Lusty69 said:
From my personal experience, I do feel like the focus on SMV becomes a little myopic, yes it will help, and yes it matters however I think it matters less than a lot of people make out.
I think your vibe, your social skills, your "game" and your mindset can help make up for deficits in SMV. I am 5'4 and have been overweight most of my life, I have put in the work and run volume, yes I might have a decent face as I have been told but I was rejected so hard in my first 3-4 years of knowing about "game" I did a fair amount of approaching to learn social skills from nothing, I did spiritual work, I learned how to be confident and become really good with sex. I obsessed with a lot of this stuff and worked hard on it for 6 years from 18-24 years old with massive action.
When I was about 24-25 I remember one summer before I got into a relationship and sort of went backward in a sense but during that period from day game and night game I managed to go on dates and sleep with some of the most attractive women I have ever met, one ended up being some high profile onlyfans model, then post that break up the next girl I was seeing is also an onlyfans model now but my point is I didn't really change much in terms of SMV, I just got much better social skills, confidence, sexual confidence improved my vibe.
I think as logical men it is easy to just go oh formula of SMV = L+M+S deerrrr lets just focus on that because its actionable logical steps, but I do believe there is more to it than that.
Firstly, I am a self improvement guy, and actually want to maxxx myself out.
I also understand the
SMP for low SMV men, better than anyone here, IMO.
Low SMV is the true forcing function, and there is no margin for any error. White and black men, can have a level one understanding (not saying this is you, btw,
not at all), and be fine, and they espouse their ideas and lead those with lower SMV off a cliff. It used to happen to me for the longest, and it drove me fucking insane.
These guys, get laid, because most are in Just Exist mode. And they think it's the same for others. It's patently not. These guys sell products and services, on what worked for them, and when myself and the MANY low SMV men I know tried this stuff, they got nowhere. That was why I had to go so deep. This dynamic slowed my journey down a lot, because these fellas tried hard to help me, but didn't understand looks, SMV, hypergamy, and game for low SMV.
And why would they? It's not their wheelhouse.
But it is mine.
I am brown, of British-Indian heritage, and don't have the same perceived value as white & black men. Who, yes, can be fat, balding, and still absolutely slay. Hypergamy, women can look past subpar looks if the SMV is there. If it's not, it's a going to be a rough slog, but can be overcome, with optimising looks, location and game.
Your post, has utility because Game is valuable. Confidence, matters.
But beyond that, there are many factors, most white and black men miss, which is why they have skewed perceptions of the utility of game, and unfortunately why most get stuck at Level One. There are many factors beyond game and looks that have a role in attraction:
-Percieved value (They see Indian, they think poverty & lack. Brutal. Despite many of the worlds top CEOs being of my background, we lack a good archetype, and this means we don't trigger hypergamy and hence attraction. They see white, they think white picket fence, success. Black, attractive in culture and media, trigger hypergamy. These 2 groups, looks matter a lot less. Asian are not far behind tbh)
-Friends approval (Most women ghost me, because they are ashamed to date a man who looks like me, and for their friends to find out)
-Family approval (Instant death)
And there are a myriad of other break points and factors I could explain to you, but there's not much point. This does not matter to you, it does not affect your life, and you can be blissfully unaware. Hence why most white and black men are at Level One. That is enough for them to still get killer success.
Why I have to spell this out, is that other men read this, and some, not many, but some, are infact low SMV. They are considered unattractive and undesirable by women. I am deep in this game, because I want to find the truth, become successful, and in truth, I want to help these people, because the help was there for me.
If a guy has a bad face, bad archetype, bad SMV, good luck making up for it in game. There are 10 breakpoints that will kill you.
But if you can get SOME looks going - that is what women will break all rules for.
The way I look, actually works against me. My physical form, is a net detractor to my ability to generate attraction. It has been a persistent uphill battle to get any form of attraction, compliance, and it is becoming quite a pain in the ass. If we were to switch bodies, you'd see - women are just far, far harsher to men they are not "supposed" to be attracted to. It is absolutely god awful, and nothing could have prepared me for this experience. Blackpill Death. This comes as a result of some negative facial features and proportions, skin tone, and my ethnicity.
We know this, because we have the data.
Ask the people who have lived with me. All the men I have lived with, were cool, successful, and killers with women. Timmy, then Paw. I have a lot of time with The Dom, who is a close friend. Nowadays, Ralph. Out of all of these, though The Dom had the best game, even he doesn't understand low SMV or the SMP. Ralph, however, actually does, and is Blackpill like me. All of these guys, have a tonne of success.....Top 1%.
They, themselves, emphasise massively, and they also, as my friends, feel quite bad about the way I am treated and received, why women just ghost, and why things are so especially cold and harsh.
This, whilst I remain a 4/5, is just going to continue.
The way out of this, is looks. Adding a literal point.
Thanks for your post, and I welcome your contributions. I don't want to dismiss thoughtful, active posters like you, who are helping other men in the community and actually care. But, I still must speak truth, and not shy away from expressing my ideas to you, and everyone else.