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I am Ivaylo.

I Ivaylo commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me

- 41 years old
- Born and raised in Bulgaria
Sorry for my english as is not my native speaking .
- Software Engineer


Get laid on Tinder.
Overcome approach anxiety and start cold approaching women in public .
Finally become good with women and crate abundance .

Longer term goals

- become good in trading stock and cripto currency market
- become good in photo shooting and photo eddeting and develop good hobby
Sup guys Demon Wolf here.

back in 2017 i just came out of a longterm relationship and wanted to get laid. then i found gll and that site totally blew my mind i learned so much after reading about Chris and and i really wanted to achieve the same as him so i started the AA program. on my first try i quit after two weeks into the program i was in a really bad place emotionally because of the breakup so i dont think i was ready to deal with all the insecurities you have to face when doing the program.

in 2019 i decided that it was time to give the program another go i was in a really good place and felt positive i could get though it. and rightly so i got all the way to day 47 i was amazed by the things i could do and it boosted my confiedence tenfold, got alot of help by reading though other AA logs on gll like killyourinnerloser , jstone, BIB i strongly advise to check out there logs if you are doing the AA program it helped me alot when days were tough and i felt like quitting.

anyway met a girl and stupidtly quit the program so my goal is when this whole covid thing is over is to fully complete it this time including week 8, im going to make AA log in here when i start the program agian. meanwhile im going to focus on school and gaining muscle.

"I, Demon Wolf commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
Hello I'm SolInvictus

I, SolInvictud, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

I am 19, from the UK, chef, half Thai half British

My goals here are to:
- lose fat
- get muscular
- be able to cold approach/ get over approach anxiety
- lose my virginity
- stop being anxious whenever it's my dick's time to shine
I, Eric, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My goal is to get a hot gf. Simple as that.

I also want to get down to 12-15% bodyfat. I'm currently at 23%. I lost 1% over the past year!
YO sup homies

I'm 26 years old. I live in New York. Long time GGL reader and have recently found KYIL.

My main goal: Do my first 1000 approaches. To date I'm at ~100.

Related: I want to destroy my AA, and be able to approach 99% of the girls I'm interested in.

Secondary goals:
- 1/2/3/4 plates on the big 4 lifts
- Increase my consulting rate by 50% (make portfolio case studies, get projects that sit closer to revenue generation)

I, blue, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Let's fucking go boys

I'm Padraig and got the KYIL Tinder guide recommended by a friend. Been working on seduction for some time now and also generally want to become better in relationships and live my life to the fullest. Part of that is also sex and I want to get to a stage where I can have sex when I want, not when a girl wants. I have success here and there, but not as much as I'd want.

I, Podgeru, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
My top priority goal right now is this:
- Sleep with 100 women

And my secondary goals:
- Build myself a career with a solid income
- Write a book/books about life and philosophy

Ultimately, I just want to be the best man I can possibly be, and to keep pushing myself to improve.

I, M-Solomon, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I commit to working on my goals and trying hard to reach them, which is to grow my businesses and get more dates!
gengarszn sup dude, welcome

You need to move that photo over to your profile picture or I have to ban your account
Hey Everyone,

My goal is to get more girls.

The problem for me is to get the hot girls and just more girls.

I go on dates but on 2 weeks its just one date.
I live in a nordic country.
I prefer not having a picture on here.
However I have uploaded my pictures onto an instagram account you can search for "Trocadero8888".
I really need some advice on which pictures are the best.
I have used photo feeler however I don't trust that site.

The problem for me is that I am a foreigner and I live in Sweden so maybe people are racist?
All well
I want to be able to get at least 10 lays next year and get a solid foundation of a passive income source.

I, Sam,commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.
Hey dude Sam


That photo needs to be put in your avatar or i have to ban your account in 3 days as per our rules
Hey guys, glad to be hear:

I, George aka enjoyablehat, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

26 from ~Boston (USA) (20 mins from city)

Here to kick my ass into gear and actually try to improve and get laid - but also just develop the mentality to set and stick to long and short term goals.
Work full time as an analyst, main hobby is olympic lifting. Live with my parents, drink a bit (amongst other things..), usually good diet that I'll ruin saturday nights/sundays.
Have some friends, not a huge social circle but a few really tight friends and then some other people I hang out with occasionally. Basically no girls in these circles


- Develop the mindset to consistently set, work on, and push goals in all aspects of my life
- Get Laid (become someone that can and knows he can get laid).
==> starting with dating apps, work on cold approaches after
==> look better, get better clothes, take better pictures, get feedback
- Get ripped (and stay it); goal weight for this: 150lbs / 68kgs
- Build muscle: get to 160lbs / 73kg (Still ripped) as a start
- Current olympic lifting goals: snatch 105kg/231 lbs, clean and jerk 135kg / 297 lbs (recent bests are 98kg/125kg, all time 103, 130)
- Move out of parents house
I, CovidSlayer, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

27 from Western Europe.
30+ lays at the time of writing.

