READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

Hey gents,

I, Indian Loser, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals For Next 2.5 (by the time I'm 35):

1. Get laycount up to 200+ using nightgame, daygame, and online game.
2. Move to larger city this year so volume won't be an issue
3. Get a rotation of regulars going (8+)
4. 7+ only girls from here on out

I'm just going to be focusing on women over the next 2-2.5 years so I can get it handled.

I hope to get into better shape and continue on a solid career trajectory during this time as well. But I won't be dedicating more than the bare minimum to these areas so I can make real gains with women.

Here's some info on me:

  • Born and raised in Canada (my parents are Indian)
  • 6'0 tall about 200lbs with a high bodyfat (25-30%).
  • 45 lays so far since I lost my v-card at 21 (I just turned 32 a few weeks back).
  • I've done a mix of cold approach, online game and day game. Found success in each category so I'm not new to any of this.
  • My biggest struggle is night game and trying to get laid without alcohol so those will be two areas where I will seek to improve.
  • I have a remote job so I will be travelling a bit during the course of these reports. Currently I'm residing in a city of about 300K people in Western Canada. The plan is to move to a larger city (Montreal, Canada) in May when the weather is more tolerable.
  • I have a strong attraction towards white chicks and asian chicks but I wouldn't turn any "race" down.
TheRowdyruffBoyz said:
I, TheRowdyruffBoyz, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey Andy! Message me if you still use your old Skype, crazy to see how much your business has blown up.

I was defacto monogamous for a while during and after the pandemic, for obvious reasons. It was a weird couple of years and a massive rollercoaster for me emotionally. I was a dick to a lot of people I care about. I finally left my girlfriend a year ago, and I now have enough free time that I want to get back into the fray.

-3 FWBs
-Cut to 165lbs
-10k monthly income (USD) (currently at $5.7k)

I'm here because, at the end of the day, having a forum holding me accountable massively increased my productivity in the past. Looking forward to emotional high of watching those numbers above closing the gap to my goals.


Welcome brother. Good to see a legend.

Andy, is truly an incredible man, and has changed endless lives. I am glad you are able to see, how much he has built.

Every day of my life, I am grateful for Andy, Chris, Scotty, and GLL LEGENDS like you.

Thank you for being here, you are very welcome here, and I look forward to seeing you SUCEED.

Damn, I used to follow the BIB log on GLL. I've always wondered what happened to those old school users
TheRowdyruffBoyz said:
-3 FWBs
-Cut to 165lbs
-10k monthly income (USD) (currently at $5.7k)

I'm here because, at the end of the day, having a forum holding me accountable massively increased my productivity in the past. Looking forward to emotional high of watching those numbers above closing the gap to my goals.


Great to see you here. You were definitely an inspiration for me as I was coming up.
Hey everyone!

I'm Danny
I, Danny, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

21 from the Netherlands, just getting into dating.
Just went on a few of my first dates ever (thanks to Andy's articles).
Current short term goals:
- Get to ~12% body fat
- Loose virginity
Hey guys!
'I, warpednoodle, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.'

age: 21
sexual experience: 1 girl
main goals: build muscle, gain sexual experience
I, Leotronic, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

For the next few years,

Main Goals:
- Laycount to 50+ using nightgame, daygame, and online game. (Mainly will trying to be focusing on improving my nightgame)
- Meet and build a social circle of positive friends who are into self improvement/game. And who'd be down to not only hang out but also commit to improving their nightgame. (If that sounds like you and you're in the same area, feel free to dm me)

Secondary Goals:
- Fitness (Diet/bodybuilding/outdoor hobbies/martial arts)
- Money

Australian born Asian, who has just moved into Brisbane. 6ft, 185lbs, 14% bf.
Lost virginity at age 24 and currently have 7 lays, from a mix of daygame and online.
Trying to break into the nightgame scene (and do it sober) as this is my most lacking area.
I, JadedSkeptical, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hello folks.
32 yo guy here from Brazil.
I'm a nerdy guy with passion for computers, games, fine arts and metal. Got a lot of dreams but I'm stumbling a lot in life without being able to find much success.

