Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

mac0 Hey thanks for your post man. I took a little time to dig into each of the things you mentioned.

I don’t use WhatsApp and never signed into IG on the new device.

It appears that “browser fingerprint” is not used to verify peoples’ identities but rather to track their searches and browsing habits for the purposes of advertising. I was careful not to sign into any of my old accounts from the new device so it seems that this method of fingerprinting isn’t something that could result in a ban. Correct me if I’m wrong though. (It’s still creepy AF that websites/apps do this)

MD5 hash - that’s very interesting and I’d never heard of this. It was difficult to wrap my head around as I’m not a tech guy, but basically it seems that every photo is going to have a unique md5 hash based on its contents.

Fortunately in this case I used completely new photos (taken well after the ban) so there should have been no way on Gods green earth to connect them or any of their data to my old account. (I deleted their metadata anyway though just to be OCD)

My current plan is to try and pester Facebook support until hopefully someone answers as to why I’m banned. Not sure my odds of success there lol. At this point I’m more curious than anything and taking it as sort of a personal challenge to figure it out.
Hey Paid Renegade, nice log dude.

I'm still new to the forums and I'm curious where I can find your Tinder/Hinge profile/pictures you are rocking. I would like to take some inspiration from you for my own journey.
5/7 end of week:

2nd week of melanotan completed. Notable side effects were facial redness and increased libido (that was interesting to say the least)
This week I will increase my dose to 75mcg.

Investing -
Bought some more Schwab when it dipped below $50
Added $400 to the portfolio
$13/20k added so far this year
Continued reading and taking notes on “the intelligent investor” (chapter 10)

MisterE sending you a pm now

mac0 Let’s say I go out and get a new phone to try this again - what would you recommend, if anything, to avoid having a sus browser fingerprint that gets me flagged? Aside from the obvious like not logging into any previous accounts
Paid Renegade said:
2nd week of melanotan completed. Notable side effects were facial redness and increased libido (that was interesting to say the least)

That's interesting. I didn't notice a libido change at all, even though I've seen a ton of people report it.

When you say libido, do you mean increased overall drive throughout the day, or better stamina in bed, or both?
pancakemouse said:
Paid Renegade said:
2nd week of melanotan completed. Notable side effects were facial redness and increased libido (that was interesting to say the least)

That's interesting. I didn't notice a libido change at all, even though I've seen a ton of people report it.

When you say libido, do you mean increased overall drive throughout the day, or better stamina in bed, or both?

PT-141 is derived from MT2, it works the same way. Some people don't respond to either though. I wrote up some detailed experiences with PT-141 previously.
pancakemouse yeah I’d be sitting there trying to do work and my mind would keep wandering off to sex, noticeably more so than usual. I didn’t connect the dots at first but then “aha”
End of week 5/14 -

Added 2 (digital) products to the ecom shop. One is a PDF file, so totally passive. The other is a service based on an idea I recently had and wanted to test out. I’ve been publishing these on Etsy in case anyone is curious (I’m not sure if I mentioned that before or not)

Added just $150 to my investment portfolio this week. Completed chapter 13 of The Intelligent Investor.

Completed another week of Melanotan 2, 75mcg per injection. Experience was a little different this week. I didn’t get the sexual boost but also had less redness and no headache etc. One thing I can confidently say after a couple of weeks is that this stuff can definitely make you sleepy during the day.

I’m definitely tan right now. BUT I’ve also been getting a lot more sun. After each time I’ve injected myself I go out and do a little yard work with my shirt off, something I never used to do before. I tan very easily for a white guy so I can’t say for sure how much of an impact MT2 has had at this point. I feel that I’d probably look about the same, skin tone wise, judging by pictures of myself taken in previous summers.

I’m also on a little weekend vacation right now playing out on the lake in 100F weather so I’m getting hella dark this weekend one way or other. It is making me second guess whether I really needed to bother with the melanotan lol.

