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Just did (again). Here it is: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=944. Thanks (again)
Hey everyone,

I, SixBillionDeadLosers, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals:
- get laid twelve times before September 2022
- cut down to 10% body fat (get abs and a chiseled face, really)
- establish a stream of web-based income
- deadlift 350 lbs

In high school and college I was a wallflower beta nerd, but that’s changing.
I don’t have much anxiety on dates but I suck at physical escalation and generally presenting myself in a sexual way. That will change too.
Hi! I, Chaos, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Main goal: finnish AA-program
Second goal: start go to gym and build muscle minimum 3day/week
I, AnalyzeOvercoat213, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey guys, I'm hoping to get some accountability and guidance as I work to crush my goals.

GOALS (not in order):

-Lose my virginity
-Cold approach 2-3 times/day, every day
-Set up Tinder/Hinge/Bumble profiles that get consistent matches
-Get laid regularly (1-2 times/week)
-Build 35 lbs of muscle
-Lose 15 lbs of fat
-Improve my style

Most of what my posts will be in the hidden section of the forum. I'll upload a picture of myself there, but I'm paranoid about including anything remotely identifiable in my avatar or in public sections of the forum. Hope that's acceptable.
I, AdultBlueberries59, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

-Lose my virginity by the end of 2021
-Set up a Tinder profile that gets consistent matches by the end of November
-Build 20 lbs of muscle in the next 6 months
-Get my first 10 lays AND/OR a girlfriend in the next 12 months
What's up?

I, Grif, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 22, living in Arizona. Found GLL which totally changed my life in ways that I never thought would happen.

My goals for the year are:
-Getting to 10% body fat
-Getting laid 15 times in 12 months
-Getting a style overhaul
-Get at least 5 solid photos for online dating

Mad respect to everyone on here or GLL that's going after it and crushing it!!!

I, BigBrach, commit to improving my sex life and general social skills.

There are also other goals I'm working on, but the above is the driving force behind making this account.

- Get laid at least once before the year ends.
- Expand my local social circle to 5 people that I see on a regular (say, once a week) basis.
- Improve my financial situation (currently unemployed, but grinding my skillset and looking at jobs/traineeships that fit said skillset).
- Break through my current deadlift plateau of 5 x 180 kg.
- Improve my fashion sense, though this is a bit on the backburner, given my (lack of) financial legroom.

Let's get to improving.
Hi, I'm Koskela, 30 and living in Finland.

My number 1 goal is to get rid of social anxiety that has haunted me for my whole life. I have progressed vastly but I want to get rid of it completely. After this is done I want to get into cold approach. My secondary goals are getting better at Tinder, improving my style and get more fit. After I'm done with those, I will focus on financials.

I, Koskela, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hello Ladies and Guys who want to make a transformation, I, Hydro, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My current goals are upgrading my physique as I am obese (275 lbs at 5'10).
1. I will be losing fat and lifting weights.
2. Get up regularly one time and out of bed within ~1 minute of waking up.
3. Get out of the house everyday (even if it's a 5 minute walk down the neighborhood.
Freyr said:
Hey folks, I'm glad to be here. I had an idea pop into my head over the weekend to create a gently graduated program to get comfortable talking to strangers.
I have been doing sort of self-made program like this during this year... It's not AA-program but it's similar and goal is to get more comfortable at talking strangers, not just with women. I noticed I have too much social anxiety symptoms to actually do AA-program, like asking a time from a stranger in public space, so I have been training myself to be able to reach that level. Basicly figuring out easiest social intercations you can do with low level of anxiety, then repeating them and gradually changing situations to be little more anxious and repeating them until you are fine and can again move forward.
About me

Hey guys what's up my name is Nik, I'm 25 and live in the UK, and I discovered KYIL the other day from reddit. I've always been insecure about underperforming with regards to getting girls even though I've been told by many I'm a handsome guy and such.

