R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

You should look into actual http request. Check "XHR" to filter these out. Then find the right one (you can use search bar "matches"). Then look for "response" tab, it should be there as plain text.

In my case Ive got two out of 45 matches containing the info right now.
Haha scrolling fast through these page made me think these guys are hacking tinder to direct themselfs in the inbox of the hot girls ^^
Lostcause said:
Hey @RogerRoger!
It turns out there is an actually easy way to work out your tinder photo scores. Yesterday I was unexpectedly emailed by some aussie guy about my tinder app repo and I learned that:
Response for /matches request contains "liked-content" field for some of your matches. The content being your photo, containing it's score, rank and win-ratio. You can extract it easily from a browser using f12 content-inspector->network, then looking for /matches xhr. We have no idea why the field is there for some matches, for some not, but maybe we will work it out.

Anyway, what I learned:
My currently main photo is score:0.25, rank: 1, win-count: 4.
So I suppose it's 1 in 4 girls seeing the photo choosing to swipe right on me. Rank being it's order compared to my other photos (set manualy), win-count suggest exact amount of girls that matched me on that photo, tho 4 seems kinda low, even tho I do not have a lot of matches right now (30ish maybe).
It's open for interpretation, but feel free to check it out.

Can you show a screenshot of where to find this? Sounds super interesting, but like R2 I can't find it.
Photo Experiment
Lostcause & play_time_is_over, I think I've figured it out!

I slightly tweaked the (python) code from this repo: https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder

After authenticating, I first looked into the "liked-content" field of matches that Lostcause mentioned:
result = tinder_api.get_updates("")

That url goes to a photo of the girl that I must've liked to generate the match. I'm guessing it's missing for girls who took down that photo since it's present for 10 of my 13 matches and the ones that it's missing are older matches.

Additionally, the data S3nga was talking about is present for your own photos:
result = tinder_api.get_self()

result["photos"] can be indexed for each of your profile's photos in order. Rank from 0 to N is Tinder's thoughts on your best photo which is based on the "win_count" which presumably corresponds to girls liking the photo.

Looking at scores + win_counts of the girls' "liked-content" photo suggests to me that "score" is partially influenced by win_count but presumably also related to who the likes were received by.

So that's similar to the score I was developing by hand for Hinge where I was taking into account the number of likes each of my photos received but also my ranking out of 10 of the girl that gave the like.

So, keeping track of win_count and score should be the way to test your photos on Tinder.

Thanks for pointing this out S3nga! Let the data mining commence :)

Arm day fried by triceps (good), hockey got my heart pumping (good), and did core afterwards. Feeling good!

I have a date tomorrow morning so that'll be nice.

The only downside is it's nearly midnight so I should go to sleep now but I've only had about 2k calories today. And I've only had 3k the past two days (which is below maintenance for me...)
play_time_is_over said:
Lostcause said:
Hey @RogerRoger!
It turns out there is an actually easy way to work out your tinder photo scores. Yesterday I was unexpectedly emailed by some aussie guy about my tinder app repo and I learned that:
Response for /matches request contains "liked-content" field for some of your matches. The content being your photo, containing it's score, rank and win-ratio. You can extract it easily from a browser using f12 content-inspector->network, then looking for /matches xhr. We have no idea why the field is there for some matches, for some not, but maybe we will work it out.

Anyway, what I learned:
My currently main photo is score:0.25, rank: 1, win-count: 4.
So I suppose it's 1 in 4 girls seeing the photo choosing to swipe right on me. Rank being it's order compared to my other photos (set manualy), win-count suggest exact amount of girls that matched me on that photo, tho 4 seems kinda low, even tho I do not have a lot of matches right now (30ish maybe).
It's open for interpretation, but feel free to check it out.

Can you show a screenshot of where to find this? Sounds super interesting, but like R2 I can't find it.

Here exactly. F12->Network->Filter for matches then select one (may need refreshing or some interacting with the website)->Preview
It should be a really long json text, so copy it and paste somewhere for more clarity.
RogerRoger said:
Additionally, the data S3nga was talking about is present for your own photos:

result = tinder_api.get_self()
result["photos"] can be indexed for each of your profile's photos in order. Rank from 0 to N is Tinder's thoughts on your best photo which is based on the "win_count" which presumably corresponds to girls liking the photo.

Is it really? tinder_api.get_self() seems to be using /profile endpoint, which yeah, returns your own photos (and more user info), but I've never seen scores for them there.

