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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [DISCIPLINE]


Working hard.

Haven't checked in since I got here, as I am GRINDING.

I get up at 5am and work until 5pm.

I then go cold approach for 2hrs.

Come home, online process for 30m.

Read for an hour usually.

Bed. Usually in bed at 930pm.

Making progress and sticking to the commitment I made. Posting on socials a lot, showing up daily, and building a movement.

Hustlemania out here. Was on a podcast this morning, called The Awakened Man Project, which I'll post here. Former geusts include, one of my biz mentors Dan Meredith, Dr Robert Glover (No More Mr Nice Guy), and recently a woman who is doing the rounds as a "relationship expert" Sadia Khan.

After the podcast, because I met the host Ben in person, along with one of his business partners, who I did have on my podcast (Pete), he did let me know that on the day of meeting me, he did feel my presence and energy, and him and Pete agreed I am going places. They followed me on socials since, and I will have Ben on my podcast.

BTW, if any of the guys who read here, are biz owners and want to be on my podcast, which I WILL grow, DM me.

I am writing a book about my life story, and will produce this in Q3. Right now, I am collating my best posts on this log that I will use as a skeleton for the book.

Q1 - My Story: Doing a podcast tour, Producing HIGH QUALITY core story video(s) about my journey, doing a public speaking tour
Q2 - Body & Looks: Hire a trainer, get them to help me drop the remaining BF
Q3 - Publish my book: The Phoenix Project: Rising From The Ashes To Be Born Again (Outworking God's Plan, From Nothing To Something) on Kindle, Audible, and Hardcopy
Q4 - Email List Building & Newsletter

In 2024, throughout, I will be smashing social media, building an audience, and serving people hardcore.

I will offer 3 core things in business terms:

1) Group Coaching
2) 1 on 1 Coaching (High Ticket)
3) Intensive 7 Day In Person Retreat (They live with my in the spare geust room here in Budapest for 7 days, we do the entire IronWill Method, 3 month course, in 7 days!)

So all I need to do, is have a content calender and schedule each week, that blends the above in the 4 posts a day, and ofc, gives value, shows me and my life, is funny and genuine, and draws in the right people.


Budapest market is not the same it was during the summer....

After the reset, my apps are "working".....

I am fully booked

Date tonight
Sunday (Double Booked)

And more leads will keep coming and flowing.

Life's good.

I am young, driven, and will be very successful.

And I want you at the winner's table with me

IronWill Podcast:

If any biz owners want to jump on and chat, DM me.

I WILL grow this platform and I will be successful as you damn well know


Got laid last night. Lay #11.

First ever lay in Europe.

Been laid in London (9), once in the US, and now here.

Very cool. I said to my boys, I am determined to make SOMETHING happen in Budapest this year.

Within a week of arriving, the post NYC Bootcamp MAC, things got better.

First week, had dates throughout. Thursday was double booked, Friday was double booked. Got one later today, and one Sunday.

Lay #11, was quite chubby, not attractive, and awkward/weird. Because I didn't find her attractive, I screened very hard with my texting, and she was down for a hookup basically. I'd say she was a 4.

You can still have fun with these women, and enjoy a lovely human experience, where both parties are better off.

This is a pro-woman space at the end of the day. Andy would say, you have to tell yourself the right stories, and find joy in the sex you have with these women. Chris (GLL) would also say, as you are getting experience, you will sleep with girls who aren't necessarily the bel of the ball, and you just need to find ways to enjoy it.

This is a journey, man.

I want to find quality, and to be with women I am physically attracted to. In 3 years, I have slept with 1 chick I found attractive, so I will maintain this patience and commitment, and just level up my body.

-Quality will improve, when looks and image improves. Quality suck? Get more jacked then. Get tattoos then. Change your style and do more shoots.

That is what I tell myself.

I am pretty tired, frazzled, and not in performance mode right now.

Dating all these women, them keeping me up later than I'd like to be, and the total hustle of my life, is realistically a lot for the human animal.

I am noticing this, and will simmer down........

Mon to Thur, next week, NO BULLSHIT. 5am-5pm WORK. 5-630: Cold Approach. 630-730: Self Improvement. 730-930: Read.

930: BED.

I will hustle with dating this month, because I know December is totally dead.

I will take December off, more or less. I'll run a boost once a week perhaps, and leave it be. If I see a chick when I am out and about who is a set, I'll approach. Otherwise, I will be a fucking MONK in December.

I know longer feel bad about dating at all, man....

I just want to build a audience, serve people, and get jacked.


The JACKED version of me, with tattoos, in the right location, finds QUALITY

Until then, I will wake up every day and be disciplined, focused, and grind to make that reality happen

I am loving the gym right now, it's my shrine.

I work. Hit the gym around 1. Go back to work. Dating hustle. Read. Bed.

Rinse & repeat.

I am following my diet, every day.

150g protein + 160g fat. Carbs maybe 10-25g. Keto.

I will post my body tomorrow. It's coming back.

The Dad Bod of Power is being defeated.

Just gotta stick at it.

Give me 6 months of hardcore gym

6 months of biz hustle

And 6 months of pushing game, and doing another photoshoot once I have my tats

And the world will change I promise you

You know what this log is about

Despite all the bullshit, I will gut up, and I will get the job done

Yoyooooooooo bros!

Ravi here, hustling away

Working solidly.

3-4 Social media posts a day.

Content flowing daily.

Studying organic lead gen and will crack this.

Dating wise, doing my thing.

Match quality is very low for my big ol ugly brown ass here, women I am getting on the apps pretty fat and I'd say about a 4 in looks. And you know what?

I am just not stressing it anymore, man.

I am happy in my life, working on my business, and working on my body.

