Road to Game Competency

ldoser said:
I also noticed that, recently, I'm pussying out more often than when I started out because, for some reason, I find it more difficult to tell a 20 yo girl from a 17 yo (obviously, I want to avoid the latter). Maybe, I should do my daygame session later in the afternoon.

I wasn't aware it was illegal to say hi to a 17 year old on the street.

I've accidentally approached 15 year olds. It doesn't matter. You just make a joke and laugh it off and they forget about you 10 seconds later.
There are probably some important lessons to be learned from today's approach.

I was walking down a busy street listening to an audiobook when I saw a girl coming towards me who was looking at me and holding eye contact for long seconds. I couldn't interpret this in any other way than an invitation to approach, so when she got past me, I turned around and I got in front of her with my usual move.

Even though I was holding eye contact while talking to her, both the wording of what I was saying and the delivery (body language, vocal tone etc.) of it were terrible. I came across as weak and lacking even average self-confidence. As soon as I delivered my compliment, she gave me the boyfriend response and quickly excused herself.

The reason I find this approach very instructive is, first, because it shows that not only can I hit the minimum requirements for young and beautiful girls (she could be about 23 and she was slim) in terms of looks but also that some girls, some of the time, find my looks attractive. (Otherwise why would she have given me an invitation to open?)

Second, and perhaps even more importantly, it shows that self-confidence is paramount. That even if the girl finds you attractive lookswise, she will change her mind very soon if you show a lack of self-confidence. So for this reason, I think I should somehow put more effort into the 'fake it till you make it' project of self-confidence.

I would appreciate if you guys could give me feedback on this particular approach as well as on my analysis of it.
ldoser said:
I would appreciate if you guys could give me feedback on this particular approach as well as on my analysis of it.

Seems correct to me.

Now, why aren't you doing 5 a day? 10? Consistency is one thing, deliberate practice under volume is another.
pancakemouse said:
Now, why aren't you doing 5 a day? 10? Consistency is one thing, deliberate practice under volume is another.

Because I suck at handling the emotional roller coaster that comes with daygame. Up until now, what always happened when I started practicing daygame was that I was doing it for about a month or two (a few hundred approaches) and then, at some point because all I was getting was rejection, I suddenly ran out of emotional reserves, stopped doing it altogether and needed several months to recover from the experience. The last time it happened was in this February when I was doing 5 approaches per day. Of the 125 approaches I had done, I got one flaky IG.

Another reason I want to stick to one girl per day for now is because in this way, I can spend more time analyzing what I was doing wrong and thinking about what to change the next time. I also spend time watching the pros’ (e.g. Tom Torero’s) infield videos to try to internalize the mindset/the vibe with which they’re doing their approaches.
Today’s approach was unusual in two ways: for one thing, I got it over with very quickly, for another, I didn’t experience ANY AA. I think both of these unusual developments had to do with the fact that I was listening to a very interesting podcast, so my mind was occupied and I didn’t have the mental capacity to come up with excuses for why I should pussy out.

I met the girl in the underground. She was in her late 20s and she wasn’t particularly hot but she wasn’t fat and she was noticably shorter than me. I think she was significantly less educated than me.

I walked up, asked her to remove her earbuds and I let her know that, as I was walking towards the exit, I had noticed her and I had had to come up and say hi because I found her beautiful. The delivery was again terrible (weak and unconfident) and as I was delivering my compliment her train arrived and, stupidly enough, I asked her if she was going to wait for the next one to which she replied no. She thanked me for my compliment, I wished her a nice day and we parted.

Another interesting thing about today’s approach is that I noticed a facial expression she was making that I had also noticed before with other girls. She was looking at me with a kind of benevolent contempt - as though she was thinking “I’m going to listen to what he’s going to say because he looks like a good guy and he wants to do no harm and he’s working very hard to get himself a GF but I find him a weak, pathetic loser”.
Gentlemen, I just got the phone number (Telegram) of a HOT RUSSIAN GIRL! Right now, I’m happy beyond words!

She can be about 21, she is slim, she will be studying medicine and she’s smoking hot! I think she’s easily in the top 10-20% of women even within her age group!

