Hey bros.
I will say, that I expect things will, indeed, improve, with consistency, focus, ongoing efforts, and the true looksmaxxing that, credit to him, The Bastard did tell me would be necessary from the jump.
Of course, at that time, we weren't thinking I'd need surgeries and stuff. I learned this, through ongoing real world experience.
There are some good points here. I am not actually putting that much time into women, I am maybe putting in an hour a day. I nail a few approaches, and my dating apps give me leads and dates. I am able to get laid, can get better experiences than I used to, but I just feel strangely empty with it. Because, deep down inside, this is not what I want. I actually wanted to find a partner. In a quite strange twist, the more I improved with women, and the more I dealt with them, I was quite stunned to witness the sheer lack of quality of the women who'd enter my life, and how they just wouldn't....do anything....add any value, or be a positive influence in some regard.
I suppose I got tired of just slugging drinks with these women every week for years, and nothing really meaningful ever happening. No love or affection. Just empty sex, at best, with women I didn't even want. Apart from 1, she was pretty awesome. That was just 1 night.
Perhaps this is just a lull, a normal dip in motivation. These happen.
It is not useful to change big picture visions, on a whim. I have thought, deeply. Truly, very deeply.
The core questions I had to grapple with, were the actual substance of relationships and the dynamics therein. With the women I've floated around this world with, so far, I just couldn't see anything happening, and equally, on their part, there was no real interest.
That said, we can't be negative.
-I am getting, and indeed, turning down lays
-I have women, albeit low quality ones, chasing me the odd time. I can't even be bothered to reply.
-I am getting regular matches, dates
-My approaches, got a lot better since NYC. Like, a lot. Women, generally respond to me differently. I found my masculinity.
As such, I am satisfied with progress, and believe I have made hard-won progression this year. This, is very clear, and evident.
Furthermore, we even began to tackle the long standing "quality" problem. The chick I dated on Monday, is quite stunning.....The matches I got in NYC, were quite pretty.
This, means that things COULD improve.
Indeed, I was actually able to get a decent looking girl out. That happened Monday.
Now, I am not a European, and I understand that for a girl who is from Hungary, it is going to be quite a tall order actually dating a guy like me. I do not take issue with that, and understand that this experience is, like the rest, likely to be a fleeting one, and to fizzle to nothing soon.
I see this entire journey, the IronWill Project, which is going to get me to the outcomes I seek in Money, Muscles, and Mindset, as a developmental process.
Regardless of what the goal is, to get to it, you MUST become very, very consistent.
It's the process that will create outcomes, and doing them rain or shine.
I can want a woman who will love me. This does not mean I will get it. I can want a great body. This doesn't mean I will have one. And so on.
To obtain these things, regardless of the way we feel, motivation, and whether we don't even want our goal any more, we have to adhere to the protocols, through times good, and through times bad.
I have wanted my first girlfriend, for literally 14 years.
That, is a long duration of time, and as you can imagine, the progression, the development, has been warfare. Truly.
Burned so many times.
The death of many identities.
And yet, that is how we progress.....
Processes, should not change without VERY solid justification.
I do not put pressure on myself to obtain a relationship, truly I don't. That, I found, helped me improve the way I am perceived and how I flow through the world. But, conversely, it did actually gut the one second decisions I used to make, which would propel me to just think, just text, just act.
Because, to build the dream, it was worth it.
For those who follow the warriors pathway, the scars, are real. When it's hardmode you live in, you are going to have a lot of ugly and dark experiences. Women, are not kind to men society does not like the look of. I did go through a patch where I could not believe the sheer lack of humanity of modern woman, their inability to stop for a moment and consider, perhaps this person has value. This was one of the factors that did cause me to de-emphasise Game development. If the ideas in her brain, which are embedded deeply, just outright resist the possibility of being with you, for no reason, there is nothing you can do but accept it and be stoic. I came to understand why they are like this: they can be. Unlimited options, whatever grotesque behaviour they seek to exhibit, they are rewarded for it. They don't care. This is hardly a being which one can be in partnership with. It is what it is. If you want warmth, compassion, love, decency - buy a cat or dog.
I also want to thank everyone for the replies, and btw, I appreciate you all. You are my friends and have helped me a lot in my life, been there for me, and I will say, your thoughts matter and are a big deal to me.....I do not like to see you guys arguing on my log, because I see you as brothers, and this upsets me a little bit.
We are men, we are the same tribe, for better or for worse, we rely on each other to push each other to success. We should walk with the man beside us and never judge. People disagree with me, and I respect their view. I admit many times, when I am wrong.
Better to have a stable, level head, and not normalise antagonistic behaviours on the forum. Everyone, has value, and are welcome to make a contribution.
There will be no adjustments, yet. All will remain the same.
I will set aside 3 days in December to think about what I want from 2024, in terms of:
Normal programming resumes. Work continues. Nothing needs adjusting right now. We'll think about that later in the year, and an actual robust looks development plan will be made.