R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

joe_ronimo said:
@joe_ronimo, in my experience, being an academic is seen as a negative by most girls. I still recall girls saying "ew" etc. when I said I was a physics, math double major in undergrad. Not that I care
To be fair, I've never had a girl react badly when revealing that I study IT science at university of technology. And I like to make fun a lot of the stereotypical IT nerds. The opposite in fact.
I suppose if the girl reacts 'ew' to your academic background, then she likely does not like you in the first place.
12 hours work today.

I got a lot done. I thought I was on the track of something pretty interesting but after a meeting with my supervisor, I have to re-write most of that section. So that kinda hurt.

Behind schedule with two targets, but I expect I'll recover those plus my target for tomorrow by Monday if I keep the work up.
9.75 hours work done today.

Messed up my alarm! Set it for PM instead of AM...
But might've been a good thing! Felt super well rested and got a ton done today.
Didn't waste more than about an hour ago on something that stumped me - MUCH better than usual.

Going to flunk off a lil tonight and play hockey - but I should get 10+ hours work done tomorrow. Just got to keep this up and I'll be done with these two projects and my thesis soon enough. On my way up!
8 hours work done today.

Well, I was up until 1am from the adrenaline playing hockey. We won and I made some great plays including defensively but bummed none of my shots hit net. Anyway, that's all to say I sleeped in - and pretty hardcore - all the way to 10am.

Still, I got a ton done where I'm technically ahead of schedule. But I'm not letting up yet! Going to bed in ~30 minutes and this time I WILL get back to 7am wake up and get 12 hours work done tomorrow. Let's go!
12 hours work done today.

Read 6 papers in the last 9 hours. Average is 1 per 3 hours so definitely sped up! I definitely could keep working but going to keep up my routine - go to bed soon, wake up early and crush it again tomorrow!
Worked 8 hours today.

I'd be in solid shape for an 11 hour day, but I've accomplished my goal for June 21st already (!)

Also I'm flying home early tomorrow and desperately need to do some laundry and recover some of the lost calories from this week (only consumed about 1300-1500 per day).

Won't have much time for working while at home this upcoming week, but I crushed it this week and got essentially everything done just in time.

If I can refactor a section of my paper for ~1 hour each morning and read one new paper a day while I'm at home, that would be a success. Catch you fellas next week!
Turned 28 today.

Overall it was a pretty lackluster day. Thankfully it was nowhere near as depressing as ~22-25 when it felt like I was in the exact same spot year after year.

I've definitely made some pretty awesome progress in the past year: added 60 lbs to my deadlift and 60+ lbs to my squat. Reached my level 1 bench goal. Banged only one new girl but as hot as I've always been dreaming for. Decent amount of traveling especially in the past few months. And awesome work progress in the past few weeks. Even these last few days at home I finished revamping the discussion section of a paper and have read more than one paper per day.

Looking at the year ahead, in my 28th year I WILL submit two new papers and finish my PhD. That'll be done in the next two months.

I'll then have 6+ weeks off. My main plan is to enjoy traveling as much as I can. I already have 3 of those weeks earmarked for family travel (starting to sound like a lot actually...) But I also want to join the mile high club, get a 3some, and make 10M.

So much to do, so little time...

So I still have some reflecting on what to make my #1 and only goal after I'm done with my degree.

Made my first NFT. Well, mostly. I made the "art." Rarible sucks as it's been stuck on the "Approve collection" step for like an hour now.

On the plus side, if all the NFT marketplaces suck I can make my own. And beyond selling my "art" as NFTs I have several potentially BIG pot-o-gold ideas related to acting as an NFT manager for ventures I don't own the IP for, but they're currently untapped.

I'd say I'm kinda $$$ obsessed right now so that's probably what I'll focus on after the degree besides travel.
Tell him he has to do it now - I only did 42 before hit 124.


Worked 11 hours 47 minutes today.

I finished everything I had to do with one paper (but I need to meet my supervisor on Thursday and convince him it's done / do whatever he orders next) 30 minutes before the end of my scheduled work day.

So I was thinking to pack up early. And then I thought I might as well put in 30 minutes toward my other paper - even if it was useless, better to get my mental state changed now so my subconcious could do its thing overnight. And instead of being useless, I wrote a pretty solid abstract all in ~45 minutes :)

So it was a very productive day. Now I just need to inject myself with an IV so I can get enough nutrition to not starve / maintain weight and I'll be happy.

Today I ate
- 85g carrots
- 2x bananas
- bagel
- 62g cream cheese
- 8oz super milk (20g protein)
- 130g beans
- 130g rice
- chicken (52g protein)
- some salsa, kale

So I consumed an estimated 1500 Calories and 100g protein.

Clearly insufficient both. I'll take a protein shake before I go to work tomorrow morning to at least be getting sufficient protein.

Although today was a very productive day, I learned my family dog will likely have to be put down later this week as her paralysis has spread. I was very sad about that. I almost cried for the first time since I had that depression after getting rejected. I'm glad I got to see her this past week and she lived a fairly long life for her breed. And I hope a happy one too.
RogerRoger said:
Tell him he has to do it now - I only did 42 before hit 124.