The approach went quite well although in hindsight, it seems to me that she was receptive right from the moment I began appearing in her peripheral vision as I was wheel of fortuning ahead of her. I think absent any big mistake, she would have responded positively no matter what. I might have found myself a yes girl or perhaps she was simply both very bored and ovulating. After all, she was walking around in the center of the city alone on a Sunday afternoon.

Whatever the reason may be, I was wearing an all black outfit (jeans and T-shirt) with white shoes and I was getting most things right:
- I was smiling when stopping her (although I might have stopped smiling later on)
- The delivery of my compliment was strong (I was saying something along the lines of her being hot as fuck)
- The assumption stacking phase was going really well: I could start multiple threads of conversation with her on her background, geography and a movie
- I successfully kept the conversation going for a few minutes
- I didn’t forget teasing her (accusing her of being a Russian spy and pointing out that she was bad at geography)
- I was successfully keeping the interaction sexual by throwing in remarks on her looks
- I even did a mini bounce with her - altough unintentionally
- The number close was also strong

What didn’t go well:
- I was again getting that ‘benevolent contempt’ look from her at some point during the conversation (which I was getting from other girls too). Maybe, it’s due to the fact that often, I talk to people while not looking in their eyes but I’m not sure)
- There were several points in the conversation when I was getting a bit nervous
- Maybe, I should have gone for an instant date

All in all though, I’m super happy with today’s outcome and I really hope she won’t flake.
Today wasn't a great day to say the least.

First off, I'm overtrained. I haven't done a deload week for ages, so going out and running after skirts was really the last thing I wanted to do. Second, I think I set a new record for the number of times I pussied out within a single day. I failed to approach in 5 or 6 great situations and there were countless others where the circumstances weren't ideal but I could have approached if I had really wanted to.

So, by 6 pm, I started to feel a little impatient in addition to physically very tired, so I chose to approach a hippy looking, roughly 30 year old woman. I got ahead of her with my usual move but before I got a chance to say anything, she took the lead and said 'No!' with a grumpy face.

Ouch! I wasn't expecting that. After a few seconds of getting over the shock, I decided that it was time for me to wish her a nice day and leave which I was going to do but before I had a chance to do it, once again, she took the initiative and said 'Or, it depends on what you want...'

At this point, I was totally confused. I lost the frame altogether and I replied in an undecisive manner that I'd just seen her and I thought she looked like an interesing girl and I had to come over and say hi. She didn't appreciate my compliment though. She said that running up to girls in the street was not an acceptable way of meeting women and that I shouldn't be doing it. By this time, I regained my thinking capacity and recognized her for the authoritarian feminist she was, I took the frame back and said 'Ok, bye' with a cocky smile on my face.

Now, as I'm typing these words and thinking back on this undoubtedly shitty day, I think, in some ways, it wasn't a bad day at all for a couple of reasons:
- Despite the fact that I was being physically tired, I pushed myself forward and made myself approach a girl
- I'm starting to realize that to be able to enjoy the company of the small number of women with whom we mutually find each other attractive, I need to approach a large number of women and be ok with being rejected most of the time
- I decided to do a deload week starting today
Alright, this one girl per day thing is really screwing up my meal plan and my workouts. I've given it top priority which means that, often, I have to eat out and I'm skipping workouts. It's not good. I have started to lose muscle mass already (and gain fat at the same time)! On the other hand, I want to keep learning daygame and continue to give it top priority. So here's what I'm gonna do:

Up until now, I have been approaching one girl per day six days a week. So from now on, I will be going out only twice a week and approach three girls in each session. The number of girls I'm approaching per week won't change. It might even improve my success rate because it takes advantage of the "first one is the worst one" phenomenon.

I have already started today. Here's how it went:

Girl 1:

I was walking towards the exit in the underground when I saw a girl waiting for the next train. She could be about 27. She wasn't overweight and she was shorter than me. I walked up and I was already talking to her when I noticed that some parts of her hair were dyed purple (I guess I missed a red flag there).

