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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [DISCIPLINE]


Gents, I am confronting some deep fears and insecurities and clearly stuff deep inside is resurfacing, stuff that I don't even remember clearly, but it all churns in the subconscious and can make us unhappy.

This stuff will heal in time.

When I make a commitment, I must follow through. We said 8 dates by the end of 2021, and I am SO close. I MUST BE HAPPY ABOUT THAT.

I will make it one day gents, will keep pushing and will keep healing.

I understand your points. Yes, I am probably at some level making myself miserable. I will push back on one thing tho: I am working on getting another shoot done, because hammering online dating every day just gives me a spattering of a handful of very overweight and undesirable women. That is kinda where I am at, and what I'm working with right now, if I don't accept that I have to lower my standards and perhaps be a bit sad for a while, I will not make progress. Approaching girls in clubs, instant rejections all night. Approaching in the day, instant rejections all day. Just understand that is where I am at and because of that, I am going to have to drop my standards for as long as it takes....

This is the reality guys. More time passing and more levelling up will have to occur to be better. That's life.

Not making incremetal progress is NOT an option and I don't care how I feel, if I feel like hell and am damn near about to lose it, it's FAR better than not moving forward and letting life pass me by. That is the greatest fear of them all, going to my grave like this.

Plus, about 15-20lbs ago, I was a fatty myself, so I was stoked I could get any date. Now, my body does not look too bad. It's not shredded yet, but it'll get there. ~200lbs from 246.8lbs is good man, being a super tall fellow, I don't look awful anymore. Not that I look good, but we only need t be above average, and I can get there with work.

You'll just have to bear with me.

The Phoenix Project Week 4 / Day 15

(1) Cold Approach 15 Girls In 3hrs
(2) OLD: 1hr Process
(3) Go On Date #8
(4) Other: Work, Light Therapy, Cold Shower, Landlord Meeting

Fingers crossed the landlord likes us, we pass the credit checks, and we get this place...........

Running Totals:
Cold Approaches: 51
Numbers: 0
Dates: 4 (+1)
Sexual Encounters: 0

(Overall dates: 7.
Goal for 2021: 8)

(1) Cold Approach 15 Girls In 3hrs (Fail, said hi to 5 girls in 3hrs)

Very extreme panic attacks all the time, horrific trauma responses, felt like I was being tortured to be honest.

Clearly, when it comes to women, I am traumatised to the bone.

But even through 3 hours of very hellish approach anxiety, my mind breaking me into a million pieces, I did somehow find the strength to say hi to 5 girls. "Hi, I just wanted to say hi, it's something I'm working on" - then got the fuck out of there as I was incandescent with emotion, rage, hatred, bitterness, resentment, the ugliness shit you can imagine.

Again, such is dealing with a huge amount of wounding from women. I didn't as for it, but I am a man, and I will bear it. It is a coward who does not confront his dragon. Face the dragon, get the gold.

If I am in AA hell for the next 10 years, so be it. I will be out on the streets as much as I possibly can be just breaking this down and healing myself. I cannot allow this situation to continue without attacking it as viciously as I possibly can.

The women were VERY cunty and rude today. Totally fine btw, they do not have to talk to anyone they do not want to. No problem.

That's all I can share. I will just keep working. Will stay the course,

Off on a date with a right fatty tonight. That will be date 8.

I'll have achieved my goal then.

I will then set my goals for 2022.

As you can appreciate, for the most part, I just want to fix myself and be at peace with myself. I am going through a lot of hatred for women right now. It is not how I feel, I love many very much, I'm just a dude with a very, very fucked head. It does not mean I act on it. I am very warm and friendly to people, my AirBNB hosts for example have all been women during this time and they have left me positive feedback describing me as "very sweet, friendly and more than a host, he was like a flatmate" <3

I am not a terrible human and I do not hate women, I am just dealing with extreme emotions and they are related to the shitty experiences I have had with women consistently for damn near my whole life.

But I will GRIND it out until the bitter end. It is a coward who puts his own negative shit onto other people. Yes, I am in pain doing this right now. I did not ask for all my subconscious to come to the fore and haunt like, believe me, I didn't think this would happen. But it did.

If I can somehow make it, I will be proud of myself until the end of my days.

