Back when I was doing a CS job during covid, the realization that I missed out on Uni and doing real human things instead of living through a video game made me breakdown and ultimately lead me on this path I am right now.
But I'm reflecting now and I'm not sure this experiment wasn't really worth it. It feels like I want to go back to CS, I miss it, and I don't know if I'm just being nostalgic for it, or I'm getting close to burn out. Since leaving that life behind,
The positives include:
- I got to travel on my own to the other side of the world and meet people/experience places I never would have seen before
- I've just met hundreds more people than I ever had met in my life
- I have stopped feeling socially awkward when I'm "in the mood" to socialize (more on that in a second)
- I started going to the gym to improve my body and mood - it was initially a tool I used to stop feeling depressed and get an endorphin boost, now gym and calorie tracking are a huge part of my life
- I can bartend meaning I could theoretically travel and work anywhere doing this kind of job
But the negatives include:
- Out of those hundreds of people, I didn't really make any close friends. That has changed this year and especially very recently, but for a long time I tried to fit in and socialize with people I really didn't want to be around.
- I went back to University because I thought it was the only way to make friends, but really because I missed out the first time and wanted to do it again. This backfired, because I'm not interested in the course I'm doing, had to take out so many loans I can't afford to do it, and I wasn't 18/19 so pretending to be a naive young student going clubbing and joining socials didn't work for very long.
- I only become in the mood to socialize after having alcohol. Whilst sober I'm stressed about my finances, questioning whether I even want to work in bars anymore, not sure if I like most of the people I hang out with, etc. It now only takes a single tequila most of the time to block out all stress and allow me to be extraverted, chatty and fun, the persona I wish I could be all the time. Unlike before where I would need 6-7 shots before I could even talk to anyone, and 10-12 before I'd be euphoric, I now get euphoric from the sheer act of having a single shot because I know that even for 1 hour if I only have that one shot all the noise will go away.
Alcohol is not a necessity for me to socialize or have fun, as I have recently discovered by making a really close friend for the first time in a long time. Around her I felt like I can actually act like myself around her and my other friends. And as she is a very positive person which is definitely rubbing off on me. I've felt like I can act like myself around my other friends and new people way more than before. Yet I still struggle to hang out with her and keep myself from stressing myself out about the future unless I have some drinks.
It's not really about getting blackout drunk/steaming, its more the personality shift and the living for now rather than later, as mostly it feels like I don't really live for myself, I'm just living to protect myself from being homeless by working and protect myself from depression by hanging out with as many people as possible even if they treat me badly/with little respect.
I've lost interest totally/become burned out from using tinder or trying to find girls to sleep despite the fact I've been getting compliments on how I look all the time and I'm not insecure about myself anymore. I'm not 100% over rejection of course, but being rejected by a girl doesn't really even cross my mind at the moment. Because I cant switch off the stress voice that says, even if this girl said yes, she'll realize you're broke, can't do anything with her, and get bored of you. I can't ask a girl on a date right now, I can't afford to go on a date. And I'm tired of kissing girls in clubs and nothing else happening, the prospect of it doesn't really excite me anymore. Until i am financially stable I don't believe I can progress as I'm not going to have the headspace to go after girls until I know I'll be able to pay for things properly.
This is why I'm getting nostalgic for CS and want to go back. Even though my old life was so mind numbingly boring and I couldn't imagine living it now:
- I have to do my masters Uni course now, I've invested money and time into it and it will help me find a way better job than I can get now afterwards
- But mostly, I want to live for myself again and not be constantly stressed about money and wasting my time doing things I don't like
I know that I could go back to a CS job and make a deal with them that I can still do University (because I only do it part time anyway), make way more money than I currently make doing bartending, and fade away from going out with people all the time to save money for things that matter. I could also way more consistently goto the gym 4 times per week like I want to, eat way better because I wont have to get takeouts, and make much faster progress. And crucially I can stop living with constant money stress.
But I feel too scared to do it because I don't want to regress back to where I used to be.
The reason I fell in love with doing bartending was the overstimulating nightclub environment that I worked in. Despite the stress managers gave me, or customers gave me, or the sheer amount of work you had to do, it was an adrenaline rush, made me so high that it didn't matter if by the end it was 7am and I couldn't stand up from tiredness, because it was just the best. It sucks that it doesn't pay well. Ideally I would love to keep doing it on weekends whilst also working a CS job in the week. Bartending is not stimulating enough during the week because theres so little customers, and I need stimulation to prevent myself getting super bored/losing energy/losing motivation etc.
I stopped posting here really because I kept posting on my log just to try and get responses from people, sometimes validation, sometimes sympathy, but I wasn't really posting for myself, which is what a log should be. But I am posting this asking simply for someone to tell me I won't lose my self improvement progress if I go back to a CS job. I know my friend would tell me that not only would I not lose it, that I would be able to do it way better as now my social skills have improved so much. I'm so close to believing it. I just can't go back to the life of having nothing worth living for.