
Paid Renegade said:
It's a simplistic way to look at things and has limitations, but at least it's objective and gives you a score to work with.

Better than nothing.

But this is me being a bit of a marketing geek.

You should be tracking your profile based on behaviour metrics NOT survey metrics.

In other words there's no skin in the game for someone liking a photo on photofeeler. But there is skin in the game for actually going out on a date. (If that makes sense).

I've seen more veteran guys on this forum get insane scores on photofeeler but then have that picture do worse than a lower score pic.

Seems like photofeeler prefers smiling well cropped pictures but actual tinder users like masculine well cropped pictures.

Anyway for awhile I was looking at likes per boost divided by 100,000 people in a 25km radius.

And it was something like 0.6 or 0.8 likes per boost per 100k people at peak hours was pretty good.

But at the end of the day it's really about whether or not you're happy about your results. There seems to be a hard cap on how many matches and likes your profile can get.

Ahh I see you are a man of culture!

As a strong believer of "measure what matters" I agree with you, who cares about matches if they only just like your pictures?
PF it is exactly that, people that the cool photos but it's the equivalent of asking people in the street "hey would you like to stop world hunger?" obviously everyone will say yes, but when you say "if everyone donated 100$, this would end tomorrow" and you start to get polite rejections and excuses...
Skin in the game is what matters most because dating is a honest signal feedback - it's either yes or no - sex or not (chapter aside for fucked up logistics but you get my mojo)

In relation to boosts, I think it works a bit in mysterious ways right now, like before i would get much more likes and i could just look at who did that, while now if I do nothing i get 2-3, but if i swipe like a madman only in these 30' i get 6-7 matches...
It's definitely a must to keep swiping while doing Boosts. Girls you swiped on during a Boost will sometimes show up days afterwards with a "you matched with X thanks to Boost". Boosted likes go to the top of their stack I believe. If you just let the Boost run without swiping, you're wasting a lot of potential.
Published a new blog post today (the 2nd one ever). It’s not fantastic but that’s okay I will get better with time.

Rearranged the site layout and like it much better now. More confident in how I want the blog to look and what I want to write about.

Also added the first affiliate link to the blog, so it’s officially monetized now. Through Amazon associates.

Funny, when I logged into my Amazon account today I realized that I’ve been receiving regular affiliate commissions for years due to an old YouTube channel that I haven’t touched in forever. Nice little surprise and shows me that this will work


So the girl I was going to meet last night went radio silent at the last moment, ended up just having a chill night.

Then she texted me back last night and again today saying that she had no service cause she was at a memorial. I dunno. Anyway she wants to meet tonight (at her place) and already sent me her address so we’ll see, I’ll give it another shot
Improved the look of my website (altered the menu and centered new custom logo). Now has just 3 categories:

Cool shit

I like it. Added search functionality.

Consuming content on writing influential blog posts. Going to go write for 30m immediately after this update

(Then hit a workout)

Testing a slightly modified tinder photo right now on photofeeler to see if I can bump the score of my shirtless pic

So the girl I’ve been texting the last two days flaked again, and this was even after getting her address. Says she wasn’t feeling well and asked to postpone. Is still saying she wants to hang out but I’m not going to try and go for that.

Instead I was able to get together with a another girl I’ve been seeing and had a nice time with her. Got a bj with an ice cube in her mouth haha

Also got a tentative date scheduled for tomorrow night with a new girl, at her place. Lives in a shed by her parents house, could be interesting
Alright the girl I was going to meet tonight ended up being free last night so I went to her place and we hung out and fucked. Really good head/hj.

I have to admit though, overall the whole thing felt like kind of a chore. IDK. Haven’t been truly horny in weeks now. I’m being extremely selective in who I swipe on right now and considering maybe limiting the new girls I meet to try and find a better balance.

I’m also very lean right now and have been in a calorie restricted diet for awhile so that might be playing a role in my libido not being as high. Someone on this forum mentioned maca powder so I bought some of that today, we’ll see.

Going into work in a sec and will be doing that until 8pm. I like to pickup extra shifts when I can to get more investing dollars

Edit: going to make some time this week to just get out in nature too. Haven’t been on a hike in ages
Paid Renegade said:
I’m also very lean right now and have been in a calorie restricted diet for awhile so that might be playing a role in my libido not being as high. Someone on this forum mentioned maca powder so I bought some of that today, we’ll see

What's your BF %? as you were lean already i assume you are entering dangerous waters. also what's your fat intake?
Everytime i did a cut and stopped seeing morning glories, i knew i was below 12%
Did my writing just now. ‘Nother post on the way...

Working on some details related to the look/functionality of the site. If I can improve the face of the blog just a bit each week then I should be good

Want it to be a really excellent looking site that hits you hard and pulls you in


Met the girl from Monday again last night. Wasn’t planning on it but she hit me up at 8pm and I rallied. Glad I did. Sex was better the 2nd time. However I cheated by popping a bunch of cialis... don’t wanna get into the habit

AskTheDom last time I measured my BF at this weight I was 8-9%, but I’ve got a little more muscle now. In my avi photo I’m around 13%. Fat intake is somewhere around 25%. Going to make sure I get my calories in each day, one way or another

I’m also aware that the stress and uncertainty of trying to work out this new business is likely affecting my energy levels and appetite