I no longer feel the pain I used to feel and I am living an epic life of hustle, living with one of my best friends Paw who I love dearly, and every day is an adventure.

I am training hard in the gym, diet is perfect, sleep is good some days, bad some days.

But overall, life is getting better.

I am letting go of dating more and more, and accepting it more and more now. I used to be super worried about finding a partner. I am now, not worried anymore, and I am OK with my life, and living it solo.

I am taking action and doing the work in all domains. Biz and body, is 100% workable. My relationships, my friends are great, my network is great, romantic life is same as ever, the usual slew of women I am not attracted to going on dates with me and then ghosting (very fat, lower SMV than me!) so as you can imagine, the motivation isn't there these days. I just do my work on the apps, approach, and get up the next day and do it again.

I just do the processes each day and don't worry any more. I accept it. What helped me a lot, in this regard, was acceptance of SMV & looks truly are king in dating and outweigh everything else by a factor of 10. Game, is very useful and helps, but I would say is only 5% at best. It will not change one's dating life, and I no longer blame myself for all that.

This period of my life, has been freeing. My longer term goal, remains the same in business and body. Relationships wise, I do not want to be married any more. And I do not seek a partner. I am OK as I am and just seeing how much I can accomplish in my life through focus, hard work and dedication.

Some people, are born into this world to be a warrior. That, I have understood, is me.

In addition, I am loving working with my bro Scotty on our podcast. Scotty, is a special and powerful soul. The things that come out of him, are amazing, and talking to him has also been very healing for me. One of the coolest men on the planet with a vibe that comes off of him and goes into my soul. Love Scotty and all he did for my life.



What some people do not understand about Scotty, is his fucking hardcore work ethic

This guy is a super human

No Half Measures


What you also don't know, is how good a friend Brian is. He will text you daily, will call to check in, and once he has your back, he really has your back. Any of the true GLL guys, he will go out of his way for, and is a very generous, caring, and kind person man. As The Bastard used to say, it's funny in life, the true CHADS, often have a heart of gold.

The Dom is the same way, despite being a lot meaner than Scotty and a more of a harder type of man, he also has a heart of gold.

It's funny how the most bad ass men, will often actually take pleasure in helping people like me. Very interesting how it works.

Chris & Scotty, inspired King Andy and King Radical, and brought up guys like me, who I truly believe, will also one day become something.....You'll see....

To improve the podcast, I did get a new 4k webcam, and will use SteamYard, so all guests can be on the screen at once.

Our next guest is with us on Friday, Markus Wolf from the Ultimate Man Project.

Me and Scotty will build a legendary podcast. You know what kind of man I am.

You can see the last episode of The Scotty GLL Podcast here:


00:00 Remembering GoodLookingLoser, Scotty & Chris
00:00:46 Scotty Takes Us Back To How GLL Got Started
00:01:48 Brad P’s Underground Dating Seminar, Awakening Scotty To What Is Possible
00:02:26 Scotty Had NO Ability To Stop Strangers At All When He Started
00:03:54 Scotty’s Early Inspirations – The Pheromone Kid
00:05:20 Losing His Virginity At 19, Tremendous Sexual Anxiety, Dating Women Who Were “Above” Him & More Experienced
00:08:42 Discuss Chris on MorePlatesMoreDates, and How Chris & Scotty First Bonded Together
00:09:27 Radical Improvements, My Former Coach (Along w/ Andy KillYourInnerLoser)
00:09:58 How Radical Found GoodLookingLoser
00:09:56 Scotty on Brad P, Tony Robbins, Changing Your State
00:12:59 Radical on the AA Program, Victor Pride’s Discipline Programs, and Sexual Anxiety
00:16:02 Scotty on The Root Causes Sexual Anxiety (Insecurity)
00:17:02 Radical’s Friend Group, and How He Would Avoid Sexual Topics
00:18:17 Scotty’s MySpace Girlfriend
00:20:42 Radical’s Turning Point, Finding Scotty & Chris (GoodLookingLoser), and Finding Andy (KillYourInnerLoser)
00:27:43 How Chris (GoodLookingLoser) Analysed & Decoded Scotty To Understand Success With Women
00:29:16 Why Scotty Is Considered The Underground GOAT
00:40:21 Why GoodLookingLoser Was Special (So Many Success Stories)
00:43:09 Key Things Ravi Learned From Scotty & Chris
00:52:06 Radical On Logistics (Logistics & Location Are KING)
00:58:24 Radical On Drug Decriminalisation
01:14:08 Radical On Using A “Crutch” To Get Started
01:16:44 Radical’s Key Lessons From Scotty & Chris
01:22:25 Radical On How To NOT Look Like A Nice Guy (Edge In Men’s Style)
01:25:26 ECW, Brian Pillman, The “Edgy” Branding
01:27:42 Scotty’s Face Tats, And How Artists REFUSED To Tattoo His Face!
01:31:46 Radical On Screening Girls
01:34:57 Classic GLL Articles – Mr. Juxtaposition
01:39:05 How Fashion, Style, and Looks Help You Stand Out
01:44:24 Teeth Whitening As A Cheat Code
01:46:55 How Radical (and Andy) Turned Around Ravi’s Looks & Image
01:49:36 How Scotty & Chris Emphases Fat Loss & Facial Changes
01:58:27 How Would Radical Help Men Build A Rockstar Dating Life?
02:00:35 How Would Scotty Help Men Build A Rockstar Dating Life?
02:06:37 Where Can People Find Radical Online?
02:10:41 Gratitude For Cam & Andy​

So grateful for King Cam.

As you know, I have said Andy & Cam saved my life.

When I write my book in Q3 of next year, you will see the list of thanks will be quite long man.

