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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

Stressful week so far

Feels like im struggling to recover a bit tbh

Monday - 1800cal
Tuesday - 1850cal
Today - 1844cal
1700cal today

Feeling better, i carbed up more yesterday.

Managing my mood and energy is almost 100% of the dieting battle. Hunger doesnt play as much of a part tbh.

One of my better vlogs so far I think. Felt more relaxed doing it.
You should definitely do them man

Doesnt take more than 20 mins out of my life at most and I'm enjoying making them

It suits me personally as I feel I have a better voice through speaking than writing

I think when i have done like 50 of these i will get to the point im as natural as i would be just shooting the shit with you in person
I was definitely one of those people

Every article might be overkill
I thought your Tinder guide could do with video intros for each part
Figured you'd get more engagement and trust from the readers if you attached your face and voice to it

If you're cool with it btw I'm going to post my travel and hostel articles here on this forum
Its about time I did them

Still a bugbear of mine that DC7 and Chris (2 guys i obviously have insane respect for) spent 10 minutes just trashing travelling as an option for young guys in one of their podcasts despite having an accumulated knowledge on it of fuck all. But i didnt counter it back then so better late than never.
1698 cals Friday
dont track Saturday

Definitely more ab definition when tensed than before

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Radical said:
If you're cool with it btw I'm going to post my travel and hostel articles here on this forum
Its about time I did them

Yep go for it. If you do a decent job (and you want to do this), I'll share them on my site and pay you for them. Obvious caveat: As long as I think the writing's half-decent.

Well I intend to delve as much into the nitty gritty as possible so its not just some bland safe overview
Cals for today - 1886

So I actually tried the pomodoro technique out today. With a phone timer because I havent got one of those kitchen timers.

Have to say it went really well. I did 4 seperate pomodoros with small breaks as advised. Smashed out 1800 words of the hostel guide I am writing for the forum. My focus was good and the words flowed pretty easily. I have serious attention issues most of the time and this definitely made me ignore things that would distract me otherwise - because I had vowed to myself I would stay on track.

Time to see if I can make it a habit and do them daily.

Walked a lot today. Couple of hours around town, enjoying it before Melbourne is inevitably locked back down.

Ordered some Chuck Taylors online that I had scouted this weekend. Clothes wise couldnt find what I want in stores. I think the week or two post lockdown would have been a better time to have picked up the in demand items (Zara tees, a black Zara bomber and a black Champion hoodie with small logo - are what I was looking for).
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Pomodoro is sick as fuck, especially if you build it into a habit. It's a great balance of work and breaks; you feel like you're pushing yourself, but also getting plenty of relaxation time as well.

Re: Melbourne being locked back down.... Yeah, that may happen. We'll deal with it though. Fuck the government. We'll just use another lockdown as an excuse to kick even more ass.

I appreciate the sentiment dude, and I am sure I'd get shit done, but i really dont want to be in this city anymore.

I feel like im at least 2 months past the natural time span that I was meant to be here. Its just the way my travel impulse is.

I'm only here right now because I want a deposit back and couple more paychecks.

But I cant affect these events at all so I need not worry about it. As long as I can get over a border in a few weeks I should be fine.
I highly recommend the pomodoro technique, it's works wonders for me. When I'm at the point that I feel my focus stray form my work, I check the time, and release I only have 5-10 minutes left until a 5 min break, so it seriously helps with my focus and productivity.
I've used this technique for a while now. I have mixed feelings about it. Its good in the sense you will get more work done assuming whatever it is you are doing is something you are not particularly interested in (have to do tasks). But when you are really focused on something I am not sure I want my focus broken if you know what I mean? Definitely has its place though!

Where do you want to travel next?
Thebastard said:
I've used this technique for a while now. I have mixed feelings about it. Its good in the sense you will get more work done assuming whatever it is you are doing is something you are not particularly interested in (have to do tasks). But when you are really focused on something I am not sure I want my focus broken if you know what I mean? Definitely has its place though!

Where do you want to travel next?

I feel the same way about Pomodoro and that's why I don't use it that often. Nowadays, I tend to do 1h of Pomodoro (4x25min) to get all the tedious tasks done and 3h of very focused work. Then I can usually take the rest of the day off or use it for light tasks (reading books, watching online courses, learning new stuff, Zoom calls with clients).
My first impression with pomodoro was that it fixes a couple of issues I have around procrastination and being too easily distracted while trying to get something done

Thebastard said:
Where do you want to travel next?

I want to go back to the US again for sure. Canada is the next spot for living abroad. Just actual travel wise South America is a big one for me. I know you had some good times there yourself.

Today after work I had to go see some friends that are getting the fuck out of dodge before the borders shut down. Had a couple of glasses of wine and shot the shit. Gonna be low on social circle the next month or so but fuck it I will do some worthwhile stuff in that time.

When I got back I did some audio recordings - I have some ideas around this.

Worked out that 1800 words equals a 10 minute recording which is good to know. Andy sweated out 130,000 words on his tinder guide. I only need just over 10k words for an hour recording - easy shit.

1700 cals today and like an hour of walking.


Did a coaching sesh and 2 pomodoros this evening after work.

2000 cals today
1751 - cals today

Did 3 pomodoro - the hostel guide as at like 4.5k words and this is the bulk of it written. Im just going to add whatever I think is missing but not too much more. And other than that trim and edit.

Crazy to think I wrote 4.5k words with 7 pomodoros. Which only amounts to 3 hrs.
You put a timer on for 25 minutes

Promise yourself you will do nothing else other than the task you have chosen to work on

Then you have a small break and reset the timer

You are meant to do like 4 before you take a long break
Looking forward to reading the hostel guide. I have made some good experiences with hostels too. They can be great places to hook up with girls if you pick the right hostels.

Will it also include specific recommendations for hostels you liked the most? Or maybe you can post some here.
Radical I am just curios as to why you're writing a hostel guide. What do you do for a living? Seems like you travel around, from what I've read about you.
GravyTrain said:
AGF said:
I feel the same way about Pomodoro and that's why I don't use it that often. Nowadays, I tend to do 1h of Pomodoro (4x25min) to get all the tedious tasks done and 3h of very focused work. Then I can usually take the rest of the day off or use it for light tasks (reading books, watching online courses, learning new stuff, Zoom calls with clients).

Agreed. To me, Pomodoro is mental masturbation.

If you authentically want to pursue whatever you're doing, you don't need these little "hacks" to take action. You wake up, and IMMEDIATELY take action. It just naturally happens.

You don't need motivation of any sort.

You don't need supplements.

You don't need "focus".

You just do it.

If it's authentic. Most things people do are not what they should be doing, hence why they feel like "work" or feel "hard."

This just isnt true for me man

And I had a long chat with Andy about it too and he also struggles to start writing- the challenge is starting, once you're going its fine.

Also why does matter the manner in which you are taking action? All that matters is that action is being taken and consistently. The end result is a task I was struggling to focus on is done.

I did an essay based subject at uni too. 4.5k words in 3 hrs was unheard of for me back then. Used to take like 2 weeks for me to get something like that done
AGF said:
Looking forward to reading the hostel guide. I have made some good experiences with hostels too. They can be great places to hook up with girls if you pick the right hostels.

Will it also include specific recommendations for hostels you liked the most? Or maybe you can post some here.

Not a bad shout. I was going more for the cities that had a good selection.