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Picture Feedback Megathread

foducossy42 said:
Also @GN44 can you create a log for further discussions like this? I just realised this is the main picture feedback thread. Keep this stuff in your log, you’ll be glad you did anyway as it’ll be all stored in one place.

Yeah sure! I do have my log.
GN44 said:
I don't know if this was your intention (maybe the joke flew over my head) but was the deadlifts supposed to be for "my greatest strength" because unlike using that to describe character you are using it to describe physical strength? If so that sounds pretty interestingly subversive lol.

Photographer sent me a couple new ones. Lmk thoughts
GN44 said:
Photographer sent me a couple new ones. Lmk thoughts

I like the walking shot best, cooking one is decent but the lighting is bland and harsh. I think you could have a better facial expression on all of them. Sorry if this is unwanted advice I also think you could improve your looks by plucking your eyebrows a bit to shape them. They are very strong, which is a good thing if they look well groomed, but be careful to avoid looking like that car wash guy from breaking bad (extreme example).
Just got the pictures from my photoshoot with Mindset . The shoot itself was pretty fun and it was cool meeting someone from the forums. These are some of the best ones from the shoot, I was wondering which versions you guys prefer
Need suggestions on the order of photos. The ones I’m attaching aren’t the final pictures, some are just placeholders. All I know so far is the photo with the green jacket will be the first one, and the goofy photo with my brother and the deer will be the last one, or fifth.
GN44 said:
Need suggestions on the order of photos. The ones I’m attaching aren’t the final pictures, some are just placeholders. All I know so far is the photo with the green jacket will be the first one, and the goofy photo with my brother and the deer will be the last one, or fifth.

Real talk:

All of these bad.

It doesn't matter how you order them because they're all bad.

You look sad and unsure in all of them, which is possibly one of the worst expressions and vibes you could create

You need to reshoot everything and learn how to pose and have facial expressions that look confident, and cocky in your pics.

Please don't be lazy with this and really sort this out, people can help you out jere.

but please do your own research on this, because it's your life and nobody cares about your sex life as much as you. You need to become an expert on how to take great pictures that girls gush over.

If you really want to order ...

Image 4, 1, 2, 6

Delete everything else.

Don't expect the order to do anything meaningful you need a total reshoot.
Manganiello said:
GN44 said:
Need suggestions on the order of photos. The ones I’m attaching aren’t the final pictures, some are just placeholders. All I know so far is the photo with the green jacket will be the first one, and the goofy photo with my brother and the deer will be the last one, or fifth.

Real talk:

All of these bad.

It doesn't matter how you order them because they're all bad.

You look sad and unsure in all of them, which is possibly one of the worst expressions and vibes you could create

You need to reshoot everything and learn how to pose and have facial expressions that look confident, and cocky in your pics.

Please don't be lazy with this and really sort this out, people can help you out jere.

but please do your own research on this, because it's your life and nobody cares about your sex life as much as you. You need to become an expert on how to take great pictures that girls gush over.

If you really want to order ...

Image 4, 1, 2, 6

Delete everything else.

Don't expect the order to do anything meaningful you need a total reshoot.

How are these bad? This is still better than 90% of the usual bullshit girls have to scroll through on the apps. And how do I look sad and unsure in the deer pic and the cooking photo. These aren’t even all of the photos, they’re just my photographer’s favorites, not mine. He said he would send me a Google drive with all of the good ones and I’ll pick out the ones I like.

I only have so much to work with, and I’m making do with that. I’ve done my research, read tons of articles, planned my sets with all I learned in mind. I also took what I learned from my past failures.
GN44 said:
How are these bad?

I'm just being honest. I could lie and tell you I think they're good enough. But I think you can do better.

The pose and facial expression are bad. And I think you can do better with how you're posing (not slouching), striking a confident pose in every frame, and looking confident and not expressionless in your shots.

Do what you want with this advice.
But being open minded is worth a lot.
Especially if your results are not where you want them to be.