Had a dozen women in my life, 90% thanks to Tinder and my low bar for women, or just desperation back then. I have a sort of open relationship with a girl because of a mix of my personal issues and her personal issues (distance, family, etc).

My carreer is kinda of a mess, I'm graduated in IT, couldn't keep a job for more than a year and not finding any passion for this profession, currently looking for something else more artistic-oriented that can give me a reason to live and get me out my parent's home.

Hitting the gym consistently but I still eat a lot of crap. My body fat % is still pretty high but I'm focusing on gaining muscle mass primarily by hitting those protein macros.

Right now my main goal is to solve this career issue, really looking for something that could give me money and freedom to manage my daily routines. My old 9/5 jobs didn't left me time to do anything else, no hobby and no gym.

I'm hopeful that with money and a good life balance I can set a lot of other things in my life in motion and raise my self esteem. And I'm also here to be in the company of like minded people who want the best out of their lives, we live only once anyway.
Jerryhok said:
Firstly, minimalist elegance is all about locating the right balance between simplicity and style. Consider tidy lines and a timeless look and feel that never goes out of fashion.

Why don't we dive into metallic finishes. They are like modern coatings that can make wooden floors look really cool. Imagine how the illumination plays on these floors, turning your place into a super cool showcase of contemporary design.

For fans, how does streamlined style add a touch of grace to your areas? Are you currently into the simple yet stylish vibe of shiny coatings in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let's talk about these leading styles.

By recognizing these designing fads, we will get a view into exactly how our design and style decisions can improve our living areas. Participate in the conversation as my wife and I study the outs and ins of these general trends and just how they affect the ways our dwellings appear and feel.|Yo construction followers! Discover the universe of hardwood floors, where we explore recent fashion altering our living quarters. Your engineered floors are more than a strong footing; they unlock the door to enduring grace. One standout trend is the ascent of imaginative coatings, improving both the look and longevity in your flooring, giving them a lasting makeover.

let's immerse ourselves in the essence of groundbreaking innovation and the blending of intelligent tech. Visualize flooring that accommodates your lifestyle, adapting to shifts in temperature, offering adjustable lighting choices, and even alerting you to potential maintenance needs. It's a perfect fusion of aesthetics and functionality, introducing a dash of the coming years to your dwelling. Did you know that solid wood floors are not solely about beauty but also good for the environment? Hard wood is a sustainable source, opting for its eco-friendly features for those with a green mindset. Also, the option for refinishing is available, increasing its longevity and cutting down on demand for a replacement. Participate in the talk and share your thoughts on these intriguing developments. Prepared to improve your dwelling with the everlasting attractiveness and evolution in hardwood floor design?|Let's take a closer look at a duo of key trends in wooden floorboards additionally the lasting charm of richly shaded wood and the inventive options with versatile styles. Deep-toned wood flooring adds a hint of sleek modern style and a whisper of mystique to your living areas. Visualize spaces teeming These spaces have a bit of fanciness that sets them apart., because of deep and opulent hues that craft a style that has broad appeal and modern vibe.

Discover the beauty of zigzag and arrowhead designs. and Incorporate a lively and structured feature in your living areas, presenting a unique angle on giving a different view. From spanning classic and modern styles , Zigzag and mosaic designs integrate area-specific and cultural contributions, shaping living habitats that attract to a broad selection of tastes. Let us know your perspective expressing your views on the attractiveness of dark wood|Hello to our absorbing discussion board, where dialogs gravitate toward the compelling sphere of hardwood flooring. Delve into insightful debates encompassing a multitude of issues, from the specifics of opting for between firm and assembled wood to the unique and characteristic peculiarities of uncommon hardwoods. Exchange thoughts on your encounters with different completions, investigate eco-friendly possibilities, and take part in in talks about the timeless grace of oak, maple floors, and different hardwood varieties. Whether you're in search of tips for a self-styled endeavor or desire to offer your know-how, this community gives a encouraging community for enthusiasts at every stage. Let's enlarge our mutual understanding and honour the lasting charm of timber floorings in unison.|A top premier Masters of Hardwood Floor Installation is Unveiling Expert services in Restoring wooden surfaces.

