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Picture Feedback Megathread

kratjeuh said:
Show us to pic, maybe it can be saved with some faceapp

Say less

My main issues are my arm hairy as fuck, easy fix with facetune. Also weird looking facial expression and angle makes my face look less sharp. Smoothening with facetune would help. Id probably throw in a half decent filter, maybe crop a bit too.

One thing I do like about this pic is that it shows off a hobby of mine, which is baking/cooking.

I don’t like the picture much. The girls simply aren’t that hot. This isn’t preselection as they are clearly just friends. But this is a decent social picture that shows you have white friends and can assimilate. My profile may benefit from this... but idk. I’m not an expert on social pics but this doesn’t seem to be very good. It definitely doesn’t make a girl want to fuck you. So probably not good.
GN44 said:
kratjeuh said:
Show us to pic, maybe it can be saved with some faceapp

Say less

My main issues are my arm hairy as fuck, easy fix with facetune. Also weird looking facial expression and angle makes my face look less sharp. Smoothening with facetune would help. Id probably throw in a half decent filter, maybe crop a bit too.

One thing I do like about this pic is that it shows off a hobby of mine, which is baking/cooking.

Not good. The surroundings look like shit and the girls are mid. You're the most attractive person in this photo.
foducossy42 said:

I don’t like the picture much. The girls simply aren’t that hot. This isn’t preselection as they are clearly just friends. But this is a decent social picture that shows you have white friends and can assimilate. My profile may benefit from this... but idk. I’m not an expert on social pics but this doesn’t seem to be very good. It definitely doesn’t make a girl want to fuck you. So probably not good.

I get the picture criticism as I am just desperate for something decent.

At least me in the picture has no sex appeal. At least 4-5/6 pics need a decent amount of sex appeal and currently I only have one photo that even looks remotely good/has sex appeal. I have another social photo w/ a family friend but he is brown. He is decent looking though and I think I look good in it too.

wtf is even hot to yall then? IDK the first two I think are at least above average.
pancakemouse said:
GN44 said:
Say less

My main issues are my arm hairy as fuck, easy fix with facetune. Also weird looking facial expression and angle makes my face look less sharp. Smoothening with facetune would help. Id probably throw in a half decent filter, maybe crop a bit too.

One thing I do like about this pic is that it shows off a hobby of mine, which is baking/cooking.

Not good. The surroundings look like shit and the girls are mid. You're the most attractive person in this photo.

I thought I was the worst looking bruh 💀
GN44 said:
At least me in the picture has no sex appeal.

Hairy arms is sex appeal. Tbh you look ok in this pic just stupid facial expression.

But look at this pic and tell me your pic is anywhere close to that? Or that the girls in your pic look cute and feminine?

foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
At least me in the picture has no sex appeal.

Hairy arms is sex appeal. Tbh you look ok in this pic just stupid facial expression.

But look at this pic and tell me your pic is anywhere close to that? Or that the girls in your pic look cute and feminine?


Agreed. I am trying to come up with ideas for how to get pictures with girls but I am stuck right now. Maybe if I go to some social event and talk to a cute girl there, maybe I can just bring my camera and get a few pics from a stranger.

Yeah obv I already said the pic sucks. They would probably look better in a picture like that, body wise they were fit and all.
GN44 said:
Agreed. I am trying to come up with ideas for how to get pictures with girls but I am stuck right now. Maybe if I go to some social event and talk to a cute girl there, maybe I can just bring my camera and get a few pics from a stranger.

Yeah obv I already said the pic sucks. They would probably look better in a picture like that, body wise they were fit and all.

Fair enough. Bad angle too, it's not front-facing.

For taking the preselection pic I honestly don't know. I think I will one day have to hire two 7s/8s to come and take a pic like that with me somewhere. Might not be able to do this without paying. I probably won't be able to do a party pic (not my vibe and too difficult to arrange this at a party). But just a picnic at the park with the girls would be good enough perhaps.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Agreed. I am trying to come up with ideas for how to get pictures with girls but I am stuck right now. Maybe if I go to some social event and talk to a cute girl there, maybe I can just bring my camera and get a few pics from a stranger.

Yeah obv I already said the pic sucks. They would probably look better in a picture like that, body wise they were fit and all.

Fair enough. Bad angle too, it's not front-facing.

For taking the preselection pic I honestly don't know. I think I will one day have to hire two 7s/8s to come and take a pic like that with me somewhere. Might not be able to do this without paying. I probably won't be able to do a party pic (not my vibe and too difficult to arrange this at a party). But just a picnic at the park with the girls would be good enough perhaps.

Yeah me neither, I could maybe try this with a slightly older woman (like mid 20s or so) maybe they would be more agreeable. I only know like one white girl who could MAYBE agree to this but it seems like such a weird request. I could come up with an excuse for why I am doing this, I can't bring myself to say "dating apps".

I completely understand the importance of such a picture. Especially since I am in a primarily white area (Columbus). IDK what to really do.
GN44 said:
IDK what to really do.

Maybe find some hot girls at a park and ask them on the spot for a quick photoshoot and you’ll pay them 50 bucks each. Idk if this would work.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
IDK what to really do.

