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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [DISCIPLINE]

It is still so curious to me....

A guy can go from incel, to slayer

Can a guy go from meh finances to BALLER?

I want that

I invested a large sum to become who I am today, probably spent 50k on my own self improvement

Nailing biz, will help me become truly elite

Longer term want to become a self improvement legend

So the next generation can surpass us all

And be the men we need

Let us show them the path, so the young savages, can create a better world

Nice one Ravi!

Good to see you on a roll - sometimes things just come together and you have a good streak. Can see that all the work you've been doing over the years is now paying off

Real happy for you!
MakingAComeback said:
A guy can go from incel, to slayer

Can a guy go from meh finances to BALLER

Yeah but you probably have to spent a bit less time fucking every girl for that king 👑

I am in bliss

This is like a trip

Unbelievable feeling

I am so tired man, I can't move, barely slept in days

Another date later

Two tomorrow

And one of the lays, wants to see me again next week


I gotta ride this wave and then I gotta focus man

I don't have problems with women, any more............

2024 has got to be about money and body

All will be well

Life is fucking good

I feel like a absolute baller

Damn this feeling is so good, I just want to enjoy it

kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:
A guy can go from incel, to slayer

Can a guy go from meh finances to BALLER

Yeah but you probably have to spent a bit less time fucking every girl for that king 👑


Absolutely THIS

We gotta talk FOCUS man

I am gonna enjoy this streak but I am so so so so tired rn dude


This is, ultimately, a success and self-improvement forum

Not a fucking PUA or getting laid forum. I want to keep human garbage of that sort, out.

Those spaces attract the lowest of the low, literal degenerates not qualified to take out the trash or contribute value to society. They sicken me.

Here, we succeed, become winners, and win in life in general

I do not associate with morons or one-dimensional trash whose existence is based around the sensations in their penis. Those people, stay away from me, because they cannot stand being around a better man than them. They are triggered, because they know they are scum. I hope they're so offended, they never interact with me, and will I keep my middle finger raised to people who do not want to contribute value to society and be positive, productive people.

Winner shit only.

Erm....you are linking to a program....in response to this , entirely separate and distinct internet forum, being a self improvement based community?

It's like me going into a powerlifting, insisting that it is a strength training community, and pointing out one of the members is also interested in bodybuilding

You miss the point entirely.


There. That is all I was trying to say. I don't know why you are linking to Scotty's program. This is puzzling as fuck.

Anyway, the program Scotty is developing, is indeed for people to thrive in their dating and social lives, but has a great deal of community and self improvement built into it, and does have underlying approaches to engender consistency and focus, so guys can get real results. Ran by the god damn GOAT, Scotty, who is killing it to this day, lol.

I know how Scotty wants to build that, and the vision he has. It is simply incredible, and what he wants to build, is so powerful, I want to help him do that. It goes way beyond getting laid, Scotty has a lot to offer man. How the GOAT/Elite level guys think, is of great value to absorb, and if you know Scotty like I do, as a guy who speaks to him for hours every week, you would know Scotty believes in community, brotherhood, building great mentalities and social skills, and becoming an incredible man, who women love. It is quite deep, and whilst getting laid is a core focus on that specific project, that program has many layers. And will require people to work, pretty hard. If you know Scotty, at all, you should know Scotty's work ethic is basically that of iron, and he hustled 7 days a week with girls, without any time off, for 7 years, whilst running his father's business.

Anyway, guys, well specifically jake D, you guys are all solid and bros, but stop fucking cluttering up my log with some tangential bullshit. Whilst I do like you, this is pissing me off right now, and I want my journal to be focused on my hustle and activities and not take all these tangents. I don't like it, I want clarity and calm, consistency. It bugs me to read all this stuff, that takes my time off my own success.

Instead of putting time into writing this stuff to me, how about you go succeed, make more money, fuck more girls, build your body up, grow your mind and skills.

This forum is about WORK and RESULTS

So shut the fuck up and go do some actual work, put money in your bank, girls on your dick, muscle on your frame, and get to the tippy top in this world

Less hot air, more god damn WORK

jakeD said:
I'm linking to Scottys program cause i'm trying to figure out what the fuck this is even about and if I'm confused about it, someone who is intimately involved with you and this community for 10+ years then how do you think clients are going to feel?

And sure I get it is your log. Where else do you want me to post it or discuss it? Obv I'm not sure if I'm important enough to reach out to personally in your mind and creating a thread about it here would probably get locked for "mental masterbation" at least in the past.

Look, Ravi, I'm really not trying to be antagonistic with you but have legitimate questions / thoughts at this point. Or if you feel they are not legitimate then tell me. That's what I said, just tell me what's up. I'm grown, I can handle it, don't worry.

