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Hi all

I, red2hawk, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm a 28M living in Toronto Canada.
Goals is to get laid more, max my physique and improve my social game
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Yours faithfully.
I, Tering Jantje, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.'

Waddup I'm Jantje,

36, living in The Netherlands, 6'3, 90kg..
Lived a pretty rough life social and emotional so I've had my fair share of downs and know how to crawl out of it by myself. I want to help other guys with that experience, right mindset, flipping your own frame to not get negative, seeing how shitty life is with humor, etc..
Had a LTR for 10 years with one girl which ended 3 years ago. I got laid with 11 new girls so far, 6 this year with only 1 one night stand. That's a nice segway in what my main goal is..

My main goal is to have a sex life with different girls who i continue to see until I like one to get kids with.
Other goals:
-Getting a 3some
-Getting laid with more quality girls & who want kids(keep running into the ones who are not willing to or not seeing it as a priority)
-Getting in to cold approach daytime
-Getting better in night game
-Finding a wingman

I don't like online dating apps and using only Bumble now, which is fine, I'm fast with texting to get a real life date and not wasting my time on that bs.. getting one date per week. I think that's it, peace!
I, Tragedy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

-I've been lurking on GLL for a decade and here for 3ys
-I have some issue with procrastination and "bad luck"

1) Massively improve some health issues I have: (Insomnia, Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, Urological issues, Bad gut-immune system, ... )
2) Stop being broke. It's also a necessary step to improve health.

Self studying Data Analysis in order to address n 2

I have been failing in the past due to lack of consistency, procrastination and strong illness events.
Sup guys, finally decided to join the forums, hopefully adding fuel to the fire of my self improvement journey.

I, GoodLookingNerd, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I am a 21 year old guy from the Netherlands, just got my degree in an IT related field
and now doing a gap year (or more) in order to focus on getting laid, travelling,
and making sure I have had enough fun so I won't get FOMO when I start fully focusing on my career.
I have had 3 lays in total, of which 1 was a serious LTR, which ended partially due to my jealousy and insecurities.
Shortly after the breakup, I stumbled upon GLL (which I had heard about in 2020 through MPMD) and KYIL.
I realized that much of my insecurity in the relationship was due to me having almost no prior experience,
and that I would have to fix that before getting into a serious relationship again, which brings me to my goal:

Main goal: Get over my insecurities by getting laid
Sub goals:
- get a job
- move out
- get comfortable approaching girls in real life (by doing the GLL AA program)
- get 10 lays
- see multiple girls at the same time
24, M, remote business owner travelling Asia, dedicated to self improvement and (more longer term with my next business) improving the mental health of other humans.

Already on a high lay count but looking to get those higher quality women.

I, James, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hello, my name is Gianfranco, I promise to work on the following:

1. Overcome my approach anxiety by using GLL's guide and learning from Andy's videos.
2. Organize my day in such a way that I can have my meals in order while I gain muscle mass.
3. Improve my ability to take pictures, to upload them to tinder, bumblee and facebook couples.

A little about me...

I've had a variety of girlfriends, at least fifteen, of which you all flirt for reasons of fate... (older women, single mothers, ugly women, liveliest, etc). I always longed to get to know a quality woman who would fit my standards and appeared in the month of May of this year 2023 (family girl, professional, beautiful, Christian, wanting to start a family and get married) but I screwed up, I behaved too insecure, one night I abandoned her leaving a bar (because of my jealousy) and they robbed her, she went on a trip for work and I was insecure... in the end, a month ago she left me... this left me submerged in deep pain, depression, i literally thought this is what death must feel like.

I met Oneitis, and the reason is the scarcity in my life (shortage of women, little social life, few friends, zero hobbies). I have set the goal of generating abundance and that is starting with the three points mentioned above.

I have many priorities, but the fundamental one is to fix my sexual and sentimental life, I have an important job and enough to live comfortably, for now.

I'm from Peru, I'm 33 years old, I'm 5'5", I don't speak a shit in English, but next month I'm starting a super intensive course, I listen to Andy's videos with the voice of a fucking robot to understand him.

Nice to meet you, regret hurts much more than failure... And I don't want to die without having tried everything that Andy and GLL propose.

I`m Phil 32 and commit to taking myself seriously. Currently at intermediate in my tinder game I`m successful but there is still room for improvement.
I commit to doing the following...
- Practicing everyday at web development so I can start working in the industry and eventually start my own location independent business. Do a coding bootcamp if necessary.
- Cold direct approach 200 women this year(I worked in bush camps half the year) this equates to about an approach a day for half a year.
- Start raising my standards and going after women who are intimidatingly attractive to me. Stop taking the "safe" bet.
- Develop myself as photographer so I can take better pics of myself and others
- Compete in two jiujitsu competitions (I did one last year)
- Invest 20% of all my income
biignoisee said:
I'm Omar
Hey, me, Omar, I commit 100% to working on my proposed objectives throughout these years and taking myself seriously as each passing day lives it to the fullest.

21M from Peru, I love programming (yes I'm a damn nerd but I love fucking) and I'm focused on creating my saas that bill more than 100k per month.

- End of 2023 to get a better remote job to earn in dollars living from Peru until before the age of 22.
- Become independent in 2024, thank God this year my degree ends.
- Go from 80kg 20%bf to 92kg 25%bf and then cut to 78kg 8%bf so I promise to go 6 times a week to train especially: upper chest, back, traps, neck, shoulder, forearms and glutes .

Hola Omar, también soy de Perú, me gustaría ponerme en contacto contigo para intercambiar ideas.