One other thing - I’ve gotten bruises literally every time I stick myself. Kind of annoying

Anyway having a nice weekend out with friends and family playing on the lake doing water sports. This cute 21yo I met on Thursday left me with a couple of really noticeable hickies on my chest which there is no hiding from lol. Everyone especially the girls have a had a good laugh about that
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5/21 end of week update-

Melanotan- I’m calling it quits on this experiment. Mostly because I’m convinced at this point it’s unnecessary for me. I look tan right now even though I didn’t take any MT2 this week. Went camping with buddies on a bachelor party this weekend and got lots of sun. It’s pretty clear that by living an adventurous and outdoorsy life I’ll have all the color I need, especially once I move to a sunnier place. Also I’d like to play around more with sunless tanners to supplement

The use case for mt2 seems stronger for those that are really fair skinned and don’t normally tan. I was just thinking maybe it’d be even better for me and I could tan without much sun or with a lower dosage than the next guy. But I also had a couple annoying side effects, including one I noticed last Monday, excessive darkening/hyperpigmentation around my armpits

All in all nothing major I just feel it’s not worth the hastle/cost

Business- added to my most recent digital product

Investing- added $120 to the portfolio. Bought around $500 or so of schd when it dipped below $70 per share. It’s really nice having these dividends (free money) constantly deposited into my portfolio and to be able to reinvest them and buy more and more stocks. It’s the “dividend snowball”


For the last 3 nights I’ve averaged about 2 hours of sleep due to partying and girls, time to recoup this week

(Not the best lighting but in normal daylight I do look pretty dark. Big difference compared to a couple weeks ago)
End of week update -5/28

Finished reading The Intelligent Investor. Today I’m reviewing my notes and watching book summaries on YouTube.

Day #70 of my 365 project (45 minutes of daily investing research) completed.

Sold about $6,000 of JNJ stock and purchased SCHD at sub $70 per share. Compared with JNJ, SCHD offers higher starting yield, faster dividend growth, better track record of total return, lower PE ratio, and more diversification/safety.

Contributed another $450 this week to the portfolio. Now at $14,000 added this year in total.

2 new girls this week.

I broke my Jawliner (orthotropic/face maxxing chewing tool I ordered a while back, in this thread). Should be covered under warranty though.

My shoulder injury re-emerged/worsened over the last week. I recklessly made the decision to go inner-tubing behind my friends boat (yeah, alcohol was involved) and fucked it up. Then stubbornly insisted on plowing through my next heavy workout a couple of days later like nothing had happened.

4 days later of round the clock ibuprofen and I’m still sore af. Even to the point of affecting sex. I just lay on my back now and keep my shirt on. One of my fwb’s told me I’ve become a “pillow princess”, lmfao

So this has to mark a turning point. I don’t have med insurance so very reluctant to go that route but I am confident of the issue - rotator cuff related but not a full tear. I’ve been through that before with my other shoulder and recovered fully by:

1. Not doing anything painful
2. Strengthening my rotator cuff muscles/stabilizers gradually, eventually working up to heavy weight

Incidentally while researching melanotan 2 for my recent (abandoned) experiment I also came across a peptide called BPC 157 which is well known for its anti inflammatory and healing effects. Since I already have a box full of unused insulin syringes and alcohol wipes I decided to order a 5mg vial of the new peptide to trial out. I’ll be injecting subcutaneously into my shoulder every day for at least a couple of weeks alongside my normal rehab routine.

Having to step back from my normal workouts is hard to handle mentally (I legit almost cried at one point) but I’m trying to deal with this by shifting my current focus to a new bodybuilding goal: to build the most bulletproof shoulders possible which will allow me to progress further than ever before.
Paid Renegade said:
I also came across a peptide called BPC 157 which is well known for its anti inflammatory and healing effects

A friend of mine bought in the UK, he swear it was a miracle
Paid Renegade said:
4 days later of round the clock ibuprofen and I’m still sore af.