I am 100% for the under dog in this world. People who are fucked 500 ways from Sunday and have absolutely nothing to help them succeed apart from a dream and determination.

The guys who continue to inspire me areThebastard and Andy.

They are the hardest man to ever enter this space, and are 10 x the man I am. I have the upmost of respect for Thebastard and Andy and what they achieved in truly hellacious circumstances and with levels of trauma that match mine. What they did in their life will always transcend everyone else in this space by orders of magnitude. To me, these two are the greatest of all time in self development.

On a personal level, because Thebastard went through damn near the same shit I did, like the whole experience was so similar, he will always have a special place in my heart.

Both him and Andy brute fucking forced it. And I will too.

My log will feature some ugly shit but know that I am not a mean person. I have nothing but respect for women, a lady needed help taking her child and pram up the stairs in the train station and I was the first one to help.

When facing the dragon, it gets fucking ugly and life is hellacious, but in facing the dragon, we get the gold.

My battle with AA is going to be brutal, I already know this, and it'll be a very long one, 9 months to a year I suspect. If you can't handle seeing serious pain, stop reading my log right now and go back to your happy, normal life. :)

Otherwise, gear in for some downright medieval brutality....the AA goes or I do, we can't co-exist.

Running Totals:
Cold Approaches: 56 (+5)
Numbers: 0
Dates: 4 (+1)
Sexual Encounters: 0
Hey brother.

Seems like you are in a very dark place.

You know you’d be amazed at the myriad of attempted systems of controls I’ve tried to integrated into my life in order to not become periodically crushed by feelings of rage and neuroticism.

Even though I’ve made great progress in this regard by working out an optimised screening routine that I found by analysing the data google ads style AND travelling multiple times around the globe for places where girls are more partial to my ‘package…’ ultimately yielding results of a consistency and quality I am JUST about satisfied with…

Those dark moments still come. Similar to some herpes virus outbreak. Or like how Frodo still struggled with his cursed knife wound the black rider gave him. They are unavoidable. You can remedy it however you can but it will ALWAYS exist in the depths of your soul and unconscious mind to some level.

But as long as you are able to get to a point where the damage from childhood as well as a young adulthood marked by excruciatingly traumatic experiences with women doesn’t repress your quality of life too much. Then it can be tolerated. And you will get through those dark times.

Plain and simple the ONLY way you can get to this point is to succeed. Succeed enough to get the results you want.

It helps if you can quantify those results. As specifically as you can. For me it is very specific indeed: the proven ability to get ONE girl who is AT LEAST a 7 within 14 working days with a degree of effort/money not breaking the threshold of what would derail my quality of life. That means no night clubs, binge drinking, spending more than 100 bucks a week on online apps – you get the idea. THEN I must be able to REPEAT THIS such that I always have 3 such girls in my rotation at all times.

Now the odds of any one of those girls being special and compatible with me for more than just ‘fun’ is small. But the ‘heart of darkness’ moments will be FAR Less severe. Because my abundance mindset will be very strong, keeping the worst of my neuroticism in check. Its as close as you can get to some powerful antiviral drugs for HIV or something.

Now I will tell you something you already know.

It doesn’t matter how often you are told to man up or to stop being a pussy. That shit certainly never worked for me.

You need to suffer.

This is the only way. You need to want to achieve your goals more than anything in this universe. It is not negotiable. Its not optional. It is a fire in your heart that either exists or it doesn’t. Only you know if you have it.

If you do then you will accept that you CAN NEVER GIVE UP. No matter how much suffering it causes you.

Because its either suffer tremendously now and enjoy a future with FAR less suffering. Or give up and suffer as you have been for the rest of your days.

Will you be COMPLETELY healed?

Well put it this way.

Sometimes I feel like my journey has emotionally circumcised me. Pardon my French but all those experiences of being on the receiving end of cunty behaviour from girls who you so desperately want the love and approval of – they take their toll.

For example: my capacity to pair bond with and enjoy intense emotional intimacy with a woman is now severely impaired.

As such you will notice that you will have a very primal preference for what you know works. You won’t ever see me go on 3+ dates without sex because the data has deeply ingrained into my subconsciousness what the results of such foolhardy endeavours bring.

