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I, Dorian, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 24 from Israel, I want to have regular fuckbuddies.
I'm studying for computer science degree.
Going to use online dating sites and build a my status in my community.

Short term goals:
  • Find a job using my computer science studies
  • Get a decent camera
  • Arrange a decent clothes set
  • Grow a beard and consult a barber on facial hair
  • Convert to a keto diet
Hey guys

I, Ryan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Software engineer/Technical Lead at a startup, 35, 173cm, overweight (have been my whole life). Finances in good shape, love my job, own a 3 bedroom apartment in a secure complex. I was married, my wife passed away last year and I'm getting back into dating, been on a self improvement journey with lots of ups and downs for the last 12 years or so. I was 115kg, got down to 79kg, met the woman who became my wife, got comfortable and gradually got back up to 96kgs at the time she died. Now I'm back down to 79kgs with some muscle, but not satisfied yet, still have fat to loose and muscle to gain. Committed to never getting fat for the rest of my life, going to be that ripped 80 year old dude in the gym smashing out sets no matter what.

Have a fulfilling life which includes:
1. Regular, fulfilling sex for both me and my partner(s)
2. Get an athletic body that I can be proud of (11-13% body fat) and the following lifting goals to start with:
Squat: 3×5 @ 1.25x body weight
Deadlift: 1×5 @ 1.5x body weight
Press: 3×5 @ 0.70x body weight
Bench Press: 3×5 @ 1x body weight
3. Keep building passive income, investments and my side business so that I don't have to work should my situation change
4. Determine a life mission to help guide my decisions
5. Find a woman that I would like to have kids with
6. Emigrate from South Africa to a safer country
7. Spend less time working for money

Currently hitting the gym 4-5 days a week, 4 being strength(5/3/1 Building the Monolith program), 0-1 being cardio. Eating a mostly carnivore diet, with intermittent fasting, generally OMAD, but some days I eat lunch too.

Currently on tinder/bumble but getting poor quality matches, so have put this time waster on pause until I have a better body to take professional photos with. Focusing on my body fat % for now
Hi, I'm Dave, 29 from Au. Been reading TRP since I was 24.

In that time I:

- Eliminated depression from my life
- Gained 10kg in muscle mass (still more to go)
- Started my professional career, moved into a better career position in 18 months
- After a year in my current profession, started my own business
- Changed my whole outlook on life and women
- Slept with around 50 women


- Make 200K this year
- Get my business processes down and be able to replicate them with others
- Get to 90kg (not likely with lockdowns in Aus)
- Buy a property
- Start cold approaching 7s, 8s and 9s (there are no 10s) - I have done only a handful of cold approaches in my life
- Beat my approach anxiety
- Build my self-esteem and get rid of my self-doubt
- Make new, likeminded, red pilled friends

I, Dave, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Damn man, sorry to read this. Wishing you all the best.

Thanks my dude, hardest thing to ever go through, but yeah life isn't about how many times you get knocked down, it's about how many times you get back up and in many ways the experience made me a stronger person, take what you can from the shit life throws at you.
Good luck on your journey!
I, Suave1, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi all! I'm super excited to join this community and get started towards ridiculous success.

About me
-I am 22 years old
-I live in the US
-Still in college(pursuing doctorate)
-With a combo of luck and hard work, I started a business that has net me $120k this year, while working 15-20 hours a week. I started it 3 years ago

My goals as of now
-Get a rotation of 5 fuckbuddies I see once a week
-Get straight A's in school for every semester ever for the rest of my life(5 years left of school - getting doctorate)
-Get 8 hours of sleep a night on average
-Set up business to net $200k next year
I, TzahiL, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me
- 24 years old
- Born and raised in Israel
- Have had two LTR's and some casual action with other women
- Aspiring gamedev

My Goals
First and foremost, I want to increase my confidence in general. In the streets, at work, at home, with women. I want to stop being a timid coward. That's the main goal. I want to feel deserving and worthy.

