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Hi , I am Ron
I committed myself 1 year ago to start take my life serious and grow myself , right now I am working toward fitness , beating social anxiety and getting woman.
I, J100s commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey, im J100s im 19 and live in america
My goals are to get more confidence and get laid
Found about KYIL through Goodlookingloser. For years I obsessed over the site but never was able to took action. Am in decent shape now, finished college, served in military, cleaned up my life, have a decent career in project management for construction/maintenance. After all that I thought things would come to me if I just worked hard and focused on myself. Now realizing all the time I wasted hiding waiting for things to be right caught up to me as I neglected friends, relationships, everything.

I now realize the sheer competition for beautiful women and that I dont have the skills nor experience to edge out the rest of the field at my age @29...Cold reality hit me when I felt butterflies hitting me with a girl for the first time in years, and I am lost on how to attract said person.

Get my first long term relationship
Work through my anxiety/ED
Get confidence back + killer instinct.

Thanks for uploading your avatar legend

Just post here, and then I'll tell you how we can create a thread for you

Everyone will post in your thread and support you 110%

So many here owe you so much

"I, Scotty, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously"

I’m very happy to be here.

GLL is alive
ScottyGll said:
"I, Scotty, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously"

I’m very happy to be here.

GLL is alive

Cannot believe the KING IS BACK

The Greatest of All Time - Scotty!

This man is a fucking inspiration


We are beyond honoured to see this

kyil_andy Radical Crisis_Overcomer

The whole forum will get behind Scotty and see him rise to the top

Truly brother, it warms my heart to see you here, it makes me so happy, you don't even know

I finished up the group coaching. Here is my post.
So what did I achieve from the coaching?
-Started taking my life seriously and going down the rabbit hole of self improvement/pickup after reading about for almost 5 years
- Getting coaching from good looking losers. I have followed kyil_andy and Radical ’s journeys over the past 4 years and finally met and been advised by them.
- Getting plugged into a network of high achievers that I can reach out for help.
- Stopped seeking my parents validations. The first time in 25 years.
- Moved to Los Angeles after dreaming about it for almost a decade.
-Drove cross country throughout the United States. I wanted to do this since for over a 15 years.
-Found a perfect apartment for my needs in the prime location of ktown. I known for the past 3 years asian players kill it in Los Angeles ktown
-I smoked weed for the first time
-I lost 14 lbs in the past 2 months (Thank you DNPTHC )
-I developed a solid schedule to improve productivity, and efficiency in achieving my goals. First time in 25 years (Thank you MakingAComeback )
-I officially quit pornography and stayed off of pornography for a month for the first time in 15 years.
-I learned to be grateful about the things I have accomplished(Thank you kyil_andy )
-I got plugged into the LA warehouse scene.
-I became friends with a famous celebrities’s old publicist (he used to be into the Hollywood Party Scene)
-Ive ingrained some of the core good looking loser principles for success into my skull
-Ive bought those height increasing shoes after reading about it for the past 4 years
-I got laid with 4 different girls
-Ive seen 2 of those girls again
OnTheComeUp said:
I finished up the group coaching. Here is my post.
So what did I achieve from the coaching?
-Started taking my life seriously and going down the rabbit hole of self improvement/pickup after reading about for almost 5 years
- Getting coaching from good looking losers. I have followed @kyil_andy and @Radical ’s journeys over the past 4 years and finally met and been advised by them.
- Getting plugged into a network of high achievers that I can reach out for help.
- Stopped seeking my parents validations. The first time in 25 years.
- Moved to Los Angeles after dreaming about it for almost a decade.
-Drove cross country throughout the United States. I wanted to do this since for over a 15 years.
-Found a perfect apartment for my needs in the prime location of ktown. I known for the past 3 years asian players kill it in Los Angeles ktown
-I smoked weed for the first time
-I lost 14 lbs in the past 2 months (Thank you @DNPTHC )
-I developed a solid schedule to improve productivity, and efficiency in achieving my goals. First time in 25 years (Thank you @MakingAComeback )
-I officially quit pornography and stayed off of pornography for a month for the first time in 15 years.
-I learned to be grateful about the things I have accomplished(Thank you @kyil_andy )
-I got plugged into the LA warehouse scene.
-I became friends with a famous celebrities’s old publicist (he used to be into the Hollywood Party Scene)
-Ive ingrained some of the core good looking loser principles for success into my skull
-Ive bought those height increasing shoes after reading about it for the past 4 years
-I got laid with 4 different girls
-Ive seen 2 of those girls again


I Ivan commit on taking this task seriously and take the needed action to improve myself and along the way help improve others with their dating experience.
ScottyGll said:
"I, Scotty, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously"

I’m very happy to be here.

GLL is alive

We did our best to keep the spirit of the thing going
So many guys had their lives changed for the better, never want to see this community die

Welcome Scotty
I, Pat, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
Hi there. I'm Pat and I'm 20 years old. I'm a student at a large university. Some of my short-term goals are
1: Building a career (preferably as a data analyst or database administrator),
2: Get my dating life in check (I've legitimately never had a girlfriend and am still a virgin)
3: Make my life more interesting and less repetitive

Some stats about me, I am 177 CM and 81 KG. I bench 285 and squat 355. I'm currently trying to get my bench to 315 and my squat to 405.
Hi everybody
Im Tribianni

I, Tribianni, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Main goals
Build muscle
Get laid
Make more money
and have more friends.
I, Humm_, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My main goals of this year is to cut down on my weight, live in 3 different countries for atleast a month and further my career to work for myself.
I, ziva, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

What's up guys.

I've been watching KYIL for over 2 months and finally decided to join the community on the forums.
To keep shit simple, my current goal is to up my confidence with women and talk about improving life/dating with y'all.

I want to work myself up to a level where I can be intimate with women pretty much whenever I want.
As of now (20, almost 21) I've been going on some dates and had some sexual experiences with women, but I'm not really as confident/comfortable as I would like to be. I want to fix this by going on many dates with many women starting now. I went on 1 date this year, and I have another one planned for upcoming Saturday.

I also want to completely cut out porn. I've been wanting this since I was like 16 (saw first P scene at age 9 or sumn). Over the last 4 years I've had 2 major streaks of roughly 2 months each, where I was porn free. Interestingly, both of those streaks involved me casually dating girls at that time. They help me lay off porn more easily. I don't want to engage in the PMO cycle (y'all know what that is ;) ) at all. It fucks with my conscious and subconscious brain too much. Sometimes I almost want to enjoy something, but then remember I jacked to P yesterday. So yeah... Fuck P.

Excited to see how far I can come. I've been inspired a lot by the success stories of some of y'all.
Hello my name is Rico,

I, Rico, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
-College student at ASU (Working towards a useless degree)
- 19 y/o
- Loves fitness

Long term goals:
-Financial Freedom
- Not be dependent on any substance
- Improve mindset
- Have a rotation of women that are 8-10's
- Learn to set boundaries/stand up for myself
- Boost intelligence

Short term goals:
- Get through my first year of college with amazing grades
- Gain 5 pound of muscle by the end of the year
- Location independent job

Very eager to improve lifestyle in general!
Hello my name is Ryan. I’m a 24 year old male trying to finish his college degree and maybe pursuit my own business afterwards.

-Want to lose my virginity/get laid
-Improve my looks( I attached pictures of my pics that I’ve used for dating apps)
-Pursue a career Im passionate about.

I would appreciate any feedback on what can I do to improve my looks. Thanks.