R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

5 hours work today.

Nightgame: 3 hours (hit on one girl legit, talked to a total of three but all in one group).
Daytime Approach: 1 (grocery store, she was wearing a mask usually a nope but damn that mini skirt.)
Learning Pickup: ~20 minutes (read some mainstream article; was half worthless but still some interesting ideas there).
Gym: ~15 minutes gym (shoulder rehab)
Envisioning Success: ~1 hour

Went to three bars tonight. Decided to be sober, just drank ginger beer and that went fine. I definitely had some anxiety at the first bar but that cooled off.

The experiment/idea was to start building rapport with the bartenders / become a local and see if they can wingman me later in the week. First bar was pretty dead, still didn't get a ton of time talking with the bartender but built some rapport I think that I'll continue tomorrow, nice dude.

Second bar the bartender she was attractive but not super hot, kinda lukewarm overall. I left her a nice tip though so we'll see if she warms up tomorrow night.

Third bar I had a few decent random convos and then managed to join a group of three girls playing pool. Two of them were lesbos but their third was cuter anyway and the lesbos liked me. Unfortunately, I did tell them I was leaving in about a week so they did cockblock me at the end, sort of. My pool partner was leaving town soon and kinda lukewarm in general, but I feel like if I didn't mention I'm leaving so soon the lesbos would've been pushing their friend towards me.

Anyway, super fun night overall. Unfortunately, I started today with a bit of a lost voice and after talking sometimes loudly for three hours my voice is toast. I've started coughing too so hopefully not getting sick. If it wasn't for that, I should've hit one more bar but it was pretty quiet being Monday anyway (but definitely not dead enough to not justify going out, useful for future reference).

In other news, wingwomanNyc call went pretty well today it was just a quick chat to see if I'm a good fit (probably some sales tactic) and then we're doing a zoom on Thursday where they'll breakdown the cost etc. Funny thing is the in person coaching they do in NYC is run by dudes. Anyway, I should hustle and apply to a few more so I can find the best bang for the buck.

Right now, I'm thinking if it's more than 1k I'm not doing it.
Envisioning success took longer than I was expecting. However, let me put 30 minutes in every day, that's a good compromise. Instead of writing a new thing down I'll do a mental envisioning, ideally speaking aloud.

SamJ_, glad to hear I'm inspiring you, keep up the work yoursel.f

Crisis_Overcomer, you can't know the light unless you've experienced the dark. Anyway, I've wanted to checkout pick up ever since GLL mentioned he got into things from reading The Game. I've just never gone all-in yet. By all-in, I mean consuming material in line with your goal. I'm sure there's plenty of bullshit there but gold nuggets too. Like Mark Manson's Models the first few chapters on theory I thought were pretty bullshit but his points on eye contact I feel like is only common sense legit - but a good reminder nonetheless.

Yeah I should go through old logs on GLL. Do you know where you can find Scotty's podcasts by the way? I never listened to them. I hardly even read that many articles on GLL. I'm perhaps the extreme version of maximal action but minimal consumption --- to the point I could benefit from some additional reading.

And the call was with some rando not Todd. Probably the coaching wouldn't have been with todd either. Anyway, they lost out being semipro.

Jacobpalmer123, yeah I got a pair of earplugs, definitely a good idea for the clubs, I don't think they're too necessary for the bars I was at tonight, was just loud from talking more so than music. And definitely we'll hit nightgame sometime. What's the best Spring Break-like location during the summer? Cancun?

Holden, cheers dude. Yeah I'm definitely going to keep up eating healthy, gym etc. Getting my teeth whitened on Thursday. I just can't wait until my shoulder+elbow are better and I can get back to deadlifting / lifting heavy.

Also good to hear the two separate sources on phenibut. I prefer going all natural in general and I did decent tonight without even alcohol but I'll definitely keep it mind at a once a week level if I ever give it a try.
RogerRoger said:
Yeah I should go through old logs on GLL. Do you know where you can find Scotty's podcasts by the way? I never listened to them. I hardly even read that many articles on GLL. I'm perhaps the extreme version of maximal action but minimal consumption --- to the point I could benefit from some additional reading.

We're polar opposites.

I always dig deep into a philosophy / school of thought I'm interested in. I read/watched 80% of Chris' material while in a relationship and when I broke up, I was ready to go. Had quite a few concepts such as killer instict and always pushing for the lay imbued in me, without practice.