I think it is both about self improvement and getting laid. But you're downplaying a pretty legitimate part of it here saying "this has nothing to do with sex" after literally spending the last pages of this log finally being a fuckboy and going out and slaying. Come on now.

Jake, I am not exactly sure why you have ingrained this odd behaviour, and why you cannot comprehend the idea of not cluttering up this log.

This something you could work on, perhaps. Whilst you are a talented and capable man, imo, you should be successful, and winning in life, because you have the ability and have already crushed with girls.

Try to ask yourself, why you find it so hard to keep focused, and behave in a logical, structured way.

Are you taking massive action in life? Are you succeeding in your goals, and is your life moving forwards?

Have you truly obtained all that you have sought, and now have so much time freedom, you can dissect and analyse what Chris (a legit multi millionaire and very smart man) did, or what these other successful men are screwing up?

Or are you caught up, commenting on other peoples lives, instead of putting time and energy into your own achievements?

These other people, are out there winning. Are you? They are not stressing out about the fine details of what Chris did at GLL, when Chris has built multiple businsses doing $200 million a year in sales. They are not commenting on how this could scale, and that could be better. Are you making meaningful progress yourself, or are you stuck, not going anywhere fast?

This is something, imo, you need to work on. Be structured, focused, and have clarity. You are all over the place, emotional, up and down, and behave in an erratic manner sometimes. To help you out with that, I am going to not respond to you when you come into my log, to speak your thoughts or just seek to obtain opinions and thoughts on random topics.

When you come to my log, seeking to get me to hash out explanations or clarifications over whatever subject matter you put infront of me, you come across as quite bored and not deeply engaged in life and achievement. You are capable of doing a lot more than that....

So, again, you definitely need to learn to stop cluttering up this log, and to start working on that, I am going to ask you to stop these arbitrary diversions and attempts to have people explain themselves to you. Other people, are out there, living their best life. You are not entitled to having every facet of their life, explained to you, and frankly, I do not think that is even a good use of your time. Why don't you just move your own life forward, instead of insisting people explain themselves to you all the time.....

jakeD said:
I think it's a bit of a poor take and very confusing too, to call guys trying to get laid "human garbage" and "scum". Especially in a log that is currently about you getting laid and slaying and sending a video of someone sucking your dick to a group chat. I am sorry bro and I really don't even dislike you at all, quite the opposite, genuinely, but like what the fuck are you talking about? Lol.

Don't be mad that my Big Brown Cock MOGS your fuckin life 8 days a week Jakers

I don't dislike you either, you just use my log like a fool sometimes, and it is pretty fucking annoying right now!
Jake, you're not even trying to stop cluttering this log up.

The last 3 posts I have made, I clearly communicated this, and you simply do not register it.

You pay it no mind, and do what you want to do, regardless.

...Life does not tend to reward this sort of behaviour, it does not show one is a "team player", and is not an act in "good faith".

The idea of the emotional bank account matters here. I put reserves into it, when I show good faith, and am a team player. and I deplete it, when I act in bad faith, and push people's limits.

I think it would be fair to say, you've made some really abrasive posts agaisnt me, highlighting how little you respect me, how you do not value me, and how I do not deserve success.

"This community put you up way higher than you deserve to be at this point and it's to the detriment of this community IMO at this point. You need to fucking check yourself Ravi"

"I'm sorry but I just can't get behind you as leader and mod. Everything in a organization is massively influenced from the top down btw and right now that's you."

"And I don't want to be in an environment that is owned by you, building it up"

I saved your posts, which were removed from the forum by the other moderators. We reviewed them. I found them to be abusive, vindictive, spiteful, and frankly, completely in sharp contrast to what you have written today, and how cool you have been with me in the past. I didn't take it personally, because I am open to feedback, but you seem to think you can express disdain for me, and then talk about having positive regard and respect for me, without this being a contradiction in terms.

Make your mind up, Jake.

You go out of your way to shit on me one day, and then the next, you change your tone......

Does this show a pattern of erratic, illogical behaviour?

Does this show a lack of emotional stability?

Is this behaviour indicative of effective leadership and decision making?

You are ignoring what I said, without paying it ANY attention.

And yet, you want me to listen to you. You express, how I need to schedule time to listen to your thoughts, jump in a call with you, and truly take on board your views.

When I ask you to do one simple thing, you fucking ignore it.

This, is just quite strange behaviour, and something I will highlight. It speaks of an inner insecurity you have, imo - a certain neediness.

This surprises me, because I see you as quite an alpha and bad ass man, and yet, you, imo, do have an insecurity around being heard and valued, so to speak, which can cause you to lash out and become, frankly, quite pissed off and even abusive.