Be careful with assumptions what the scores mean tho. They seem to be more complex then you can assume. Win-count should be amount of matches won with the photo, right? My main photo has 4 wins, with score 0.25 and 4 wins, while I am at 50 matches total. It does not add up. My other photo has 0.11 score and 0 wins.
Hmm interesting. I was only able to find 2 of my photos in 10K lines of JSON. A lot of them returned the girls photo instead, like it depends who matched who first. Am I just dumb? I'll just try the python version when I have time.

play_time_is_over said:
Hmm interesting. I was only able to find 2 of my photos in 10K lines of JSON. A lot of them returned the girls photo instead, like it depends who matched who first. Am I just dumb? I'll just try the python version when I have time.


Your screen has "by_opener" field. Seems like it only contains your photo when it's "by_closeup" then.

But well, it's 10k lines because it contains a lot of other information about matches. Still not sure why some contain liked_content, while others dont.
Lostcause said:
Be careful with assumptions what the scores mean tho. They seem to be more complex then you can assume. Win-count should be amount of matches won with the photo, right? My main photo has 4 wins, with score 0.25 and 4 wins, while I am at 50 matches total. It does not add up. My other photo has 0.11 score and 0 wins.

Yeah I thought it was weird a hot girl's photo only had a win_count of 7. It could be win_count is within a certain time frame though (perhaps recycles to zero every week or month or something like that).

But for Lostcause: you really only have two photos on Tinder?

Interestingly, my total win_count is 10 which is the same as the number of matches I have liked-content for. So it's still unclear to me why some of them are missing the "liked-content" field. It's also unclear what exactly win_count is, although for the girls I've matched with their highest "score" photos (which by eye I agree with) corresponds to their highest win_count and lowest rank.

For me, my highest win_count photos at 4 a piece are a dog photo and my last photo.

Will find out more when I have time to get an auto-liker set up for the fake profile I set up.
I'd have to say it's pretty eye opening the disparity between good male tinder profiles and bad ones as I've done some manual swiping the last two days.
Both in terms of what Andy has written about (selfies are rampant, poor lighting photos vs. pro photos standing out in a positive sense) and GLL's thing of looking good as possible (ton of guys are jacked and look like fashion models).
RogerRoger said:
But for @Lostcause: you really only have two photos on Tinder?
I have 6, but score only shows twice for me. Well, now 0, because I removed the matches I was not going to message.
Lostcause, with the python script you can query the score of all of your photos independent of what photo your match liked ;)

PR day! Well, sort of. squatted with a Duffalo bar and chains went from ~zero extra weight at bottom to +40 at top. So at the top I did 270 lbs and at bottom I did 230 lbs. Still pretty cool to have finished the squat at 270 lbs! Also pretty useful in reinforcing that the bottom of the squat (or maybe slightly out of the hole) is my weak point: need to drive my chest up! (I tend to ~good morning when the weight gets heavy).

Really enjoying lifting at this new gym. They got all the toys :)

Photo Experiments
Plan is to pause until the weekend again. Work is #1 and Gym is #2 (although I spent more time eating + gym today than working...)
Declaration: I will not go on a 2nd date with the next 10 girls. Either 1st date lay or they can fuck themselves.
RogerRoger said:
Declaration: I will not go on a 2nd date with the next 10 girls. Either 1st date lay or they can fuck themselves.

Curious to hear / read what makes you say that. For me, first date lays can make me spend a lot of time, unless the girl is already in the mood.
Dark Days
Alright, I'm going to open up a bit, which is something I hate doing. That is, I hate admitting failure or even my own flaws to other people. Probably more so in person but even on forums I tend to sweep my negatives under the rug. And I feel rather ashamed that I'm going to catalog the last few days but I expect it will be cathartic. And I also believe it is necessary as a springboard for turning a new chapter on my life.

Prologue: Work Stress
For the past few months I've set my work goal as completing 100 hours of research on project 1 (and occasionally 10-25 hours on project 2). I accomplished those goals and made substantive progress. However, I had set for myself (with the additional prodding of my supervisor) to finish project 1 by April 15th.

So my goal for this month was to complete 100 hours on project 1 by April 15th or finish it, whichever came first. Now those 100 hours are pure work hours (lunch time doesn't count, meetings don't count, etc.) which equated to roughly 7 hours per day to finish in nearly a month. So I realized pretty early on that I simply could not do 14 pure work hour days while also going to the gym, eating, and sleeping a desirable amount.

Therefore, I abandoned tracking my hours (which were also a means to set limits to my work hours) and worked every minute that I could. I became really irritable with my roommates trying to trap me into meaningless conversations when I was grabbing food or water. And I still didn't end up sleeping much.

