READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

stephanos said:
What's up good looking girls loving fellas!

Stephanos here. Serbia.

My goals is to help others.

Main topics on which I am working on: Game, Fitness, Business, Spirituality.

Achieved somewhat of a high understanding in each of these and still working on them as it never ends.

So I want to #1 Teach and #2 Learn and Grow Further.

Glad to be here.

I, Stephanos, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.


presolum said:
Hi, all,

This is Pat, 26. Have some free time finally after sorting education, job, friends, and permanent relocation. Now have free time and some income to devout to some self-improvement, leisure, and trying new things.

Goal for the 2023 year:

-Improve bio, photo, and wardrobe game, so as to feed into...
-go on a date and have a beautiful women that I connect with on a deeper level
-figure out what my style should point towards with personal grooming/choice of clothes
-possibly start a routine that maintain weight and tightens figure, especially around core
-Reseting all dating apps with a strong new start

Very warm welcome to both of you!

Great to see you here, and glad to have you.

Can you do me a favour?

We ask all new recruits to include the line that's in Andy's first post in their intro post.

I'd like you to edit that in within the next 3 days. We ban accounts that haven't, OK?

EnoughIsNotEnough said:
I, Austin, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

32 from California, USA.

Goals: (I will do this, instead of just continuing to want to do it.)

I want to kill my inner loser. This is part of me that is not a definition of myself but is an image and perception of myself I indulge in that holds me back and keeps my expectations low enough to land me in a lifetime of misery and perceived loserdom masquerading as "good enough". I can have what I want out of life. But nobody's can do the work for me, but me.

  • Up my dating profile game. (I can improve this in less than a month, easily, I just need to get photography tips to make a serious improvement. Eventually, I'd like to hire a professional photographer to get some really nice ones.)
  • Up my fashion game. (I can improve this in less than a month, easily, by getting fashion advice and going out and buying nice clothes/accessories.)
  • Start playing some piano (maybe even singing) again. Music is sexy.
  • Lose weight. (Shorter term: go under 200lb (91kg). Long term: don't quit until I've got some visible abs.) I've already lost 75 to go down to 215, so I know that it's a lot of work and commitment, but I also know that it's something I can do. My weight loss has stalled out for a couple years now. I told myself that I lost "enough". But it's not enough until I have the life I want. We're ending the excuses now.

    The plan to lose weight entails:
    Bring up this goal with my personal trainer and have him help with my plan.
    I will try intermittent fasting. If I can do it without interrupting my other goals, I will commit to it. If I cannot, I will immediately re-assess and commit to a new dietary plan.
    I will show up to my MMA gym at least 3 times a week.
    I will start getting up early enough to make Masters swim practices, and assess how often I can reasonably make it to these practices and set a goal after.
    If I fail to do intense enough exercise every day, I will show up for myself and do something achievable. Spin bike in the garage, brisk walk around the neighborhood.
    I will weigh myself regularly so that I do not resort to assuming what I'm doing is working.
    If what I'm doing is not working, I will re-assess and find something that does work.
  • Build muscle
    The plan to build muscle so far entails:
    Bring up this goal with my personal trainer and have him help with my plan.
    Show up to the MMA gym at least 3 times a week.
    Learn some kettle bell exercises (Mark Wildman?) so the ones I already bought don't sit around the house unused.
    Re-assess this goal after I've accomplished some weight loss so that I can actually see what's going on underneath the fat.
  • Find success with casual dating on Tinder/Hinge by Fall. A modest goal for now is getting laid at least twice before I transfer to university.
  • Get over my fear of talking to women. Ditch the idea that I always have to approach from a weak position of worthlessness and desperation. Stop friendzoning myself.
  • Find success getting laid with in-person approaches at university. I'm making a career change into biochemistry, and transferring back into university for Fall 2023, and if I let the opportunity to have a good sex life while surrounded by attractive college girls pass me by I am going to be very disappointed in myself.
  • Sexual security. If I'm in any kind of relationship, I don't want to be in a position of weakness where I have to appease and compromise nonstop anymore because I don't know when my next chance will be. If I'm not being treated right, I will be able to tell myself "I have plenty of options" and then pursue that. This will allow me to settle into a serious long-term relationship that truly works for me and makes me and my partner happy when I am ready to do so someday.
  • Accomplish my career goals. I want to be able to contribute to the field of psychedelic therapy right now. Ketamine therapy made a huge difference for me at my lowest point in life and I want to give back. Maybe I will be able to contribute to psychedelic decriminalization or legalization someday.

