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Welcome aboard mate.
Great community here.

SIGMA_1234 said:
I, SIGMA_1234, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am a 24M looking for a job as a software engineer/ IT professional. Got amazing marks at university, at the cost of my social and party life. Got lost for a year in my career leading to a depressive bout, and looking to pick myself up again.

Only had 1 gf for a while at 22. Looking to get laid more to get good at sex, so my next serious gf will be satisfied with me sexually.

Recently changed my Bumble and Tinder photos from Andy's Tinder guide. My matches blew up (thank you Andy!), but as of writing, my country's still in some form of quarantine. Girls also are pretty scared to go out. So, I will put my swiping on hold for now until quarantine completely lifts.

My goals are:
-Get an entry-level software engineering/ IT/ management trainee job that pays well
-Get laid 20 times
-Practice what I learned from kyil's Blindfold, Magic Wand, Shibari, and other sex guides.
-Fix my diet and regularly go to the gym to better myself. Goal is 15% body fat (stuck at 19-20%)
-Get my own place in a CBD (still living with parents)

P.S.: Sorry guys, but I don't want to post my photo. My identity is a church boy irl, and I don't want my face to show up here we I am Googled. Rest assured, I am taking action in Andy's Tinder guide. If you can present me compelling proof that I won't show up here and I am convinced, then I will be more than happy to put my face here.
P.P.S: My face can be seen here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=32
Hi I'm Skelly

I, Skelly, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 30 from Newcastle, England.

My main goals is to lose my virginity by the end of the year.
I will do this by mainly focusing on online dating apps.

My goals are to
- Lose 40 pounds of fat by the end of the year
- To improve my style
- To Improve my dating app pictures
- To get my own place and move out of my mam's home
Yo, spooky here. I am just trying to raise my value in the sexual marketplace back to what it was in my 20s when I was slaying it, back before Tinder became what it is now. I'm 38 from the good old US of A.
I, spooky, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Skelly92 said:
Hi I'm Skelly

I, Skelly, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 30 from Newcastle, England.

My main goals is to lose my virginity by the end of the year.
I will do this by mainly focusing on online dating apps.

My goals are to
- Lose 40 pounds of fat by the end of the year
- To improve my style
- To Improve my dating app pictures
- To get my own place and move out of my mam's home

Welcome lad.

Start a log.

We'll smash all these goals, easily.

MakingAComeback said:
Skelly92 said:
Hi I'm Skelly

I, Skelly, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 30 from Newcastle, England.

My main goals is to lose my virginity by the end of the year.
I will do this by mainly focusing on online dating apps.

My goals are to
- Lose 40 pounds of fat by the end of the year
- To improve my style
- To Improve my dating app pictures
- To get my own place and move out of my mam's home

Welcome lad.

Start a log.

We'll smash all these goals, easily.


Thanks mate, I will have look into and maybe start a log.
I, Tsantos, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi I'm Tsantos, 33 and belong to Delhi, India. I've worked quite hard on my professional front at the expense of personal/social development. I've only slept with 3-4 girls so far and its quite embarassing as I see my friends switching partners literally every month and I feel I've missed out on a lot. Professionally I've lost motivation to move forward as this aspect pinches quite a bit. My self confidence is severely low at this point.

I want to lift myself up and emerge as a new self that I could be proud of. I'm willing to work hard to see changes.

My goals for the year are:

- Get laid
- Transform into a person that deserves to get laid
- Step up dating app game
- Improve fashion/style quotient
- Develop a clear, focused mindset towards life
- Lose body fat (target 12%)
- Improve overall personality and social skills
tsantos23 said:
I, Tsantos, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi I'm Tsantos, 33 and belong to Delhi, India. I've worked quite hard on my professional front at the expense of personal/social development. I've only slept with 3-4 girls so far and its quite embarassing as I see my friends switching partners literally every month and I feel I've missed out on a lot. Professionally I've lost motivation to move forward as this aspect pinches quite a bit. My self confidence is severely low at this point.

I want to lift myself up and emerge as a new self that I could be proud of. I'm willing to work hard to see changes.

My goals for the year are:

- Get laid
- Transform into a person that deserves to get laid
- Step up dating app game
- Improve fashion/style quotient
- Develop a clear, focused mindset towards life
- Lose body fat (target 12%)
- Improve overall personality and social skills

Extremely possible.

I hadn't slept with anyone until I was 29.

I built a thriving life.

You can, too.

I, Scott West, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 36. I'm from the US. I'm getting out of a relationship now that I've been in since I was 20, so I'll need to work on making major changes to myself and my life.

My current goals are:

-Get laid, in the short term. I know I'll eventually want to settle down with someone, most likely. But I want to experience a different lifestyle for awhile before I go back to that.
-Lose weight and bulk up. I'm at least in decent shape, so I'm confident I can keep making progress.
-Figure out my sense of style. I'm really starting from scratch here, because currently it's a disaster. Mostly t-shirts and cargo shorts.
-Build up my personal confidence. I'm not a complete shut in; I can be charming sometimes and hold a conversation, but I also often come across as awkward and unconfident.
HeyitsScottWest said:
I'm 36. I'm from the US. I'm getting out of a relationship now that I've been in since I was 20, so I'll need to work on making major changes to myself and my life.