"High doses of ibuprofen have been shown to inhibit muscle protein synthesis after a bout of resistance exercise." according to PubMed.
I've also heard quite often that ibuprofen reduces recovery so you shouldn't take it, for example, after a workout. It helps the pain but slows down recovery.
AskTheDom Awesome. I’ve started on it and have about a 3 week supply so we shall see

zayn Yeah I’d heard the same, so I put off using it for awhile but eventually decided it was necessary to bring the inflammation down. Anyway I’ve tapered off now and hopefully the BPC will do its work

This week -

Having finished “The Intelligent Investor” I am moving on with my reading/research. I bought a kindle and a mount to hold it on my camera tripod so I now have this adjustable standing desk that’s pretty cool. Revisiting the first book I ever read on investing and one that really got me started and changed my life trajectory- “5 steps to retire in 5 years” by Jason Fieber.

I also setup a Wordpress site (it’s my so I’m hesitant to share it here) and started writing a blog post highlighting key lessons from The Intelligent Investor.

I’m trying this just to see if it’s worth it for increasing my comprehension and recall of these rather dense books I’m reading. The multiple potential options for monetizing the blog would be icing on the cake if I stick with it. Also will give me tax write offs for all the books I’ll be buying anyway.

I also tried quizzing myself on the book using chatgpt but it got some important details wrong.

Aside from this -

Added 350 to the portfolio

Started Bpc 157 for my shoulder. Dealt with more pain off and on this week and if I don’t see marked improvement this week it’ll be time to seek professional help.

(I couldn’t feel an ounce of shoulder pain all weekend though probably due to heavy drinking, more on that in a sec.)

Had to scale back from workouts yet again this week. Frustrating because I was definitely on track to have my best showing ever for spring/summer. Nonetheless got lots of compliments this weekend with a handful of people making comments like “baywatch” or “Abercrombie model” or I’m making their girlfriends jealous etc.

Won’t continue though if we can’t get back into the swing of working out

As long as I navigate this injury properly I’ll be back on track soon enough.

But the big event this week was my younger brothers wedding. It’s been such a big buildup to this that I’ve barely planned anything after

Went pretty hard and feel sick as a dog right now but-

Epic weekend, one I’ll remember forever. Playing on the lake. Connecting with family I haven’t seen in many years, getting high, partying it up until 5am, having my phone lit up all weekend by girls trying to hang out and coming back on Monday to a full queue on the dating apps. Life can be a mixed bag sometimes but the good outweighs the bad
End of week update 6/11/23

Was pretty sick all week with some virus.
Still managed to work out, for the most part.

Have a doc appointment scheduled for my shoulder.

Published my blog post discussing the intelligent investor. Initial impressions- this is a great way to boost my recall and long term understanding of the material. I realized that going back and reading these blog posts is going to be much easier than rereading the entire book. And since the posts are written in my own words and based on a book I actually read and took notes on, they flow a lot easier for me than if I was reading someone else’s words.

Added $500 to the portfolio this week. Now at $15,000 added total this year. And about $525 per month in average dividend income. Could be higher if I wanted to rebalance things.

Working on my next blog post for the book 5 steps to retire in five years.

Started reading one up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch on Kindle.

I don’t know if I’ll stick with this new blog long-term, but I’ll keep with it for now. The main goal here is to remember everything that I read and become a better investor. As long as I feel it’s accomplishing that and giving me a better ROI on the books that I am reading then any readership or actual monetization of the blog is just a bonus.
End of week 6/18/23

Published a new blog post

Portfolio swelled to 140k in value on Thursday and then to 141k on Friday.

Then contributed another $3,620 on Friday.

This puts me at over $19k added for the year, nearly to my goal of 20k. Woohoo

Today is day 88 of my 365 project.

Physique: upped my Bulgarian split squat to 90lb dumbbells for 7 reps.

Also set a new PR for “dumbbell armbar” - 65lb x 13 reps. It’s an isometric exercise intended to strengthen the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff.

My trial of BPC 157 200mcg daily is nearly complete. No comment on its effectiveness.
Week update 6/25


Published blog post about using dividend discount model to calculate a stock’s value.

Continued reading one up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch. Can definitely confirm that the Kindle version is much better for recall than listening on audible.

Added just 340 to the portfolio this week. A few hundred dollars shy of my main goal for the year. Last weeks deposit was fat because I got a big tax refund. I also bought more SCHD and UNP.