We are happy to offer this beneficial benefit to our buyers. said Levi Miller, The manager and advocate for Black Hawk Engineered Flooring, Company.

Harris, a Approved Statewide Wooden Flooring and Teak Wood Flooring CVWFP A skilled professional specializing in the renewal of engineered wood flooring., Signaled the significance of making comparisons for hard wood flooring surfaces to clarify The urgency of resurfacing needs. The audit process Permits experts to pinpoint Challenges such as Suboptimal moisture levels all through installment or Selecting the erroneous Cementing agents.

Here are many factors that can lead to the deterioration of a wood floor, typically resulting from different reasons. recognized Taylor, endowed with a substantial amount of years in the field of hands-on experience and arranged training. Acquiring an individual having applied skills and structured training is indispensable.

Blackhawk Flooring Store Confirms clients that their assessment process will systematically manage the troubles raised by the customer base without unfairness.

We don't enter into a search for concerns with the flooring, nor do we bias our results in favour of one party over the other, highlightedMiller. The outcomes we discover are guided by data, and we aim to compile comprehensive news about the ground during the inspection

In addition, with its skill set, Black Hawk Engineered Flooring is committed to eco-friendly procedures, at this point in time utilizing low-emission glues that are green, affording clients with a more secure and more eco-friendly alternative.

This business delivers a broad selection of goods, including Solid Timber Floors, Engineered Hardwood Floors, Salvaged Wood, Wooden Wall Panels, High-end Vinyl Wood Floors, Top-quality Waterproof Floors, and additional items.

Daniels spotlighted that the examination procedure, paired with Blackhawk Floors' extending over a wide area wood flooring presentation room boasting over 704 examples, enables the company to methodically determine the issues and their origins.

This company holds respected certifications from the National Wood Flooring Association, such as but not limited to Certified Installation Expert, Certified Sanding & Polishing Professional, and Certified Wood Floor Examiner.

take a look at T-molding styles trends for connecting different floors in Paradise Valley

MakingAComeback Manganiello Crisis_Overcomer

Tagged for awareness
Jerryhok said:
Firstly, minimalist elegance is all about locating the right balance between simplicity and style. Consider tidy lines and a timeless look and feel that never goes out of fashion.

Why don't we dive into metallic finishes. They are like modern coatings that can make wooden floors look really cool. Imagine how the illumination plays on these floors, turning your place into a super cool showcase of contemporary design.

For fans, how does streamlined style add a touch of grace to your areas? Are you currently into the simple yet stylish vibe of shiny coatings in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let's talk about these leading styles.

By recognizing these designing fads, we will get a view into exactly how our design and style decisions can improve our living areas. Participate in the conversation as my wife and I study the outs and ins of these general trends and just how they affect the ways our dwellings appear and feel.|Yo construction followers! Discover the universe of hardwood floors, where we explore recent fashion altering our living quarters. Your engineered floors are more than a strong footing; they unlock the door to enduring grace. One standout trend is the ascent of imaginative coatings, improving both the look and longevity in your flooring, giving them a lasting makeover.