You are extremely adept with many things, and have aspects of the game down, to a high level. Infact, you helped me understand a lot about killer instinct, and some of your posts, are very rich in insight. I think the entire community can agree, you are a very smart man. You have helped me out, taught me things, and generally, been a positive man.

But, with your clear ability - why are you not doing better in life?

Imo, some of your patterns, and more toxic aspects of your personality, stop you from being a fully successful human being. At the same time, some of these things, mean you slay with hot girls. So, this is why I find you so interesting, and despite you being a pain in the ass sometimes.

Most guys here, including me, like you, yet you post about how I am going to ban you?

Did you fucking forget, when Andy banned your account the first time, it was me who begged Radical to let you come here as your real account, and keep posting?

I am glad I did that, and stick by the decision, because you've added value to my life, and helped me many many times, including believing in me and having my back in dark times.

But, you are prone to some bad melt downs, and in those times, you can attack people in negative ways.

You discredited the contribution I make to KYIL, because I have "only 12 lays" (banged 4 girls since then btw, it's been just over a week, we're at 16 now, and it will be 50 soon, after that, I am done and just want a wife), and hence, you see me as somehow unable to make a contribution to this community.

And at the very same time, you whine constantly about how your contribution, is not taken seriously, and how you are somehow a forgotten user, who is never appreciated.

This seems to be an insecurity of yours, that is always there underneath the surface.

No one seems to be above criticism from you. Scotty, Chris, Andy, RSD Tyler. I mean, you slight me for my lays, though I was a virgin 2 years ago, and am seeking a LTR. And you slight Scotty, for not being present in the communty, and being elusive. In the interview Andy did with Scotty, you sent in a snide, rude, and distasteful message to the Q&A, asking why anyone should take Scotty seriously, when he was never even present in the community, and was always an enigma. You said that about a guy with 500 lays, who even the most elite men in the world, see as a true legend.

So my contribution is not worthy, because I have the lays I do. And Scottys, despite his 500 lays, is not worthy, because he was an enigma?

I think, this is a defese mechanism of yours, so you can feel better about your own life.

Is this a healthy defence mechanism?

I think not, but I don't judge you, because I do similar things.

Sometimes, it's like you disdain those who take action, and who work and get ahead in their life. Sometimes, you've told me, me being a hard worker, actually makes me worse with women. Not true. I just needed to adjust my game, which I did. And I get laid just fine now.

Many people, work hard, and are successful with women, dude.

Scotty, didn't post on the community, because he was WORKING and being successful. Scotty, works HARD. He is in fact a savage man. A fucking animal.

Like myself, now I am winning in life, I don't sit here all day, explaining myself to you and your many flights of fancy, because I am WORKING and making myself successful.

You are inconsistent with your judgement, prone to outburst, and for all the time you will spend pointing out other people's flaws, I don't understand why the same powers of analysis and reason, are not really moving your own life forward.

Your best thinking, got you where you are.

You are dealing with a lot of shit, having to sell blood plasma to stay alive, having court hearings, trying to stay gainfully employed.

Have you heard of fixing your own oxygen mask, before trying to help others?

I think, the pattern of you prying into others processes and wanting them to explain themselves to you, is just part of a deeper problem with you, which is:

-You are not sufficiently focused on YOU.
-You are not sufficiently dedicated to fixing YOUR OWN life.
-You may be engaged in escapism, by prying into the lives of others, rather than looking into your own.

That, if it is true, should be something you engage with.

Doing so, is a better use of your time, over the persistent cluttering up of my log up, week in, week out, despite being told many times to not do this.

Furthermore, and I say this seriously, keep my big fat fucking BROWN COCK, out of it. That, is for shoving inside of women, and making them scream. It is not for you.

I now consider this to have clearly addressed your cluttering up my log, dude, please respect it.

MakingAComeback said:
Not a fucking PUA or getting laid forum. I want to keep human garbage of that sort, out.

Those spaces attract the lowest of the low, literal degenerates not qualified to take out the trash or contribute value to society. They sicken me.

This doesn’t flow well with me.

The getting laid/PUA part of this forum is important because it’s a crucial step in the development as a man. Most men use this stage as a stepping stone to a better life.

Some people stay in here, just how Scotty was. He reached 500+ lays, I don’t think he’s human garbage. It’s because of men like him, that people like us can grow in an area that’s outside of our comfort zone.

Let’s not disrespect people for taking different paths in life. We’re dealing with a wave of negativity the last couple of weeks. It’s time to break this pattern and support every men who’s changing for the better, regardless of his route of choice
All good man.

Now I have some chick telling me to choose a spot for our date.

Lets see what I can make happen.

I am so tired I don't think my dick will work.


kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:
Not a fucking PUA or getting laid forum. I want to keep human garbage of that sort, out.