You can find podcasts on the blog. I think there's a "scotty" tag to make finding easier. Chris always combined article + podcast/video. Even though he took down YouTube, last I checked the podcasts were live.

RogerRoger said:
Right now, I'm thinking if it's more than 1k I'm not doing it.

Is this 1-2-1 coaching?

If yes and since they have some basic marketing experience, I'd expect to pay way more.

And frankly man, you kissed a girl in 30 seconds a while back. The only thing missing is what's missing with typical cold approaching; volume. I bet your left nutsack, if you approached 100 girls at night, you'd get laid since you already have good habits.

Just my two shiba inu coins.
Yesterday: 11 hours work.

Here are my notes on the coaching options I've found. Crisis was rather spot on related the correlation between marketing and price; the NYC wingwoman one I had to sit through a repetitive 20 minute second call + 20 minute sales pitch before they'd tell me the dam price, which is the highest I've found so far. Honestly it turned me off and either they're really relationship-oriented or the stay-at-home-mom marketer was projecting pretty hard. So hard pass there.

[*]$2500 for a weekend (3 days) in New Orleans or Austin (sparksofattraction)

[*] $2k for boot camp / live training (taoofdjfuji)

[*] 4500 lbs ~ 6000 USD for 70 hours in person (kezianoble)

[*] $8k for an intro + exit call, two confidence-boost zooms, one full day in person, 1-2 online dating zooms after (nycwingwoman).

I currently still feel like $2500 is too much although I realized that hourly it's not unreasonable.

I'll keep looking for now though.


In other news my voice finally ~returned today but I'm coughing, was feverish / lightheaded today. In other fun news housing finally got back to me that they're not extending my lease: and tomorrow is my move out date. So most of today I spent packing, although my advisor managed to interrupt that with 2 zooms and twisted my arm into doing a few hours of work today.

So on the one hand, it fucking sucks being sick my last few days of having a centrally located apartment with an actual bedroom to bang (I'm probably going to sleep in a tent outside of housing in protest or just squat until they kick me out) but on the other hand it looks like I'll have to work hard until my defense (or possibly even the final thesis submission date). Either way I'll be free and in Hawaii in a bit more than two weeks.
RogerRoger said:
Yesterday: 11 hours work.

Here are my notes on the coaching options I've found. Crisis was rather spot on related the correlation between marketing and price; the NYC wingwoman one I had to sit through a repetitive 20 minute second call + 20 minute sales pitch before they'd tell me the dam price, which is the highest I've found so far. Honestly it turned me off and either they're really relationship-oriented or the stay-at-home-mom marketer was projecting pretty hard. So hard pass there.

[*]$2500 for a weekend (3 days) in New Orleans or Austin (sparksofattraction)

[*] $2k for boot camp / live training (taoofdjfuji)

[*] 4500 lbs ~ 6000 USD for 70 hours in person (kezianoble)

[*] $8k for an intro + exit call, two confidence-boost zooms, one full day in person, 1-2 online dating zooms after (nycwingwoman).

I currently still feel like $2500 is too much although I realized that hourly it's not unreasonable.

I'll keep looking for now though.


Welcome to run whoever you end up choosing by me. Nightlife cold approach is my first love (GravyTrain and some other GLLers know). I've heard good things about Nick Sparks and Mike from PickupAlpha in Vegas but no personal experience with either.
RogerRoger said:
Honestly it turned me off and either they're really relationship-oriented or the stay-at-home-mom marketer was projecting pretty hard. So hard pass there.

More than 99% of men in the dating market want one girl who will love/like them for who they are. You also see this in GLL/KYIL; most guys start saying they want to get laid a lot, then they have 3-5 lays and end up with one girl for months/years. So yeah, they go after the biggest chunk of the market. Not a bad thing, but something to be aware of. Frankly, your best bet is finding a player who, currently, has the sexual lifestyle you want.

RogerRoger said:
In other news my voice finally ~returned today but I'm coughing, was feverish / lightheaded today

Is it me or do you get sick quite often? This is the impression I got for you since 2019 while reading your GLL log. Of course, "often" is relative but I think you're prone to bouts of light sickness.
Crisis_Overcomer, well I think getting sick once a year is not unreasonable but I was also told that I get sick rather a lot from one of my undergrad professors. So I guess that's the flaw I was given in exchange for no allergies or something.