This is a huge list, but I'm going to break it into bite sized pieces. This month, I'm focused on my commitment to succeeding in my studies so my transfer application will get accepted, committing to my dietary and exercise goals, and improving my dating app profile with better pictures, a better bio, and some better clothing.

And I will never stop looking at my life and asking myself honestly: "Am I getting what I want?". If I'm not, I'm going to do something about it. Always. I will make myself proud.


Time to get to work.

Now is the time to make a commitment to yourself. Will you succeed, or will you let your life pass you by under the illusion of someday....?

You know what to do - get to the progress logs section, and start yours.

MakingAComeback said:
stephanos said:
What's up good looking girls loving fellas!

Stephanos here. Serbia.

My goals is to help others.

Main topics on which I am working on: Game, Fitness, Business, Spirituality.

Achieved somewhat of a high understanding in each of these and still working on them as it never ends.

So I want to #1 Teach and #2 Learn and Grow Further.

Glad to be here.

I, Stephanos, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.


Like this?
presolum said:
Hi, all,

This is Pat, 26. Have some free time finally after sorting education, job, friends, and permanent relocation. Now have free time and some income to devout to some self-improvement, leisure, and trying new things.

Goal for the 2023 year:

-Improve bio, photo, and wardrobe game, so as to feed into...
-go on a date and have a beautiful women that I connect with on a deeper level
-figure out what my style should point towards with personal grooming/choice of clothes
-possibly start a routine that maintain weight and tightens figure, especially around core
-Reseting all dating apps with a strong new start

Very warm welcome to both of you!

Great to see you here, and glad to have you.

Can you do me a favour?

We ask all new recruits to include the line that's in Andy's first post in their intro post.

I'd like you to edit that in within the next 3 days. We ban accounts that haven't, OK?

Hi I'm Ty

I'm new to taking online dating/self improvement seriously and I want a community to help me stay on course and I want to get laid.

I, Ty, am committed to taking myself and my goals seriously
Hi everyone, my name's Josh. I'm 30 years old, I live in Brisbane and I work in mental health. At the moment I'm wanting to lose fat as it's currently my biggest source of insecurity and is getting in the way of my other goals of getting laid more and spending time focusing on writing and creating music. I'm quite nervous about joining here but the reality is that I'm just not in a good mental space and I don't want to keep going around in circles year after year and getting barely any closer to the life I want for myself. I'm hoping that at least becoming part of a community of people that's also working to be better in spite of the difficulty can help me finally make the changes I want to see permanent.

I, Josh, am committed to taking myself and my goals seriously
Welcome gents.

Well lads. If you want it, it's time to work.

Start a progress log.

Those who post regularly & take action, WILL suceed

The harder you work...........

The luckier you will get

Hi all,

Renton here. I've been doing daygame in London for 2 years. I've had some decent success with it, and I've kept a Twitter log / blog throughout that time. However I've found most guys on Twitter are armchair theorists / don't actually do any game, yet try and give advice! It's quite cringey, so I'm fed up of it and thought I'd make an account here to join a community of guys who actually get laid! (or are actually trying to), and are motivated and positive.

I'll be setting up a progress log here very soon.

"I, Renton, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

I, Sparkles, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm currently in an 8-week program with a dating coach to learn how to attract women.

Goals for 2023
- Build a strong social circle.
- Be more authentic/honest in my relationships.
- Put on muscle in the gym.
- Improve and maintain my mental health.
- Get laid more (only 4 notches under my belt thus far...)
- Improve my looks (esp. getting sleeve tattoos)
Sparkles said:
I, Sparkles, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm currently in an 8-week program with a dating coach to learn how to attract women.