Worked 11 hours 47 minutes today.

I finished everything I had to do with one paper (but I need to meet my supervisor on Thursday and convince him it's done / do whatever he orders next) 30 minutes before the end of my scheduled work day.

So I was thinking to pack up early. And then I thought I might as well put in 30 minutes toward my other paper - even if it was useless, better to get my mental state changed now so my subconcious could do its thing overnight. And instead of being useless, I wrote a pretty solid abstract all in ~45 minutes :)

So it was a very productive day. Now I just need to inject myself with an IV so I can get enough nutrition to not starve / maintain weight and I'll be happy.

Today I ate
- 85g carrots
- 2x bananas
- bagel
- 62g cream cheese
- 8oz super milk (20g protein)
- 130g beans
- 130g rice
- chicken (52g protein)
- some salsa, kale

So I consumed an estimated 1500 Calories and 100g protein.

Clearly insufficient both. I'll take a protein shake before I go to work tomorrow morning to at least be getting sufficient protein.

Although today was a very productive day, I learned my family dog will likely have to be put down later this week as her paralysis has spread. I was very sad about that. I almost cried for the first time since I had that depression after getting rejected. I'm glad I got to see her this past week and she lived a fairly long life for her breed. And I hope a happy one too.

Really sorry to read about your dog man, we lost our family dog last year which was very sad.

I just re-listened to parts of your podcast with Andy about the 124 approaches and heard that you hadn't even had any food all day before you did all those--only water. That's amazing, I get way more nervous and it's way harder for me when I try to approach when I'm hungry. Like this morning I froze up and got too nervous because I have hardly eaten today.
Cheers dudes. Yeah dogs are family. I'm too busy to be grieve on the plus side.


Worked 8 hours 45 minutes today.

Woke up late, (2nd day of alarm snoozing - time to get back on track), and then had a long dinner. I ate more veggies and had my morning protein shake, which is good but still not enough calories (around 2k) but. Benched and did a few exercises before I left in the morning and before lunch, which felt good. Not a ton but something.

I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed with work. I guess I technically have an intro now but it's garbage. I guess it's fine as I can revise that on Monday June 28th.

Tomorrow I have to write the methods section.
Friday I need to write the results section.
Saturday I need to write the discussion section.
Sunday I need to write the conclusions.

Monday - Thursday iterate to perfection.

After getting back from a family trip I'll have like 3-4 days to write a ~30 page intro, stitch it all together, and write conclusions.

Maybe I can get an extension from my advisor. It's going to be a lot but I'll get it all done.

Where there's a will there's a way.
Worked 6.5 hours today.

And it definitely feels like not enough work hours. For one thing I had two meetings today and had to work on my ~finished project (related to one of the meetings). So I only spent like 2 hours on the methods section today.

The cause was partly necessary groceries + had a chiro appt in the morning. But the other problem is I spent 2 hours on dinner. I did eat more which is good but the priority is work, not eating.

One reason for the 2 hour dinner is I've been real high stress this week. Two weeks ago I was just focusing on putting the time in - and the output was faster than expected. Whereas I now realize how extremely little time I have - which is actually worse for productivity I'm pretty sure.

I didn't really calm down until my after dinner work period - and I got a decent amount done. Wrote an appendix and finished off a subsection of the methods.

Still have about three methods subsections to go so a lot of work ahead of me.

I think I'll just have to bracket say 3+ hours per day (average) I'm in NYC/WI next week. And focus on the actual deadlines rather than the somewhat artificial one I set with my advisor - the point of that was to include buffer time anyway.

On the plus side I was pretty pain free today and squatted this morning. Feels good to get back to lifting but still work is #1 priority far above all else.
RogerRoger said:
Worked 6.5 hours today.

And it definitely feels like not enough work hours. For one thing I had two meetings today and had to work on my ~finished project (related to one of the meetings). So I only spent like 2 hours on the methods section today.

The cause was partly necessary groceries + had a chiro appt in the morning. But the other problem is I spent 2 hours on dinner. I did eat more which is good but the priority is work, not eating.

One reason for the 2 hour dinner is I've been real high stress this week. Two weeks ago I was just focusing on putting the time in - and the output was faster than expected. Whereas I now realize how extremely little time I have - which is actually worse for productivity I'm pretty sure.

I didn't really calm down until my after dinner work period - and I got a decent amount done. Wrote an appendix and finished off a subsection of the methods.

Still have about three methods subsections to go so a lot of work ahead of me.

I think I'll just have to bracket say 3+ hours per day (average) I'm in NYC/WI next week. And focus on the actual deadlines rather than the somewhat artificial one I set with my advisor - the point of that was to include buffer time anyway.

On the plus side I was pretty pain free today and squatted this morning. Feels good to get back to lifting but still work is #1 priority far above all else.

Good stuff, looks like you're getting your work done really well and staying on top of it. Also Did you say your family is in WI? Did you grow up in Wisconsin too?
8 hours work yesterday.

Got my hair cut and won our hockey championship, so pretty awesome day.