let's immerse ourselves in the essence of groundbreaking innovation and the blending of intelligent tech. Visualize flooring that accommodates your lifestyle, adapting to shifts in temperature, offering adjustable lighting choices, and even alerting you to potential maintenance needs. It's a perfect fusion of aesthetics and functionality, introducing a dash of the coming years to your dwelling. Did you know that solid wood floors are not solely about beauty but also good for the environment? Hard wood is a sustainable source, opting for its eco-friendly features for those with a green mindset. Also, the option for refinishing is available, increasing its longevity and cutting down on demand for a replacement. Participate in the talk and share your thoughts on these intriguing developments. Prepared to improve your dwelling with the everlasting attractiveness and evolution in hardwood floor design?|Let's take a closer look at a duo of key trends in wooden floorboards additionally the lasting charm of richly shaded wood and the inventive options with versatile styles. Deep-toned wood flooring adds a hint of sleek modern style and a whisper of mystique to your living areas. Visualize spaces teeming These spaces have a bit of fanciness that sets them apart., because of deep and opulent hues that craft a style that has broad appeal and modern vibe.

Discover the beauty of zigzag and arrowhead designs. and Incorporate a lively and structured feature in your living areas, presenting a unique angle on giving a different view. From spanning classic and modern styles , Zigzag and mosaic designs integrate area-specific and cultural contributions, shaping living habitats that attract to a broad selection of tastes. Let us know your perspective expressing your views on the attractiveness of dark wood|Hello to our absorbing discussion board, where dialogs gravitate toward the compelling sphere of hardwood flooring. Delve into insightful debates encompassing a multitude of issues, from the specifics of opting for between firm and assembled wood to the unique and characteristic peculiarities of uncommon hardwoods. Exchange thoughts on your encounters with different completions, investigate eco-friendly possibilities, and take part in in talks about the timeless grace of oak, maple floors, and different hardwood varieties. Whether you're in search of tips for a self-styled endeavor or desire to offer your know-how, this community gives a encouraging community for enthusiasts at every stage. Let's enlarge our mutual understanding and honour the lasting charm of timber floorings in unison.|A top premier Masters of Hardwood Floor Installation is Unveiling Expert services in Restoring wooden surfaces.

We are happy to offer this beneficial benefit to our buyers. said Levi Miller, The manager and advocate for Black Hawk Engineered Flooring, Company.

Harris, a Approved Statewide Wooden Flooring and Teak Wood Flooring CVWFP A skilled professional specializing in the renewal of engineered wood flooring., Signaled the significance of making comparisons for hard wood flooring surfaces to clarify The urgency of resurfacing needs. The audit process Permits experts to pinpoint Challenges such as Suboptimal moisture levels all through installment or Selecting the erroneous Cementing agents.

Here are many factors that can lead to the deterioration of a wood floor, typically resulting from different reasons. recognized Taylor, endowed with a substantial amount of years in the field of hands-on experience and arranged training. Acquiring an individual having applied skills and structured training is indispensable.

Blackhawk Flooring Store Confirms clients that their assessment process will systematically manage the troubles raised by the customer base without unfairness.

We don't enter into a search for concerns with the flooring, nor do we bias our results in favour of one party over the other, highlightedMiller. The outcomes we discover are guided by data, and we aim to compile comprehensive news about the ground during the inspection

In addition, with its skill set, Black Hawk Engineered Flooring is committed to eco-friendly procedures, at this point in time utilizing low-emission glues that are green, affording clients with a more secure and more eco-friendly alternative.

This business delivers a broad selection of goods, including Solid Timber Floors, Engineered Hardwood Floors, Salvaged Wood, Wooden Wall Panels, High-end Vinyl Wood Floors, Top-quality Waterproof Floors, and additional items.

Daniels spotlighted that the examination procedure, paired with Blackhawk Floors' extending over a wide area wood flooring presentation room boasting over 704 examples, enables the company to methodically determine the issues and their origins.