End of the day the quality and number of girls you have going on dates over ride any opinion

Regarding deer photo:

You're slouching. Doesn't look confident.

Regarding cooking photo:
Actually nothing is outrageously bad about it. Its just average and ok at best. I personally wouldn't use it because it doesn't have a massive confident vibe.

Scroll through profiles that Joe puts out MILFandCookies
Manganiello said:
GN44 said:
How are these bad?

I'm just being honest. I could lie and tell you I think they're good enough. But I think you can do better.

The pose and facial expression are bad. And I think you can do better with how you're posing (not slouching), striking a confident pose in every frame, and looking confident and not expressionless in your shots.

Do what you want with this advice.
But being open minded is worth a lot.
Especially if your results are not where you want them to be.

End of the day the quality and number of girls you have going on dates over ride any opinion

Regarding deer photo:

You're slouching. Doesn't look confident.

Regarding cooking photo:
Actually nothing is outrageously bad about it. Its just average and ok at best. I personally wouldn't use it because it doesn't have a massive confident vibe.

Scroll through profiles that Joe puts out @MILFandCookies

I am not asking you to lie. I am just expressing my opinion that after all my research of bad profiles putting this in the same boat does not make sense. If you were commenting on the old pics I used, then yes, they were trash.

I think our lifestyles are so different that this probably wouldn't fly elsewhere. The Midwest isn't super highly fashionable or competitive unlike LA. I gotta work with what I got. I

Deer photo is just to show a goofy side and just say that I like animals, its not to show confidence or whatever, thats what the rest of the pics are for.

That cooking photo there are better angles he took. I will have to get those. If anything the ones with the pan are nowhere near my favorites.
GN44 said:
I think our lifestyles are so different that this probably wouldn't fly elsewhere. The Midwest isn't super highly fashionable or competitive unlike LA.

I mean my city wasn't either.

Look give it a try and come back with your results. Maybe you have some success with it. But I predict it will be better, but not great and you'll be thinking you need better pics or think blackpill stuff.

I'm kind of debating how much more I should tell you. I'm skeptical that you're open to any feedback besides the ones you want to hear rn.

Because of comments like this

GN44 said:
If you were commenting on the old pics I used, then yes, they were trash.

And this.

Manganiello said:
Regarding deer photo:

You're slouching. Doesn't look confident

GN44 said:
Deer photo is just to show a goofy side and just say that I like animals, its not to show confidence or whatever, thats what the rest of the pics are for

But I'll give it one last try;

You're deer picture: and this isn't the only picture that's bad btw.

But you're deer picture.

Look the vibe you have to get off is someone who is sexy and confident FIRST. After girls think 'omg this guy is so hot and confident.'

Then you show poralizing things like 'oh he looks so rugged, but he helps at an animal shelter.' Or 'he looks so serious, but he can have fun'.

So goofy isn't good in and of itself. You need to be goofy for the sake of establishing yourself as a multidimensional guy. Girls like that polarization.

So problem why this goofy picture isn't good.

It's because youre body posture is not good. You need a goofy picture where you still look like a confident man. Even in the goofy picture.

Your profile follows a weakest link, phenomena. So if you have 3 great pictures, but 1 bad one. Your profile is as strong as your bad one. My profile has 3-4 pictures. That's many many many many many pictures I turned down because they were slightly off. Good isn't good enough. It has to be great.

So your slouching. That's a big deal. Go take some more goofy pictures where you still look like a man. This one looks like boyish.

And the other issue is that your friend in the picture looks leaner and thinner. Read: he makes you look worse. His hat is great and his pose os solid. Actually if it was your friend, I would say this picture is fine.

I know you put a lot of work into this shoot. And ya you might get better results, but I'm trying to tell you how to get great results.

I hope you question whether or not I'm right seriously.