Goals for 2023
- Build a strong social circle.
- Be more authentic/honest in my relationships.
- Put on muscle in the gym.
- Improve and maintain my mental health.
- Get laid more (only 4 notches under my belt thus far...)
- Improve my looks (esp. getting sleeve tattoos)

Let's get an avatar uploaded fella.

Need to show us you're human. Has to be a pic of you.

You can block your face if you want.

We'll need this uploaded within 3 days, or we ban.


I am currently working on my sales job. I have to finish a licensing course and training in order to start working. Once I start gaining income, I will start looking into moving out of my parent's house. Once I move out, I will start working on my game. Since working on my sales job is my priority right now, I will work on other things (like fitness) after I start my job, but before I move out.


I, RizzGodKeen, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

18 from the US

Me right now:
- Zero Income
- Living with my parents
- 1 lay (Over a year and 9 months ago)
- 1 cold approach
- All the girls I've had a thing with have been online, in school, or in social circles
- Talking to 0 girls right now
- Most of my girlfriends have been "the best that I was able to get", not really my ideal women. I honestly didn't fully realize it back then because I had severe oneitis.
- Studied game for around 1 year, but little to no practice (Was never a priority in the past, just a hobby to learn)
- Constantly shifting from skinny to skinny-fat
- Used to do calisthenics 2 1/2 - 3 years ago, but I stopped when I got a surgery
- Got too busy for Taekwondo
- I've been to one other country besides my own
- I speak fluent English and shitty Spanish

What I want: (Deadline: Age 24)
- Own a business that makes $100k per year
- Own a successful blog
- Take at least 2 business coaching programs
- I don't care about laycount. It's not an important goal for me, but I will be tracking my numbers to make sure I have high success rates.
- At least 3,000 daygame approaches
- Take at least 3 game Mentorships/Bootcamps
- Master 2 styles of game and be solid with the rest of them.
- Have a rotation of at least 3-4 women I consider hot
- Have a roster of women (at least 2 from at least 3 countries.)
- Have a Chris Heria/David Laid-type body. I don't want to be super huge. I want to have a nice V-taper. I want my body to be aesthetically pleasing to look at.
- I want to master a lot of skills in Calisthenics; such as the muscle up, front lever, handstand push-up, and planche push-up.
- I want to be decently skilled at a martial art.
- I want to travel to at least 5 other countries
- I will be speaking 3 languages and in the middle of studying my 4th

"We overestimate what we can do in a year. We underestimate what we can do in 5."

P.S.: Admin, if you ban accounts for inactivity, please give me some time. It will take a bit for me to start all of my journeys. I promise the wait will be worth it. Give me 8 months MAX for me to start ALL my journeys (fitness, game, business, travel, languages, etc), meaning it will likely take me less time since I will be starting some journeys before others.
RizzGodKeen said:

I am currently working on my sales job. I have to finish a licensing course and training in order to start working. Once I start gaining income, I will start looking into moving out of my parent's house. Once I move out, I will start working on my game. Since working on my sales job is my priority right now, I will work on other things (like fitness) after I start my job, but before I move out.


I, RizzGodKeen, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

18 from the US

Me right now:
- Zero Income
- Living with my parents
- 1 lay (Over a year and 9 months ago)
- 1 cold approach
- Talking to 0 girls right now
- Most of my girlfriends have been "the best that I was able to get", not really my ideal women. I honestly just didn't fully realize it back then.
- Studied game for around 1 year, but little to no practice (Was never a priority in the past, just a hobby to learn)
- Constantly shifting from skinny to skinny-fat
- Used to do calisthenics 2 1/2 - 3 years ago, but I stopped when I got a surgery
- Got too busy for Taekwondo
- I've been in one other country besides my own
- I speak fluent English and shitty Spanish