There have been so many men who built this guy right here. It was not me. I was too incompetent and unable to fix myself. Smarter and more capable men than me helped me learn how to put myself together again. And for that, I am grateful.

My mission now is to create the best self improvement community of all time, where all are welcome, and people can rise towards SUCCESS

I am not a game or pick up guy. I am a self improvement guy. I like to work and improve things. I like to contribute and solve problems.

I am very strong in my own areas of genius, and improved a lot in others.

My belief is that success in business, body and overall happiness, is possible. Dating, I hold true to my core beliefs about SMV and the evidence is there every day (could not improve quality over many years of work). A man must be brave in life and accept his role, and mine is to be a warrior, and apply myself to creating positive things, and leaving the world better off.



(I am retiring the old title of MAC Daddy, this will not appear any longer, you know why this is)
Love this man. Welcome to the middle.

This is where the work gets unsexy. There are no flashy updates - just a continuous stream of inputs that will compound over time.

Everyone loves the beginning. Everyone admires the end result. Almost no one wants to go through the middle.

Keep it up, brother.
You wonder why they are ghosting you, yet you view them as being 4 out of 10's who are below you

If you believe that then it is likely going to end up coming through in one way or another when you interact with them

Can't blame them for ghosting you when they are just an ugly stepping stone towards a girl you actually want to be with
YOLO420TSLA said:
You wonder why they are ghosting you, yet you view them as being 4 out of 10's who are below you

If you believe that then it is likely going to end up coming through in one way or another when you interact with them

Can't blame them for ghosting you when they are just an ugly stepping stone towards a girl you actually want to be with

I can see where you're coming from.

Actually, I am not wondering why they're ghosting. I have a grasp on that - these are comfort girls, looking for a LTR.

I don't think it comes across, this is slightly woo-woo imo, and I have closed plenty of 4s.

If they're looking for the same thing, it can happen.

I sense you may not like me referring to these women as 4s. Some humans are more attractive and desirable than others. This is how the world works, and I cannot do anything about that.

Some of them, were indeed very low quality women. for instance, one I pulled went on at length about her very, very promiscuous past, and how she now wants to settle down and "build a nest" with a man who will offer her protection. I, myself, do not enjoy the experience of older women in decline attempting to settle down with their beta, after a life filled of "adventure". I find this repellant, and for me, calling these sorts a 4 is perfectly justified. I am not here for used up old sloppy leftover women.

As for the usual ups and downs of the lifestyle - I have no issue with it. Whilst I am looking for a LTR, at this time, I fully embrace being a player, and value the growth and success this lifestyle brings to me. I take, with this, endless ghosting, rejection, LMR, and the usual trials and tribulations of this lifestyle. IMO, lower SMV men have no alternative. You live the numbers game.

I will also add, that I expect no sympathy for this, and understand that I myself am about a 5, so not the most attractive either at this particular moment. I have been a very unattractive, obese 2/10, and through self improvement, became a 5/10. I will get to a 6 next year with muscle and tattoos, and as the years of this work accumulate, I can even see my upper potential reaching a 7.

I know all too well what being an ugly stepping stone feels like. I was far less than even that, most chicks didn't see me as human ;-) I was invisible and didn't exist pretty much.

We all get to decide, who we want to be, and who we want to be with. All is fair in love and war - end of.

MakingAComeback said:
I just do the processes each day and don't worry any more. I accept it. What helped me a lot, in this regard, was acceptance of SMV & looks truly are king in dating and outweigh everything else by a factor of 10. Game, is very useful and helps, but I would say is only 5% at best. It will not change one's dating life, and I no longer blame myself for all that.

This period of my life, has been freeing. My longer term goal, remains the same in business and body. Relationships wise, I do not want to be married any more. And I do not seek a partner. I am OK as I am and just seeing how much I can accomplish in my life through focus, hard work and dedication.

I don’t like that you suddenly don’t want a partner anymore. Wasn’t your goal to go through the ringer and suffer so you can eventually claim the woman of your life and have an amazing loving family?

If it’s temporary, I agree. I don’t think you should be wasting valuable hours on undesirable women.

Honestly, these 4s are so different from 7+s that you won’t even learn much by dating them.

I hope your goal is to work like a maniac for 2 more years, increase your SMV like you said and hammer dating once you are a 6,5/7 yourself
Hey Ravi,

I look forward to our meeting in Latam. Keep me posted as to when you want to go and hopefully we can make it happen logistically.

Watching the 2nd Scotty podcast - so awesome! Glad he is supporting you in your journey. Can't imagine anyone better to help you in your venusian arts conquests!

Speaking of which, your desire to have a family/wife etc will resurface most likely. I think feeling this way at this point in time is quite normal. I think what is really happening is your sub-consciousness is realising that in order to not depend on LUCK you need to become decent at 'acquisition' of girls. In other words you need to be able to meet enough girls that you can meet a reasonably number of decent ones worth dating for something more serious. That isn't something you can do unless you are reliably acquiring. Then its just luck.

Its just a stepping stone in the end.

Big picture goals wise, this game is very psychologically challenging - you will, inevitably, meet many many women who don't vibe, who you feel little to no attraction for, and can start to question what the point is.

You know I have truly gone all in on building this vision, and building one of life's true champions

I work hard and put more dedication into every day of my life than most could ever know.....

When you live with me, like Paw does, and you see me getting up at 5am every day, putting my entire future on the principles of self improvement, you will understand how big a deal this is for me

Not finding what it is that you seek in your core, requires you to make a decision.

Am I going to quit, or can I keep going?

As you know, quitting is not an option.

