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I, Peter, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Looking forward to working on myself with all the great content and people on here.
I, Unchained, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals are to have more success with women and to gain more experience dating.

Learned a lot from this website and I'm looking forward to being apart of this community.
I, Keys, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

27yo, French living in the UK, here is what I want to achieve:
  • Go on dates, get laid
  • Improve my style and find a proper haircut and beard style
  • Keep on hitting the gym to get bigger muscles
  • Lose fat until my abs are visible, while still feeling good in my body
  • Get rid of my acne scars, as much as I can, and find a good skin care
  • Get better at piano to the point I can confidently play around people
Talons said:
-Start beat-making in FL Studio and get really good at it, and become a self-taught producer (might make this into a 365 project)

Thats a great 365 man. Get on it
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I, ProfBloodLust, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey guys, I’m excited to improve my dating life. My main goal is to explore bdsm and make it fun for me. I have dabbled in it before with success. Girls loved it, but I found it to be lots of work and not as enjoyable as regular vanilla sex where I don’t have to think. I also like the idea of having a sex-focused tinder profile.

I’m a 37M living in Medellin, Colombia.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
1. Reply this this post with your goals, what you want to achieve, as well as this line:

Make sure you include this sentence: "I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

2. Add a photo of yourself as an avatar.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.


This forum is all about commitment and actually getting shit done. No theorising, no sitting around wasting time - we're here to actually get shit done. We take our self-improvement seriously.

As for mandatory avatars - it's hard for anyone to give you self-improvement and getting-laid advice if we don't know what you look like. (Plus all the reasons listed here).

If you don't want to show your face, crop it out/blur it out.

Think of this as you giving a promise that you'll actually work towards achieving your goals; we aren't interested in anyone who wants to half-ass this shit.

When you've done that, go read the Forum Rules.

Oh, and welcome. If you're here, we have no doubt you're gonna kick some serious ass and live an epic life. We'll do everything we can to help you hit your goals.

I, Brendan commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals are to have better success with girls. Both sexually and as friends and with retention of girls.

Committed to doing anything I can to improve
Hi everyone!

I'm Yohan (pronounced Johann) - 26 years old, Asian-American living in northern Germany. My big goal is to get laid on a consistent basis (first step being 100 count). I, Yohan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously; and will put in all effort by maximizing the possibilities within my resources.

Other important goals include:
-getting fit (gaining muscle + losing fat)
-finding new job as a staff pianist in a European opera house (contract ends in July)
-pumping up side project with original + funny piano/vocal songs
-language proficiency in Spanish + Russian (already speak German, Italian, French)
I am a 25M working as an sysadmin.

Most of my Life i was a lazy and fat man.
Somehow if I have a goal I wont lose my path. 2020 i started with 130 Kg and reduced my weight to 85 Kg.

My goals are:
- Losing V-Card
- Improve Tinder
- Learn to communicate with woman and lose anxiety from them
- Put myself and goals first
- Gain muscles
- …
Sup everyone,

I, Michael, ommit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to be a confident, thick skinned guy. Someone who does whatever he wants - most of the time - without letting other people's opinions affect my decisions.

Was an insecure, low self-esteem loser from 13 - 19.

Now I'm 20, my mindset is 100x better, I have much higher self esteem, and I am totally ready to conquer dating/sex.

- Thrive in a career I like(car sales is my goal for now)
- Become confident & IDGAF
- Get my first lay
- Get huge.
- Get pretty(using minoxidil for beard, going to improve my fashion too)
Whats up.

My name is Killsem.

Born and raised in US. I work in Logistics currently and hate my fucking job.

My main goals for this next year.

-Lose Fat
-Gain muscle
-Get Laid/Meet nice ladies
-Learn to be happy alone
-Learn to be financially independent
-Learn to love myself

Just got out of 7 1/2 relationship and definitely at my ultimate low point in life as well as my appearance.
I need to change. I have to be better.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
1. Reply this this post with your goals, what you want to achieve, as well as this line:

Make sure you include this sentence: "I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

2. Add a photo of yourself as an avatar.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.


This forum is all about commitment and actually getting shit done. No theorising, no sitting around wasting time - we're here to actually get shit done. We take our self-improvement seriously.

As for mandatory avatars - it's hard for anyone to give you self-improvement and getting-laid advice if we don't know what you look like. (Plus all the reasons listed here).

If you don't want to show your face, crop it out/blur it out.

Think of this as you giving a promise that you'll actually work towards achieving your goals; we aren't interested in anyone who wants to half-ass this shit.

When you've done that, go read the Forum Rules.

Oh, and welcome. If you're here, we have no doubt you're gonna kick some serious ass and live an epic life. We'll do everything we can to help you hit your goals.

I, Bigtexxn, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.