I definitely agree about trying to find a dude who's currently at the level I'm striving for. Seems like the guys who killed it on GLL didn't stick around for too long. And beyond GLL/KYIL it's hard for me to know if someone's legit. Anyone you recommend?

Rags2Bitches, what was your GLL handle?


Alright, I found in-person coaching within my price range: Satori PUA charges $180 for 2 hours night game. I was planning an NYC trip anyway so hopefully he's free the weekend I'll be there. I don't know for sure he's legit but I'm willing to take a shot in the dark given the price.

I also found $1500 for a weekend bootcamp in Las Vegas by PickupAlpha - good timing from R2B that they're legit. I know Rousseau did an LV RSD bootcamp so I'm wondering if it's the same one. I just reached out to him but feel a lil bad because I know he's hustling with his business now. Anyway, hopefully it's not much of a distraction to him.

There's also a $1500 bootcamp in LA by abcsOfAttraction.

Maybe I'll do all three of those and then I can report back if any of it is worthwhile.
RogerRoger said:
@Crisis_Overcomer, well I think getting sick once a year is not unreasonable but I was also told that I get sick rather a lot from one of my undergrad professors. So I guess that's the flaw I was given in exchange for no allergies or something.

I definitely agree about trying to find a dude who's currently at the level I'm striving for. Seems like the guys who killed it on GLL didn't stick around for too long. And beyond GLL/KYIL it's hard for me to know if someone's legit. Anyone you recommend?

Once a year? When you come to Europe you'll get sick once a decade ;-)

No idea who to recommend. Satori doesn't seem to have killer instict based from the video on his blog (he didn't even go for the kiss) The process of finding a coach can be time consuming so you might have to go through quite a few of them.

Again: you kissed a girl in less than a minute. I doubt most pua coaches can do this. You got the skill. All that's missing, in my not so humble opinion, is volume and dealing with a girl's friends if they're around and try to cockblock you.
Meant to post the below yday. Today: 11.5 hours work. Sleep time.

Crisis_Overcomer I definitely have the opener. I tend to fall apart after that, but yeah I'm sure I'll get there. And especially after hearing from Rousseau, I'm thinking $1k+ on a weekend bootcamp isn't worth it unless bitcoin balloons again and I sellout again (it did kinda balloon just now thinking I should sell but going to hold, we'll see if I have regrets in the morning). In the meantime I'd rather earmark my funds for travel.

Speaking of which, I booked a flight + buses + trains to do a lil MLB tour - hitting up NYC + Philadelphia + DC + Baltimore in September. Still need to book hotels/hostels but I might be able to get work to pay for something swanky in Manhattan and I may save money and crash with friends during the week - I can always book a hotel last minute if a girl is down. Still need to hit up photographers for photoshoots in each city. I'll have to work grind tomorrow but would be good to get all this settled sooner than later.

Lastly, as is typical, Tinder is being a total tease sending me an attractive girl who sounds dtf while I'm feeling like shit so not planning on meeting up. Guess I'll try to get her out just to confirm she's just a flirt. (Update: confirmed she was just a tease.)
Roger, gonna chime in with an opinion, but it's not to tell you what to do, you can observe it and take whatever action you wanna take: I would not pay for in person coaching from any PUA type theoretical wizards.

For the most part, that industry is a cash-grab, basic old skool information marketing, selling from stage, guru business model shit - you can read their playbooks and they just reel guys in with the same model and bank serious money from naive guys who haven't built the correct neural structures to be attractive to women yet.

I purchased 2 x 3 day bootcamps with someone who was a 'legend' in the industry, at a cost of over 5k total, and training he offered was a total joke. The guy was a psychopath and career criminal (I know this years later now the company has been exposed, it was a company with a 3 letter name starting with R) and the fat lumbering oaf just spouted bullshit for hours and hours and told us to just mass approach. That was it!

In my opinion, there is nothing you can gain from paying for in person training, it will only put you further backwards as you will begin to think like a theoretical wizard and be sold on concepts, which the industry just invents as buzzwords to bulk out a product so they can actually sell it. It's all marketing. If you told the truth, which is good look + talk to girls, then there is nothing to market. But if you are deliberately vague, invent buzzwords, and build castles in the air, you can sell at scale and make bank.