Hey I'm Pat, and I commit 100% to working on my goals. I am going to increase my online dating success, try and have sex with at least 1 woman per month (which for me would be a massive step up), go on at least one date per week and become more secure in myself when I'm interacting with women I'm attracted to when I meet them out and about. I want to also maintain my muscle gain and remain at a similar weight whilst cutting fat to get a six pack by the new year.

I'm 26 and live in London and want to also meet like-minded and goal orientated people.
Hi all,

I, MrMicca, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I live in the UK and I'm 29 years old.

My goals :
- Improve my online dating results (as soon as possible)
- reach 75kg at sub 13% body fat (working towards this goal with a 12 months horizon)
'I,bornagainvirgin, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

-29 from norway
- 5 lays, but last was in 2016
- on TRT

I want to
-Improve social skills
-get and mantain a rotation of 3 decently attractive girls
-Get ripped, probably means going down to 75kg. Im 85kg now(170cm, 5'7)
-Bench 130kg with close grip feet up style(Current 110kg)
- Accrue an investment porfolio of at least 500 000 USD and be able to live off investment returns or location independent business revenue in a low cost land(Current 0)
Hello everyone!

I'm BKennedy (I'd prefer if my real first name and my face wasn't on here). I'm 26 y/o and living near Washington, DC. I joined this site because I wanted a community to hold myself accountable as I work on my fitness journey. I'm also bisexual (I hope this forum is friendly to that), but have only had experiences with other men; I want to start having encounters with women as well but feel awkward asking IRL friends for advice.

I, BKennedy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals so far for the year 2023:
-Achieve 18% body fat by EOY (currently 23.5%)
-Make, and keep to, a weekly meal and workout plan at least 80% of the time (ongoing)
-Approach 5 people sexually/romantically offline by end of year and have a conversation of at least 2 minutes (these interactions don't have to go anywhere beyond that, all that matters is I do them)
-Explore my spirituality (this one is more woo-woo and less SMART than the other three I know)
BKennedy327 said:
Hello everyone!

I'm BKennedy (I'd prefer if my real first name and my face wasn't on here). I'm 26 y/o and living near Washington, DC. I joined this site because I wanted a community to hold myself accountable as I work on my fitness journey. I'm also bisexual (I hope this forum is friendly to that), but have only had experiences with other men; I want to start having encounters with women as well but feel awkward asking IRL friends for advice.

I, BKennedy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals so far for the year 2023:
-Achieve 18% body fat by EOY (currently 23.5%)
-Make, and keep to, a weekly meal and workout plan at least 80% of the time (ongoing)
-Approach 5 people sexually/romantically offline by end of year and have a conversation of at least 2 minutes (these interactions don't have to go anywhere beyond that, all that matters is I do them)
-Explore my spirituality (this one is more woo-woo and less SMART than the other three I know)

All are welcome.

All sexual orientations, all nations, all groups.

Welcome to the community & I encourage you to start a log and share your journey.

BKennedy327 said:
I'm BKennedy (I'd prefer if my real first name and my face wasn't on here). I'm 26 y/o and living near Washington, DC. I joined this site because I wanted a community to hold myself accountable as I work on my fitness journey. I'm also bisexual (I hope this forum is friendly to that), but have only had experiences with other men; I want to start having encounters with women as well but feel awkward asking IRL friends for advice.
Glad to see a bi guy on this forum, I considered identifying myself as bi, but right now I'm not sure. I'm just perpetually confused tbh, how does anybody fully know with certainty what their sexuality is?

I'm like the opposite of you though, I prefer women, and male attraction seems to be far more incidental.
Squilliam said:
BKennedy327 said:
I'm BKennedy (I'd prefer if my real first name and my face wasn't on here). I'm 26 y/o and living near Washington, DC. I joined this site because I wanted a community to hold myself accountable as I work on my fitness journey. I'm also bisexual (I hope this forum is friendly to that), but have only had experiences with other men; I want to start having encounters with women as well but feel awkward asking IRL friends for advice.
Glad to see a bi guy on this forum, I considered identifying myself as bi, but right now I'm not sure. I'm just perpetually confused tbh, how does anybody fully know with certainty what their sexuality is?

I'm like the opposite of you though, I prefer women, and male attraction seems to be far more incidental.

It's actually funny because what gave me the confidence to say I'm bi was your signature that says "Aspiring Alpha Gay." I'm really glad I found a positive space for this kind of exploration.
Hello everyone.

I, Eric, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 32. I live in the States (great state of Wisconsin).
I've never had all that much success with women.
I want to change that.

I NEED to change that.

At this point, it consumes my mind.
I want to get to the point where I live a life of sexual abundance so that I can really focus in on my purpose and build a life that I won't regret living. I carry enough regret as it is. I don't need to burden myself with more.

Goal #1 - Break the dry-spell.
Goal #2 - Build a life of sexual abundance.
Goal #3 - Pursue my purpose.
Goal #4 - Live a vibrant life.

There's so much more, but I'll have to detail that in my log.
Hello everyone.

I, hunter, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to become the best version of myself through improving my physical appaerence. I live in the Netherlands and I am 6’1 and am currently 87 kg, with a bodyfat of 17%.

I want to become 90 kg with 12% within a year from now on. I will do this by cutting crap out of my diet and hitting up the gym 5 times a week for a consistent period.
I, Parabolan58, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 24 and have reached 60 laycount. I am looking to build a rotation of hot girls that I can sleep with and enjoy my time with.

- Get full sleeve tats
- Improve quality of women I meet and date
- Build a rotation of 2-3 hot girls
- Improve my job performance and income
- Quit drinking alcohol and other recreational drugs