Those spaces attract the lowest of the low, literal degenerates not qualified to take out the trash or contribute value to society. They sicken me.

This doesn’t flow well with me.

The getting laid/PUA part of this forum is important because it’s a crucial step in the development as a man. Most men use this stage as a stepping stone to a better life.

Some people stay in here, just how Scotty was. He reached 500+ lays, I don’t think he’s human garbage. It’s because of men like him, that people like us can grow in an area that’s outside of our comfort zone.

Let’s not disrespect people for taking different paths in life. We’re dealing with a wave of negativity the last couple of weeks. It’s time to break this pattern and support every men who’s changing for the better, regardless of his route of choice

I was kinda referring to the old skool PUA forums

Those places were toxic as fuck

I am not referring to Scotty & Chris

But yeah I don't want to be negative, I don't mean to come across like that

Thanks for speaking on that, I will be better in that regard.

Now can we please FOCUS in my log.
jakeD said:
I also think too that it's a massive mistake to ignore all this. The answer is more communication and not less and if disagreement is reached then so be it. But simply leaving each other in the dark is not conducive or helpful IMO. And yet again, another reason why it's hard to communicate on here. Cause that would be "theory" and "mental masterbation". it's like no dude I'm actually reaching out and maybe it's a conversation that would be productive to be had.


Please, FOCUS. My log, my hustle.

This is an example of a clutter post, to help you understand what I mean

Now you know - we can work on it, alright?

This, we need to phase out

Thanks for understanding

Had a gal over last night, she was insanely horny, wouldnt stop fucking me until 2am. She got up at 6am and wanted more dick. Cannot believe how horny she was. Nutcase.

I have had my needs met, to the maximum.

I have been getting lots of sex lately, with different women.

I do not feel like I used to feel.

I want to go monk mode for a bit and just focus on biz and body, and live a calm, focused life.

Chris GLL, was an achiever, because he worked on ONE goal, 12 hrs a day.

Me and Scotty did a great podcast on Sunday, and he was clear, both Scotty and Chris, worked on ONE goal, for 12 hrs a day.

Scotty inspires the FUCK out of me. I have the upmost appreciation for this dude's complete fucking dedication to his own personal goals in life.

He wanted to slay girls, and became THE GOAT. Because he FOCUSED, on that ONE goal, for 12 hrs a day.

I did that in The Phoenix Project, and now, I am MAC 2.0. Women, just like me dude.

I improved myself.

Now girls like me,

And....I succeed.

Think it's time to knuckle down for a bit, and see what happens in my life when I bring TOTAL FOCUS.
let it be on record that from now on, no one is allowed to quit until they have at least 245 pages of raw hustle on their log
colgate said:
let it be on record that from now on, no one is allowed to quit until they have at least 245 pages of raw hustle on their log

I have been fucking so much lately

Had so much pussy lately, texts flying in for more dates, more fucking leads

I wake up and I just feel like such a damn stud

I got my needs met

Truly, deeply, internally.

I was speaking to the No Brains Crew, about my convo with Scotty.

When him and Chris got up, each day was ENTIRELY FOCUSED on the ONE GOAL.

He used the term, "no separation". Everything, absolutely everything, was about banging chicks

That is why they got so much action.

But he said, the same reason, is why Chris was going 50-100k a month with GLL.

Massive success, is possible in any domain, it just requires going ALL IN

So I think I may be going ALL IN, and I mean, genuinely ALL IN, for atleast 4-5 months, in IronWill.

I hired a great business coach, who will help me get there. And if I clear the decks, and do 12hrs a day, 6 days a week, I am damn sure my body will be solid and my business truly killing it too.

I can get laid.

Women like me.

Some of them, are crazy for me. Literally....they can't keep their hands off me.

I turned my shit around. Hardcore.

I fucking won.

So, I am gonna think deeply about this, but I just feel so different now, think I am gonna grind hard as hell on biz, and pick up dating maybe in 4-5 months from now, and go hard with that in NYC. Think I will start a Game house w/ September & Rags.

We will see.....

Anyway, the fact of the matter is, I did the damn work, rain or shine, consistenly, no time off really, for almost 3 years.

That is why, I suceed.


I'd encourage you to not drop the dating stuff completely until you have at least two girls locked-in (sex twice on different occasions) who have shown they'll be around for a reasonable amount of time (let's say, aiming for a month or two)

Even better if you can have a verbal agreement with them you'll always see them on the same day of the week.

When such an arrangement is in place, that's the time to rest on your laurels a bit, and focus on other things. You'll get weekly sex with two different girl with almost zero effort.

It gives you a steady baseline of sexual action to keep your biology in check. You don't want to focus on biz for 4 months but halfway through be without girls then go crazy bc lack of sex and focus on girls again. Forever yoyo-ing between girls and biz.