It's not about 'masculine polarity', or 'maintaining an alpha frame', many of the PUA dudes who I met were the biggest losers I have met in my life and SUCKED with women. My friendship group back in the day had guys who simply slayed with women, fucked different girls every week, sometimes multiple a day, they were just beastly dudes who were ambitious in the extreme and were arrogant and entitled for their own reasons, maybe because they had rich parents, or maybe because they were bright and at a relatively elite Uni, at any rate, they simply didn't think about it at all, there was no mental masturbation, they just looked good and talked to girls.

It's about neuralchemistry, and only being in the fire will build the neural structures, I can send you some videos on this but I have studied the brain and neuralplasticity a little bit, frankly I think you have also and you may know more than I do. Sorry, I am not clear on what you study as I visit your log but haven't read it all the way through yet.

In my opinion, the best investment is putting yourself on the front lines.

When people want in person coaching, they are secretly looking for someone to hold their hand, to take the pain of the process away from them, and to ease them into the journey. However, that can sometimes feed into a larger problem of safety seeking and avoiding discomfort.

The person who gets comfortable being uncomfortable wins. Period.

Just wanted to share, take it with a pinch of salt because I legit got scammed so am probably salty, do you.

MakingAComeback said:
Roger, gonna chime in with an opinion, but it's not to tell you what to do, you can observe it and take whatever action you wanna take: I would not pay for in person coaching from any PUA type theoretical wizards.

For the most part, that industry is a cash-grab, basic old skool information marketing, selling from stage, guru business model shit - you can read their playbooks and they just reel guys in with the same model and bank serious money from naive guys who haven't built the correct neural structures to be attractive to women yet.

I purchased 2 x 3 day bootcamps with someone who was a 'legend' in the industry, at a cost of over 5k total, and training he offered was a total joke. The guy was a psychopath and career criminal (I know this years later now the company has been exposed, it was a company with a 3 letter name starting with R) and the fat lumbering oaf just spouted bullshit for hours and hours and told us to just mass approach. That was it!

In my opinion, there is nothing you can gain from paying for in person training, it will only put you further backwards as you will begin to think like a theoretical wizard and be sold on concepts, which the industry just invents as buzzwords to bulk out a product so they can actually sell it. It's all marketing. If you told the truth, which is good look + talk to girls, then there is nothing to market. But if you are deliberately vague, invent buzzwords, and build castles in the air, you can sell at scale and make bank.

It's not about 'masculine polarity', or 'maintaining an alpha frame', many of the PUA dudes who I met were the biggest losers I have met in my life and SUCKED with women. My friendship group back in the day had guys who simply slayed with women, fucked different girls every week, sometimes multiple a day, they were just beastly dudes who were ambitious in the extreme and were arrogant and entitled for their own reasons, maybe because they had rich parents, or maybe because they were bright and at a relatively elite Uni, at any rate, they simply didn't think about it at all, there was no mental masturbation, they just looked good and talked to girls.

It's about neuralchemistry, and only being in the fire will build the neural structures, I can send you some videos on this but I have studied the brain and neuralplasticity a little bit, frankly I think you have also and you may know more than I do. Sorry, I am not clear on what you study as I visit your log but haven't read it all the way through yet.

In my opinion, the best investment is putting yourself on the front lines.

When people want in person coaching, they are secretly looking for someone to hold their hand, to take the pain of the process away from them, and to ease them into the journey. However, that can sometimes feed into a larger problem of safety seeking and avoiding discomfort.

The person who gets comfortable being uncomfortable wins. Period.

Just wanted to share, take it with a pinch of salt because I legit got scammed so am probably salty, do you.


MAC, that would be a great video idea for your channel
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Roger, gonna chime in with an opinion, but it's not to tell you what to do, you can observe it and take whatever action you wanna take: I would not pay for in person coaching from any PUA type theoretical wizards.

For the most part, that industry is a cash-grab, basic old skool information marketing, selling from stage, guru business model shit - you can read their playbooks and they just reel guys in with the same model and bank serious money from naive guys who haven't built the correct neural structures to be attractive to women yet.