And in fact you will never see me approaching girls on the streets because I know what 2000+ approaches has yielded me in terms of effort/reward. Hint hint: not fuck all enough to justify it. The rejections, rudeness, flaking and time wasted have been set against the historical results and there is no force one earth that could compel me to go back to that. Especially when my number 1 priority is making money which requires copious amounts of effort. Perhaps even if my bread-basket tinder suddenly permanently bans me.

This is not to say you should NOT keep doing what you are doing. ESPECIALLY when you have not come close to reaching your full physical potential. In fact as long as you are NOT looking as your full physical attention would allow, the results you are getting from cold approach aren’t really worth much beyond keeping AA in check.

You will find out what works for you. But until you do, giving up is not optional.

Hopefully I made that clear.

And that these ‘market dips’ are to be expected regularly and WILL not last.

Keep at it man.

Thanks for your post bro I will read in detail but I perked back up massively. Following the cold approach session, I did feel a massive buzzing in my head and then my whole anxiety just simmered down. I felt looser and more expressive.

I went on DATE NUMBER 8!!!!!!!!!!!

I HAVE MET MY GOALS FOR 2021!!!!!!!!!!!


We went to the Xmas markets and chatted for 2hrs, we vibed so well, it was like we knew each other for years. She was so different on the phone, in person, once I met her and I was so loose and confident, and am so massive compared to her being a tiny 5 ft 2 girl, her whole energy was totally different. She was the cutest, most sweet girl. Really, she was absolutely lovely.

So, she was a bit bigger yes, but she had a nice fat ass, great eyes, pretty face, and the most chill, lovely energy to her. She was OK with my touching her and getting close to her. She is down to chill again. She isn't looking for a relationship, in our messages she says she wants a FWB. So yeah, I am all the way down to explore that with her.

Today was tough during the cold approach but this date has made me feel on top of the world.

What a fucking way to get my 8 dates goal achieved.

I feel like the gods of self improvement blessed me tonight.

And to those gods of self improvement, really, thank you - this win could not have come at a better time, really, it couldn't. This has elevated me so much I feel like a totally different person. This also happened last time I had a great date. There will be a future where I have an awesome gal around who makes me feel like this all the time.

I will definitely achieve all my goals in life gentlemen, because I am one of life's true grinders and I never give up, always push on until the bitter end. That is why I will ultimately be successful in life. But I know I have a fucked up mind and subconscious, which I will heal over time guys.

We will get there. There will be dark moments but we will keep grinding.

I honestly didn't think I could get 8 dates this year, I thought it was impossible, but somehow through sheer hustle I actually did it,

Must get back in the gym and body maxx hardcore and I really hope the landlord lets us get this place, should hear over the weekend.


MakingAComeback said:
She isn't looking for a relationship, in our messages she says she wants a FWB. So yeah, I am all the way down to explore that with her.

Awesome man, looking forward to how this goes.


Drove home head full of positive chemicals, just flying man, listening to my 80s music just feeling like I am a man I admire and respect.

Thats how life is lived, great girls by your side, great friends, family, an amazing tribe.

More of this to come, we will get it all, girls, money, house, cars, family, the job fucking lot.

I called my friend Vis to tell him I achieved my goals for 2021, he was overjoyed. He is pretty into his faith, so he told me some traditional Islamic prayers for me to be successful LOL. He is an amazing dude this guy has a hell of a story, we've been friends since school, he was a bit of a hard nut and when I went off to Uni, he went off to jail sadly. He came out and transformed himself through his faith and now is a killer businessman running several companies and making BANK.

Lifes good man. Gonna kick back with my parents and bro, hit the gym with my brother and go out for a steak. Tomorrow gonna chill with my boy Dave have breakfast and hike.

I am a massively pro social dude so all it takes is being around people to make me BUZZING

Thanks Matt! We have to set some new goals now.

Gonna consult you all on my next goals.

Went back home, checked out my AirBNB and fingers crossed for the property.

Taking my mum shopping atm, which is fun, and then hitting the gym with my not so little brother before going for steak.

Will do some thinking on my goals for 2022, which will focus on dating and becoming successful with women. This will essentially be The Phoenix Project and it’ll be a year old hardcore underground self development project. ALL IN, ALL DAY until the wheels come off!!!!!

