Flowing well.
Checkin catchup:
WED 25th
-New Biz Dev (DONE)
-Social Media Posts (DONE - just did 2, need to work up to 4 a day)
-Content (DONE - edited and uploaded some shorts from the Scotty GLL podcast)
Went on a date last night. Was absolutely wonderful. The gal, was cool, very much a lovely personality, expressive, funny, had the sort of energy I like to be around. I like a taller gal, so her being 5ft4 is a bit on the short side for me, with heels it was workable, though hugging her and stuff was quite amusing as my giant 6ft5 frame had to hunch over quite a lot. This was funny for us both.
She liked me quite a bit, bless her.
Dates like this, are why we do this.
Her texting before the date, was very enthusiastic. She rocks up, and is warm, engaging, funny, and is making a sincere effort. The date is a lot of fun, we're vibing well, she does ask some searching questions, and at this stage, I am able to answer from my core (Dante principle) with genuine emotional expression, as in, I can feel my internal emotions and transmit them with authenticity. What Dante would call, "speaking from your core".
Many of the ideas on how we as man can be charismatic, engaging, and start to think like a naturally attractive man, are being ingrained at this point. Master Rags did listen to the date audio, and commented that there is conviction there in my voice, which is key. Groundedness, masculinity, and though the convo was a bit silly and quirky British humour based at the start, we transitioned, got more sexual, and created the right dynamic.
Physical escalation was fine. In a calibrated way, I touched her biceps (she's proud of working out a lot), and did the classic palm reading routine (lol). We then moved to a booth, and I brought her closer in. She would also grab my hand and hold it for a while, squeeze it, and showed some affection. This is how you treat a man. Physically, we got more intimate with touch when we were sat in the booth, in a calibrated way, when she was talking about how she buzzed her head done, I ran my fingers through her hair, and stroked her face, to which she gave me a very sexual look, just for a second. I then just placed my hand on her hip/butt, and pulled her in, and chatted for the rest of the night. She gave an IOI and tossed her hair back when my hand was on her ass, and she didn't flinch at all. A lot of comfort had been built, and she would initiate touch herself, and stroke my hand etc.
Finished the date, walked outside, long hug, which I could tell she wanted to prolong, kiss on the cheek, off home.
Lay #10, also did these things, and ofc, still texts me and is genuinely attracted to me.
The process of brain change, and becoming a more attractive man, takes years of work, man.
I had to go through a lot of shit to obtain better experiences and go around the world to learn how to f**king change myself.
It's a lot of reps in the gym, man.
It's hair care, skin care, grooming, style, image adjustments.
Pro photoshoots, profile adjustments, ongoing tweaking and tinkering.
It's the many, many, many approaches you do (7,000+ in my case) that you have to put in, to rewire your brain, develop Game, develop little tricks, lines, ways to you answer things, see patterns, find your confidence, charm, and natural masculinity, which is what is actually so attractive about you. Your power is in your core, in your expressiveness, authenticity, and finding your f**king balls. Becoming grounded, and burning away the many many layers of social conditioning, doubt, fear, insecurity, limiting beliefs, and negative experiences, that were etched into your brain, and were what caused you to adapt and become a nice guy in the first place, to find ways to give yourself a period in life where you could just heal your wounds, and put your masculinity and power away, because it was not yet time to draw the sword again.
I have now seen, after the YEARS of grinding, how you can start to change your Vibe & Masculinity, and reclaim your power.
It all goes back to the core principles that the Giga Chad of Giga Chads, Chris GLL The GOAT, broke down, from studying Scotty:
- Social Freedom (Authentic expressiveness, connection to core)
Vibe & Masculinity
Coolness & Swag Factor (Social Calibration & Adeptness)
Killer Instinct
Abundance Mentality
Now I have gotten deeper in the game, I can definitely see just how brilliant Chris was. He found one of the most legendary and prolific womanisers in the world, Scotty, and actually deconstructed him, and learned
why he is so successful.
I speak to Scotty every day, and I can tell you, with honesty and putting my own ego aside, he shows me just how far I have to go.
Every characteristic you could want to max out, to become truly a slayer, Scotty is at another fucking level.
If my social freedom is about 5/10, Scotty is f**king 11/10. Read the post in Arcade_Fire's log if you don't believe me.
If my vibe & masculinity is about a 5/10, Scotty is at 10/10. I do have some long conversations with him on the phone, and I can tell in how he is answering, the level of consciousness he is operating from, why he is just dynamite with women.
When I hung out with him in NYC, I was in awe, obviously, Scotty is an inspiration to me since I was a young man, but seeing it, I was humbled man. I understood, I am not shit.
Understanding these ideas, and crystalising these concepts in my brain, was culmination from a lot of difference experiences, and insights. Like vibe, I didn't understand at all. I learned about that, from The Dom, who advised me there. I will be adding that post to the forum's knowledge base soon.
I know so many men in this space, and very few had these characteristics developed within them, to this degree.
Being so masculine, powerful, but with a vibe, social adeptness, and expressiveness. The words and the thoughts that come off him, carry rawness and realness. That is what attracts women, and also, other people in general.