I purchased 2 x 3 day bootcamps with someone who was a 'legend' in the industry, at a cost of over 5k total, and training he offered was a total joke. The guy was a psychopath and career criminal (I know this years later now the company has been exposed, it was a company with a 3 letter name starting with R) and the fat lumbering oaf just spouted bullshit for hours and hours and told us to just mass approach. That was it!

In my opinion, there is nothing you can gain from paying for in person training, it will only put you further backwards as you will begin to think like a theoretical wizard and be sold on concepts, which the industry just invents as buzzwords to bulk out a product so they can actually sell it. It's all marketing. If you told the truth, which is good look + talk to girls, then there is nothing to market. But if you are deliberately vague, invent buzzwords, and build castles in the air, you can sell at scale and make bank.

It's not about 'masculine polarity', or 'maintaining an alpha frame', many of the PUA dudes who I met were the biggest losers I have met in my life and SUCKED with women. My friendship group back in the day had guys who simply slayed with women, fucked different girls every week, sometimes multiple a day, they were just beastly dudes who were ambitious in the extreme and were arrogant and entitled for their own reasons, maybe because they had rich parents, or maybe because they were bright and at a relatively elite Uni, at any rate, they simply didn't think about it at all, there was no mental masturbation, they just looked good and talked to girls.

It's about neuralchemistry, and only being in the fire will build the neural structures, I can send you some videos on this but I have studied the brain and neuralplasticity a little bit, frankly I think you have also and you may know more than I do. Sorry, I am not clear on what you study as I visit your log but haven't read it all the way through yet.

In my opinion, the best investment is putting yourself on the front lines.

When people want in person coaching, they are secretly looking for someone to hold their hand, to take the pain of the process away from them, and to ease them into the journey. However, that can sometimes feed into a larger problem of safety seeking and avoiding discomfort.

The person who gets comfortable being uncomfortable wins. Period.

Just wanted to share, take it with a pinch of salt because I legit got scammed so am probably salty, do you.


MAC, that would be a great video idea for your channel

Hell yeah bro, will shoot and upload tonight!

Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Roger, gonna chime in with an opinion, but it's not to tell you what to do, you can observe it and take whatever action you wanna take: I would not pay for in person coaching from any PUA type theoretical wizards.

For the most part, that industry is a cash-grab, basic old skool information marketing, selling from stage, guru business model shit - you can read their playbooks and they just reel guys in with the same model and bank serious money from naive guys who haven't built the correct neural structures to be attractive to women yet.

I purchased 2 x 3 day bootcamps with someone who was a 'legend' in the industry, at a cost of over 5k total, and training he offered was a total joke. The guy was a psychopath and career criminal (I know this years later now the company has been exposed, it was a company with a 3 letter name starting with R) and the fat lumbering oaf just spouted bullshit for hours and hours and told us to just mass approach. That was it!

In my opinion, there is nothing you can gain from paying for in person training, it will only put you further backwards as you will begin to think like a theoretical wizard and be sold on concepts, which the industry just invents as buzzwords to bulk out a product so they can actually sell it. It's all marketing. If you told the truth, which is good look + talk to girls, then there is nothing to market. But if you are deliberately vague, invent buzzwords, and build castles in the air, you can sell at scale and make bank.

It's not about 'masculine polarity', or 'maintaining an alpha frame', many of the PUA dudes who I met were the biggest losers I have met in my life and SUCKED with women. My friendship group back in the day had guys who simply slayed with women, fucked different girls every week, sometimes multiple a day, they were just beastly dudes who were ambitious in the extreme and were arrogant and entitled for their own reasons, maybe because they had rich parents, or maybe because they were bright and at a relatively elite Uni, at any rate, they simply didn't think about it at all, there was no mental masturbation, they just looked good and talked to girls.

It's about neuralchemistry, and only being in the fire will build the neural structures, I can send you some videos on this but I have studied the brain and neuralplasticity a little bit, frankly I think you have also and you may know more than I do. Sorry, I am not clear on what you study as I visit your log but haven't read it all the way through yet.

In my opinion, the best investment is putting yourself on the front lines.

When people want in person coaching, they are secretly looking for someone to hold their hand, to take the pain of the process away from them, and to ease them into the journey. However, that can sometimes feed into a larger problem of safety seeking and avoiding discomfort.

