(1) Weight Loss: To lose 48lbs. I'm 6 ft 5 and 248.4lbs, and want to get to 200lbs (DONE! Today, I weighed 198.4lbs, meaning I HAVE LOST 50.4LBS!!!)
(2) Lose Virginity (DONE, my massive resistance to intimacy, lack of worthiness and extreme low self esteem were kicked down several notches by a high class escort)
(3) Career Change (DONE, I switched up my working situation to a remote, reduced hours contact to enable me to pursue hardcore self improvement, and following this, I will transition into running my own biz)
(4) Enjoying Life (DONE, I did get out of the UK and work remotely for several months in the Canary Isands, the goal was to go ‘somewhere sunny’ and I did it! Plus, in London, I’ve made new friends and am having a great time socially)
(5) Dating: 8 dates by December 31st 2021 (DONE, I had never been on a date before my whole life, and then I went on 8 dates and even achieved this goal with 28 days to spare)
Everything has been achieved. My first year of hardcore underground self improvement has been a A+ year of excellence and achievement. I have turned my life around, and laid down a foundation for massive, massive success in the years to come. My big picture vision is clear: I want an elite life. Financially free, excellent relationships with friends and family, brilliant lifestyle of travel and exploration, to be married to my dream woman, and to have several children, 3 – 4 ideally. I WILL ACHIEVE THIS. There is no doubt.
Why I was able to turn my life around and start fighting hard for an elite life was because I had a TONNE of help. So many people helped me. Andy, Radical, the forum, the coaching group.
Love and respect you all brothers, together, we will fucking win.
Lessons learned in 2021:
I had so much shit to sort out that I was just lost. There seemed to be so much in front of me and I had no idea where to even begin! Truth be told, I was so hopeless, I didn't think I really had a chance to make it, but what I did know is that I am one of the hardest workers out there and I will grind until my bones snap when it time to get shit done. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to figure this shit out, but I knew I was willing to fail as many times as it takes to succeed. I also knew I was so, so fucking sick of the situation I was in that I had to absolutely break myself off trying to become better or die trying, because I could not let anyone, ever, tell me that I did not try! I needed to know in my heart of hearts that I gave everything I could give, and that I fought heart and soul for a better life, so if I never did find a girl, it would not be from lack of extreme effort, consistency and focus. That was all I came here with man. I was very screwed, but I knew Andy and the forum could help me, so I made it clear I would do EVERYTHING YOU ASK OF ME.
And....I took action absolutely relentlessly, daily, non stop, and hit my actions every fucking day without mercy. When I was dead tired, I would grind. When I was totally defeated, I would grind.
I am not ashamed to admit, when I was in the Canary Islands, starting my cold approach journey and also living along for the first time in ages, in a different country and starting back in the gym after years, there were times I was so lonely and isolated and in deep pain I would actually cry. Like, I would still get my day diary out and follow it with cast iron focus, but I would be there doing an hour of stretching for example whilst sparodically crying and listening to Andy’s podcast in the background.
I want it bad...very bad, lol.
I did not let up for even one second this year, I worked solidly, with focus, with consistency, every fucking second of every fucking day. That is why I turned my life around. I have a long way to go, yes, but I do not even recognise the person I was before. That guy is long gone, dead, buried, and gone. I found someone else inside myself who was buried at the bottom of decades of self doubt, insecurity, low self esteem, and fear. At the bottom of all that, was me, a guy who will break himself off to be something in this world.
Could I have sustained this on my own with a brain full of limiting beliefs and self doubt?
That level of work was sustained because I trusted Andy, Radical, the coaching group, and the forum.
Because I know you guys could help me, I trusted yourselves entirely, because I knew I could not trust my own brain on this one.
This is non-negotiable if you want to truly breakthrough. I have my coaches, mentors and community – I’ll be good for all I need to achieve in life now. But if someone isn’t making the progress they want to make, and are getting frustrated, they need to find a reliable coach / mentor AND be part of a community of people with the same goal. You MUST FIND BOTH.