Anyway, I delivered my compliment and I was making a conscious effort to talk slow and with conviction, holding eye contact etc. I think her first impression was positive but as I started assumption stacking I started noticing IODs (indicators of disinterest), so I decided to wish her a nice day and leave.

Girl 2:

I decided to try a different shopping mall today where I found a Starbucks. I thought I might as well practice coffee shop game a bit, so I went in to see if there were any beautiful women sitting by themselves. Indeed, there were! Not just one but three! I ordered myself a coffee and instead of waiting for the order I walked up to one and did a Tom Torero style coffee shop approach: I squatted down, I called out the elephant in the room, I looked in her eyes with a cocky smile and let her know that I found her beautiful.

One thing I forgot doing was standing up after the compliment to gauge interest. It doesn't matter though because after delivering the compliment, she gave me the boyfriend reply. Clearly, she was a no girl.

Girl 3:

I left the shopping mall and went for a walk to another part of the city where there's a liberal arts university (of all things) nearby. As I was walking out of the underground, I saw what I would call a 100% my type of girl: early twenties, not overweight, long blond hair, blue eyes, shorter than me, introverted, smart vibe.

I caught up and wheel of fortuned ahead of her with a cocky smile in a moment where there weren't too many people around. I was consciously trying to do my best to do the non-verbal things right and delivered my usual opener. I don't think I came across confident though and the assumption stacking also didn't go well. I couldn't really get into a conversation with her and - not knowing what else to do - I suggested that we should go grab a coffee. I also threw in a false time constraint to make my offer more appealing. She said she had a boyfriend after which I wished her a nice day and left.

She was very happy though that I approached her because she said she had been having a shitty day and all she needed was a compliment like that to make her feel better.

All in all, I'm quite happy with today's approaches as I only pussied out like once and it seems like I can fit in daygame in my weekly routine in a way that's sustainable in the long run.
Just one more quickie for today: I've realized that I enjoy writing (blogging).
Today's session was terrible.

First off, I couldn't go out in the afternoon because I was waiting for a delivery. I had to go out in the evening instead when there are far fewer people outside. Second, I was experiencing unusually high levels of AA today. I also weaseled out of approaching 2 or 3 girls at the beginning of the session that I definitely should have approached. One of those girls was a really hot one who, no less, was quite obviously ovulating: hoop earings, makeup, short skirt, THAT kind of unmistakeble walk. She even looked into my eyes when she got past me. I'm telling ya: that piece of wisdom about rejection being better than regret is 100% true.

So, here are the girls I approached:

Girl 1:

I was getting off the tram when I saw a girl in her late 20s that I found somewhat attractive. I decided to get over with the first approach and I did a pathetically weak Tom Torero style stop. I payed her a compliment but I was undecisive and weak. No wonder I got a flood of IODs from the moment I opened my mouth. For this reason, right after delivering my compliment, I decided to wish her a nice day and leave.

Girl 2:

The second girl wasn't much more attractive either. She wasn't overweight, she was shorter than me but she was around 30. She wasn't walking, so there was no need for me to stop her. I simply walked up and said hi. I said I thought she was pretty and I started assumption stacking. My delivery was again quite weak and her initial reaction was cold but then I managed to make her laugh as I was making observations on her looks. I even threw in a fun sexual comment which she seemed to enjoy. Unfortunately, at one point, I ran out of things to say and - even though I was getting IOIs - I wished her a nice day and left.

Girl 3:

That was my worst approach so far! It was even worse than that angry feminist that lectured me a few days ago about how I shouldn't approach girls in the street.

I was in a shopping mall, when I saw this cute asian girl (she was probably Chinese). I tried to wheel of fortune ahead of her but, once again, I wasn't decisive at all and from the moment I started appearing in her peripheral vision she was saying 'no, no, no' in her cute asian voice and quickly walked away. As if I was some random homeless guy trying to ask for change.

Needless to say, I’m not happy about my performance at all!

A few weeks ago, I read kyil_andy’s photography guide. I’ve bought the gear and I will be spending some time from now on each week learning to take photos of myself and building a portfolio of self portraits that, hopefully, will get me matches on Tinder.

It would also be nice if I could build a photography business with the skills I’ll learn as a side hustle.