So, I've always done well enough in the past when it came to both casual sex and relationships with social circles and approaching in night clubs. I had never used the online dating apps before, completely disregarded getting pictures taken since forever and barely had social media pictures. I didn't see the point. However, the lockdowns that started in March have forced me to re-evaluate my perspective, as a couple of friends with benefits from before the madness faded away eventually and it became pretty much impossible to meet girls otherwise with no clubs and a lot less socializing of all types happening. So about a month and a half ago I got started with Tinder and a bunch of others, luckily had a couple of decent recent pictures from the middle of the summer. Already got 6 lays from that thus far but I quickly realized that I clearly have to work a ton on getting much nicer pictures taken to ensure hotter and more consistent girls over time. I've digested Andy's tinder guide entirely and it sure helped give me a ton of direction and the right mindset and I appreciated it a lot, even if I think some parts lack detail and I dislike his disdain for "game", when whatever you want to call it, you need it, as we all know it's not as simple a simply meeting a girl and randomly inviting her back to your place in 1 hour. I believe that can leave a lot of guys less experienced a bit clueless and with a lot lower initial success rate, when more actionable advice could definitely be given in the "Dates" section to make the lay actually happen.

Concrete goals :
- Have sex with a new girl at least once a week consistently.
- Build up social media so it actually displays higher status and creates attraction
- Get used to getting pictures taken, always be improving fashion-wise, in grooming and in posing.
I, Excuses, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey guys.
I'm Excuses, 25, from Germany. My absolute passion is writing stories as in form of fiction books (mostly fantasy, but I'm also into thriller, erotic, romance).

So why I'm here? Coming from TRP which completely opened my eyes and turned my view on this world and life upside down, feeling like I've been walking completely blind through this world all my life and now I can finally see what's going on behind female nature. I still haven't fully swallowed the pill as it's a long way to go, but you can say what you want about trp, it's the best and worst thing that happened to me. Because the truth hurts, it's brutally painfull. Accepting this fact will become a long road, but it is what it is. I will try to become the best version of myself and pick the best things thats useful for me. I've found this site like 2 months ago and was mind blown. This is the kind of advice-site I've been always wishing for and Andy is doing gods work. I tried to apply some stuff in his guides and it helped me succeed already in some areas.

To me:
I'm 194cm, 73-75kg, not at all in shape.

I've been my whole life extremely skinny. 1,5 years ago my weight was 50kg. That's when I started to eat and lift as hard as I can. I gained 20-25kg which was a HUGE step for me, because it changed everything. I never thought it was possible and it boosted my self esteem. I had huge depression my whole life and several attempts of killing myself. Since ive gained the weight I changed my thinking and tried to focus on thinking positive, because i've always been a pessimist. Because of corona I stopped going to the gym for more than a half year now and lost some gains, my social anxiety came back and it keeps my lazy ass at home. But there's also a big problem regarding my lifting and weight gain which throws me back everytime I make a little progress. I have an unknown disease for almost 10 years now which hinders me to fully gain more weight. It's a disease which randomly happens after eating something with fat, sometimes after alcohol or even a cup of cola, it's really hard to tell. But when this happens my belly hurts brutally and the pain goes into my back too. When this happens I can't eat anything the whole day or have to eat only mild things like soup. Only with a lot of painkillers I can kind of bear this pain. And this inflammation lasts for several days. No doctor seems to have a clue or wants to help me with this issue. But in those years i've researched a lot of things and i'm fairly sure this has to be the pancreas. It's some kind of inflammation of the pancreas. And I don't know how to cure this. I have read that a person may have to live with this for his whole life and needs to avoid completely alcohol, fast food and nicotine. This is a nightmare, since this is blocking my way to gain more weight and become bigger and enjoy my life.

But I don't want to be a whiny little pussy here. I will keep going my way, no matter how hard it is.

