ReachKid's log - Positive focus

Really enjoy reading your log man, you’re on the right path. If you can nights like that as encouragement, that attitude will carry you far. Judging my the selfie you posted, you look way better without a beard, stick with that look. Improve your haircut and style, probably bulk up a little, and you’ll be golden.

Above all, just keep pushing. Work on your social skills, your vibe, and I think you’ll get great results.
ytlord said:
Really enjoy reading your log man, you’re on the right path. If you can nights like that as encouragement, that attitude will carry you far. Judging my the selfie you posted, you look way better without a beard, stick with that look. Improve your haircut and style, probably bulk up a little, and you’ll be golden.

Above all, just keep pushing. Work on your social skills, your vibe, and I think you’ll get great results.

Thanks, I'm about to take some time off from work too so I can really focus on restarting Uni as well as my goals.

Now my gym is 5 mins away I'm going to do 4 sessions per week, and keep eating 250g of chicken and 4 eggs a day. Still below calories with this somehow despite hitting protein targets.
jeagle63 said:
. I got 4 likes this time, which is better than last but one was a bot. I matched with 2, and I guess I messed up both conversations because they both have now stopped messaging.

One of the girls messaged me at 2am after I assume she came home from her night out, and I had gone to bed so didn't see till the morning. Now she's not replied to the text I sent her at lunch/afternoon time, so I assume I missed that one. Sucks

I assume you have one of the tinder versions that let's you see the likes? If so, it might be worth liking all the girls that like you, so you can practice talking with them online and getting there number - even if not attractive.

Just because one of them didn't reply immediately doesn't mean she's not interested, sometimes people take a week to reply because they're busy/ not in the mood for tinder. Worth trying to get them off the app and onto Whatsapp asap for this reason.
Bought my whiteboard, and have written those goals so they're right in front of me when I wake up, so I have no excuse to forget them. Also got lights for my room, 15m LEDs around my bed frame and around the walls. They're pretty dark so might get more.

Antonio44 said:
I assume you have one of the tinder versions that let's you see the likes? If so, it might be worth liking all the girls that like you, so you can practice talking with them online and getting there number - even if not attractive.

Just because one of them didn't reply immediately doesn't mean she's not interested, sometimes people take a week to reply because they're busy/ not in the mood for tinder. Worth trying to get them off the app and onto Whatsapp asap for this reason.

I have platinum so I always can see who likes me. I bought a year's worth to try and motivate me to give it a proper go.
Last week I made a stupid impulsive mistake that cost me my job. When I started I made the mistake of not getting into any other hobbies or making many friends outside of work and nightlife.

My energy levels have been super low since this happened, yesterday my anxiety was so bad that went to a social event and couldn't speak to anyone. My identity and confidence all came from my job and now it's all been ripped away.

I'm going to have to take a step back from my previous goals and work on rebuilding my life and confidence.

Today I will go back to the gym, then goto a library to print off copies of my CV, then goto different bars and see if they are hiring.
So I went to salsa tonight and cried happy tears, I've wanted to do it for so long and always let anxiety and fear win which didn't happen today.

My confidence hasn't been affected as badly as I thought, all the anxiety I have is around breaking in, i.e. Starting a conversation with someone or doing something new. Once I got comfortable in the class and the instructor was asking questions to the group I mostly wasn't hesistating to speak up, and after the class was over I had a good old exercise endorphin rush but was too tired to wanna stay and socialize.

However I do feel like my social skills are still lacking, especially maintaining conversations. I believe now this is almost certainly due to the fact I spend most of the time in my room not talking to people.

So this was a baby step in the right direction, and all I can do now is keep going to more and more Uni societies and not stopping. When I'm at home reading motivational posts I can believe in myself that I can have sex like everyone else, and the more stuff I do out there in the real world the more likely I'll start feeling that in person as well.
jeagle63 said:
However I do feel like my social skills are still lacking, especially maintaining conversations. I believe now this is almost certainly due to the fact I spend most of the time in my room not talking to people.

I had a similar experience in Uni - the trick is to just start as many conversations as possible. Grind it like a skill. It legit works. I went to a ton of random clubs etc until I got good at generic small talk, and that skill has stayed with me as my social life has gone up and down.

You're still on the right path man, keep up the good work!