Wow man.

Can't imagine that transition being easy.

I'm rooting for you.
Whats up.
I, HereToFly, commit to working on my goals, taking myself seriously, and being the best version of myself

About me:
- I am 24 years old
-I am a software engineer
- Live In America

Long term goal
-lose Virginity
- Sleep with 10 girls

Short term goals:
- I currently weigh 195 pounds(15-17% bf) I want to drop that down to 185 pounds.
- I want to get my dating app profile started within the week.
Heretofly said:
Whats up.
I, HereToFly, commit to working on my goals, taking myself seriously, and being the best version of myself

Welcome Heretofly,

Looks good, but you need a picture of you in your avatar. A picture of a cat doesn't work. It can be a blurred out shot if your looking for anonymity, but it has to be of you.

Accounts that don't do this, get banned.

You got 3 days to fix this.

As per first comment on the thread.
Radical said:
On top of posting an avatar of yourself (can be cropped or blurred),

Edit: thanks for fixing this
Hello everyone, my name is Raven
I am from Germany, I am 38 years old and my goal is to start my own marketing business
Raven said:
Hello everyone, my name is Raven
I am from Germany, I am 38 years old and my goal is to start my own marketing business

Yo Raven.

So I have to be an ass to you.
You skipped two mandatory things on a new profile.

1. Didnt add a profile pic of you (can be blurred out, but it has to be you)
2. Didn't write "I ____ commit to..."

You got 24 hours to fix that. If I see you logged in before then and didn't fix it OR didn't ask questions about how to fix, then I'm banning your account.
Out of work, and trying to get by, so let me dance for you,
let me be naughty, let me bring you to a point of explosion.
My videos are wet, erotic and pink in all the right places.
Visit me, play with me, Lets come over and over again together.

Cum With ME Lets Play

Look forward to sharing all our lovely pink parts with you!
Love is a endless know that transcends all boundaries, including gender and sexual orientation. Gay men are no against to this, as they too entertain the capacity to attitude immersed and sober romantic connections with others.
Manner, regardless of the bourgeoning that has been мейд in fresh years assisting greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, gay men noiselessness look solitary challenges when it comes to love and relationships. Discrimination, stigma, and societal pressures can all set up it more profound for gay men to consider self-reliant in their facility to dearest and be loved.

One of the most notable aspects of any loving relationship is communication and trust. For gay men, being able to talk with outspokenly and unambiguously with their partners is pivotal, mainly in the front of societal pressures that may try to harm their relationship. Native in their partner's preference and commitment can help gay men to build undiluted, enduring relationships that are based on complementary heed and support.
Another critical factor in gay men's relationships is the need looking for fervent acquaintance and intimacy. While sex can certainly be a division of a loving relationship, it is not the at most or even the most grave aspect. Tense intimacy, such as cuddling, sharing stories and experiences, and plainly being there for each other, can be decent as worthy in erection a strong, fulfilling relationship.

Despite the challenges that gay men may head to head when it comes to fancy and relationships, it is discernible that they are righteous as effective of forming heavy, loving connections as anyone else. Alongside working to overcome the barriers that wood in their course and celebrating the multiformity of love in all its forms, we can fashion a the public where all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, can find the love and delight they deserve.
What’s up I’m MG.

I, MG, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

25 living in Atlanta.
Goal is to get shredded.

I want to get down to 160lbs in 2023.
I'm KB.
I, KB, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

31 from Brazil, playing online poker full time

My goals are:

Either get into a healthy(by my standards) relationship or get laid at least once a month
- Related to last goal, I need to internalize it is ok not to be in a relationship and have a good life regardless
I want to learn how to improve my apps(mainly Tinder) game - I know for instance my pics are shit
Get shredded(will be hard for me without guidance)
Get better in dealing with anxiety
My name is Bastian, 26 years old, from Argentina.

My goals for this year (2023) are:
-Give Tinder a second go, but this time take it seriously.
-Go for 3 professional photoshoots to post killer photos for my Tinder profile.
-6 Lays from Tinder and cold approaching.

Mid-term goals (by the end of 2024):
-Go on a 100 dates with girls I actually find attractive (6's and above).

Long term goals:
-100 lays from Tinder and cold approaching.
-225 1 rep-max OHP.

I, Bastian, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hey how are you doing.

I, MisterE, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

26, from Western Europe.

Goals I just finished:
- Gaining muscle (an onging goal, still going to the gym 4 times a week)
- Buying a DSLR Camera

Short term goals:
- Live on my own
- Give my fashion style an upgrade
- Get at least 3 Tinder pictures of myself

Mid term goals:
- Get laid
- Get consistently laid (once every month)

Long term goals:
- Get started with my own business