Maybe find some hot girls at a park and ask them on the spot for a quick photoshoot and you’ll pay them 50 bucks each. Idk if this would work.

I wouldn’t know either. One idea I have though is that one girl I know, maybe I can come up with an elaborate excuse.

One picture idea is to have a pic of me doing ballroom dancing with my partner. I play lead and my partners follow so maybe what I could do is ask an attractive girl I know if she could be my partner for the shoot.

I can say it’s a “club activity” where basically I am teaching people unfamiliar with dance how to dance and shit. Just a bunch of teaching babble. Hopefully they eat it up. It’s a gigantic lie though but this might work.

What I could do is pick a dance involving more close physical contact and hopefully have her looking at me so it looks more “sexual” and makes me look more desirable.

But honestly who knows if the juice is worth the squeeze here
GN44 said:
But honestly who knows if the juice is worth the squeeze here

It is. But work on your core pics. This is the cherry on top.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Love to see another brown guy killing it. It is not hopeless after all. Got a lot of work to do tho.

Yeah lots of work — one thing that will probably help is a social proof or preselection pic with white people (ideally girls) to show assimilation. That’s the dream tbh, but such a difficult shot to get done… body language and also having attractive enough white girls to take a shot with. This would be the biggest value-add to my profile right now.

Brother_Tucker said:
Your profile have improved massively. The suit picture is excellent. The whole things looks a lot more varied. I would probably drop the last photo as its just a worse number 3 picture. I would also probably cut the tux picture as the lighting is super bad and you have a great suit shot as picture 1.

All great points, thanks! Any opinion regarding ordering of the pics? Specifically after dropping tux and second denim pic, where should the first denim pic sit?

So the ordering is an interesting challange. The story you tell will resonate with some girls and push others away, where as different ordering could potentially attract some of those you lost. What I found that works is that you don't want all professional photos first, because it makes you look like you're trying too hard or not real. A professional looking first photo is 100% necessary. For your target audience of hot educated girls, your story wants to be:

I'm a sexy professional guy with my shit together -> I have hobbies that I enjoy doing -> I'm in shape -> another professional style picture to show the first wasn't a great one off -> more indicators of what your life with me will be like -> animal picture to make you look trustable

Every picture spikes an emotional responce from your viewer. They will then read your bio to see if you're congruent with the man in the pictures. I saw some data from a 42 year old female tinder user that swiped 40k times with less than 1000 yes. They matched 500 and went on 45 dates and slept with 40 of those dates ( not necessarily on the first date). Interestingly guys swiped as much as female users but way more often on yes. This means that girls are looking for what you add to their story.

The emotion spikes of my suggested ordering is this:

Wow this guy looks like he has his shit together.

He has a life outside of work that I might fit into.

Ohh shit he's actually hot I would sleep with him.

He really does look great in photos.

A date could be fun

I can trust him

Please don't have a dumb bio

Please match and talk to me.

This is for the educated girl who is lonely. A club girl might be looking for different things like how she will look posting this guy on ig, or another hook up girl might be looking for better sex. Your ordering is part of appealing to your target audience, sell to the people buying the product. By this I mean, focus on your target audience and appeal to them while churning other girls that won't appeal to you in the long run. You can't capture everyone and trying to just means you miss more than you hit. 20 hits in your target audience is worth more than 3 from everyone else.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
But honestly who knows if the juice is worth the squeeze here

It is. But work on your core pics. This is the cherry on top.

Facts, getting a good solo shots is in my control currently, so we focus on those first.
Brother_Tucker said:
So the ordering is an interesting challange. The story you tell will resonate with some girls and push others away, where as different ordering could potentially attract some of those you lost.

Hmm, so let’s say I’ve decided that these are my Tinder pictures. (I’ve got some minor kinks to work through like exactly which variation of the shuffleboard pic to use, but the pictures are largely going to be the same).

My target audience is educated girls who are looking for sex, ideally these girls are subs looking for someone dominant (whether consciously or unconsciously).

Would you mind helping me order it? I tried to approach it the way you did. But I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. Would be super helpful to have a third party perspective on this.

Also I think pics 5 and 7 have too similar facial expressions to be used next to each other. But they’re both worth including as they are still quite different photos in terms of what I’m doing. Not sure if you agree?
foducossy42 said:
Brother_Tucker said:
So the ordering is an interesting challange. The story you tell will resonate with some girls and push others away, where as different ordering could potentially attract some of those you lost.

Hmm, so let’s say I’ve decided that these are my Tinder pictures. (I’ve got some minor kinks to work through like exactly which variation of the shuffleboard pic to use, but the pictures are largely going to be the same).

My target audience is educated girls who are looking for sex, ideally these girls are subs looking for someone dominant (whether consciously or unconsciously).

Would you mind helping me order it? I tried to approach it the way you did. But I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. Would be super helpful to have a third party perspective on this.

Also I think pics 5 and 7 have too similar facial expressions to be used next to each other. But they’re both worth including as they are still quite different photos in terms of what I’m doing. Not sure if you agree?