My goals:

-Gain weight (atleast 10kg at first, then 20kg). My goal is to have 90-100kg minimum.
-Get in shape (i want a six pack and have some sort of a good looking body, not being skinny fat)
-Fuck regularly 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s as in hot girls (I score too many low smv or fat girls and its not what im really craving for)
-Publish my first book
-Build my career - finish my school and start studying or finding a job to collect money and start building my own business
-Fix my erectile disfunction/ my perfomance anxiety
-Get more and more into BDSM and maintaining dominance

This one got a bit long, but I just can't keep myself short. That's also one weakness of myself, heh.
I, MrBlackwing, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

- conquer approach anxiety / build consistent daygame habits
- improve inner game / work through baggage (re: race + height)
- have a shitton of threesomes
I, Syd, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey everyone I’m Syd. Just wanna start off by saying massive thank you’s to Andy and Imogen - your podcasts and articles have inspired me to get off my ass and get things done


I have started my own 365 day project: walk or run for 10 minutes minimum every day.

By joining here, I hope to achieve my ultimate end goals:

- Get laid
- Build a better body
- Complete my University degrees
- Build a career
- Travel the World
- Get my own place

I have started to make headway into these by doing a series of 30 day challenges - these challenges then become habits which I carry on for the foreseeable (this is what works best for me).

The 30 day challenges I have completed:

No Alcohol: Started - 01/10/2020

Brush, Floss, Mouthwash Teeth 2x per day: Started - 22/10/2020

Walk/Run once a day: Started 24/10/2020 (also my 365 day challenge)

Challenges I am currently working on:

- No Fizzy Drinks: Started 28/10/2020

- Crunches every day (10): Started 11/11/2020 - add 5 on the start of every month

- Push-Ups every day (10): Started 11/11/2020 - add 5 on the start of every month

- Stop biting nails: Started 13/11/2020

- Read 30 minutes a day: Started 14/11/2020 - Almost finished ‘You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought’.

- Listen to 1 Podcast a day: Started 17/11/2020 - currently working through the Inner Winner Show!

Future 30 day challenges:

- Get rid of back acne (apply cream 2x per day)

- No Fap:

- Fix sleep pattern 21:00/22:00 04:30/05:00

- Face wash + Moisturise 2x per day

- Back exercises 2x per day (I struggle with back pain)

- Fix my diet (I’m underweight and want to get bigger)

- Gym 6 times a week (gradually build this up and not dive in straight away!

Lot of work to do, but I feel I’ve made a good start and I hope to keep smashing it.

I will aim to post here regularly to check-in and hold myself to account.

Looking forward to working together with all you guys as a Community to achieve our goals.

All the best,

Hi all,

I am 33 and from the UK. I recently came out of a long term relationship, so long that Tinder and IG didn't even exist.

Re-entering the dating market since everything has changed is kind of intimidating, but I love challenges and am committed to experiencing all that life has to offer.

This site had some really great advice and the attitude of Andy is something I can get along with.

My goals: -

Get comfortable using dating apps
Work on my Instagram account to convey my awesome life
Able to enjoy casual sex outside of relationships (I have pretty much always been with different girls in relationships)
Visit Vancouver and Miami when it is safe to do so (I would love to live in Vancouver, so I want to see what its like of what it is like before pursuing that fully)
Reach 80KG at 10% body fat (Currently 75 KG at around 12%)

"I, Brother_Tucker, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
Hey all,

My name is Gabriel, I've been into self improvement since 2017. I joined the gll forums in mid 2017, started the AA program on mid 2018, made it to day 42, then started doing real approaches, I slowly got to about 100 approaches, without much success. I have 3 lays, 2 from social circle and one from online, but I'm at a one year and a half dry spell at the moment. I think it has mostly to do with mental obstacles, like sexual anxiety (moral guilt), perfectionism and a pessimistic mindset, which I've been trying to fix. My motto is from a song, Philosopher- Death (one of my favorite metal bands), I think it entails one of my biggest problems, I get lost in my own thoughts and theories and lose touch with reality.

I've been lurking this forum for a while, I decided to join here because it is more active than GLL and I like the structure of the site. Plus the standard is high here, there are a lot of legit players (including Andy).

I live with my parents, they are both 66 years old, they have showed legitimate concerns about me going to social gatherings, so I decided to respect that and focus on other goals.
My two goals right now are:

-Put together art porfolio (5 good pieces)
-Get to 8% bodyfat

Forgot to do the most important thing: I, Sisyphus commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.