Aim is to get these goals set ASAP and I’ll hang out with my bro Dave and do some OLD pics with him next week just as a bit of a booster. Will also hire a photographer, im in my hometown now it’ll be far cheaper here tbh.

Thebastard said:
Hey brother.

Seems like you are in a very dark place.

You know you’d be amazed at the myriad of attempted systems of controls I’ve tried to integrated into my life in order to not become periodically crushed by feelings of rage and neuroticism.

Even though I’ve made great progress in this regard by working out an optimised screening routine that I found by analysing the data google ads style AND travelling multiple times around the globe for places where girls are more partial to my ‘package…’ ultimately yielding results of a consistency and quality I am JUST about satisfied with…

Those dark moments still come. Similar to some herpes virus outbreak. Or like how Frodo still struggled with his cursed knife wound the black rider gave him. They are unavoidable. You can remedy it however you can but it will ALWAYS exist in the depths of your soul and unconscious mind to some level.

But as long as you are able to get to a point where the damage from childhood as well as a young adulthood marked by excruciatingly traumatic experiences with women doesn’t repress your quality of life too much. Then it can be tolerated. And you will get through those dark times.

Plain and simple the ONLY way you can get to this point is to succeed. Succeed enough to get the results you want.

It helps if you can quantify those results. As specifically as you can. For me it is very specific indeed: the proven ability to get ONE girl who is AT LEAST a 7 within 14 working days with a degree of effort/money not breaking the threshold of what would derail my quality of life. That means no night clubs, binge drinking, spending more than 100 bucks a week on online apps – you get the idea. THEN I must be able to REPEAT THIS such that I always have 3 such girls in my rotation at all times.

Now the odds of any one of those girls being special and compatible with me for more than just ‘fun’ is small. But the ‘heart of darkness’ moments will be FAR Less severe. Because my abundance mindset will be very strong, keeping the worst of my neuroticism in check. Its as close as you can get to some powerful antiviral drugs for HIV or something.

Now I will tell you something you already know.

It doesn’t matter how often you are told to man up or to stop being a pussy. That shit certainly never worked for me.

You need to suffer.

This is the only way. You need to want to achieve your goals more than anything in this universe. It is not negotiable. Its not optional. It is a fire in your heart that either exists or it doesn’t. Only you know if you have it.

If you do then you will accept that you CAN NEVER GIVE UP. No matter how much suffering it causes you.

Because its either suffer tremendously now and enjoy a future with FAR less suffering. Or give up and suffer as you have been for the rest of your days.

Will you be COMPLETELY healed?

Well put it this way.

Sometimes I feel like my journey has emotionally circumcised me. Pardon my French but all those experiences of being on the receiving end of cunty behaviour from girls who you so desperately want the love and approval of – they take their toll.

For example: my capacity to pair bond with and enjoy intense emotional intimacy with a woman is now severely impaired.

As such you will notice that you will have a very primal preference for what you know works. You won’t ever see me go on 3+ dates without sex because the data has deeply ingrained into my subconsciousness what the results of such foolhardy endeavours bring.

And in fact you will never see me approaching girls on the streets because I know what 2000+ approaches has yielded me in terms of effort/reward. Hint hint: not fuck all enough to justify it. The rejections, rudeness, flaking and time wasted have been set against the historical results and there is no force one earth that could compel me to go back to that. Especially when my number 1 priority is making money which requires copious amounts of effort. Perhaps even if my bread-basket tinder suddenly permanently bans me.

This is not to say you should NOT keep doing what you are doing. ESPECIALLY when you have not come close to reaching your full physical potential. In fact as long as you are NOT looking as your full physical attention would allow, the results you are getting from cold approach aren’t really worth much beyond keeping AA in check.

You will find out what works for you. But until you do, giving up is not optional.

Hopefully I made that clear.

And that these ‘market dips’ are to be expected regularly and WILL not last.

Keep at it man.

This was a fucking brilliant post. I loved this, and I really value your perspective, experience and thoughts - I am infinitely grateful for sharing here bro because I took so much insight from this.