So, despite me being a very monogamous person who does not enjoy casual sex, does not enjoy casual dating, and actually wants a LTR, I have to fucking attack this shit, because it is what will, eventually, bring me better women, and better quality experiences.

At present, I just cannot accept the quality of what I get. You can ask Paw - these are just not a good fit for me. Nothing wrong with them, I am not for everyone as you damn well know. But I can't, man. I just can't....I am happy to say this, as I myself am considered ugly by many women: it is unpleasant to sleep with bigger women, who also smell bad. The last one....was not it, man. The one before, whilst totally lovely and an absolute sweetheart, just didn't hit.

So, really what needs to be done here, is to LooksMaxx further, to be able to attract women I am interested in.

I will find someone who I like, find attractive, and want to build something with. Is possible, and will be done.

I found, my mindset had to change. In this journey, you will kiss a lot of frogs. They don't turn into a princess. I've grinded through 150+ date and don't have a girlfriend yet. Tough shit. Gut up, keep hammering, shore up all holes in the regime, and go on the f***king attack.

As such, I found, I had to learn to stop putting pressure on myself. I had to truly let go of my desire to start a family, and accept the fact that I may never find that. And when I did this, the pressure started to slip away, and I found more passion and drive to go to the black jack table and put it all on the one person who can complete this journey - me. Ravi Sandhu. MAC.

If you carry these high expectations, when you are still early in the journey, you will torment yourself.

At the lower end of SMV, and whilst not being in an optimal location, you will get MOGGED a lot, and also attract many unattractive, undesirable and lower quality women.

So, if I am putting my long term goal front and centre, I found, it just kept putting me in the dungeon. I'd leave these dates, thinking to myself, damn Ravi, you've been at this for years, when are you ever going to start meeting women who you really connect and vibe with?

The truth is, no one shirks the work. If you want higher quality women, you yourself must become the guy they want to date.

Women, I'll be blunt, are extremely superficial, and are a hyper looks & status obsessed creature. It is really awful, but that is how nature designed them. I got over it. You go a long time without getting any human needs met, apart from just animal sex, which I can get, and your heart, which started out full of love, becomes colder.

That is male life.

This is war, and the pursuit of success.

The less we think about finding love and quality companionship, the better IMO.

Women, are abundant. Most of them, are perfectly pleasant as people. In dating and relationships, most women are fucking abysmal and dating them will, inevitably, make you die inside. They are so vile. But for the men who are strong enough to endure, you can find the odd gal, who is actually pretty cool.

I don't write all the details I used to in this log. I am so busy now.

But I have been getting dates, and meeting lots of women. Some OK experiences, some really f**king terrible.

Stoicism is when you shrug your shoulders and just move on.

Someone worthwhile, will be attainable at some point, but I understand woman and how they think and operate now after years, 7000+ approaches, almost 200 dates, and living the lifestyle deeply.

There will eventually be a woman who will go with me, who is also of good quality, who will look past low SMV (yes, this is actually that much of a killer of outcomes, and is more powerful than game or anything one can actually do, by a factor of 1,000. SMV is absolute king, Game is useful, but only adds a few %s - don't expect victory to come if you are truly low SMV, you will have to fight like me every day)

Since returning from NYC, and post-bootcamp, I feel a lot less strongly about Game.

I have changed my thoughts on that a tonne.

It is useful, esp. for low SMV, as you are pretty much fucked otherwise. I will save you a lot of time and just tell you the truth - Game is pretty good, but it's a minuscule tool, and can make, at best, a small difference.

Looks, which are FAR more integral to SMV, however, can make a MONUMENTAL DIFFRENCE

So which would a smart person focus on?

Dating, cold approaching, closing, etc, all do require Game if you're low SMV and/or truly ugly.

So, a smart approach, is to just approach, date, and run the numbers game as a base.

And then, smash the gym and work on yourself. This, IMO, at this point in my journey, has become the most important part and is now where my weak link/sticking point truly is.

A woman will not look past low SMV due to Game.

However, if she is able to say, well....he is not my type, he's really not what I was looking for, but he turns me on, and looks fucking good.....I think this is actually an avenue that will give me a shot!

That is how this will work moving forward. I am glad I was able to see this myself, so I can do the work that will actually get me beyond where I am.

Progression and gains have been made.

I am not the old MAC.

I am in a new era, and want better.

Because my grand vision of starting a family, is now something I am letting go of, I accept the single life a lot more and this means, I can actually spend the 2-3 years it will take to build a physique, and to get, likely very expensive facial surgeries.

This is not to say, I am grateful for the era where I was interested in Game. It did produce some changes, which were significant and got me further along. I would have been stuck a beta male and a weak ass cuck. Very grateful for getting past that.

But, I do now recognise, that it is not the piece that is missing at this stage.

I have learned how the SMP and women work. Yes, it is harrowing. Harden up. You can still adapt and find ways to obtain the odd bit of intimacy and companionship whoever you may be so don't blame me for telling you the raw truth. If you don't have the looks, there are ways to win while you develop them. Numbers Game + Lowering Standards.

Why are my standards so low?

I choose to lower my standards, A LOT, because I like being treated positively and like I am a human being. Very few women will do that for you if you don't fit the mould, trust me on that.

The issue I am having now, is that I physically cannot just continue to date and sleep with women I feel no attraction for. Did it the first few years, can't do it anymore.

My effort is instead going to be re-directed to the gym, tattooing, style, and surgeries.

Looks & SMV is absolute king and to woman, is all that really matters.

You will just attract trash, who will treat you like a peasant, unless you are able to properly, and I mean properly, ascend in SMV. You also do actually need a basic minimum of Game if you're low SMV.

All that being said - many wins to report.