Added strength to my main rotator cuff exercise (dumbbell arm bar) and regained some strength on my main exercises as well. On the right track.

I know these are pretty dry updates and tbh I’m not sure if posting these here is giving anything of value - while it’s not really interesting it’s definitely what I feel I should be working on.

I’ve keyed in on two main areas of self improvement that I want to focus on. I’m calling them the 2 P’s.

As these “2 P’s” get better, life gets better and I expect this trend to continue.

They are:



Portfolio, meaning my investment fund. This is my top priority. The passive income generated by this fund buys time and freedom, and it’s also building a legacy that can be passed down someday or used to make a difference in the world even after I’m gone. I’ve just about completed my main goal for 2023, which was to add $20,000 to my portfolio.

Posting regular updates about building this portfolio, by saving and investing each week and reading about finance, is far from sexy or exciting though.

Profile, meaning my dating profile. Getting solid pics actually supercharged my social life, helped me to come out of my shell and nail tons of eager girls. It’s not an exaggeration to say this made me feel like a different person. And the thing is by looking at my profile, I’ve really only scratched the surface with my current set of pics and still have a ton of room for improvement. I consider Andy’s tinder guide an absolute godsend and I intend to further develop my profile by emulating the photos that he posted in it.

It’s a slow process though. I’m not going to fuck with my profile unless it’s a clear improvement. I managed so far this year to add one new travel/adventure picture to my lineup which lots of girls have commented on.

(That was my #2 goal for 2023, to improve my profile with a new picture. I’m not done this year but the shoulder injury was a setback and I’ve been trying to get back into top shape before I hit the photoshoots again.)

But even under normal circumstances this is a really slow process that I don’t think makes for interesting updates. Thousands of photos taken, time spent editing, comparing scores against reference photos, and so on. Takes awhile to get a new best photo, especially when you already have a good profile. Most weeks there’s nothing to report, so I focus my updates on adding one or two reps in the gym because that is a tangible improvement from last week.

However boring the updates are though, slow and steady improvement of these 2 P’s will have a profoundly positive impact over time. The grind is pretty boring but the results are where it’s at.

and incidentally I made excellent progress in these 2 areas without logging about them. So it just kind of got me thinking “what’s the point?”

Anyway this is just me thinking out loud - I’m still posting regular weekly updates here for now. It’s possible that at some point I could move to only making a new post when I’ve achieved a really significant landmark.
This week -

Shoulder feeling better by the day. Rotator cuff strength coming along well, up to 70 pound dumbbells. Main lifts are going up too and I’m re-gaining my pre-injury strength slowly.

Investing/money -

Picked up an interesting trick this week while reading Peter Lynch’s book. A really handy valuation trick for any of you guys interested in stock investing.

A stock’s PE ratio should roughly equal its long-term earnings growth rate, discovered through comparing EPS growth year to year. This is also called the PEG ratio, which I had heard of, but never understood until it was explained this way.

I wrote a blog article about this, and another valuation formula that was also in the book. I also looked at a couple of stocks that I was considering or already owned and used these formulas to help decide if they were over valued or undervalued.

I looked at Bank of America and Phillip Morris in particular. The former looked like a good buy based on price to earnings growth while PM looks expensive.

Overall, I can already tell that I’m definitely becoming a more knowledgeable and competent investor. The main goal of this 365 project is to decide, after a year of reading, if I feel that I can successfully pick stocks and beat the market. otherwise, it makes more sense just to be a passive Index fund investor.

Aside from this, I added $300 to the portfolio this week and purchased some SCHD. While browsing through some data on this ETF I noticed that Joel Greenblatt has been buying more which I thought was interesting. He’s a famous value investor and wrote one of the books that I just finished listening to on audible.

More notably though, my contribution to the fund this week combined with the dividends that I received put me well over my number one 2023 goal of adding $20,000 to the portfolio. Big deal for me. My second priority for this year, which I already accomplished, was improving my tinder profile. The total value of the fund on Friday was a little over 144k.

