I, Austin, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
32 from California, USA.
Goals: (I
will do this, instead of just continuing to want to do it.)
I want to kill my inner loser. This is part of me that is not a definition of myself but is an image and perception of myself I indulge in that holds me back and keeps my expectations low enough to land me in a lifetime of misery and perceived loserdom masquerading as "good enough". I can have what I want out of life. But nobody's can do the work for me, but me.
- Up my dating profile game. (I can improve this in less than a month, easily, I just need to get photography tips to make a serious improvement. Eventually, I'd like to hire a professional photographer to get some really nice ones.)
- Up my fashion game. (I can improve this in less than a month, easily, by getting fashion advice and going out and buying nice clothes/accessories.)
- Start playing some piano (maybe even singing) again. Music is sexy.
- Lose weight. (Shorter term: go under 200lb (91kg). Long term: don't quit until I've got some visible abs.) I've already lost 75 to go down to 215, so I know that it's a lot of work and commitment, but I also know that it's something I can do. My weight loss has stalled out for a couple years now. I told myself that I lost "enough". But it's not enough until I have the life I want. We're ending the excuses now.
The plan to lose weight entails:
Bring up this goal with my personal trainer and have him help with my plan.
I will try intermittent fasting. If I can do it without interrupting my other goals, I will commit to it. If I cannot, I will immediately re-assess and commit to a new dietary plan.
I will show up to my MMA gym at least 3 times a week.
I will start getting up early enough to make Masters swim practices, and assess how often I can reasonably make it to these practices and set a goal after.
If I fail to do intense enough exercise every day, I will show up for myself and do something achievable. Spin bike in the garage, brisk walk around the neighborhood.
I will weigh myself regularly so that I do not resort to assuming what I'm doing is working.
If what I'm doing is not working, I will re-assess and find something that does work.
- Build muscle
The plan to build muscle so far entails:
Bring up this goal with my personal trainer and have him help with my plan.
Show up to the MMA gym at least 3 times a week.
Learn some kettle bell exercises (Mark Wildman?) so the ones I already bought don't sit around the house unused.
Re-assess this goal after I've accomplished some weight loss so that I can actually see what's going on underneath the fat.
- Find success with casual dating on Tinder/Hinge by Fall. A modest goal for now is getting laid at least twice before I transfer to university.
- Get over my fear of talking to women. Ditch the idea that I always have to approach from a weak position of worthlessness and desperation. Stop friendzoning myself.
- Find success getting laid with in-person approaches at university. I'm making a career change into biochemistry, and transferring back into university for Fall 2023, and if I let the opportunity to have a good sex life while surrounded by attractive college girls pass me by I am going to be very disappointed in myself.
- Sexual security. If I'm in any kind of relationship, I don't want to be in a position of weakness where I have to appease and compromise nonstop anymore because I don't know when my next chance will be. If I'm not being treated right, I will be able to tell myself "I have plenty of options" and then pursue that. This will allow me to settle into a serious long-term relationship that truly works for me and makes me and my partner happy when I am ready to do so someday.
- Accomplish my career goals. I want to be able to contribute to the field of psychedelic therapy right now. Ketamine therapy made a huge difference for me at my lowest point in life and I want to give back. Maybe I will be able to contribute to psychedelic decriminalization or legalization someday.
This is a huge list, but I'm going to break it into bite sized pieces. This month, I'm focused on my commitment to succeeding in my studies so my transfer application will get accepted, committing to my dietary and exercise goals, and improving my dating app profile with better pictures, a better bio, and some better clothing.
And I will never stop looking at my life and asking myself honestly: "Am I getting what I want?". If I'm not, I'm going to do something about it. Always. I will make myself proud.