What I want: (Deadline: Age 24)
- Own a business that makes $100k per year
- Own a successful blog
- Take at least 2 business coaching programs
- I don't care about laycount. It's not an important goal for me, but I will be tracking my numbers to make sure I have high success rates.
- At least 3,000 daygame approaches
- Take at least 3 game Mentorships/Bootcamps
- Master 2 styles of game and be solid with the rest of them.
- Have a rotation of at least 3-4 women I consider hot
- Have a roster of women (at least 2) from at least 3 countries.
- Have a Chris Heria/David Laid type body. I don't want to be super huge. I want to have a nice V-taper. I want my body to be aesthetically-pleasing to look at.
- I want to master a lot of skills in Calisthenics; such as the muscle up, front lever, handstand push-up, and planche push-up.
- I want to be decently skilled at a martial art.
- I want to travel to at least 5 other countries
- I will be speaking 3 languages and in the middle of studying my 4th

"We overestimate what we can do in a year. We underestimate what we can do in 5."

P.S.: Admin, if you ban accounts for inactivity, please give me some time. It will take a bit for me to start all of my journeys. I promise the wait will be worth it. Give me 8 months MAX for me to start ALL my journeys (fitness, game, business, travel, languages, etc), meaning it will likely take me less time since I will be starting some journeys before others.


Wish you well man.

Start a progress log, it's my advice to you. For the dream to materialise, you have to post man, it ingrains it into your psyche.

Your journey will be delayed for as long as you tell yourself. In truth, you could start taking action this second, and that would be what makes the difference as years go by.

Nonetheless, welcome.

I, MarkAnderson, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals right now are :
20 games completed before 2024
Improve my body and looks and grow my business.
Publish the website.

MarkAnderson said:
I, MarkAnderson, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals right now are :
20 games completed before 2024
Improve my body and looks and grow my business.
Publish the website.


Welcome fella!

I've removed your link, as we want new members to contribute and start to get into the place.

You're welcome and we want to see you get some work in ;-)

About me

- 25 years old
- Born and raised in Cuba
- 60lays to date
- Software Engineer

Goals for the end of the year

- get more pro-looking photos taken
- get down to 10% body fat
- have first MFF threesome
- make 5k bucks online
- bang a red head and a latina
I, bloomer, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
-25 years old
-Got a good job as analyst at a bank (but want more for my life)
-In the UK. Happy to meet up
-Always a little introverted, never was a problem (had a great high school experience) but as I get older I find it gets harder to make as many connections (which is why I'm here)
-Current on NoFAP, really want to stop watching porn (pretty much down to 1 time a week)
-Still got my v-plates, but for a strange reason: any opportunity I had with a women who wanted to have sex/a relationship, I couldn't bring myself to be vulnerable with them, even if they were very attractive (people thought I was gay). This is out of my system now. So gotta go get my dick wet.
-I was down bad 2019 - 2022ish (mostly depression/existential crisis), but I got up and brushed most of myself off (still working on some stuff). Looking back now, it was the best thing that ever happened to me: I have more clarity now than ever. I think having a hard go of it made me realise what's really important.

Over arching goals:
-Get a fit, aesthetic body
-Get Laid (lose v-plates)
-Beat procrastination
-Beat social anxiety
-Find a way of making a living that is purposeful and/or gives me independence
-Build more friendship groups (filled with driven men who motivate each other)
-Move to a city (been thinking about Birmingham)
-Day game
-Night game
-Build a successful relationship and family with a beautiful woman that knows that femininity isn't a weakness
-Become a man I respect (integrate my shadow and individuate)

More specific goals:
-15+ lays
-Get a good tinder profile
-3-some (me and 2 girls of course - I ain't no homo lol)

Long term I think I just want to be independent; I want to not NEED other people but WANT people and get to choose who I associate with. I feel a lot of people (especially men) accept poor lives because they need other people; I see a lot of guys in bad to mediocre relationships because they are afraid of the possibility of not being able to find anyone else (they sell themselves short). The same goes for all parts of life (relationships, sex, friends, careers etc.) That's my nightmare: slowly letting my life be ruined by fear and insecurity, then waking up one day and have it all cave it. Pretty sure that ends up with depression, divorce, and suicide. And I don't want to be depressed (been there, done that), or divorced (I don't want to be dating in my 40s), and obviously don't want to die.