Felt way less stressed working overall, possibly since it was raining so no fomo, but the after dinner work period was again the one I felt best about - even though I had pretty bad brain fog. I ran an experiment where I didn't eat any green veggies yesterday and otherwise had the same meal. Overall felt much shittier yesterday plus this morning. Today I'm going to add them back and replace ice cream with protein bars.

Anyway, I made decent work progress. Definitely could've made more progress with a few more work hours but I'm in a pretty good place now. Going to finish an intro that I'm proud of and ideally a methods section I'm proud of today, then just need to write at minimum a very shitty first draft of the discussion + conclusions tomorrow. I'll then tune up the results-conclusions for a few hours every day I'm traveling - I'll do that very first thing when I wake up (ideally pretty early). I'm starting to believe I can do this.

SamJ_, I did not grow up in WI but I visit family there typically twice a year.
Nice job on the hockey championship. Has to be a big ego boost for you.

It's funny as you start to get further and progress in projects it seems to come together easier. I've been in that position where I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it. But as you start to get closer and closer to the finish line it keeps getting easier.
^Definitely true.

Worked ~4 hours today.

Wow that's not much. Woke up late (since my hockey game was pretty late last night) so I missed my monring work period. Afternoon work period was great, 1 hour short because we had a make up game (hockey) from last season (COVID related). Probably should've just skipped the game but it's my last in Michigan and I wanted another goal. We lost 4-3, hate to say it but our tendy was a sieve. Didn't get my goal either.

However, I did ask my buddy to borrow my camera and take pics of me. So I got something out of the game for sure. Getting my camera back from him soon and going to watch the NBA and I'll finally eat for today and squat. So clearly my priorities aren't quite right.

On the plus side I did get a ton of papers printed, finished intro+methods section and made some good progress getting the results section respectable. I might even finish the results section tomorrow, so yeah things are very much coming together.
Meh, not the best but have to stay accountable:

2.5 hours work today.

Flew to NYC. Fun fact: there's a "sex museum" right next to my hotel.

Anyway, this is a work trip for the next few days. Did laundry this morning, worked out, ate well. Did an hour of work between laundry and it was pretty solid. But then I read the whole history of the US-Korean nuclear armament conflict and that deleted time for more writing.

Still, accomplished my goal of a minimal draft of the paper done today.

Plan is to wake up at 6am so I have a few hours for writing first thing tomorrow.
9.75 hours work today.

Lot of meeting time today. I did get 3/7 of my results section done which is pretty good. I spent another hour after dinner trying to get internet outside of the office I'm visiting to no avail - and even using my phone hotspot + vpn I couldn't ssh to my desktop, weird.

But I'm making the most of it: going to sleep even earlier to wake up earlier and get to the building at open. It'd be great to finish the results section tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. The discussion is going to be a lot of work but conclusions are easy.

Saw one smokeshow today. Kinda surprised how fugly most nyc girls are, but good intel. I'd definitely choose miami over nyc based on what I'm seeing. With the caveat that I've only been on the metro + flatiron district so maybe I'm missing out on the good neighborhoods. I'm coming back here for a non-work trip in September and will find out then.
Yesterday: worked 9.5 hours (+2 hours if you include work dinner).

Today: worked 11.5 hours.

As usual, lot of meetings the last two days. I had an impromptu dinner with the #1 guy in the broader area of my discipline yesterday night (along with a few other peeps). Honestly I think he's overhype but everyone I talk to keeps saying he's #1 blahblah. Anyway, he was a nice enough guy and I didn't say too many dumb things - not that it matters. If you're good enough, it doesn't matter how you are socially in my field. It's only the halfway decent people that have to depend on what other people think of them.

Finished the vast majority of my paper today. Again most of the progress came in the morning. In a pretty good spot to take Fri-Sun off for my cousin's wedding. Not looking forward to writing my whole thesis in ~5 days but it'll happen.

In other news I lacked full dedication to the cause and was on Tinder for ~1 hour the past two nights and Bumble tonight. Did two boosts on Tinder and got a decent number of matches for me but not more than one message back from a few girls. So I ended up hitting up every girl with an Insta handle. No dice so some nice motivation to keep leveling up my IG. Bumble surpisingly I had two girls almost down to meet but they're both waking up early tomorrow. They both sounded interested in hanging out next time I'm in the city in NYC. So obviously that means nothing but still interesting that Bumble free >> Tinder gold for me. I tend to match with more conservative girls / more my type on Bumble too. Will have to use it a bit more in the future.

Overall, would've been much better going out / approaching but I was just looking for a straight to my place lay since I'm in work mode. Will be fun to get back to traveling, possibly as soon as like 2 weeks from now.
Its weird conservative girls react to me a lot better than ultra liberal girls. God only knows why. How was New York how was the talent. If I had to guess girls in New York are looking to monkey branch as much as possible. But you hit the height criteria so they can't complain about that one with you.

A full hour is dedication. It's funny I made a girl and guy tinder. And I hit the bottom the girls pile in a couple days. I don't know if I ever hit the bottom of the guys pile. I think it's a 2 to 1 ratio or 3 to 1 of guys to girls. OLD is definitely more competitive than it would seem if you're a guy. Anyway best of luck with your work stuff. Seems things are going well on that front.