This Past Weekend: Breaking Point
This past weekend is the first time in 2.5 years that I've cried and the first time in about 4 years that I've had a mental breakdown. The first event that sucked was I had the wrong time for hockey in my calendar so I missed our last game of the season. So I was pretty bummed about missing one of the only breaks I've been allowing myself but also we beat our rivals in our first win of the past several weeks.

Worse than that, my supervisor gave me an extension on the April 15th deadline to Monday the 19th and I felt like all of Saturday was wasted developing code in an inefficient manner, owing to some stupid design decisions I made some weeks ago I didn't feel like I had time to fix now.

This is all to say that I was unfortunately a huge bundle of stress for a date (2nd one with this girl) I had on Sunday. I should've just flaked. Instead, I was trying to breath the tension out of my body but I could feel my eye twitching the first 15 minutes of the date or so. The stupid thing is that although this girl had a nice rack she was barely above my threshold for her face I definitely considered her below my level. That was confirmed during the first date when she was leaning towards me, and gave me a warm hug at the end. But by the end of this date she declared she was not "romantically interested" in me. Which I took (probably too personally) as a big fuck you.

So I went from that back to working on my project for the rest of the day / night, failing to complete my project and for the second time in my life slightly considered jumping off the roof of my building. I couldn't get to sleep for about two hours and occasionally thrashed my mattress while releasing my pent up frustrations in a fucking war cry. I definitely lost some sanity that day.

I can't really remember why now but Monday was terrible too. I guess it had to with giving up. Manic episodes like that happened around 10 times as I was finishing my masters. I remember not knowing whether I was frightened or excited by the prospect I might kill myself via exhaustion. And shortly before I finished my masters thesis I also gave up. I decided that misery is worse than failure. And somehow, I couldn't entirely give up. Just by going through the motions I managed to finish my first paper.

New Chapter of Life
I've decided my life is worth more than misery. My life is worth more than doing what I ought to do. My life is worth more than even insignificant achievements. I want to accomplish something truly great in the time I have left to me - and who knows how long that my be.

No more will I work mindlessly on some worthless objective. No more will I suffer for a goal that is not exceedingly worthwhile. No more will I mistake stress and hate for dedication.

Today dawns serious action towards objectives I personally care about independent of what anyone else might think. Those include
[*] 100 consecutive pushups
[*] 365lb deadlift
[*] fusion / space exploration
[*] finding my future wife and raising my future children to live their lives to their fullest potential

Serious Action Starts Now
The first step that I took was to start the 100 pushup program The Master referenced before sitting down to write this post (footnote: Andy had already pointed this my way but I've allowed myself to get warped up by work rather than striving to achieve my goals). I did 22 pushups on the test and then tried week 3 day 1 column 2 but only did 6 pushups on the second set. So, I'll try that again on Friday and if I can't achieve that day on Friday I'll go back to week 1 or 2.

My next step is to work 5 hours today. After that I need to map a concrete plan of action to achieve my goals. No more "first X before I even think about Y." I want to start achieving goals RIGHT NOW.
Damn it man, I feel you so much.

I was also fucking stressed the last few days mainly because of work (I said "yes" to a new project that was fun at the beginning but slowly turns out to be a nightmare). I think we both can lose the balance between work and life and then despair.

The good news is that you didn't kill yourself, you unlocked new levels of emotional endurance and you're aware that something is wrong while getting ready to fix it. Self-improvement is fucking hard (you have to kill parts of yourself and replace them) but as long as you move forward, one inch, one step, one punch at a time you'll do great.
RogerRoger said:
The first step that I took was to start the 100 pushup program The Master referenced before sitting down to write this post (footnote: Andy had already pointed this my way but I've allowed myself to get warped up by work rather than striving to achieve my goals). I did 22 pushups on the test and then tried week 3 day 1 column 2 but only did 6 pushups on the second set. So, I'll try that again on Friday and if I can't achieve that day on Friday I'll go back to week 1 or 2.
I took a brief look at this program today morning when commuting to work. I don't see a reason why it would be any better then good old progressive overload. Maybe I missed a point somewhere on the way.

Anyway, when you are at your lowest you can only go higher man, so keep working! I can really empathize with you, being at my lowest not that long ago.
RogerRoger said:
Serious Action Starts Now
The first step that I took was to start the 100 pushup program The Master referenced before sitting down to write this post (footnote: Andy had already pointed this my way but I've allowed myself to get warped up by work rather than striving to achieve my goals). I did 22 pushups on the test and then tried week 3 day 1 column 2 but only did 6 pushups on the second set. So, I'll try that again on Friday and if I can't achieve that day on Friday I'll go back to week 1 or 2.