Whilst the journey remains quite a lot of work, I have come to learn, this is just how it is when you're outside of society's parameters for male attractiveness. And yet, through work ethic, I am able to win.

Let me tell you about where I am at right now

Dates are flowing, I am approaching, I am hustling, and doing what must be done.

Quality on the apps, is not great, though I have matched with 2 girls recently I'd say are pretty - 6 to 6.5.

Working on getting them out. The hotter one, has already rescheduled twice. I am succeeding in my life, so I don't really give a fuck, I know success is my future anyway.

Because I am a fucking dog as you know!


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Me and my housemate, Paw, who doesn't want his face on here as he's not about this life, attended this event. Pics below.

I am public about my pursuit of success

I have been found online now by many people. Several women I dated/wanted to date, found my stuff, and told me to get fucked. It's caused more than a few to just never speak to me again.

Because I got off my ass when my face was in the concrete, 280lbs, wanting to put a fucking bullet in my head, to dedicating every waking moment to turning myself into a future success story. For this, I am now a fringe society member. Well, so be it. I am 100% for the underdog in life, the person counted out by society, I secretly root for these guys, getting up every day in the fucking sewer of life, with goals that feel impossible, and they grind in the shadows AGAIN! They get it every fucking day of their life. That makes my dick hard. I am a sucker for this shit. When bones are about to crack, when hope is lost, when there seems like there is nothing left - that is when people like me stand up. And why I am also misunderstood by some people who think I am a fucking nutcase.

So be it..........

Grinding hard on Sat, do my approaches with Paw, the girl mentioned above didn't confirm for our date on Sat, so I went to a sex positive party with Paw and a chick he met off Feeld.

She's a good looking Italian chick. She comments that she thinks I look sexy in my leathers. Shoutout The Dom for initiating myself and Paw on how to work with the sex positive scene, how to dress, how to conduct yourself at the events, build relationships, and explore play.

We rock up. We vibe, talk to people, the owner chats to us for a while.

It's a lot of fun. I start chatting to one gal, who is quite attractive, she gets a 5.5 from me. Has a crazy good ass/body, and gets up, pulls her skirt up, and shakes her ass in my face, which I promptly spank.

Vibe, chat, sexualise, move locations. Isolate, escalate. Make out. Pull to a play session.

Spank, choke, finger, and she sucks my dick.

I was not comfortable banging in public, but tried to pull home. She wouldn't pull home. She then mingled into the night. There's plenty of folks playing, fucking each other, people just switching around partners.

I chat to others, and I am having a lot of fun. When there was 30m left, I then found another woman, who was physically not good at all (3 would be charitable), but I was drunk and horny at this stage, so pulled her to the play room, fingered her, sucked her tits, and she also sucked my dick.

All the while, the girl I banged the previous week, is texting me trying to come to my place, literally telling me over and over how good sex with me was. I will spare the details, but I am very good with my tongue, obv I have stamina for days.

I made her cum so hard via oral she actually needed about 5 mins to recover, she was out of this planet dude, couldn't speak, convulsing, spazzing the fuck out.


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Very gratifying.

She is chasing me.

Remember the many, many cold months of this journey, when I had no hope, when every girl I would date, told me they felt no connection, and 50 of those dates went nowhere?

And I believed every one of my demons in my head, that I am truly so ugly, that I will have to go through this life alone. Not fit to breed, not fit to be in the gene pool, autistic spazz, genetic mistake. All that shit did damage to me. It was a hard time on this road, and though many did question whether I could do it, in those days, I had Andy, Radical, and also, The Bastard. These men got me through that period at the start when I couldn't seem to make any progress.

Then, of course, Rags2Bitches, Pancakemouse, and The Dom entered my life.

And through all this fucking work..............I am now here.

Thebastard is the Low SMV King.

He is the man.

I am not as hard a man as he is. I give credit and respect where it's due. He is a man I can truly admire for his journey and story, and he is the one true hardcase incel I have ever know who out grinded me into oblivion. It's not even funny, the gap between where I am and him, is like a continent. Few will every understand what it takes to succeed in this game as a low SMV person. You have to be fucking NAILS. That is why he is the king. But, I am finding more success in my life now, though I am early days in this journey, and if there will be a 2nd to The Bastard for a Low SMV King, better believe me when I say, that will be me, and I hope to also inspire other people who are in the dungeon of life like that legend did to me.

The many years of learning, self improvement, Game, and vibe, social calibration, and finding success and positive experiences, creates the changes in the Inner World, that reignite self belief, and finally start to crystalise the most powerful thing of all - abundance mentality

As Andy would say, "The Winner's Mindset"

Mindset, is mission critical

It allows you to blast through the various stages of this journey and find success

Because you will simply find ways to win and change yourself very deeply

Like I did

And now, that is why, I am, slowly, but surely, coming up....................

I am nowhere near done

I am just f**king getting started









This will be unlocked, via the following:

-2 years of gym
-Facial surgeries
-GeoMaxxing (location switching until I find somewhere which has some semblance of product:market fitment)




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(1) Money:
-New Business Development (2hrs): Drafted 20 cold outreach emails, thanks to Manganiello for the help, and also Paw for feedback. Integrated both aspects and now these emails can go out tomorrow. [DONE}
-Coaching [IN PROGRESS]
-Social Media Posting x 4
-Content (2hrs)
-Networking (2hrs)

(2) Muscles:

-Gym: B (5 x 5 – Deadlifts, Press, Pullups)
-ATG Movements (Pre & Post Workout)
-OMAD, DHA, Supps (Keto)

(3) Mindset:
-Cold Approach: 10 to 20 sets
-Online Hustle Process
-Thinking Patterns: Deep Focus & Stoicism.


Consistency, discipline, and inhuman work ethic.