First of all, great work! Your profile is pretty damn good. Don't stop improving it, but it's in a great spot as is.

Some feedback:

I'd put the skydiving pic in position 2 - it's too exciting to bury at the end. Also, your first and second photo both show you drinking. I'd put the second photo at the end, or second to the end. Also, #5, the park one, seems very generic. Almost a generic sitting down photo, doesn't add anything to your profile imo, I'd delete it.

Keep it up man. Love seeing your progress.
MILFandCookies said:
First of all, great work! Your profile is pretty damn good. Don't stop improving it, but it's in a great spot as is.

Some feedback:

I'd put the skydiving pic in position 2 - it's too exciting to bury at the end. Also, your first and second photo both show you drinking. I'd put the second photo at the end, or second to the end. Also, #5, the park one, seems very generic. Almost a generic sitting down photo, doesn't add anything to your profile imo, I'd delete it.

Keep it up man. Love seeing your progress.

Thanks for the feedback!

I’ve moved skydiving to 2, and lime pic to 6. I am split on the park picture — it’s a very candid genuine laugh and is to date my most liked picture on Hinge. Even girls I see casually tell me they love that picture and the vibe, so it’s probably worth keeping around. I don’t have a dog pic, so this is my “friendly” picture so girls aren’t totally afraid of me.

New layout:

I’m thinking this shows:
successful sexy guy
-> adventurous & happy, positive vibes
-> masculine & fit (sorry, after asking a ton of girls for feedback I eventually picked this running pic!)
-> not entirely sure what shuffleboard conveys, maybe my arms look decently big there, interesting activity, focused expression
-> bad boy vibe
-> fun person to be on a date with
-> friendly guy with good smile

Man it’s exhausting trying to analyse this. I guess if I had to drop one pic for other apps (most apps only allow 6 pics) I’ll try dropping the park one.
foducossy42 said:
MILFandCookies said:
First of all, great work! Your profile is pretty damn good. Don't stop improving it, but it's in a great spot as is.

Some feedback:

I'd put the skydiving pic in position 2 - it's too exciting to bury at the end. Also, your first and second photo both show you drinking. I'd put the second photo at the end, or second to the end. Also, #5, the park one, seems very generic. Almost a generic sitting down photo, doesn't add anything to your profile imo, I'd delete it.

Keep it up man. Love seeing your progress.

Thanks for the feedback!

I’ve moved skydiving to 2, and lime pic to 6. I am split on the park picture — it’s a very candid genuine laugh and is to date my most liked picture on Hinge. Even girls I see casually tell me they love that picture and the vibe, so it’s probably worth keeping around. I don’t have a dog pic, so this is my “friendly” picture so girls aren’t totally afraid of me.

New layout:

I’m thinking this shows:
successful sexy guy
-> adventurous & happy, positive vibes
-> masculine & fit (sorry, after asking a ton of girls for feedback I eventually picked this running pic!)
-> not entirely sure what shuffleboard conveys, maybe my arms look decently big there, interesting activity, focused expression
-> bad boy vibe
-> fun person to be on a date with
-> friendly guy with good smile

Man it’s exhausting trying to analyse this. I guess if I had to drop one pic for other apps (most apps only allow 6 pics) I’ll try dropping the park one.

The park picture is probably the second most important photo in your line up. It's genuine and approachable and it doesn't surprise me that this is the entry picture for girls on hinged. People underestimate easy prompt entry points on hinged. I wouldn't use the park last, I think you're on the right track.

You want submissive kink girls, but your photos don't convey this. The girls really into kink tend to use other apps to be very direct. Tinder is a place to allude to it by inference and get them talking about it in messaging or on the date. If you want to portray a dom like photo, you need one in your line up, and I would have it after the sexy shot. You want to spike the attraction and move it sexual. So your kink positive photo is probably slot 4.

I appreciate its hard because it's subjective. Girls won't know they are reading a story that they are investing in, they will just say he was hot so I matched. The reality is that you are advertising a product to a buyer and the order of your sales pitch matters. You won't get it right all the time, but you can iterate.

Photo 6 should be axed when you can and the shuffle board slot should be your kink alluding photo. 5 is probably where the park picture fits to add some comfort vibes after they are already thinking about sex to reaffirm that you are attractive and they can tell their friends, he's not a fuck boy even if you are.
Hi Guys,
I've seen that the megathread gets much more action so I'm moving here as well.
I've taken some pictures when I was with a friend on a Rooftop bar, did some more dumpster diving and found some pictures that could work as well. In the folder there's also my current Tinder, Hinge and Bumble setup (T,H,B).
Thank you in advance for any feedback.
P.S. the rooftop pictures are jpg exports of RAWS, the lighting looks much better in RAW and I still have to edit those.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
At least me in the picture has no sex appeal.

Hairy arms is sex appeal. Tbh you look ok in this pic just stupid facial expression.

But look at this pic and tell me your pic is anywhere close to that? Or that the girls in your pic look cute and feminine?


You inspired me to write an article: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2023/09/20/pancakes-golden-rules-of-group-photos-on-apps/