Going forward for the near future, I’ll be adding a smaller amount to the portfolio each week through automatic transfers. I am saving up for some other large expenses.

Other/dating stuff-

I’m considering trying to buy a Facebook profile with dating already enabled. It still bugs me a little bit that I haven’t been able to get around the ban.

They’re pretty cheap, but you don’t get to pick the name, age or other details of the fb profile so that could potentially be a problem. These can be changed but in my experience that can lead to the account getting locked. Still, I’m going to research it this week and I’m thinking about doing a factory reset on my iPhone and trying this out.

Otherwise dating is going good. Still lots of matches and options, doesn’t feel like anything has changed or become more competitive on the apps as far as I can tell.

I was kind of curious about this though, after hearing other people on the forum talk about the shifting SMP. I tested a face photo which scored a 9.7 on photofeeler last summer and this time it scored a 9.6. To me this supports the idea that the bar is being raised, just very slowly and subtly.
Week update -

Published a long ass blog post on Peter Lynch’s book (finally finished reading)

Regaining strength by the day. I’m up on my chin ups (bw + 100lbs) and bench press (230lb). Shoulder feeling good but still not 100%

Having hit my investing goal for the year I decided to set up automatic recurring transfers going forward so that each day I invest a little and become a little more financially free, on autopilot. Currently set at just $8 per day but can increase from there.

I also set up a “hardmaxing” fund which will be reserved for stuff like tattoos (still don’t have any) hair transplant (I’ve never liked my hairline since I was like 19) and other pricey, permanent appearance improvements. I also set up small recurring auto transfers to this account.

Ordered this self tanning spray that NeverSayNeverAgain recommended in his log, should be interesting to try

Also… decided to stop with the regular weekly updates for now. Instead I’ll pop back in when I have something new to add. Right now my top priority self improvement wise is regaining all of my pre injury strength and finishing up with my cut that got interrupted

A couple quick updates:

I regained access to Facebook dating! This happened unexpectedly when I signed in to my new Facebook account on my IPhone (after doing a quick factory reset to get a new device ID). For whatever reason Facebook dating wasn’t showing up on my cheap burner phone that I had been trying (redmi 9)

Honestly the redmi has been a pain in the ass anyway. Very buggy and slow. Next thing I’ll do is try signing in to hinge (the other app I got banned on) on my iPhone and hopefully have everything back on one device.

Moral of the story- you can probably avoid buying a new phone by simply doing a free factory reset on your current phone. Just make sure your data is backed up first. You’d still have to verify with a different number (not required with Facebook)

Anyway it feels good to have finally gotten around this. I had a good volume of messages/matches already but Facebook dating definitely gives me the most volume (over 40 matches the first day)

Other update-
Stock market doing well. Portfolio surpassed $150k this last week and the bank stocks that I bought after the SVB collapse have really done well. Schwab up 20%.

Met some interesting people from OLD including this hotwife situation from Feeld
A couple of cool things this week -

Sold and completed my first "consulting" service, priced at $200 (few hours of work). notable step up from the $5 PDFs that I've been selling. Also have some other interested parties reaching out these past few days. This is the kind of thing I get excited about because it's completely location independent and a major dream of mine is to travel and work from anywhere.

I know it's not much but still cool IMO.

Also met a fun girl off Feeld last night, OF girl with her own studio. BDSM furniture, professional lighting, etc. She agreed to be my model (I'm finding that a lot of girls are interested in this)

Took my EOS R and shot nude photos for awhile then had some fun.
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I've been more and more interested in doing photoshoots with girls recently. It makes me feel good that I can give them more value (many of these girls get excited when they realize you're into photography) and it also brings me extra value since I'm trying to put together a cool portfolio/website on the side.

Physique: coming along good. Getting close to my pre-injury strength then I'll have some fat to lose.
Paid Renegade said:
(many of these girls get excited when they realize you're into photography)

This is definitely a thing for girls who have some sort of social media clout

Girl I'm seeing now has a decent following on Tiktok. And the random pictures I take of her usually end up there.

It's definitively a value add to girls who are into that.