Cold Email Updates:
I used Chet Holmes’ Dream 100 strategy, and sent the initial emails, as well as follow up seqeunce, both on emails and social channels.
This did not yield the outcomes I seek.
The good: I executed, did the emails daily, did the follow up got out of my comfort zone and learning a thing or two
The learnings: Poor results. 0 engagement.
It's hard to draw any real meaningful conclusions on the viability of cold email for myself and my business, as this was quite a small sample size (100 people), and it was also my first pop.
So instead, I will just chalk this down to being an experiment, and an exercise in action taking. I will ask for some insights and thoughts on what may work better for my own new business development process/lead gen.
I need to become better at lead generation, as it is an area that is very weak for me. I am sure I'll figure out something that works, and also, that I will do, daily!
If anyone wants to chime in, or share their own experiences, perhaps you've been there yourself - I welcome all feedback.
Dating Updates:
Been on 6 dates recently. CUCKED each time.
1: Serbian woman. Looked far worse than her pics. Total dullard, boring as watching paint dry. Within 5 mins of meeting, I wanted to escape. Date was so boring. I used it as game practice, stimming emotions, and creating sparks. She did agree to the pull, but in her hard, thick Eastern European accent, let me know “Ve von’t be doing anythink”. Stomach turning. I made an excuse, and just paid for the tea, and ended the date. She wanted to continue to talk to me. No thanks. Unmatched and removed number.
2: 5th Year Medical Student: Her pics looked nice, but she was far worse in person. A total midget at 163cm, I am not at all attracted to short women, and I should have discerned this as the info was on her profile. Damn. She didn’t reveal she was a med student. I avoid these women. SMDs. Half Persion, half German. Did what I could, but there wa nothing between us. I didn’t feel much attraction, in truth, and neither did she. She declined the pull, and went home and told me she felt more of a friend vibe. I unmatched her.
Sat 9th – 3 dates 1 Day
3: Ukrainian Chick: I went on this date, because I thought she was Polish. I usually get on well with Polish women. She had a Polish number, but she was….Ukranian. Heart sank when I first greeted her and I heard her thick EE accent. We agreed to meet for coffee, and upon meeting me, she decided “Ve get coffee and ve valk”….FUUUUUU. She is trying to control the frame off the bat. Not happening. I say, no, lets get a coffee and sit inside. I have already purchased mine, so she buys hers. After the awful date before, I decided to not pay for drinks, and now get to the dates early, buy my own drink, pay for it, and wait for the gal to get her own, and pay for her own. We chatted for a while, she was not receptive to any minute touch, at all. Draw back at all attempts. We finish coffee, and she wants to go for a walk around Budapest. I know her game. She is just value extracting, like a typical trash ass EE woman. Wants me to be her tour guide and show her the best spots, before cucking of course. I am wise to it, and just head to the bridge ~5m away, try to sexualise and escalate further, to create the right dynamic. She is doing some gross frame battling, telling me we can walk around for one more hour, little cuck tells like this. Like, bitch, my time is valuable, do you think I am talking orders from your cockroach ass? It sickens me and I have to contain my palpable disgust. I have had many bad experiences with these women, and I avoid them entirely. She tells me we will now go for good, I hard decline, and say no, I don’t want to do that, I want to go home and drink wine, let’s go. She says “maybe next time”, which in hoe language, means, I will never see you again. We bid each other farewell, which she does at a distance of about 10 feet (weird ass) and I just shrug and walk 5m back to my apartment. A win, was that 0 was spent on her this date. Which I enjoy.
4: Gal from Ohio: She messaged me first on Hinge, and is a fairly decent looking, if a little bigger, gal. She is fun to talk to thank God, and while she declines the pull, she does kiss me. She agrees to a 2nd date. More on that below.
5: Mentally Ill Uggo: Shes way fatter than her pics, and has severe mental illness. Diagnosed BPD. Has auditory and visual hallucinations. She is a truly sick fuck, who sees demons and has to stay in a psyche ward a few times a year. Again, I use it as practice. She pulls, after some debate and back and fourth. She refuses all escalation and awkwardly so. I do not like this and I just don’t want her there. She tells me she’ll leave, waits a bit for he bus, and then dips. I wish her well, send a nice message on Tinder (she didn’t exchange), and then remove her in the morning. This chick, openly talked about how she bangs drug dealers for free drugs all the time, and has never paid for coke or weed, though she does drugs a hell of a lot. Such a mess of a human.
Sunday: 2nd date w/ Ohio girl
6: Coffee, pull to mine, escalate. Kissing. She tells me she is on a solo trip with her son and has a no sex rule. She tells me a few times “I have to go”, but I roll with it, chill, flow, and bring her back. She makes out hard and heavy and gets steamy, and then declares “I have to go” a few times. I give up after 5 rounds of this and she insists she is going to leave to buy her son some socks. She texts me a few hrs later asking me to come meet her for a mulled wine. I ignore it to spend the evening with Paw. She then calls me, she’s out and clearly a little tipsy. I can barely hear wtf she is saying, and just play it off, and wish her well. She texts a few hrs later again, telling me she regrets her no sex on vacation rule, and how next time she will make it up to me. She was in Budapest for 2 days, so again, girl talk for, thanks for the validation and attention, I will never see you again.
Long chat with Paw, for 3hrs, about our dreams, vision, and burning desire for success.
I deleted the dating apps off my phone, and will just go on the dates I have scheduled, flakes permitting, and ask the girl in my loca coffee shop out.
This weekend, was so draining, I was tired to the bone, man, date after date, the highs, the lows, the push back, the endless push and hustle to get success, and the draining dates to nowhere with women I don’t like at all. It drained me so much. It stressed me TF out.
But this is success.
To win in life, you must put in this work, for years.
I will not use the dating apps for the rest of the year, and just see the one lead I have now, and ask the waitress out in person.
I will pick dating up in Jan, but I gotta be honest, I do not enjoy dating in Budapest and these women do not move me, I don’t vibe or resonate, and the last 6 dates, were not fun for me to be honest.
Nonetheless, there can be no whining, nor am I inclined to.
Winners don’t whine.
And whiners never win.
It’s just sales. It’s a numbers game. Work on your product, work on your pitch, run the numbers. Some, you win. Some, you lose.
True victory comes to the consistent guy who is SERIOUS about his goals.
A guy who is SERIOUS, is literally unstoppable.
The universe bends to his will.
I am putting my hustle in with business today, will hit the gym, and keep suceeding in my life.
Best wishes,