I also want to lose some weight. I'm not very fat, currently on 87 kg/185 cm.
My goal is to get to around ~70 kg. I want to be leaner, so that my jaw line is visible like it used to be. I also want visible abs, to a degree. Also, I want more muscles. Muscles are great 💪🏻

Another big goal for me is to start seeing women. I want to date and get laid with at least 3 different women, but that number could always change. I also want to have at least 1 fuckbuddy.

To do that, I want to spend more time outside, which is another goal. I want to do things which are not confined to my house/room.

I want to quit masturbating to pornography.

There's probably more but that's what I've got for now.
I, bld, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
* I'm a 25 year old software developer based in the UK
* I've been committed to self improvement since a terrifying LSD trip 5 years ago
* Over the past 5 years I have overcome many addictions, insecurities and fears
* Now I am looking to take it to the next level

My goals:
* Have an abundance of sexual opportunities—Over the past few months I have been building my OLD profiles. I currently do not get many matches but I can see where I can improve and I am confident I know how to do it. My other goals support the fulfilment of this goal.
* Run a marathon—I ran a half-marathon last weekend and I'm targetting a full marathon next year. I'm going to focus primarily on weightlifting over the winter period, while maintinaing my current level of cardiovascular endurance, and then train for a full marathon next summer.
* Build a top 1% physique—a couple of days ago I returned to the gym for the first time since it was closed due to covid lockdowns in March 2020. I've also started doing OMAD.
* Establish myself in my field—I want to master my specific software development niche. I'm writing a tutorial series, undertaking courses on the e-learning site Pluralsight and building a portfolio of projects.
* Build a network of high quality people—Over the past year I have been very isolated and I've mostly interacted with people on anoymous message boards. I'd like to interact with higher quality people. I've joined this forum, signed up for an event on Meetup.com and I've also started budgeting one day per week where I go out specifically to socialise (or at least be in public).
Hi all, I’m Treasure Hunter.

I, Treasure Hunter, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I discovered Good Looking Loser in 2015, and did fuck all with the information.
I discovered Kill Your Inner Loser in 2019... and you guessed it... did nothing but reading.

My whole life has been about overthinking, mental masturbation, and pissing away my potential.

This stops today. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. No more hiding from life. It's now or never.


- 34
- 175 cm/ 82 kg
- drinking daily
- living with mom
- Eastern Europe
- 2-year dry spell
- resenting society
- no marketable skills
- making $400-800/mo in a part-time job
- 23 lifetime lays (not counting Thai hookers)
- banned from public venues for not getting the vaxx

The treasure I seek is a lifestyle of freedom, fun, and adventure.

1-year goals:

- build a cool social circle (I only have 2 friends)
- become fluent in Spanish and Portuguese
- travel all over Latin America
- sleep with 50 new women
- get lean and jacked
- make $10k/m online
- retire mom
I, Hard2Focus, commit to working on my goals and taking my self seriously.

I'm 31, from Norway.
Currently working as a live sound engineer and project manager, and live in a tiny village (approx 5k people in the whole municipality) out in bumfuk nowhere.

I have a lot of different goals I want to work on (mental health stuff, money, friends, etc) - but, I've come to the conclusion that fixing my lackluster sex life has to be my top priority for me going forward.

I am going to set up a log-thread where I'll flesh out more details on what my current situation is, where I'm coming from and what I consider to be my biggest challenges going forward.
This is simply because I don't have anyone in my life right now that I can talk about these things with, and I know for a fact that shit can spiral back to comfortable misery if I don't keep my self accountable on some level.

Current (3 month ish) goals:
-Get laid at least once more before the end of this year.
-Set up a profile on all major dating apps + take better (stylish and sexy) photos.
-Get one irl male friend that's into the same shit that I am (self improvement, working out etc)
-Set aside time each day to reflect on what I'm doing with my life and log it on this forum.
-Keep working out at least 3 days per week with yoga on rest days.
-Get diagnosed for ADHD (hence my username) and hopefully get some proper treatment.

I go by jay stone (or jstone), I'm an OG from good looking loser from years back, decided to hop over here as this forum seems legit and good place to get going on goals.