I obviously recommend Andy’s coaching, and also, Radical is absolutely brilliant. Hit up Andy, or pay Radical. Both of these guys are the best out there, I never found anyone better. Watch both Andy’s channels and Radical’s. I am not sure how much coaching Radical offers but I am sure you could arrange something, he is working on creating a brand so you may be able to work with him now before he becomes very very expensive. I got with Andy and Radical early and will stay with them until my children are born and I can just live with my wife and kids in a beautiful home and be a wealthy champion.
If you have not been able to get to where you want to get, YOU CAN’T DO THIS SHIT ON YOUR OWN.
If you could help yourself, you would have done so by now.
I was able to resolve complicated health problems, I was able to overcome intense anxiety, I was able to overcome a lot.
But I was not able to build the life I want.
There are many reasons for this, we get conditioned a certain way, there is a build up of endless amounts of useless bullshit in our subconscious, and we get engrained in patterns that make true growth super hard.
Group support and community is what breaks this. Humans are social animals, and we also learn socially. You begin to change and transform through being connected to a tribe. This is what happened to me.
In the future, when I achieve my big picture vision, it will be because of KYIL. Yes, I will have worked relentlessly for it. But I know what has forged my development. The coaching group and the forum. Simple.
This one was insane to see unfold.
Focus is a super power. If you are stuck in life, this can REALLY break the cycle. You may need to GO ALL IN.
I went from a not so great social life and totally dead dating life in the Midlands, to a quite interesting dating life and stimulating social life by moving to London and switching my ENTIRE focus around to working relentlessly on my goals and telling everything else to wait.
That is how you do it. DEEP focus on one area, with all your time and energy focused on that. For many guys, this is how we will need to do it.
Do a bunch of things and achieve fuck all in 6 months time.
Or drill down to mineral salts on one thing and actually achieve something.
I had to be told this many, many times.
I had to be told many times to move.
I had to be told many times to focus.
I had to be told so many things on a weekly or monthly basis.
But it went in and I did take action to change.
Packed my bags, changed my work situation, and made it happen.
That concludes lessons learned.
I will now write up my goals for 2022 and consult the forum and the group on my next steps.
Once we have agreed my goals for 2022, I will go ALL OUT and fucking crush them, show them no mercy, and attack them with every ounce of energy in my mind and body.
Just some thoughts for the underdogs and guys who were beat down in life. I want to share something with these guys, because they are a group I can possibly help. I can’t help the well adjusted and normie dudes on here. They’re savages and will become legendary because they are too amazing as people. I am humbled just to be here with many of you and it is an honour. But for my invisible men and those who have been crushed by life:
-This is all about heart. If your heart is bigger than the obstacles in front of you, it does not matter how impossible it seems, whatever is infront of you WILL get destroyed, Know this. Know this. Nothing else matters. You don’t need stellar brain power. You don’t need adonis like looks. You don’t need wealth. You don’t need to have had a great background. You don’t need to have come from success. You can come from absolutely fucking nothing, you can be at the bottom of the sewer without any hope, waking up in total darkness with rats scurrying around, and you can become something with nothing other than a dream and determination. Everything you need in your journey, you will be able to forge. Anyone that you need to find, you will locate. Anything that you need, you will find a way to acquire. Nothing is necessary for you to succeed other than the will that lives in your heart. There can be no excuses. If you have just one breath of air left in your body, you can attack. So make sure you go for the enemies throat. What is needed for the underdog to win is the ability to truly, truly GRIND. If you develop this skill, and it is teachable, you can move forward and become who you want to be. I have no doubt about this and I have seen it many times.
That’s all I can contribute for now. I am on a journey and I have a long way to go.
But no one can deny the progress I have made. I know where I was, and I know where I am now. And I know where I will get one day: to absolute and total victory, and eternal inner peace.