Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch


An old video I did that no one watched

Why impulsiveness is a positive trait
If you have it as part of your personality lean into it when it tells you to act
Throw yourself in the deep end so you learn how to swim
What about vlogging sharing your goals and reporting them daily.

And ask people Who begin to Follow you what goals they have too, so you can all begin to be together onto the same road/mindset ?
Doing that daily would bore me tbh. I like coming up with concept videos and talking about things, it makes the videos potentially more interesting to edit as well... and i want to play around with that more.

Its not a bad idea as a weekly thing, to show how im practicing what i preach though.

Probably my worst case of drama since I started taking my dating life seriously

Hottest chick I dated last year but jesus christ
Broke into my hostel and found my dorm room, all at 1am
Had to calm her down, let her sleep off the alcohol and then send her off forever
Ive not been reposting my vids on here enough

Here's a soppy one about how im grateful for everyone that makes up this community

I was off for maybe 6 months.
I think what happened was just this forum was a lower priority, and life got busy, and I kind of just forgot.
I won't really call myself as "being back" until I've been on here for a few months tbh.

There's so much value in just being around other people who are committed to some goal in their life.
It gives another reason to keep going.
I wouldn't worry too much about other people.

I'm really busy to post updates of my life.

And I'm looking forward to your style advice on your site.

pussypounder9000 Hey dude. Answered your question about tinder in full on a vid

As promised on a recent video I put my thoughts on how useful Photofeeler out there

TLDR: It can be useful as a supplementary analysis but the Tinder pool will sometimes throw up different results. As was the case with two of my pictures
Well im a newbie to the reddit page so just browsing through and reacting to shit

Beyond Rich Cooper and Rollo I dont know any of the main voices like Vasiliy that everyone talks about.

Ill do some more but maybe not too many as it gets quite negative and repetitive. I intend to balance it out with my favourite manosphere guys like Chris, Black Dragon and Andy etc
Ive been neglecting this thread

Though I know some of you subscribed and watch when i upload - love those that do


Heres one I did about not beating yourself up over the work you didnt get done
- you should have a daily minimum
- gradually increase the daily minimum as it becomes easier
- dont be a dick to yourself obvs
- you cant go back anyway, you are wasting time in the present worrying about it
I recently did a series on the best goodlookingloser articles (imo)

Check it out:

1. On this article - https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/fundamentals/looks-and-style/why-edgy-masculine-looking-guys-will-always-be-more-appealing-to-hot-girls

2. On this article - https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/screening/how-to-filter-and-screen-girls

3. On this article - https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/picking-up-women/a-hardcore-lesson-in-sexual-availability

4. The AA programme - https://www.goodlookingloser.com/anxiety/program

5. https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/fundamentals/looks-and-style/you-arent-that-ugly

Subscribe if you enjoyed these.
Post youtube hate comments if you dont.
Both help the algo

Did a reaction video to my first 365 video

This was fun to do but a bitch to edit. I prefer the way Andy did his editing for the reaction vid with the OG video the big one


This isnt a case of me stealing his ideas like it usually is

- I didnt know what I wanted really when I first spoke to Andy
- mostly i follow my nose with short-medium term goals
- its fine not knowing your mission/life purpose when you are young
- get experience chase your immediate desires and you learn who you are, dont worry if you are like me and dont have massive overarching dreams

A video about working on your good ideas immediately
- if you leave shit you end up with a daunting list of stuff to do that may not got started
- do shit when you still have momentum and feel excited about it
- learn to trust your instincts as to what is a good idea and what isnt

Covid has sucked, we all know that. But shits getting back to normal

If you havent been making gains during covid im disappointed in you and you need to sort yourself out! (most people on here this doesnt apply though)

For those of us that made progress, your expectations should be higher than before covid for what you can achieve

No more lockdowns as an excuse. Lets crush life

*if you like my vids subscribe to my channel
cheers Radical

Im once again asking everyone to leave their flats and be outside

- ive started taking business calls outside
- i write articles and plan videos outside
- im exploring the city about 3 hrs a day
- sitting in a flat or house for extended periods is the quickest way to fall into a rut/depression
- be kind to yourself and try and spend as much time as you can allow in fresh fucking air

One for the boys from a recent zoom call with KillYourInnerLoser

Andy is probably the best ive seen for screening drama out of his life and only dealing with girls he has basically a 100% chance of sleeping with

We go over the reasons for this approach and how it makes life easier

Not sure whats up with the quality on video, it was a downloaded zoom call so maybe that. Audio is fine
Andy yells at me for not promoting my channel enough

So I am going to post every vid of my 365 on here til the end - even if i think the vid is terribad


This one is a redo of an important vid i did earlier in the project and something i will repeat to guys who feel stuck in a rut