- get laid consistently and easily; build up to an abundance mentality instead of scarcity mindset
- look better
- get out and actually start cold approaching girls
- improve at online dating and quit sucking at it
- release second mobile game app and get a better install conversion rate this time with better user retention as well
- build muscle up to 190-200 lbs at 6 ft 2 with 7% body fat
- have more fun; take quarterly vacations, get into formal mixed martial arts training (currently self and sibling taught), take more random adventures, and plan at least one big fun thing a month other than the usual
- make friends and actually be social
- move out of parents house and get my own place in a central location, or get one in a central place with cool roommates
Jameskillsem said:
Whats up.

My name is Killsem.

Born and raised in US. I work in Logistics currently and hate my fucking job.

My main goals for this next year.

-Lose Fat
-Gain muscle
-Get Laid/Meet nice ladies
-Learn to be happy alone
-Learn to be financially independent
-Learn to love myself

Just got out of 7 1/2 relationship and definitely at my ultimate low point in life as well as my appearance.
I need to change. I have to be better.

7 1/2 years, wow. Great that you found the forum, good luck on your journey.
I, Kim, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."


1. Get over my own social anxiety around chatting with women
2. Get laid more often
3. Get a job I actually like over one I keep just to pay the bills
I, Crafted, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals revolve around self development in all areas of life, but currently focusing on improving dating.
I, Tyler, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

1. Focusing on quality vs quantity
2. Hitting the gym at a minimum four times per week
michaelho068 said:
Get pretty(using minoxidil for beard, going to improve my fashion too)

Sup Michael

I recommend following Radical's info. He's the defacto style master here.

For your first lay you could probably get it now looking how you look physique wise. Wouldn't take you that long assuming you can translate sales skills into pulling and escalation skills.

Get your style on (1 or 2weeks to do)
Get good pictures (1 or 2 weeks to do)
Get on OLD (premium accounts and boosts) should be able to get a lay within 2 weeks.

I got laid on my second date ever. So it can go pretty quick. Its all the base work that takes time. (Normalizing talking to cute girls, looking good, and being courageous enough to pull and escalate).

Having your own place or even your own car to escalate in makes life a lot easier.

Sales skills translate really well to game.

Anyways good look dude!
Talons said:
Start beat-making in FL Studio and get really good at it, and become a self-taught producer

Great to finally have another music producer on the forum!
I've been making music in Ableton Live for over 10 years now, and the main thing that has propelled my skills forward over the years has been to do a little bit of work every day. Even just something simple as a 4 or 8 bar loop. Do it for 2-3 years and your workflow and knowledge of the program will have improved tenfold, at least.
"I, Blitzcrank, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey guys, I'm a Software Engineer from Melbourne,

My goal is to work on online dating which is the primary reason why I signed up on this forum. I'm currently getting 0 results from it, and it's shocking.

Also if there are any cool guys to hang out and do some cold approach, I would be down too (in Melbourne). Thanks,

Other goals:
- Get a remote job to be a digital nomad
- Have social media presence
- Have a cool social circle
- Be fit
- Work on fashion and photography
- Read the classics (Crime and Punishment, Beyond Good and Evil)
What's up guys

I, BlackMetalBisexual, want to fuck the absolute hottest girls. Not just girls, but the girls that 99 % of guys dream of fucking and never do. I would rather fuck 3 women in a year as opposed to 100 (All power to those that want that but it's not for me)

My current goals (Short-term as in the next 2-3 years):
- Maintain Dean's list in college and complete both of my majors
- Don't get kicked out of my parent's house lol
- Fuck at least one absolutely phenomenal woman before I leave college
- Continue to work out despite the fact that I'm somewhat crippled (Long story short, I have a bar in my chest that I'm getting out in Summer of 2023. The placement of the bar fucked me over big time athletically, mentally, and just about every other 'lly you can imagine. Still not going to stop me from getting what I want
- After the bar is removed, do all of the crazy calisthenics and athletic shit that my parents would never let me do because of SaFeTy or whatever.
-This one is optional as the college I go to is one of the most difficult in my country and I don't have a lot of time to myself. I would like to have an amazing girlfriend, but that may be for future me.

My current goals (Long-term as in the next 4-10 years)
-Have not only an amazing physique, but also be practically strong and skilled
-Move out of the U.S for permanent residence in another country (Probably somewhere in Europe)
-Know the language of whatever country I end up moving to (Duh)
-Publish at least one book
-Be close to being or be financially independent

Life goals
-Be a leader people look up to
-Be a strong dad that my kids look up
-Be a world-renowned author
-Achieve individuation

As of right now, I just made a tinder profile and bought tinder gold. I made it in the spur of the moment so it's quite shit, but I want to know what I can do to improve it.