When you consider other living legends such as The Dom, who is also in the elite category, you have to understand
why they are so good.
Want me to tell you the secret of these extreme outliers?
The Dom has slayed 400+ women (online, club promotion, cold approach, sex positive parties). Me and Paw hang out with him a lot, and we have seen it under our noses. Do you remember when I went to Krakow with them, and The Dom smashed 10 women within that week and a half? From daygame, night game, apps.
Scotty, racked up over 300+ lays, FROM COLD APPROACH ONLY, in one of the most difficult sexual marketplaces of all time, NYC.
Why was Scotty walking around NYC, and pulling girls off the street, and smashing all the time? Why did he have 5 min pulls, instant pulls to his car, pulls where he didn't even say 1 word?
The Dom spent every single day, in Rimini, as a promotor, seducing and fucking women, for years in his early 20s. This is what makes him an outlier, he was in one of the 2 party capitals of Europe at the time, flooded with horny women, and his brain was engaged with the task of fucking them, for 16hrs a day, for years. That is why he'd do things like bang 50+ women in 90 days during peak summer periods.
Scotty in his prime, for this reason, is largely considered The Goat for the same reason. Scotty went ALL IN, HARDCORE, for 6 fucking years man. He was running his father's business, hustling deliveries and doing logistics around NYC, and would spend all day, every day, just talking to girls man. His weekends, were total immersion, literally he did bootcamps and retreats for himself, every weekend. For years.
Scotty told me, I am early days man. I did explain to him, I don't want to rack up the numbers, and I just want to get really good with women, so I can get a quality wife. He understood, but still told me, it was early days for me, and hustling for 2 and a bit years, is just so far from being there yet for a guy who was very inexperienced.
That is what rewires the brain to create a man with "core confidence" and the essence of masculinity and vibe.
It is only now, after so much work, so much hustle, and just not giving in, that I am starting to see the "green shoots" of becoming a naturally attractive and sexy male.
I have been working on this, for almost 3 years, with consistency, focus, coaching (Andy, Radical, Dante), mentorship and advising (Pancakemouse, The Dom, Rags2Bitches, The Bastard) and like any goal which one takes seriously in life, once you decide you want it, you get up every f**king day and
grind to make that dream a reality. And you show up each day, and never give in. No matter if you feel like shit, are tired, don't want to be there, want to quit. Everyone feels like that. Andy has wanted to quit many times.
You just keep going......
Once you start to win the head game, 90% of the battle has been won.
That is the mindset I learned from Andy, and one of the core beliefs he instilled into me.
And that is why good stuff happens in my life, and I can bring quality people in, and reach higher levels together.
Today's plan:
New Business Development
Social Media – 4 posts
Content – Upload podcast w/ Quintus (Master Hypnotist), shoot The Scotty GLL Podcast w/ Radical Improvements (Radical ), Upload Scotty infield from NYC to his channel
Weekly Content Accountability Call (IronWill Content Kings)
-45m run
-Fast (all day)
-Text some of my current leads (3 currently replying to texts, not including the gal I just dated)
Life Admin
Skin, Haircare, Supplements
Complete fast (lower insulin, support body fat loss and body recomposition)
The gal I dated last night, I liked a fair bit. She's cool, I find her attractive, though I wouldn't say physically she's hot (about a 5.5, maybe 6), she is fit, had a nice body, and her personality and expressiveness, is f**king awesome, which takes her to the range where I am actually interested and would date.
As men, we play the numbers game.
We get jacked and attractive as possible, maxxx out online and cold approach, and live the lifestyle.
When you become a player, and kill your inner nice guy, you then start to screen.
I have sat there with many women now (~150 dates) and I know I have power and choice, too. My power, choice/options, and attractiveness, is only going to go up with:
-More muscle mass
-Less bodyfat
-Cosmetic surgeries
-Style upgrades
-More vibe, presence, masculinity
-Improved game
So we as men don't need to sweat it........
I started when I was 29, and in those days, women treated me
After HARD WORK, a hair transplant, lots of mewwing (ALF upper arch expansion), several photoshoots, time and effort in the gym, time and effort in the streets (we cold approach to become a powerful man, and heal our underlying tendencies), time and effort on dates.
Endless flaking, rejections, harsh experiences, heart breaks, going into the deepest darkest dungeon of all time.
From there, the real version of you is born.
I remember so many dates, where I'd sit down, and it was total indifference. The gal didn't feel anything, and didn't care.
Vibe and energy, is a force field. They can feel it in your texting, and the second you lock eyes on them, and touch them, it radiates all the way to their soul.
Year 1 I got REKT
Now, as we approach year 3, I have had experiences of just walking the girl to the table, sitting her down, and her being so into it, she talks about a 2nd date within the first 10 mins. That happened with Lay #10, and last night, after bantering a little, the gal said about 30mins in "at this point, I would agree to a 2nd date, and would schedule it right now".
Why is this?
Brain change, man. This stuff, runs so deep.
Get yourself on the streets and approach.
That is what forges real masculinity.
I will end this post with a quote from a very smart man:
"A man is forged in the fire and the flames"
-Mario "The Dom" Tubone