I am absolutely steadfast and resolute, we are way past the possibility of giving up, we must succeed. Absolutely we must.

Will keep looksmaxxing fucking hard man. I am so much leaner now, truly, soooo much leaner. I've lost like 6 inches from my waist during my time here!!! And now I will get back in the gym, get on a new protocol with nutrition and lifestyle, and keep fucking hammering.

There will be bigger and bigger wins on the horizon man.

My mind was so destroyed I truly never thought I would ever go on one date, I thought I was done and dusted, but I went on 8! All fatties, yes, that's where I am right now (first gal was actually slim and lovely but didn't say more than 2 words LOL). But what I have proven to myself is that I will commit fully to my goals and I will absolutely make them happen no matter how I feel or what I think, or whether I even think it's possible. Must admit: date number 8 was lovely man, she was such a sweet girl, I definitely liked her a lot and I want to talk to her and spend time with her. She was lovely....

I feel a fantastic sense of achievement for my first year at KYIL. 50lbs in bodyweight shredded, new style, new friends, new living situation, I'm dating girls, I'm getting better socially and more confident.

I will definitely heal myself further and further and while I have wounds, and I understand that, I feel tremendous pride that I have turned my life around at this stage despite all I went through for so many years of my life.

Again, thank you for sharing. I greatly appreciate it. It was a brilliant post to be honest and I am sure many people will take insight from the deep transformation and decades of experience that are underpinned in the thoughts above.

All that said, gents, right now I am flying because I have had a great date, great time with friends and family, and am feeling amazing

So. when I log in and write up struggles with AA, please don't get discouraged or disheartened, or take it as me complaining or wanting things to be easier.

I absolutely must start a family, I want an amazing woman and 3 - 4 kids, and for this I will actually bleed myself dry. I don't care.

Definitely working on being more positive and Andy has given me a tonne of stuff to work on.

It will all come together, I am here to learn and develop and I am definitely a student of self improvement so if I post things that are counter productive and negative sometimes, just know I am trying my hardest to grow and frankly, I have grown so so so much. I do not recognise who I was before. That is a feeling that gives me a pride in myself that I never was able to get with anything else I tried.

One day, I will have gained my dream life.

Until then, we grind.

Spider Jerusalem said:

Nice one Mac - real happy for you brother ⬆️


Spider 🕷

Hey Spider thanks man, you are killing it, keep growing and being successful!

MakingAComeback said:
I honestly didn't think I could get 8 dates this year, I thought it was impossible, but somehow through sheer hustle I actually did it,

Great job man.
It was totally possible with the amount of effort u were throwing at this.

I personally think you could get to 200 dates next year if you really wanted to honestly.

But that's the thing. You can do whatever you want for 2022. If you've proven you can accomplish a goal that seemed impossible, then imagine what you can do for the next year.



(1) Weight Loss: To lose 48lbs. I'm 6 ft 5 and 248.4lbs, and want to get to 200lbs (DONE! Today, I weighed 198.4lbs, meaning I HAVE LOST 50.4LBS!!!)
(2) Lose Virginity (DONE, my massive resistance to intimacy, lack of worthiness and extreme low self esteem were kicked down several notches by a high class escort)
(3) Career Change (DONE, I switched up my working situation to a remote, reduced hours contact to enable me to pursue hardcore self improvement, and following this, I will transition into running my own biz)
(4) Enjoying Life (DONE, I did get out of the UK and work remotely for several months in the Canary Isands, the goal was to go ‘somewhere sunny’ and I did it! Plus, in London, I’ve made new friends and am having a great time socially)
(5) Dating: 8 dates by December 31st 2021 (DONE, I had never been on a date before my whole life, and then I went on 8 dates and even achieved this goal with 28 days to spare)

Everything has been achieved. My first year of hardcore underground self improvement has been a A+ year of excellence and achievement. I have turned my life around, and laid down a foundation for massive, massive success in the years to come. My big picture vision is clear: I want an elite life. Financially free, excellent relationships with friends and family, brilliant lifestyle of travel and exploration, to be married to my dream woman, and to have several children, 3 – 4 ideally. I WILL ACHIEVE THIS. There is no doubt.