This company holds respected certifications from the National Wood Flooring Association, such as but not limited to Certified Installation Expert, Certified Sanding & Polishing Professional, and Certified Wood Floor Examiner.

take a look at T-molding styles trends for connecting different floors in Paradise Valley

MakingAComeback Manganiello Crisis_Overcomer

Tagged for awareness
Hello everyone
I, LArcher, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
About me
26yo recent graduate from Scotland, still living at home with parents.
Hoping to move out within the coming year and get a job, preferably something that I can do remotely so I can do some travelling since I haven't really done that, oh and I would like to be with a girl since I still haven't done this (without paying) and also get involved in a party scene and build up a proper social circle of high quality people.
I am going to try and get fit as well as develop an actual style and look since I haven't really done this as well as quitting porn.
Unrelated to this, my avatar picture has come out sideways when I uploaded it and I'm not sure how to go about fixing that, if anyone here knows what's up with that, lemme know what to do so you aren't having to tilt your heads everytime you look at my avatar picture.
I, 9o6o, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Yo guys, doubt anyone will read this but here's a brief intro:
I'm George, currently 20, and I have come here for valuable knowledge and insights in terms of dating as well as other aspects of self-improvement. I've got most of my shit together so I'm mainly looking for dating/sex advice at this point but you never know what you might learn along the way.
Hello my name is Kiran 18 Australia
'I, Kiran commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.'
Goals 2024
Learn to not have oneitis
Get a car
Get a roster
userbeast1638 said:
Hello my name is Kiran 18 Australia
'I, Kiran commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.'
Goals 2024
Learn to not have oneitis
Get a car
Get a roster

Welcome young blood!

Can you do me a solid and upload an avatar of yourself?

Thanks G

What's up guys. The poster formerly known as Klondike here. 35yo, living in the Chicago suburbs, work in tech and make music.

Main goal for Q1 is simple: drop to 205lbs.

I, CharlieMunger69, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, MaxedOutMatt, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

TLDR: 43 year old divorced guy here getting back in the game….

Goals for 2024:

- Buy completely new wardrobe including accessories following Radical’s style guide. This is priority # 1 as I need the wardrobe before I can upgrade my pics. Looking to be an “age appropriate fuck boy” with modern style and some edge.
- Create 9 kick ass OLD pictures either by getting photos from a professional photographer taken or buying my own DSLR camera and having friends take photos of me following all best practices on KYIL.
- Sign up / update Tinder, Hinge and Bumble profiles
- Buy height increasing shoes and sneakers – I’m only 5’7”.
- Get income up to 200K+ / year USD consistently.
- Get net worth to 1M within 2 years.
- Drop 15 lbs. of body fat to get from approximately 25% bf down to 15% bf. Right now I’m 5’7” 165 lbs.
- Get my ass back in the gym. Focus on hypertrophy and compound movements for muscle growth. Will add some limited bicep, tricep, shoulder and ab work on top of compound movements. I’ve been in and out of gyms my whole life and know what I’m doing. I just have to execute. Will cut first while trying to maintain muscle mass and maybe put on a bit of muscle while cutting. Hopefully will be able to do this since I’m currently de-trained but have the benefit of muscle memory since I’ve been in shape multiple times in the past. Once I cut then I’ll lean bulk.
- Start eating right again. Get my macros dialed in. 1 g protein per 1 lb. body weight. Limit carbs and sugar. Healthy fats. Shit ton of veggies. Maintain consistent daily calorie deficit while cutting.
- Supplements – Protein powder, Vitamin D (low on last blood test), multi vitamin, creatine, will try Kratom.
- Stay away from recreational drugs, cigs, vaping, etc.. Limit alcohol use. I used to party before getting married and have to be mindful of going back to my old ways now that I’m single again.
- Be a good dad to my kids being that I’ll now have 50/50 custody. Don’t be distracted by girls and work during the time I have them. Plan activities and make memories with them when I have them and don’t just sit around the house with them staring at screens.
- Strengthen existing and create new male friend relationships so I have a strong support network and social circle outside of work and dating.
- 24 lays over next 12 months.
- While getting back in shape and upgrading my pics, throw more money at the problem initially (boosts and super likes) since I fortunately worked my ass off and saved and invested throughout my 30’s and early 40’s and have that resource.
- Maintain good sleeping habits and get an adequate amount of sleep (7 – 8 hours).
- Co-parent amicably with ex.
- Possibly get a vasectomy.