A question to the admins (MakingAComeback perhaps): if I want feedback on my photos, shall I post them here or in a new topic I create under Tinder/Online Dating?
Today's session was probably the most instructive one so far. I was experiencing a wide range of emotions from despair to blissful happiness and I got a phone number from a gorgeous 19 year old.

Girl 1:

She was in her late 20s, she wasn't particularly hot but she wasn't overweight either. I was standing in the train station when she appeared and she chose herself a spot to wait for the train that happened to be just a few meters away from me (despite the fact that the station was nearly empty).

I figured she was good enough to approach and I walked up. My performance was terrible: I was low energy, unconfident and I said random stuff I learned nowhere. Our short conversation turned awkward quickly and I decided to leave.

Girl 2:

I think most guys would rate her a 7 - to me she was a 9. Very much my type of girl! She could be about 25, she was blond, shorter than me and she had sexy, long, athletic thighs and calves. She was waiting for the green light to cross the street when I walked up and said that I found her very attractive. My delivery was once again like shit. Low energy, weak eye contact, unconfident vibe. Her response was also pretty negative. She looked at me as though I was a homeless guy asking for change. We got the green light and we quickly parted.

I got pissed. Why is this whole non-sense necessary to get myself a GF? - I was asking myself naively pretending I didn't know the answer. I have two masters degrees from top tier universities in my country! I earn in the upper 10% (also in my country). I have a six pack! I dress fashionably, I speak two foreign languages, I'm well read, etc, etc, etc. Why can't I just walk up to a girl I like, show her my diploma, my bank statement, take off my shirt and then walk her off to a nearby coffee shop and have a date? Why do I have to become professional in sales to get laid?

Of course, I knew the answers to all my questions. I understand female nature and I also know why women are the way they are. But it would be just so much easier if... and I kept ruminating over and over again over the same questions and I was full of negativity for the next hour or so.

Girl 3:

I was in a quite a bad emotional state when I saw a girl I really liked on my way to my favorite shopping mall. She looked about 25 but it turned out she was only 19. She was blond, athletic and, despite the fact she was wearing high heels, she wasn't taller than me. She was very, very, very hot. I think most guys would rate her an 8, to me, she was a 10.

As soon as she got past me, I turned around and wheel of fortuned ahead of her. I couldn't disguise how hot I found her (not that I was trying to) and I completely forgot about delivery. I wasn't talking as I should have: low, slow and with conviction. I think my vibe was similar to a little boy's who'd just been given some candy.

I said I found her incredibly beautiful and - much to my surprise - she responded positively. She was smiling, her eyes were sparkling, so I continued with the assumption stacking phase. I turned out to be completely wrong about her occupation but the way 'I was saying what I was seeing' wasn't bad at all and there was a point when she started investing in the conversation.

I took her number, followed up with a feeler text about 2 hours after we met but I got no reply up until now.

What a day!
Please tell me how to answer an existing topic?
Maybe I'm not writing correctly?
Please tell me.
Thank you.
Yesterday was another interesting day.

Here’s the TLDR version of it:

I got tons of IOIs from all 3 girls that I approached and I got an IG from a HOT POLE DANCER from a weak approach while an angry feminist was watching me disapprovingly.

The longer version:

Girl 1:

I went out early in the afternoon and decided to go to a shopping mall that’s nearby but where I don’t go very often. After a short walk, I saw a girl that was definitely good enough to approach. She was shorter than me, she was in her late 20s with an above average body. She was carrying a bunch of paper bags full of shit she’d bought. The circumstances were perfect, I got ahead of her and let her know that I found her beautiful and I had to come over and say hi. Her response was very positive: she was smiling, her eyes lit up, so I went on to tease her about having stolen her dad’s credit card and maxing it out. My wheel of fortune wasn’t the best though. I stopped at around 2 o’clock instead of 12. As I was trying to get into a conversation with her, she said she had a bus to catch, excused herself and left.

I think she was probably telling the truth as her non-verbal response was very positive.

Girl 2:

I went back to the shopping mall but after about 15 minutes of not finding any girl to approach, I decided to leave.