Victory will come to the truly relentless.

What makes a difference to the human male’s life, is savage work ethic.

The one-second decision to apply yourself, over, and over, and over again.

Directional changes are being made. Business consistency, body consistency, shelving game development for the foreseeable future.

All mental & emotional energy will be plugged into business and body, wired into that.

MakingAComeback said:
This will be unlocked, via the following:

-2 years of gym
-Facial surgeries
-GeoMaxxing (location switching until I find somewhere which has some semblance of product:market fitment)

I welcome you on board of the looks/location maxing boat. You’ll kill it in the future im sure.
jakeD said:
I think all this insane looksmaxxing is silly honestly and unnecessary but until I have the results to back that up I will mostly shut the fuck up on the subject. Certainly improve within reason but I still believe I can tag hot girls personally in the future without it

You haven’t looksmaxed or experienced any form of being desired based on your appearance so you can’t really make a fair judgement of this, you can only guess.

I’m currently in a country where I’m considered an 8 whereas in Europe im likely a 6.5/7. The difference is exceptional and I’ve been banging hot girls all the time. The received treatment I get from everyone is life changing.
Paid Renegade mentioned it perfectly. Once people just treat you like that guy, you are automatically confident, carry swagger, … So let’s fully support Mac on fighting for this privilege as well.

Also I’m sure anyone can fuck hot girls here. But if you want to fuck hot girls on a consistent base without spending all your effort on dating, becoming handsome is the only way (Status too but that actually requires a lot more effort and is in 99% of the cases situational whereas looks are always making you win)
jakeD said:
What you have to understand is with guys like @MakingAComeback and @Thebastard is it's unclear if they can even looksmax or if they can, the effort is insane. In those cases I highly question it, especially if it turns out to be unnecessary.

MakingAComeback s is that of a facially average girl with a smoking hot body. That is plenty to get hella pussy and obtaining a precious wife in the end.

The name of the game is surgery + polarizing

Surgeries can turn everything to at least average if you are not deformed (which mac obviously isn’t). I don’t think he has any facial strengths but with the right corrections he can be a exact 6 facially.

Then it’s time to polarize
-Tats will be + 0.5 for girls who like tats and -1 (in his case) for girls who don’t
-This motherfucker is 6”5 which can boost up to 1 complete point for girls who like that tall
-Body can also be up to +1 depending on the girls preference.

Realistically because of the ethnicity (fuck racism btw) Mac will be between a 7-7.5 for girls who like his archetype with the occasional outlier who rates him 8 or above.

He’ll be invisible to any girl who dislikes tattoos, doesn’t rate height that much (most girls under 5”8 are okay with 5”10 and above and don’t need the huge height) or isn’t amazed by a truly godly body (contrary to popular believe a godly body doesn’t add THAT much smv but it will make girls who kinda like you turn into obeyers —> popular fitness influencers are handsome + jacked)

It will always be a numbers game for Macdaddy but after these changes he can play the game with 6.5s and above instead of the current 3s and 4s. Hella worth it

It's maintaining my looks as well.

Flawless skin is now attainable for the average person. Skincare is pretty much solved at this point. Maintaining the volume though requires starting super early and optimising health from the start which I think almost no one has done.
Bros, I will reply. WORKING AS USUAL.

Loving life tbh.

Hustling all day. I doubt there are Self Improvers who are hustling like me and Paw. This is a hardcore environment. We will also have one of the Greats coming this weekend.....THE DOM.

Sleep, needs to improve. My circadian biology is disrupted atm. I am getting to bed at 930, but it's taking an age to fall asleep. I'll address that, because for me to destroy the game, and succeed, I need to be up at 5 and WORKING.

Looks development right now, is a longer game. I am working hard at it, training, nutrition, rest, lifestyle all on point and optimised.

It's a longer game. It takes a year or two to make drastic physique changes. I think, by the time I leave Budapest, March 1st 2024, I will have added possibly 0.25 points to my SMV through muscular development, as I will have muscle memory working in my favour.

Game, was necessary bros. I was a nice guy and beta cuck. I needed to get fucked over, so, so, so many times until I died and learned Game. I have developed that splinter of ice that has to run through your heart to be a real player. Died inside so many times. Frame comes from that.

One of my bros from Andy's group, truly one of my day 1's who was with me from the start, asked me to write up what I learned from Dante and Pancake. Which I will. I will write it up when I have time, maybe Sunday. I want to serve you, and also, it may help Dante and Pancake, so I will write it all up. But, the most powerful insights at a headline level:

-MASCULINITY: This was the most important take away from the bootcamp. Dante helped me understand, what actually attracts women, and what is universal, beyond game, beyond social conditioning and brain washing, and what will actually save you if you don't have the looks. Masculinity, is given by nature. When you let go of all the shit that has conditioned you, your protection mechanisms, your limitations, and sink into the core that you were born with, within that, the part of you that is unbreakable and will even go on after you die, is where you will find so, so much power. When you find your masculinity, you no longer have the same concerns and fears about being attractive to women. I care a LOT less now, because I know, at my core, I have elite-level value to bring to the world. It's in my masculine strength, conviction, and raw, realness. When you start to connect with your emotions and masculine essence, your words carry such power and emotion. Dante explained how to do this, but I can't of course comment on any of his techniques. I like Dante a lot, and have to protect his identity and his coaching practices.
-Speaking from the core: this changed my entire world in terms of dating, finding my own conviction and strength. Authenticity, realness.
-Calibration: thinking in terms of aligning yourself with being a socially savvy, normal, cool person.
-Man to Woman: way's to escalate, sexualise, and make the interaction properly romantic, making it clear, I want to see if there's a vibe between us
-Finding your power: Digging deep into some of the negative emotions, the dark side of the SMP. Dante, actually has the best working understanding of dating and the SMP I have ever seen. I have learned SO much from Dante, and he is an indispensable resource, ESPECIALLY if you're low SMV. Some people, I suspect, will not be fixable, until they have had their soul destroyed by the Shadow Wolf.