Why I was able to turn my life around and start fighting hard for an elite life was because I had a TONNE of help. So many people helped me. Andy, Radical, the forum, the coaching group.

Love and respect you all brothers, together, we will fucking win.

Lessons learned in 2021:


I had so much shit to sort out that I was just lost. There seemed to be so much in front of me and I had no idea where to even begin! Truth be told, I was so hopeless, I didn't think I really had a chance to make it, but what I did know is that I am one of the hardest workers out there and I will grind until my bones snap when it time to get shit done. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to figure this shit out, but I knew I was willing to fail as many times as it takes to succeed. I also knew I was so, so fucking sick of the situation I was in that I had to absolutely break myself off trying to become better or die trying, because I could not let anyone, ever, tell me that I did not try! I needed to know in my heart of hearts that I gave everything I could give, and that I fought heart and soul for a better life, so if I never did find a girl, it would not be from lack of extreme effort, consistency and focus. That was all I came here with man. I was very screwed, but I knew Andy and the forum could help me, so I made it clear I would do EVERYTHING YOU ASK OF ME.

And....I took action absolutely relentlessly, daily, non stop, and hit my actions every fucking day without mercy. When I was dead tired, I would grind. When I was totally defeated, I would grind.

I am not ashamed to admit, when I was in the Canary Islands, starting my cold approach journey and also living along for the first time in ages, in a different country and starting back in the gym after years, there were times I was so lonely and isolated and in deep pain I would actually cry. Like, I would still get my day diary out and follow it with cast iron focus, but I would be there doing an hour of stretching for example whilst sparodically crying and listening to Andy’s podcast in the background. :) I want it bad...very bad, lol.
I did not let up for even one second this year, I worked solidly, with focus, with consistency, every fucking second of every fucking day. That is why I turned my life around. I have a long way to go, yes, but I do not even recognise the person I was before. That guy is long gone, dead, buried, and gone. I found someone else inside myself who was buried at the bottom of decades of self doubt, insecurity, low self esteem, and fear. At the bottom of all that, was me, a guy who will break himself off to be something in this world.

Could I have sustained this on my own with a brain full of limiting beliefs and self doubt?


That level of work was sustained because I trusted Andy, Radical, the coaching group, and the forum.

Because I know you guys could help me, I trusted yourselves entirely, because I knew I could not trust my own brain on this one.

This is non-negotiable if you want to truly breakthrough. I have my coaches, mentors and community – I’ll be good for all I need to achieve in life now. But if someone isn’t making the progress they want to make, and are getting frustrated, they need to find a reliable coach / mentor AND be part of a community of people with the same goal. You MUST FIND BOTH.

I obviously recommend Andy’s coaching, and also, Radical is absolutely brilliant. Hit up Andy, or pay Radical. Both of these guys are the best out there, I never found anyone better. Watch both Andy’s channels and Radical’s. I am not sure how much coaching Radical offers but I am sure you could arrange something, he is working on creating a brand so you may be able to work with him now before he becomes very very expensive. I got with Andy and Radical early and will stay with them until my children are born and I can just live with my wife and kids in a beautiful home and be a wealthy champion.

If you have not been able to get to where you want to get, YOU CAN’T DO THIS SHIT ON YOUR OWN.

If you could help yourself, you would have done so by now.

I was able to resolve complicated health problems, I was able to overcome intense anxiety, I was able to overcome a lot.

But I was not able to build the life I want.

There are many reasons for this, we get conditioned a certain way, there is a build up of endless amounts of useless bullshit in our subconscious, and we get engrained in patterns that make true growth super hard.

Group support and community is what breaks this. Humans are social animals, and we also learn socially. You begin to change and transform through being connected to a tribe. This is what happened to me.

In the future, when I achieve my big picture vision, it will be because of KYIL. Yes, I will have worked relentlessly for it. But I know what has forged my development. The coaching group and the forum. Simple.


This one was insane to see unfold.

Focus is a super power. If you are stuck in life, this can REALLY break the cycle. You may need to GO ALL IN.

I went from a not so great social life and totally dead dating life in the Midlands, to a quite interesting dating life and stimulating social life by moving to London and switching my ENTIRE focus around to working relentlessly on my goals and telling everything else to wait.
That is how you do it. DEEP focus on one area, with all your time and energy focused on that. For many guys, this is how we will need to do it.