If your not willing to consider other people's opinions, you'll have to wait for life to teach you all the lessons, because even if you're right in this circumstance there will be a hundred other things you'll have to learn the hard way. Your life will be a series of brutal hard lessons and eventually you'll figure it out after being massively frustrated. (It's not enough to read, find experienced people who disagree with you, and ask questions).

This stuff isn't easy, so the faster you get open to lots of different opinions the better.
GoodLookingNerd said:
Sorry if this is unwanted advice I also think you could improve your looks by plucking your eyebrows a bit to shape them. They are very strong, which is a good thing if they look well groomed

I second this. Mine are groomed. Get an electric eyebrow trimmer. Threading works too but it’s annoying having to rely on someone else to shape them, plus I can’t easily touch up, plus it costs money. I also run a comb through and trim, to shorten the hairs just so it’s a bit less dense.

Brown people have thick brows, a curse but an opportunity — lots that we can do to edit and shape them. Use that to your advantage.

Manganiello said:
I'm kind of debating how much more I should tell you. I'm skeptical that you're open to any feedback besides the ones you want to hear rn.

I agree with Manga here. GN44 we’ve all been giving you the exact same fucking feedback on your pics — your expression, besides being *literally the same in every picture*, is boring and asexual. I’m patient with you because I see a lot of myself in you when I was in uni. Your list of hobbies is exactly the same as mine though I did ballroom instead of salsa. However you are resistant to feedback and make excuses like claiming your fashion is better than average. Looking at your friend in the deer pic, I disagree that your fashion is anything other than average — now that guy knows how to dress. Not my style but at least it’s a style. I posted some reading pics earlier — the last one has great style suitable for a guy in college and it’s really not that hard to do.

Also you need to reread Andy’s Tinder guide — fine isn’t good enough. We are not here to get mediocre results. We are here to, as the Gen Z girls say, slay.

So what if everyone around you dresses like shit? I agree that there is such a thing as overdressing, but you will benefit from being dressed at least within the top 10% of men.

Can’t afford many clothes? Narrow the list of clothes to get to a very small list. Can’t afford those? Go to cheap stores, fast fashion etc. Still can’t afford? Thrift, shop at charity shops, sales, eBay, hinting to parents that you want that leather jacket for your birthday (better than them giving you some nonsense you don’t want). And then there’s still part-time jobs on campus or other things you can do to make some money, eg buy and resell Playstation games (discs), give tuition idk.

There are ways to solve most problems. But you need to raise your standards first.
GoodLookingNerd said:
Just got the pictures from my photoshoot with @Mindset . The shoot itself was pretty fun and it was cool meeting someone from the forums. These are some of the best ones from the shoot, I was wondering which versions you guys prefer

Hey man can you edit your post so that you name & number the pictures? I am very happy to comment but there are too many for me to do so efficiently.

My log has an example of how to do this:

foducossy42 said:
GoodLookingNerd said:
Just got the pictures from my photoshoot with @Mindset . The shoot itself was pretty fun and it was cool meeting someone from the forums. These are some of the best ones from the shoot, I was wondering which versions you guys prefer

Hey man can you edit your post so that you name & number the pictures? I am very happy to comment but there are too many for me to do so efficiently.
Here you go
Beach 1

Beach 2

Beach 3

Beach 4

Bar 1

Bar 2

Bar 3

Bar 4
GoodLookingNerd said:
foducossy42 said:
Hey man can you edit your post so that you name & number the pictures? I am very happy to comment but there are too many for me to do so efficiently.
Here you goIMG_4836.jpg
Beach 1
Beach 2
Beach 3
Beach 4
Bar 1
Bar 2
Bar 3
Bar 4

Beach -- I'd go with 1 or 2. For shirtless pics, candid is key, so it's great that you have a prop (the ball) which makes you look more natural. However, 3 looks too posed as you're facing the camera, and 4 is awkward as it's not clear what you're doing in the water. I like 1 because you look like you're preparing to do something with the ball. 2 is a little posed but your abs are easier to see. I would consider editing 1 so the shadows make your abs pop a bit more.
Another edit I might consider is to make the pictures warmer. More sunny day at the beach vibes. These pics are looking just slightly flat to me. And note that Beach 1 has some kind of lens flare near your beard, be sure to edit that.