The person who gets comfortable being uncomfortable wins. Period.

Just wanted to share, take it with a pinch of salt because I legit got scammed so am probably salty, do you.


MAC, that would be a great video idea for your channel


Thanks for the idea big man, story time for you all ;)

Worked 6 hours today. Finally got some sims running, worked a bit on my defense. That MUST be my #1 priority tomorrow.

Should've worked more but felt pretty shitty today, went to bed late last night and woke up early this morning; I was pretty full of energy to get work done at 7am but then I saw the time and gave myself until 8am. Woke up before my alarm again. Anyway, I'm on track to finish everything by Friday. Housing locked me out today but they left another room open so I'm crashing there tonight.

GravyTrain, cheers, sent Rags2Bitches a PM. So was he on GLL or just part of your posse?

MakingAComeback, cheers on the video dude, hope it helps your channel. Sorry to hear you got ripped off.

I'm still going to try in person coaching if the price is within my budget. There are gold nuggets everywhere. Just gotta play the numbers game.
100% agree with Crisis_Overcomer above. A current player is best as long as he's at least somewhat thoughtful about what he does and not delusional about the reasons for his success. Some guys who are really good tend to fall into the "Just be irreverent and say whatever the fuck you want!". Which is true when you've internalized based on years of success that you're the shit and way cooler than most girls you talk to and that it's all just a game. But a beginner in any skill can only benefit from some structure.

Mostly agree with MakingAComeback. You don't want to get caught up in any weird frameworks or paradigms. I didn't use a "coach" when I first started focusing on getting laid from nightlife (around 2016). I obsessively read the following GLL articles and went out 2-4 times a week to practice with a minimum approach quota (unless someone went home with me).

And a few others. I also paid attention to what the players in my city were doing. I'd approach any guy who looked good/cool in addition to bouncers/managers/owners/promoters. As anyone with legit experience will tell you, including GLL Chris, you will very rarely fuck the hottest girls (insta model level) in your city or any city from pure cold approach-- most of them will come from making friends in "the nightlife scene". However, cold approach will get you plenty of cute girls and is an absolute prerequisite to develop the high level of social skills you need to break into "the scene". And a shit ton of fun/validation/great nights and crazy stories and experiences if you do it right.

With that said...there are certainly things I took a while to learn that I wish someone would've just told/shown me. Also by the time I found GLL and the looks/edge/killer instinct part "clicked", I already had above average social skills from years of practice building social circles after abject loserdom in high school. I've noticed that some of my more career focused and autistic friends and people I've helped over the years (who had also read all the GLL articles) benefited from some structure and even "techniques" that are specific to nightlife....shit like
- standing in a high traffic area vs walking around the bar...about how many ppl you can approach on the same floor of a venue...
- how much to tip and when...how to make friends with the staff so you get instant social proof + an oasis of someone who wants to talk to you when your approaches aren't going well..how to use weekdays to break into "the scene".
- how much leeway to give interested girls in groups when they're not down to be immediately isolated
- dealing with texting available girls with bad logistics to funnel to afterparty vs staying with the group
- steering the convo almost immediately after the opener to an area where you have a lot of status without looking try-hard (important for hotter girls)
- full honesty when handling objections to the "let's get out of here" vs. inviting them to play with your pet fish vs. come chill and drink with me-- I have no expectations
- and a shit ton of other things I'm not thinking of right now that bump up your conversion rate over time

I think it also helps to watch someone approach to see what's possible and what the typical rejections look like.

To summarize this rant lol, it goes without saying that looking good and talking to 10+ girls/night are basic pre-requisites that I'm assuming for anyone who reads this. Developing confidence, irreverence, empathy etc (the bulk of good social skills) can ONLY be done through practice-- no one can teach you this. But there are definitely some "best practices" for nightlife that can improve the experience and make a difference over time.
There are definitely techniques that boost your results. The question is if they're worth thousands of dollars.

- Go out with a hot girl and tell her to be your wingwoman, make it a fun game between the two of you, teach her how to approach
- If you don't have access to a hot girl like that, just approach girls alone and when it clicks with someone, tell her to "pretend to be my girlfriend, I want to make someone jealous" and walk around with her around the bar/nightclub, arms locked, make it a fun roleplaying game

Some girls will be really into it and touch you all over and shit.

