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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

Went out to shop today

The goal was to find some accessories at Victoria Market and also find a new trimmer for my beard and hair

Nothing that caught my interest at the markets - decided to measure my ring sizes and go online instead

Trimmers were pricey but i realised long ago that forking out for something that will make a difference is worth it on this journey. Dont expect to make it being a massive cheapskate - you should spend higher on fashion for instance

My current trimmer is not doing a good enough job on my neck and it makes my look a grimy and unkempt. Hopefully this new one does better
I have to confess I was not surprised at ALL when I heard your voice. It was 100% exactly how I expected you would sound! ;)
Thursday - 1630 cal
Friday - 2000 cal
Saturday - Cheat day (think i only ate about 1500cal from food but alcohol probably put it near 3000, didn't track though)
Today - 1850 cal

Its been an ill disciplined weekend, which included some drugs, but I needed to socialise and get out of my flat tbh. Still haven't been able to conjure a date from online (3 week dry spell now) and im not going to turn down my mates if there are no immediate prospects.
Keep going man. We all have such weeks. Nothing wrong with a cheat day (meal) if it is just once a week.
The cut is really starting to hit me

Fucking sore in so many places and 0 energy/motivation to do anything but sleep

Think I need to up protein
Not doing keto tbh Andy

Not really tracking macros at all. Just cals in cals out

I'm going to up protein and cut carbs back a bit

Scales and photo comparison seem to suggest I'm getting somewhere
Update pic

I started recording my weight on the 8th (just over two weeks after i started cutting).
2 weeks worth of data. The difference in median weights from week 1 to week 2 is about 4.5 pounds. Which is good
1700 cals or so

Oh and I got laid.

Have some boobs

Proof pic removed after 2 weeks, but Andy posted something for you horny bastards below

I find it despicably easy to shag on 1st dates these days. I blame Andy

Vlog 3

Goes over a realignment of my short term goals. Everything is focused around my cut now for me until the end of July

Yesterday was a cheat which wasnt tracked but at a guess I hit about 2500cal

Today- 1500cal

Seeing more progress