One thing I will say about Dante, is he has a gift. He is not a normal person.

Dante is the most hyper socially aware human being I have ever seen. He has seen it all, and has an uncanny ability to deconstruct, analyse, and see through to your fucking soul.

I cannot tell you how eery that feeling is. I hate it. I had this also one time with The Dom, when he explained to me, my vibe had been poisoned by life. That conversation actually killed me inside. And then, Dante did the finishing steps and just beheaded me once and for all.

And from that death, the next version of my was born................


Date yesterday. Surprisingly, she was hot. Like, actually hot. I'd give her a 7 in person. Great, big eyes, long flowing hair, great smile/teeth, big boobs, tiny waist, great ass and legs. My ideal height which is 5ft7. I was pleasantly surprised.....

This, is in Budapest, where I am in VERY hostile territory due to my archetype, is quite cool.

My look, Brown-Brown, is a death sentence here. When I am cold approaching, the local men will jeer at me and complain about "fucking foreigners". The girl I banged, lay #11, told me that due to my brown skin and appearance, Hungarian people assume I am a Romani Gypsy. And of course, these people have their own community and live a different lifestyle. I do not care about this stuff as you know. However, it is a killer of outcomes, as the local population are going to see me as a lower form of life. Hence, well, the outcomes I see in this particular location. Very bad reception, and the women would be engaging in quite a radical act of defiance to go on a date with me. Realistically, who is going to do that? Very few, and I do not blame them. It would be like a chick dating a black guy in a KKK infested town. You'd be asking for it

That said, there are some gangster ass women, who, for whatever reason, have the sheer minerals to come on a date with me anyway, and still spend time getting to know me.

Numbers Game.................That is why I preach it.

I do actually like Budapest. I speak to the Hungarian people plenty. I chat to them in the gym, daily, and everyone is cool. In my local coffee shop, I know them all, and they talk to me daily, about business and life. All good. Sometimes, once they hear the British accent, they understand, I am a little different from what they believed.

What was cool about this date, was that as I sat there, I actually felt real attraction.

It was an usual experience. As you know, most of the women I date/sleep with, are about a 4. so lower end of looks.

This was cool. You change over doing the work. I would have been pretty stoked to date girls like that. now I just don't give a fuck. Been fucked over so, so, so many times. I don't care or feel for woman like that anymore.

And I did notice, that those inner changes were what make them respect you more and be more attracted.

At any given second, I could have gotten up and gone home and given NO FUCKS. Women, apart from when I am in front of them doing the work, don't exist to me anymore. They are not in my mind, and not in my heart. You just.....stop caring. And this, I feel, starts to make you more "naturally attractive", that is, without trying as such. You can have the experience of just flowing and saying what you want without thinking. That's cool.

Anyway, she is down for a 2nd date. Sat.

EE girls, are a different breed. Very, very conservative, very non-sexual. This one, is from a village, quite family-oriented, and despite a few of the standard hot girl moves, such as rescheduling 3 times and not giving a fuck, and also making some small attempts at telling me what to do/where to go, which were ripped to absolute oblivion INSTANTLY, and I then tossed her plans in the bin and made her to go where I wanted to go, right away, she understood what she was dealing with. I may not be much, but I am still a man, and fucking demand to be treated like one. She calibrated fast, and after that, was a sweet heart and quite a cutie. She was attentive and quite a good girl. I liked her.

EE girls, are generally less expressive, quite closed up, don't get the humour, and you need to be quite good in the Game to understand how to make this dynamic work.

I'll see what I can do.

Another date, with another gal, on Thursday.

Success, is a lifestyle choice.

Gutting up and doing the f**king work, consistently, with focus, is what changes your life.

Every. Day. Of. Your. Life


So, guess what.............


Just you WAIT until I am jacked and I have done botox, fillers, and rhinoplasty.

I will turn this shit around, believe me.

I don't require a lot of lays. I don't really enjoy the sexual side that much. I seek a quality woman to produce children with. The journey, has been disturbing to me. The endless shitty women, low quality, who are not fit to carry my seed, have left me quite jaded and my motivation to date and approach, is of course low.

Success, is when you don't care about motivation or feelings.

You understand what your vision is.

And you get up every f**king day and GRIND in order to move one step closer to that reality.................



I will put together a document and I would like to work on an objective looks rating, and I will start sending that document to surgeons to learn how they can possibly help me

I'll have to hustle hard in biz to pay for this shit, but it has to be done

Here are some pics I took just now before going to the coffee shop

Some good things about my appearance: 6 ft 5, absolutely massive structure from years of powerlifting in my teens/early 20s (squatting 400lbs for reps, deadlifting 500lbs, on that young structure, created a massive frame).

Very broad, wide shoulders.

Facially, simply "meh". Average as fuck. When I was balding, I looked even worse. In London, I was a fucking 3 or 4 in SMV dude. Was brutal but I fought through the savagery and did what I could. Got 9 lays and had a FWB. The average lay was a 4, but I banged one 7, by the sheer grace of God. LMFAO.

If it was not for lay #2, I'd have stopped this madness a long time ago.

Hair transplant, I think added maybe 0.25. Mewwing and the facial changes, I also think added 0.25. My face is square and masculine looking now, as opposed to flat and without tone.

I have worked VERY hard to go from a 2, when I started, to I think a 5 now.

You can read the log to understand the effort to go from a 2 to a 5.