I was walking around for a bit and before long, I found myself in the area where the liberal arts college is. This is the place I approached that angry feminist some time ago. And lo and behold who’s walking towards me? That very same angry feminist! We even looked at each other! Life can throw some funny moments at you.

The next noteworthy thing happened when I was waiting for the tram in a tram stop. I was listening to a podcast episode from Richard Cooper when I noticed that a girl who previously was standing at the other end of the tram stop moved next to me. Quite close actually. It took me some time to recognize it for what it was: an invitation to open! Unfortunately, by the time I decided to make a move, a bunch of people appeared around us and I pussied out. But this girl wasn’t the only one moving close to me. On my right, another girl appeared who wasn’t only standing right next to me but she was facing me with her full body and fiddling with her hair. Once again as there were too many people within earshot, I didn’t make a move.

I got a bit tired of roaming the city, so I decided to take a break and have a coffee. I went to one of my favorite coffee shops and as I was enjoying my coffee and the sunny weather, a girl appeared and sat down at a table that was right next to mine in such a way that she was facing me. We looked at each other once and I realized that there were lots of other empty tables she could have sat at, so I took it as an invitation to open which I gladly accepted. The girl could be around 30 but she was very slim, shorter than me and she was blond. She was wearing lots of piercings in her nose and in her ears.

I walked up, I squatted down, called out the elephant in the room and let her know that I found her beautiful. Her response was quite positive: she was smiling and she was holding eye contact. She definitely appeared to enjoy my approach, so I said that I had about 5 minutes before I had to go and I asked her if I can join her. She agreed and she said she was happy to talk to me but she wasn’t interested in a romantic relationship. I joined her table and had a short conversation with her. I was unusually nervous and my performance was like shit. I wasn’t doing anything I had learned from Tom Torero’s video course - I was just talking about boring stuff I learned nowhere. During the conversation, I ran out of things to say twice but both times she started asking questions about me and her body language remained very positive throughout. After a few minutes, I asked her for her IG and I gave her a follow. A few hours later, she followed me back. I sent her a feeler text and - much to my surprise - she replied! Although only about 18 hours later.

As I looked at her IG, I found out that she was a pole dancer and she had a super, super, super hot body!

The only thing I’d add is that one of the reasons I was so nervous during our conversation was because a feminist looking girl who was sitting next to us was constantly giving me this angry, disapproving look. I think I will make a conscious effort in the future to avoid places that are full of woke bitches.

Girl 3:

After rewarding myself for getting the contact details of a girl (I always buy myself chocolate rolls to celebrate such wins), I went to another shopping mall. On my way to it, I found a cute 20 something girl that was walking really, really fast. I don’t normally approach fast walking girls but now I decided to challenge myself and I wheel of fortuned ahead of her. I stopped at about 10 o’clock which was terribly weak. I let her know that I found her beautiful to which she responded positively. She was smiling and she seemed to be happy to be approached. But again, I started feeling quite nervous and after a short conversation, I wished her a nice day and left.
It’s been a month since I started daygaming again, so here’s how it’s been going so far:

Approaches: 32 (100%)
Contacts: 5 (16%)
Idates: 1 (3%)
Date 1: 0
Further dates: 0
Lays: 0

Overall, I’m very happy with these results for a couple of reasons:
  • Of the 5 contacts I got, 3 are from very, very hot girls
  • One of those hot girls (the pole dancer) replied to my feeler
  • I got countless invitations to open
  • Many, many women were reacting positively to my approaches even though my game right now - let’s be honest - sucks
  • I finally found a system which seems to work (the London Daygame Model)
  • I think I can make daygame part of my weekly routine and view it much like I view my workouts
  • I think I will be able to make incremental improvements to my game every month

The most important lessons I learned:
  • A big part of Game is identifying no girls effectively and moving on quickly
  • Smoking hot women seem to be more receptive to me than merely cute girls
  • The same can be said about girls in their early 20s vs. girls in their late 20s