Also -- congrats on the physique. You look fucking incredible (thick, solid, tight etc.). Very inspiring, I really need to get my shit together and achieve this physique... At this point I'm thinking this is probably the only major thing left that I can do to improve my matches and the quality of girls I get out on dates.

Bar -- I'd pick 2. Main issue is I don't love the outangled arm, feels like you're intentionally flexing and you already have a beach pic so this is a little unnecessary. It's just not natural to grab onto a chair like that.
Bar 1 -- not bad but submissive expression
Bar 2 -- seems like a natural smile which is good
Bar 3 and 4 -- obvious model pose, feels slightly unnatural.

TBVH they are all quite good pictures. You can't go wrong with any of them. Just trying to be harsher and more nitpicky to pick out the best.

Saw you had other pics like spray painting etc? Happy to comment on those too.
Solid advice dude, and appreciate the compliment. Would you advice for using beach 1 as a main picture, as my face isnt clearly visible?

I was busy working but here is the rest:

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3

Camera 4

Paint 1

Paint 2

Paint 3
GoodLookingNerd said:
Solid advice dude, and appreciate the compliment. Would you advice for using beach 1 as a main picture, as my face isnt clearly visible?

I was busy working but here is the rest:
Camera 1
Camera 2
Camera 3
Camera 4
Paint 1
Paint 2
Paint 3

Beach — it can work but comes across as douchey. I’d put a shirtless pic nearer to the end. My physique shot is a gym bicep curl pic and I put that in the later half like pic 5. You wanna spike attraction with a story about who you are, and then seal the deal with abs. Not the other way around. Just my theory though.

Camera — I like the first outfit. The light brown doesn’t work on your/our skin tone. So not 4.

Looking at the camera should generally be the first pic, with the rest looking away. But I don’t know if you want to be tagged as “the photographer guy”. So I would avoid Camera 3.

Between 1 and 2, a bit hard. This depends on your whole profile. 1 is a standard model squinch so you look sexier here. 2 is a bit more cute, your eyes look interesting, the expression is generally just a bit more interesting. This can work as pic 3-5. So you have to do some storyboarding with your various pics and see how things fit together.


I would toss 3. It’s a decent pic but why choose it when you have 1 and 2 where you’re actually engaged in the spraying?

Between 1 and 2 it’s the same story as above. Depends on your profile. Before I elaborate, if you’re gonna use pic 2, make sure you edit it to have the paint spraying out of the can. It will improve the picture.

1 — you’re actively engaged doing it. Focused expression. That’s great.
2 — likewise engaged but enjoying yourself. Great too! Except that you have a smiling pic from the bar, and I think as a rule of thumb just have one smiling picture. Partly to avoid looking too nice. Partly because you wanna show off different facial expressions in each pic. So if you end up not using the smiling pic from the bar, you might want to use this spray paint pic.

Use photo albums on your phone to mimic dating app profiles. Eg one album is profile 1, another is profile 2. Then you can see how the chosen pics fit together to tell a story.
GoodLookingNerd said:
Gym 1
Gym 2
Gym 3
Gym 4

I’m shit at gym pics.

1 and 3. I don’t like 2 and 4 so much because of the people right behind you. 4 is the worst because the guy behind you is in neon green, so the eye isn’t drawn to you. 2 your shirt blends into machine behind (to the right of) you. So it’s harder to focus on you.

3 is great because great smile and suuuper candid tbh, but we aren’t here for that. So 1 is probably the best, you are the focus of the pic and also your arms look good.

But again if you have other pics where you aren’t smiling, then you can use number 3. Again you gotta arrange possible profiles and pick from them.

Again just my opinions, and I’m not great at assessing gym pics.