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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

Body update
Definitely more definition
Jawline is coming in as well
Starting to look a bit ectomorph around my small ass chest lol

Tan is a work in progress. On a protocol that should see good results in a couple of weeks
Honestly, I thought the same way for the longest time. Andy helped me see the light: we should be taking the *best possible progress pics* rather than worst possible.

The biggest plus is you'll feel way better about yourself looking so snazzy rather than being stuck in perpetuity of "man, I can barely see my abs" (because lighting is trash).

Do you pushups or bench in your workouts?
I havent updated this anywhere near enough

Been mostly busy working on my youtube projects - its a hobby thing at this stage and my 365 project

I am uploading 1 video a day for the next 365 days

I will post more vids on here. Currently everything im uploading is a bit dodgy in terms of editing, so bear with me. I got like 4 weeks worth of vids done in the first 2 weeks so all my current uploads were edited when I had less than 0 idea what I was doing.

Finally had some girls come back to me on online dating. I've moved back to my rural family home and the pickings around are slim to say the least lads.

I got this chicks number and she said she wants to meet.....however she is in quarantine for another week as she just got in from Canada hahaha. We agreed to meet up next Friday. See if she still responds in a couple of days but I'm never confident about anything that isnt a meet up within like 3 days of starting the conversation.
I have accepted this will take a while to convince you on. I bet within the next few years you will have used a hostel. I cant see you travelling with Immi and never actually ending up in one

I dont like camping, its uncomfortable. I can do sleeping the back of a vehicle or something if its well kitted out
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I can totally see the appeal though; it must be cool as fuck to meet a bunch of cool people, become close mates with a lot of them, learn about different people's perspectives and life stories and shit

The introvert inside me says: This sounds horrible

One I did on intrusive thoughts that I was fairly happy with

Got two numbers over the weekend off Bumble and Tinder and I've pitched dates to both of them. Will see what happens, I do not have good logistics rn(living with family) so I'm going to be very honest about that in person

A video on the importance of ACCOUNTABILITY and where guys can find it.

I want all of you reading to stick around here and become successful. But most of you will fail if you dont reach out and become accountable to someone other than yourself.
Everyone should be networking more is basically the point, or get a coach/mentor. Simple shit.
I have a problem with accountability, or maybe I'm talking about something else.

1) I have no social shame/accountability (zero feels) as to whether I finish 95% of stuff I talk about. That's coz...
2) I only care about the remaining 5%. That's the stuff I care about.
3) But, I often get wrapped into those 95% if I feel pressured or I'm looking for validation. I get into setting goals that are unrealistic for me or interfere with my lifestyle or values. I don't think those things through. Hence I don't care later if I don't go through. Example: 365 approach challenge. Did not think it through at all. My circumstances are against me and I do not like to sail against the wind when I can do stuff that benefits me more.
4) The 5% of stuff I do care about I try to talk as little as possible. I like getting feedback, but I don't like how demotivated it makes me feel. Everytime I slip and tell someone an update on my stuff, it's like my drive is leaking like a car's gas.

It's not a problem for me. I lean towards not telling people than telling them due to 4), as well as having experienced 3) hundreds of times. That being said, I do strive to lean a little more towards sharing in the context of 5% that matters, however it's a delicate issue for me and I err on the side of not telling due to 4).

Again, I have been recommended social accountability multiple times in my life by people who had almost exact opposite experience than I. I don't understand why am I wired this way, but I am. I am fine with it.


One I did a few days ago which I consider an accompaniment to the accountability video.

MOMENTUM - At the dawn of the douchebag revolution Chris spoke to us about social momentum. But there are more forms you can use than just that.

The two pillars of self improvement Accountability and Momentum. You need both.
Yo guys

Did a vlog in the woods for my channel


Much nicer doing this outside
Took a new primary tinder pic cause its been like a year since I tried for a new one

Only issues with it if im being nit picky

1. not very candid
2. i shot it landscape cause i missed that part of Andy's guide
3. im not in the centre (doesnt matter much given tinder crops anyway)

Other than that very happy with it. Andy has edited it for me