Dating experience

I've only slept with one girl so far, my ex-gf whom I met through cold approach on a night out when I was at uni during my freshman year. We actually stayed together for 4 years and parted ways at the beginning of the pandemic, amicably, we still keep in touch and are good friends and have been supporting eachother during these shitty times. Nevertheless I'm not gonna deny I'm a bit bummed out since we've broken up she's already had another whole 9 month relationship and shagged 2 other guys while I've not even kissed a girl for the last year lmao. Not to mention my 16 year old brother back home has slept with more girls than me at 25 LOL

I've been using tinder for the last year and even though I get plenty of matches and my profile is decent with some very good pictures, my text game absolutely sucks ass and I haven't managed to get anyone out on a single date yet. I've had 4 diff girls agree to dates/give me their number only to later flake. I'm now determined to get this tinder thing down and get some fucking pussy or I'll fucking die trying I swear to god. During the pandemic also it's been difficult to make friends since I had just moved to a new city at the beginning of it, but now I've started establishing a decent social circle through training and have guys to go on nights out with. Even better I just learned recently some of them are also really into cold approach.

Outside of girls

Outside of dating, I'm a full stack software engineer and I'm obsessed with MMA and martial arts in general, having done a bunch of them for about 12 years straight, with my main focus being on brazilian jiu jitsu which I've been doing for about 2 years and regularly compete in. I'm in very good shape and a naturally lean guy at 145lbs, 5 7.


Short term goal:
- Get laid at least once by the end of this year - not a super ambitious goal but one I think is definitely achievable and would make me feel like this year was not wasted

Six month goals:
- Not interested in any relationships right now, I want to get loads of experience with different girls
- Get at least 3 fuckbuddies
- Sleep with at least 10 different girls

Long term:
- Have a threesome
- Sleep with at least 25 girls in 2022

I, Nik, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
"I, Spider, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey folks I'm Spider. Been on here before, but came off due to various family issues and struggles with mental health. Now I'm in a better place mentally, I've decided to come back and try to Kill my Inner Loser.

My main goals are:

1. Bulk up
2. Get a Career

I do have a few sub-goals in mind but for now, I'm wanting to keep it simple as to not overcomplicate things and lose focus. I shall write about these sub-goals in due course.

Originally, my main goal was to get laid, but after some contemplation and trial and error, I have realised that focusing on that means everything else in my life e.g. career and bulking up gets automatically put on hold (not good). Getting laid will become a focus once I have my shit together in other areas of my life - this will make this goal considerably easier as I will be a more attractive prospect.

I have definitely also been suffering from Tinder Burnout and could do with a much needed break. It's a bit of a dumpster fire on there lately!

To ensure accountability:

- I have posted an Avatar photo for accountability.

- I will look to start a progress log and post on here once a day going forward.

- I shall look to post on other member's progress logs to encourage and help people along.

Looking forward to getting back into it! :arrow_up:

Kind Regards,

'Sup ya'll, I'm Daalor and I'm looking to upgrade my wardrobe and general appearance. Any advice and honest feedback would be appreciated.

"I, Daalor, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
Hey, I am Rust and Im commited to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Most of my time is determined towards coding and strength training. If you live in Oslo and want to grab a beer or want a wingman for cold approach, just hit me up.

1. Finishing coding my app before christmas and starting a business.
2. Deadlift 220 kg (210 kg current), BP 123 kg (119 kg current) and squat 145 kg (143 current). All before 2022
3. One lay from cold approach before 2022. Starting GLL approach anixiety program this week.
I, chad_chaddington, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

26, male
- lay count ~ 40
- never been in a serious relationship
- about to join the navy
- masters in physics

- have 3 hot fwb
- eliminate approach anxiety
Hey guys, I'm Manpreet. My goals are to get a job so I can move out from my parent's place and to lose my virginity.

I, Manpreet, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Tony, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is to complete the AAP.