The worst sets:
  • A weak, unconfident approach of an asian girl which was quite embarrassing
  • A flaky ‘wonderful’ response to my compliment
  • The angry feminist who gave me a grumpy ‘No!’ response before I could even open my mouth only to go on to lecture me on how daygame was ‘no way’ to meet women
  • The ‘No, no, no, no’ asian girl who responded to my approach as though I was some kind of a homeless guy asking for change
  • A girl that responded with a flood of IODs due to the fact that my delivery was terrible

The best sets:
  • That cute (and also hot) blond girl in her early 20s who was the first girl I found really, really attractive and I also got lots of IOIs from
  • The first phone number from coffee shop game
  • That hot and posh Christian girl (the delivery was mostly right)
  • First approach without AA
  • That hot Russian girl, I got a Telegram from
  • That athletic, blond 19 year old I number closed
  • The pole dancer

My sticking points:
  • Not stopping firmly at 12 o’clock with a full belief that she will stop
  • Not holding eye contact when talking to her
  • Not talking low, slow and with conviction
  • Poor posture
  • Not pushing myself forward when I run out of things to say or when I get nervous
  • Not having the entire procedure internalized enough

Plans for the next month:
  • Continue going out 2x per week approaching 3 girls in each session focusing on quality
  • Continue watching Tom Torero’s infield videos
  • Reflect on Game regularly
  • Pussy out less often
Today was a terrible day.

In the morning, I managed to screw up my Zone 2 training (my HR went into Zone 3).

And in the afternoon when I went out to meet girls, I ended up roaming the city from 2 pm to about 8 pm. That’s how long it took me today to find 3 girls to talk to. By the end of the session, I was quite tired (in a bad way) from the many miles that I had walked. I knew it was interfering with my recovery and that I was losing muscle mass as a result.

Girl 1:

I was sitting in a tram stop surrounded by quite a lot of people when a girl in her late 20s “gave me proximity” as Mystery would say it. I hesitated for a few seconds but then I walked up and said that I had to come over and say hi because I found her beautiful. My delivery was better than usual and she smiled, so I started assumption stacking. I couldn’t really get into a conversation with her though, so I decided to wish her a nice day and I boarded the tram that had arrived in the meantime.

Girl 2:

After the first girl, I didn’t find anyone to approach for long hours. I pussied out a few times but I guess it was mainly just due to bad luck. On some days, all the attractive women seem to be where I’m not. I was about to give up and go home when I thought to myself: “Screw this I’m gonna walk up to just one more girl”. So, as I was traveling on the tram, I saw a 30 something woman. She wasn’t particularly attractive but there weren’t too many people within earshot, so I decided to walk up. I sat down next to her and let her know that I found her interesting and I had to come over and say hi. She said she wasn’t in the mood to talk, to which I responded I understood.

Girl 3:

I was heading home already thinking about how I was going to explain in this post that I failed to achieve today’s goal when suddenly I noticed a beautiful girl. The station was nearly empty so, I felt relieved and I walked up. I delivered my usual direct stuff and the non-verbal parts were also OK. I was holding strong eye contact and my vibe was, I think, playful. My delivery was also among the best ones so far. The assumption stacking didn’t go particularly well but then I found myself bullshitting to her for long minutes which seemed to have amused her. After a point, I didn’t really know what to say anymore and my thoughts were revolving around the fact that I wouldn’t have to write a failure post. So I just wished her a nice evening and left.
Today's session was actually pretty good:
  • I got an IG and also a reply to my feeler
  • I got the session over with relatively quickly, altough I also pussied out a few times
  • My delivery and plowing is getting better and better
  • I didn't have too much of AA
  • I tried a new opener I learned from Tom Torero

And the details:

Girl 1:

I was in a train station when I noticed this girl wearing a very attention-grabbing bright green skirt. She was showing a lot of skin and she could be about 25. She was somewhat taller than me and as I later learned from her IG, she is what you would call a party girl.

She was busy texting someone when I walked up. I called out the elephant in the room and tried out my new opener and said: Can I say something a bit cheeky? As I was saying this, her eyes lit up and I think she became genuinely excited to hear what cheeky thing I was going to say.

I delivered my compliment and she rewarded it with a flood of IOIs. I think my success had to do with the fact that I was looking straight in her eyes during the whole time and my posture was good and my vibe was much more confident than usual.