For me, the entire point of nightgame is to get hot girls. To get hot girls you need (some) social proof. Otherwise why bother? I can hop on Tinder and have girls over with way less effort.

To get social proof, you need girls. If you don't have girls, tell them to pretend they're your girl. They love it. Become a regular at the cool places and tip 100%. Get treated like a king and make sure everyone sees it.

You have money to spend. I'm sure you'll boost your results much more by spending $200 on greasing the bouncers and barkeeps in your regular spot, than you would by spending $1000 on a bootcamp weekend.

Just my two cents. With covid, I haven't really been out at all in the past year and a half.
Holden said:
There are definitely techniques that boost your results. The question is if they're worth thousands of dollars.

- Go out with a hot girl and tell her to be your wingwoman, make it a fun game between the two of you, teach her how to approach
- If you don't have access to a hot girl like that, just approach girls alone and when it clicks with someone, tell her to "pretend to be my girlfriend, I want to make someone jealous" and walk around with her around the bar/nightclub, arms locked, make it a fun roleplaying game

Some girls will be really into it and touch you all over and shit.

For me, the entire point of nightgame is to get hot girls. To get hot girls you need (some) social proof. Otherwise why bother? I can hop on Tinder and have girls over with way less effort.

To get social proof, you need girls. If you don't have girls, tell them to pretend they're your girl. They love it. Become a regular at the cool places and tip 100%. Get treated like a king and make sure everyone sees it.

You have money to spend. I'm sure you'll boost your results much more by spending $200 on greasing the bouncers and barkeeps in your regular spot, than you would by spending $1000 on a bootcamp weekend.

Just my two cents. With covid, I haven't really been out at all in the past year and a half.

Have all your results lately been from tinder or some from approaching? Just curious. Also are you significantly above average in looks? I've never heard of an average looking guy having success with hot girls on tinder, unless there's some secret technique that I don't know about lol.
SamJ_ said:
Have all your results lately been from tinder or some from approaching? Just curious. Also are you significantly above average in looks? I've never heard of an average looking guy having success with hot girls on tinder, unless there's some secret technique that I don't know about lol.

No all my lays this year have been online, with two or three social circle lays. No cold approach.

And isn't the entire point of this website to become above average in looks? I mean I'm tall, athletic, low bodyfat, pretty proud of my jawline, and I dress edgy. Neglected the gym a bit but my body is still solid. Have good pics but they can be better.

But yeah, the point of that post was to say that girls you pull from cold approach (day or night) tend to be hotter than what you can get on Tinder. It's just that for me, at this point, I'm pretty happy with my Tinder results and the effort/results ratio of Tinder vs. cold approach makes it a no-brainer for me.

I'd say that 1 out of 7 lays from online would qualify as "really hot". Just an estimate.
Holden said:
- Go out with a hot girl and tell her to be your wingwoman, make it a fun game between the two of you, teach her how to approach
- If you don't have access to a hot girl like that, just approach girls alone and when it clicks with someone, tell her to "pretend to be my girlfriend, I want to make someone jealous" and walk around with her around the bar/nightclub, arms locked, make it a fun roleplaying game

You know, I did this for a while with 2 girls (not at the same time). One of the girls was even bi, and we'd compete for makeouts. She'd been an import model with a cult online following. The other was an NFL cheerleader.


Maybe I wasn't doing it right, but it didn't improve my results that much (was still pulling mostly cute girls, not the untouchable ones). Definitely intimidated some too.

I ended up getting way more attention from men. In terms of wingmen, another guy with elite looks/social freedom or a gay friend with elite looks/social freedom has worked better for me.

What took me to the next level was access from "gatekeeper" men...cocktail waitresses watching the owner hug me/drinking at owners' table/big promoter walking around introducing me etc. Holden is right of course, it def helps to have hot female friends, but hasn't been as much of a direct impact for me.
That's really interesting Rags2Bitches . Those girls are really fucking hot though, I can totally see why other girls would be intimidated. If I had to guess there's only two or three girls of that caliber in any given club, at least where I live.

I could never make male wings work. Without a doubt, greasing the bouncers and barkeepers is a life changer. And it's so obvious in hindsight. Works the same for dates too: I have a coffee bar where I take Tinder girls where the staff treats me like I'm Louis XIV. It definitely makes a difference.