I completed the AA program from good looking loser from years back, and I'm sure you can still find my log if you go digging for it. For a time I was having some pretty good success with cold approach with a side of online dating. I was really in the groove of things for a while before i hit a serious bump in my life.
Anyways, I've been completely off the radar for a couple years now due to some personal set backs which is a super long story to get into.

For now, my primary goal to get back in the swing of things is to cut weight. I'm currently at 186lbs, and i was at around 145-150 when I was at my leanest (like in the profile picture, which is old btw).
I probably got a lot more to say but i just wanted to make this first post to get my foot into the door and so Andy doesnt delete my profile lol.
jay stone I didn’t use that site but I saw your vlog and even remember one video where you spun some Walmart woman around. Then hugged her for a bit. Lol. Its amazing that you beat Week 8. The new goalpost seems to be Day 46.

Welcome dude. FWIW you’ll be one of the most hardcore guys here singlehandedly that accomplishment.
@offwego yea i rememeber that now! week 8 was wild, but definitely fun. Looking back it was pretty crazy to be hugging random people in stores back in 2016, nowadays idk how'd that work out. So much has changed....
And thanks man i really appreciate your kind words, but I definitely got some catching up to do, ive been out of the game for a while.
I'll be uploading regularly, and working on my fat loss goal.

I still got those old AA video logs somewhere....
Hey y'all

DC here from the east coast US
I've had some success in the past year with some of my goals but I'm looking to take my goals more seriously. I saw ANdy's video on accountability partners and that's something I'd be interested in finding

About me
-30 years old
- went from 250lb down to 185lb in the past year
-stopped masturbating in the past 3 months
-Haven't worked out since May due to back injury
-Daily cannabis smoker

Current Goals
-Quit smoking cannabis (I live in a legal state) and drinking
- Lose 10-15lbs and put on muscle mass
- Start dating again and find a fuck buddy
-Make new friends

I DC commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
Hey everyone

I, Strive, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

So a quick backstory. i have been reading about TRP and self improvement for years i even read every single article Andy wrote. then i found that my biggest problem was that while i read a lot i do nothing... I get absorbed into perfecting my schedule and planning every single step along the way but then do nothing.

Growing up i was what you would call a natural like i was straight A student without studying, very good dating life, pretty likable. then i went to uni for a 5 year degree in a medial field and i don't know what happened but i turned into an over weight lazy broke dude with no discipline at all

since i graduated 3 years ago i switched careers to computer science and its been 3 years trying to start my own web design business doing everything but what matters most , i lost over 30kg but gained them all again so i hope that by joining you guys i would be forced to take action and get back to the old me

Goals by the end of the year:
- Get to 15% bf
- Get to 3k a month
- Stop overthinking every detail
I, GameToPlease, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I think I have issues getting laid because my tinder isn’t fully optimized and I have approach anxiety.

I want to post my tinder pictures here and that’s why I have signed up. I’m in the process of reading the tinder guide.
Hi, I'm Sammy.

I commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

- Have incredible style / fashion
- Learn phtography
GameToPlease hey dude, profile pic needs to be you, not your ceiling. Will ban if not remedied
I am Alex
I, Alex, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

28 from Pakistan, living in New Zealand for 3 years now. I love walking, reading and spontaneous traveling.

I started seriously doing cold approach since last year and have been on few dates but no lays yet. I haven't used tinder much cuz I haven't had any success form that before.
I have been told that my ethnicity is a reason for me to not get girls but I am out to prove that wrong not matter how long it takes.
I was a bit fat in the start and had terrible fashion sense but I have lost almost 12kgs and still trying to get leaner. My fashion sense has improved alot since I have lost weight.
Due to that I was getting more positive results from cold approach before the level 4 lockdown started in Auckland again.
I want to sleep with 3 girls by the end of the year.
Going to use online, approaching and a bit of social to do it
Current short term goals
- drop to 78kg (im about 83kg)
- reach 3 lays this year