I could be chatting with her for about 5 minutes and some of what I said was genuinely playful and flirtatious. I took her IG, sent her a feeler about 2 hours later to which she has replied.

Girl 2:

I was waiting for the green light to cross a road when I noticed a girl standing next to me. She could be about 30, she was shorter than me and there weren't many people within earshot. I walked up and I delivered my fancy new cheeky opener. I got pretty much the same reaction from her as from the previous girl, altough this girl seemed to be somewhat less excited. I started stacking and we ended up chatting for a few minutes. I got mixed signals: about as many IOIs as IODs but when I created vacuum to see if she starts investing, she did ask a question about me.

My delivery wasn't as good as with the previous girl and when I wanted to take her number, she said she wasn't looking for a relationship, excused herself and walked away.

Girl 3:

I was heading the exit from the underground when I saw a cute girl. When we got on the escalator, I walked up and asked her if I could say something a bit cheeky. She gave me this excited look, basically saying with her eyes What? What? and then I delivered my compliment. We started chatting and altough my delivery, I think was much better than usual, when I wanted to get her number, she gave me the boyfriend response.

Once again, I took it literally instead of handling it as a shit test. Finally, I wished her a nice evening and left.
I got over with yesterday’s session relatively quickly. I got no contacts and overall, I got more negative reactions than usual.

I stopped all three girls with a wheel of fortune and, for whatever reason, I wasn’t using the opener that had worked so well last week.

Girl 1:

I saw this pretty blond girl walking in the street near my favorite shopping mall. She could be about 25. I stopped her and delivered my usual direct stuff. She looked scared at first even though, as far as I can remember, I was smiling. My stacking went terrible and, soon, I was rewarded with IODs. Seeing the negative body language and not having any idea about what to say, I wished her a nice day and left.

Girl 2:

After girl #1, I decided to go inside the shopping mall and, after walking around for about 10 minutes, I saw a girl walking toward me. She could be about 25, she was showing a lot of skin and she was very hot despite the fact that she was squint-eyed. I let her walk past, turned around and I ran up. The delivery wasn’t bad as far as I can remember: I was both holding eye contact and smiling as I was delivering my opener but the stacking, again, went quite terrible. I ran out of things to say, and not having any better idea, I tried to get her phone number. She said she had a BF, I took the L and left.

Girl 3:

I decided to go to another area where I often approach girls and, on my way, I saw a girl in the underground. She was about 30, I jogged up and, as I was delivering my compliment she interrupted me saying, she didn’t speak my language. I made the assumption that she spoke English and continued in English. Unfortunately, she didn’t speak English either, which may or may not have been true but it doesn’t matter because either way it was an L.
Although it’s Monday today, this is one of last week’s posts. The reason I’m so late is because last week was a particularly stressful one. So here we go.

TLDR version: from the 3 girls I approached, I got an IG, a phone number and a rude rejection.

Girl 1:

This was a spontaneous approach.

As I see a lot of hot girls in my day-to-day life in the street or in the underground, I think it would be useful if I could get into the habit of approaching every girl I find attractive, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. So this was the first time I attempted to do that and my hope is that I will be able to pull it off more and more often.

I was sitting in one of my favorite coffee shops and so was this girl. She could be about 25 and although she wasn’t particularly hot she was cute and she was very, very, very much my type: long blond hair, shorter than me, smart looking. After she finished her coffee, I was hesitating for a bit but then I decided to approach her. By the time I finished paying, she was sitting outside the coffee shop on a bench, so I walked up, squatted down, looked in her eyes with a smirk and delivered my usual direct stuff. She was smiling and seemed to have enjoyed my compliment. I stood up to gauge her interest and she looked up. Tick. I threw in a false time constraint and asked her if it was OK if I sat next to her for 5 minutes. She agreed, I joined her and started stacking. Although I was completely wrong with my guess about where she was studying, we started chatting and we were talking for about 5 minutes. I teased her about her major and even though I made a few mistakes - at one point I started qualifying myself (I know, I know) - I felt that the conversation was going well.