I feel you man! I'm really glad your taking actions now, anything you are working towards as insignificant as it might be like doing dishes, folding your clothes or doing push ups will go a long way to make you feel like you are bettering yourself and will make you feel better.

The first 2 weeks of the program will be hard, you will feel sore after every training and for 2-3 days after, but even so you should still do the program 5 days a week at least. After the initial 2 weeks your body will recuperate fast enough so that you can do it 3-4 days in a row without any issues. The main thing imo is start with column 3 at whichever week you can do at the moment, you might need to start from week1 and that's totally fine you'll see after the first 2 weeks and especially after a rest day you will make giant strides. The climb is low but steady, I got stuck on some days for 1 full week multiple times, but completing every single day even if I can't make it all the way, just do all the push ups and I promise you'll see results! I'm always available if you have any questions :)
Lostcause said:
RogerRoger said:
The first step that I took was to start the 100 pushup program The Master referenced before sitting down to write this post (footnote: Andy had already pointed this my way but I've allowed myself to get warped up by work rather than striving to achieve my goals). I did 22 pushups on the test and then tried week 3 day 1 column 2 but only did 6 pushups on the second set. So, I'll try that again on Friday and if I can't achieve that day on Friday I'll go back to week 1 or 2.
I took a brief look at this program today morning when commuting to work. I don't see a reason why it would be any better then good old progressive overload. Maybe I missed a point somewhere on the way.

I don't think it's any better than any kind of training really, but doing 100 consecutives push-ups is impossible for 99% of people, It's a great achievement in someone's life and it's a goal you are working towards. Especially if gyms are closed (like in my case) this is a very good upper body strength exercise to implement in your workout routine and it only takes 5-15min depending on the days.
Appreciate the encouragement everyone.

Crisis_Overcomer, hope you're feeling less stressed about your new project. I just noticed the goal in your signature - I'll be living in a new city about the same time - so I'd say the goal is to definitely have my stress well-managed by then.

Lostcause, the pushup program is a progressive overload. Although I don't know why the weird rep counts in the workouts, maybe it's not a linear progressive overload but the numbers go up week by week. Anyway, might as well make it an experiment! After all, you're working on getting to 100 pushups too, right? So you do your method and I'll try the program. Part of the reason I want to do it is I'm quite good at following orders (hence the username and completing approach anxiety / 100+ approaches in a day) whereas I wasn't good about doing pushups on my own in a less organized manner.

And we all know consistency is key.

Master, interesting you mention doing the program every day - part of the reason I liked the look of it is I thought I read it is only 3 days a week. That fits pretty nicely with my schedule since I am planning on doing the pushups on upper body days and on one of my rest days. I do wonder if it'll be pretty tough since I'll be doing it after heavy bench + accessories but yeah I'll jump back to week 1 if I fail on week 3 day 1 on Friday.

What Serious Action Did I Take Towards My Goals Today?
Before starting work, I did a little reflection and my top goal more abstractly is to
[*] Be proud of who I am
[*] Leave the world a better place

I realized that all my goals in some way fit in one (or both) of those categories. I'm thinking that goal #2 somewhat requires goal #1.

To be proud of who I am I will
[*] Post daily on something I did in the day I should be proud of.
[*] Post daily about something I've done so far in my lifetime I am very proud of.

I'll compound these in my offline journal so I don't do repeats.

Daily Success
This is a rather small thing but I am happy that I took some boxes out of my room to make it more tidy.

Lifetime Success
I'm proud I deadlifted 300 lbs - and without any chalk :)

Serious Action To Take in the Future
[*] Track my time during the day (include some free == de-stress time that I don't track minutely).
[*] Develop a scumbag outfit (more ideal for approaching / getting laid than the more nice guy stuff I've been wearing recently).
RogerRoger said:
Appreciate the encouragement everyone.

@Master, interesting you mention doing the program every day - part of the reason I liked the look of it is I thought I read it is only 3 days a week. That fits pretty nicely with my schedule since I am planning on doing the pushups on upper body days and on one of my rest days. I do wonder if it'll be pretty tough since I'll be doing it after heavy bench + accessories but yeah I'll jump back to week 1 if I fail on week 3 day 1 on Friday.

I don't have access to gym where I'm at so this is why I'm doing it almost every day. I recuperate fast enough to do it everyday without any issues (note: I'm taking 2scoop of protein (50g) + 1 scoop of creatine (5g) everyday). If I would gym access I would prob do 3 days a week like you do right now.