I would like to get to a 6 in 2024, and believe I can do this through muscle, tattoos, and surgical procedures.

Thoughts are appreciated. I will create a full document with body, measurements, the whole lot!

And we can put a proper looks development plan in place for 2024.

Game, I developed and got better. I will keep working on it so as to not regress, but the nice guy is dead, burried and gone. I don't give a fuck anymore and I do not have love in my heart for woman at all anymore. At some point, it will come back. But for now, I am quite icey and cold. Hence, outcomes improving......funny, when you don't care at all about women and dating anymore, and just do it like it's reps in the gym, they actually start to like you. Nuts.

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As you can tell, I think the weak link in my SMV is the face.

After that, it's the body.

Those two things are keeping me in Low SMV territory. A 5, is on a hard path. A 6, is on a better one. A 7, has it made. Just Exist!




-New Business Development (2hrs): Sent 20 cold emails, drafted 20 more personalised emails,
-Coaching/Service delivery
-Social Media Posting (4)
-Content (2hrs): Edit & Upload Markus Wolf (UMP) Podcast (The Scotty GLL Podcast) and create 3 clips for my channel, on the general subjects of performance, success, and growth
-Networking (2hrs): Commenting on FB/IG/LinkedIn/YT


-Gym: ATG movements
-Cardio: 45m cardio outside
-OMAD, Supps (Keto)

-Online Hustle
-No CA today (got up too late, 8am is a very late start for me, I lost 3 valuable hours)
-Text leads, keep them warm, get them a little more invested, get them out, work on the conversation, same old, same old…

-Create personal (non biz) IG
-Haircare (Fin, Minox, Supps)
-Dermaroll stretch marks & BioOil

Areas for Dev:
-Sleep is not good. Timing is off. Must fix this. Blue blocking lenses will be on at 7pm, this will do it. Pitch black before bed.

Hey MakingAComeback

I'd tend to agree. Get facial fat as low as possible using whatever reasonable methods. Also consider TRT if you have issues getting to your final physique. After doing all the research/doctor appointments etc. Might be an issue if you are concerned about your hair though. Unfortunately a certain subset of men need roids (or just TRT but usually also sarms/roids) to get to the elite level. I would even count myself as one of them.

I mentioned before but my mind is BLOWN regarding that sex-positive party. I would never be brave enough to visit one of those because for some reason my mind perceives the sensation of rejection to be x1000 greater than normal if no girl wanted to knock knees with me there. So good on you mate! This story alone gives me strong faith you will succeed big time.

400lb squat for reps? Wow, you must have been a total unit macdaddy. What is it about guys who underperform with women early and life and powerlifting hehe

I do have to say I kind of called it when I predicted you'd go back to the more black pilled belief about game. I knew it was just a matter of time. But that's fine. As you say, you must play the numbers game as a base while improving. And hopefully the day shall come when those improvements pay dividends and you find yourself inserted into the top % of men who clean up all the bobs n vagine.
jakeD said:

All that may be true. Looksmaxxing really isn't my expertise or forte obviously. I will say though that I pulled back a bit at the mention of "surgery". This is exactly what I mean. It's not like someone told @MakingAComeback or @Thebastard to hit the gym or something. The kind of stuff they talk about is pretty intensive shit.

And I know @MILFandCookies mentioned game being a pain in the ass. But don't tell me that isn't also a pain in the ass. Where does it end?

I don't mind getting in the gym or whitening my teeth or some shit. But the minute you tell me i need to go break my legs to gain a couple inches or something to get pussy, I'm checking out personally at that point. To each their own. If it works for someone more power to them. But I don't think that is necessary nor something I'm interested in personally. And I don't want people to feel like that is only way to get hot girls either.

Well yes. I mean looks-maxxing is a spectrum. There are certain procedures which are reasonable and some that are well... insane.

Reasonable would be the usual bread n butter: physique recomp - taking 2 years for someone who is kind of fat - maybe they get to 12% bf with decent muscle volume - probably reasonable for the average man. Once you start adding the juice though to get to the lower BF% while still looking stacked - now it enters the more 'insane' category. Certainly not something to be entertained unless you have gone as far as you can go with other 'reasonable procedures.'

As you say, teeth, skin-care, style optimisation, possibly low-invasiveness plastic surgery like otoplasty (which I got and don't consider extreme at all), rhinoplasty, maybe hair transplant if you can afford it or scalp-micropigmentation if you have no more grafts (also did that). All are more than reasonable.

Then you have the 'borderline' category and the 'insane' category.

Insane is kind of obvious. Kind of risky and mad expensive surgeries which have a high barrier to entry due to cost/risk. Leg lengthening surgery I am looking at you. Hard-core facial plastic surgery. You get the idea. Kind of off limits unless you have good savings/income.

Then you have borderline where perhaps you do stuff specifically to enter a niche/sub-culture. This is pretty much a necessity in my opinion for 'low -SMV kings' who have done everything they can on the 'reasonable' list but still can't hold their own as it were. I myself am such a prototype as MakingAComeback has said. But I have so far refused to knowingly sub-niche. The result is a guy who is a '5' and hence not in the top 20% of men. 5'8 + jacked + cool (albeit generic due to low smv) style is not enough despite doing everything on the reasonable list. I could become a '9' to a small subset of girls e.g. by emulating the rapper Pitbull almost exactly. But I choose not to for my own reasons.

In this case you could do what some guys have done like get tattoos on your knuckles and hoop earrings etc. The kind of edge that would generate some kind of success with a certain subset of the audience. I guess Scotty would be the ultimate manifestation of this. I wouldn't call it insane though it is definitely borderline because of how hard tattoos are to get rid of if you no longer want them.