Do a bunch of things and achieve fuck all in 6 months time.
Or drill down to mineral salts on one thing and actually achieve something.
I had to be told this many, many times.
I had to be told many times to move.
I had to be told many times to focus.
I had to be told so many things on a weekly or monthly basis.
But it went in and I did take action to change.
Packed my bags, changed my work situation, and made it happen.
That concludes lessons learned.


I will now write up my goals for 2022 and consult the forum and the group on my next steps.

Once we have agreed my goals for 2022, I will go ALL OUT and fucking crush them, show them no mercy, and attack them with every ounce of energy in my mind and body.


Just some thoughts for the underdogs and guys who were beat down in life. I want to share something with these guys, because they are a group I can possibly help. I can’t help the well adjusted and normie dudes on here. They’re savages and will become legendary because they are too amazing as people. I am humbled just to be here with many of you and it is an honour. But for my invisible men and those who have been crushed by life:

-This is all about heart. If your heart is bigger than the obstacles in front of you, it does not matter how impossible it seems, whatever is infront of you WILL get destroyed, Know this. Know this. Nothing else matters. You don’t need stellar brain power. You don’t need adonis like looks. You don’t need wealth. You don’t need to have had a great background. You don’t need to have come from success. You can come from absolutely fucking nothing, you can be at the bottom of the sewer without any hope, waking up in total darkness with rats scurrying around, and you can become something with nothing other than a dream and determination. Everything you need in your journey, you will be able to forge. Anyone that you need to find, you will locate. Anything that you need, you will find a way to acquire. Nothing is necessary for you to succeed other than the will that lives in your heart. There can be no excuses. If you have just one breath of air left in your body, you can attack. So make sure you go for the enemies throat. What is needed for the underdog to win is the ability to truly, truly GRIND. If you develop this skill, and it is teachable, you can move forward and become who you want to be. I have no doubt about this and I have seen it many times.

That’s all I can contribute for now. I am on a journey and I have a long way to go.

But no one can deny the progress I have made. I know where I was, and I know where I am now. And I know where I will get one day: to absolute and total victory, and eternal inner peace.

Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
I honestly didn't think I could get 8 dates this year, I thought it was impossible, but somehow through sheer hustle I actually did it,

Great job man.
It was totally possible with the amount of effort u were throwing at this.

I personally think you could get to 200 dates next year if you really wanted to honestly.

But that's the thing. You can do whatever you want for 2022. If you've proven you can accomplish a goal that seemed impossible, then imagine what you can do for the next year.

Thank you brother.

You are an inspiration, me and the London boys talk about you all the time.

This post is going in the OP.

Those are some amazing accomplishments man. The world is your oyster with that attitude
MakingAComeback said:
(1) Weight Loss: To lose 48lbs. I'm 6 ft 5 and 248.4lbs, and want to get to 200lbs (DONE! Today, I weighed 198.4lbs, meaning I HAVE LOST 50.4LBS!!!)

That's actually very impressive.
Especially with all the other things you were doing. I was only able to lose that much weight when I paused my entire life and only focused on weight loss.
Thank you brothers. I will write up the goals for 2022 and get you all to chime in.

The level of work that went into this shit was very serious, it was all day, every day, I hustled my god damn face off and worked soooooooo hard to become a better man. I cherish the progress I made and I know in the future I will be successful.

There can be no question about my commitment and work ethic, I am not wasting anyone time here, I am dead, dead ass serious about becoming successful and I absolutely will one day be victorious. No question.

BTW, I am getting shredded down to abs before building back up, so I am aiming to shred more weight - the GOAT KillYourInnerLoser lost 20lbs in his first year, and remember, I started my journey in March 2021 so I have until march 2022 to get fucking nasty lean and get a bunch of great photos done. It may be possible for me to lose 70lbs or more and match The GOAT Andy himself, I have 3 months man lol....Thereafter, we get JACKED and actualise me higher as a man, I need to know I am rock solid as a man and can get laid, can get girls, and then in 2023 or 2024, I need to find an excellent lady and get engaged. 2025/2026 expect wedding invitations from me. Plenty of you will be there.