Reading List:
-EasyPeasy Method
-King, Warrior, Lover, Magician
-No More Mr. Nice Guy: The Hero’s Journey
-And some various novels

That's all I can think up for now.

Peace out bros
bloomer said:
I, bloomer, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
-25 years old
-Got a good job as analyst at a bank (but want more for my life)
-In the UK. Happy to meet up
-Always a little introverted, never was a problem (had a great high school experience) but as I get older I find it gets harder to make as many connections (which is why I'm here)
-Current on NoFAP, really want to stop watching porn (pretty much down to 1 time a week)
-Still got my v-plates, but for a strange reason: any opportunity I had with a women who wanted to have sex/a relationship, I couldn't bring myself to be vulnerable with them, even if they were very attractive (people thought I was gay). This is out of my system now. So gotta go get my dick wet.
-I was down bad 2019 - 2022ish (mostly depression/existential crisis), but I got up and brushed most of myself off (still working on some stuff). Looking back now, it was the best thing that ever happened to me: I have more clarity now than ever. I think having a hard go of it made me realise what's really important.

Over arching goals:
-Get a fit, aesthetic body
-Get Laid (lose v-plates)
-Beat procrastination
-Beat social anxiety
-Find a way of making a living that is purposeful and/or gives me independence
-Build more friendship groups (filled with driven men who motivate each other)
-Move to a city (been thinking about Birmingham)
-Day game
-Night game
-Build a successful relationship and family with a beautiful woman that knows that femininity isn't a weakness
-Become a man I respect (integrate my shadow and individuate)

More specific goals:
-15+ lays
-Get a good tinder profile
-3-some (me and 2 girls of course - I ain't no homo lol)

Long term I think I just want to be independent; I want to not NEED other people but WANT people and get to choose who I associate with. I feel a lot of people (especially men) accept poor lives because they need other people; I see a lot of guys in bad to mediocre relationships because they are afraid of the possibility of not being able to find anyone else (they sell themselves short). The same goes for all parts of life (relationships, sex, friends, careers etc.) That's my nightmare: slowly letting my life be ruined by fear and insecurity, then waking up one day and have it all cave it. Pretty sure that ends up with depression, divorce, and suicide. And I don't want to be depressed (been there, done that), or divorced (I don't want to be dating in my 40s), and obviously don't want to die.

Reading List:
-EasyPeasy Method
-King, Warrior, Lover, Magician
-No More Mr. Nice Guy: The Hero’s Journey
-And some various novels

That's all I can think up for now.

Peace out bros


Birmingham, I'd advise against.

Hi all.
I, NovaLibertas, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
- 32 years old
- Master's in transnational literary studies
- Live in Germany

Long term goal:
- Beat depression
- Quit porn
- Get a FWB
- Sleep with 25 women
- Explore my sexuality with non-females
- Find a girlfriend/boyfriend
- Naturalise
- Find a fulfiling full-time job
- Become a writer
- Become a stand-up comedian
- Get PhD
- Become financially independent and hit 100k in savings

Short term goals:
- Finish my Master's thesis
- Drop to 14% body fat
- Drop to 80 kg
- Do my first stand-up come April
- Create a solid social circle
- Learn salsa and tango
- Play footy
- Work as a translator/conference interpreter
- Make 10 electronic music tracks until the end of the year
- Write my first book until the end of the year
- Learn Korean and Polish
NovaLibertas said:
Hi all.
I, NovaLibertas, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
- 32 years old
- Master's in transnational literary studies
- Live in Germany

Long term goal:
- Beat depression
- Quit porn
- Get a FWB
- Sleep with 25 women
- Explore my sexuality with non-females
- Find a girlfriend/boyfriend
- Naturalise
- Find a fulfiling full-time job
- Become a writer
- Become a stand-up comedian

Short term goals:
- Finish my Master's thesis
- Drop to 14% body fat
- Drop to 80 kg
- Do my first stand-up come April
- Create a solid social circle
- Learn salsa and tango
- Play footy
- Work as a translator/conference interpreter

Hey, welcome!

Please upload an avatar, showing you as a person.

Needs to be done within 3 days or we ban acccounts