My background:

I’m 43 and getting divorced. My stbx wife is basically my girlfriend who I unintentionally got pregnant in late 2012. We were never right for each other to begin with and basically got married and bought a house together since she was pregnant to try and make it work over the last 10+ years. Eventually we both hit our breaking point from being unfulfilled and at each other's throats. We initially formally separated and split assets / finances about 3.5 years ago. She already bought another home at that time, which is temporarily being rented so at this point the divorce is just a matter of filing for a divorce decree and her moving back to her house. I knew our relationship was basically over / on life support years ago and the logistics (housing and finances) which usually is what drag things out have already been taken care of.

We’ve separated and gotten back together multiple times over the last 3.5 years, have tried multiple marriage counselors, etc. I was willing to continue to settle and compromise in our relationship to a large degree to keep our family together. I was willing to sacrifice my happiness for the sake of our kids. I said my vows and had children and I take personal responsibility for those decisions. But ultimately my wife and I can’t re-connect and the arguing and disagreements haven’t subsided. We can't even get to a somewhat peaceful / cordial state. Raising kids under the umbrella of a loveless marriage with lots of tension and frequent fighting is not healthy for them. Not like I woke up one day and said, eh, fuck it, I’m gonna bail on my family to go bang chicks again or anything remotely close to that.

Life lesson: Wrap it up even if your girl is on birth control and don’t ever settle for someone you’re fundamentally not compatible with.

In college and in my 20’s I was all about getting laid but didn’t go about it in a regimented way. I was a frat boy in college. I had varying degrees of success over those years so I’m not new to this lifestyle. Now OLD is more prevalent and I’m thankful I found this site. I’m much wealthier and wiser now than I was when I was in my 20’s and now I have system I can implement so I don’t have to re-invent the wheel. There are still a lot of areas I need to improve in.

Since I’m going to be single anyway and although I’m sure I’m an old head around here, I’m not ancient, so I might as well take advantage of this opportunity. I’m going to get out there and play for the time being. I may eventually get my fill and get this out of my system and settle down with a woman who is right for me. And by maxing my looks and attractiveness and experiencing many women, I’ll have plenty of options, so if/when I do settle down, the woman I chose and who choses me, will be a super high quality woman. Plus I will have done self-improvement which will benefit me in all areas of life.

To my mind, this is fundamentally an exercise in sales and marketing. I’m a professional sales person so I completely understand the concepts of generating leads, conversion ratios, screening / qualifying and being efficient with time. Basically OLD is the marketing platform, the OLD messages and phone texts are “setting the appointment”, and dates are the “sales presentation”. I’m the product and am literally selling myself and it seems like if I’m dialed in in the looks department and screened the girls for ones who are likely DTF I can just be relaxed and be myself and shouldn’t have to run crazy game during the date to get her back to my place.

Seems to me the main goal is look hot as fuck in your pics and in IRL and focus on generating the most leads possible (most matches) and then you can be more direct with girls to screen for ones DTF. The conversion ratio of matches to dates will be lower by screening this way but the conversion ratio of dates to lays will be higher. And if you’re generating lots matches you’ll still have a full schedule of dates any time you want. Whereas if you play the long game with extended messaging and texting and go on multiple dates before making a move the conversion ratio of matches to dates will be higher, but you’ll ultimately get less lays and it will take much more time to get lays. Unless I’m missing something it seems all about the quantity of leads and obviously it takes a lot of hard work, time and dedication (boosting attractiveness) to generate them.

Looking forward to interacting with you guys on here and bouncing ideas and feedback off one another.

If there are any other old heads around these parts that have any advice specific advice for an old man like me going down this road, I’m all ears!