After about 5 minutes, I decided to go for her IG, which she gave me. Since then, she hasn’t approved my follow request, so I guess it’s safe to say now that it’s a flake.

Girl 2:

I went out on Sunday to do the session that I normally do on Friday. I was walking out of the underground and I noticed two or three approachable girls at the same time. I quickly made up my mind as to which one to approach and I wheel of fortuned ahead of one of them outside the train station. I stopped at about 10 o’clock but she stopped and I delivered my compliment. I was both smiling and holding eye contact and I think I was also talking slower than usual. The stacking didn’t go particularly well, so not having any better idea what to do, I decided to take her number. Surprisingly, she gave it to me and she also replied to my feeler. I also sent her a photo ping about an hour ago but I haven’t got any reply to that yet.

Fingers crossed.

Girl 3:

After this successful number close - being a huge caffeine junky - I decided to reward myself with a coffee. When I finished it (and having read a few pages from the Slight Edge) I resumed my session, only to find that Sunday evening isn’t the busiest time of the week. I was roaming the city for hours before I could find an approachable girl.

She was very rejecting though: as I was delivering my compliment she was making a disgusted facial expression, so our conversation didn’t last very long.

And an observation: I noticed that hippie looking girls tend to be quite rejecting with me and they also tend to be more rude. I already have blue hair on my red flag list and I’m thinking about avoiding hippies altogether too.
Yesterday, I only had to approach 2 girls because I’d approached one spontaneously the day before.

TLDR: I got a phone number from a top tier black girl - I think most men would rate her an 8 or a 9 - and two rejections, one of which was quite embarrassing.

Girl 1:

This was a spontaneous approach in a shopping mall where I never do daygame. I was on my way to a shop where sports gear is sold when I saw this black girl. She could be about 23 and she was smoking hot. Thin but also curvy in the right places, beautiful smile, intelligent and feminine. Also shorter than me.

I jogged up, stopped her and let her know how beautiful I found her. Her reaction was quite positive, she was smiling and I started stacking which also went unusually well. Being an introvert I was surprised at myself how I could keep talking bullshit for minutes not running out of things to say. I think my vocal tone and body language were also spot on. I was talking slow and I was holding strong eye contact. I was also making playful comments/assumptions about her and she seemed to have enjoyed the exchange very much.

So far, I haven’t worried too much about building comfort as this comes later in the process but now I find myself thinking about fixing this part of my game as a next step. I didn’t really build comfort consciously in any of my approaches so far and I didn’t do it with this girl either. Nonetheless, when I wanted to take her number, she asked me for my name and wanted to introduce herself (what an IOI)!

A few hours after we had parted, I sent her a feeler and she replied! Her reply didn’t seem very enthusiastic though and I would be surprised if she would come on a date with me (speaking from experience) but let’s hope for the best.

But the great thing is that I seem to be able to number close more and more girls and it’s usually the hottest ones that I get the most positive reactions from!

The next step in levelling up my game may be to start thinking about why I have such a big flake rate despite the fact that I get so many IOIs from so many hot women.

Girl 2:

This was during my normal session yesterday. I had been roaming the city for a while when I saw an asian girl walking in the street. She could be in her late twenties. I let her walk past, I turned around and ran up to her. My stop was quite weak and she was a bit taller than me. I think I came across indecisive. I started stacking but as I was only getting IODs, I decided to wish her a nice day and leave.

Girl 3:

I was walking around for an hour or so and I couldn’t really find a girl to approach. This was partly due to the fact that I pussied out a few times but also because there weren’t too many people outside due to the hot weather.

Nonetheless, I saw a girl coming out of the underground and the situation was OK, so I stopped her with my usual move. She could be in her late twenties and she must have been working for a big corporation as she was wearing her badge. She also seemed quite introverted and shy and I think she felt embarrassed by my compliment. I tried calling out the elephant in the room but it didn’t help, so I wished her a nice day and left.

I’m not sure though if her negative reaction was due to her being clearly a no girl or because she was just genuinely shy and liked the situation but didn’t know how to react.

UPDATE: The black girl wrote that it was ‘really nice’ meeting me but she was seeing someone and it would be inappropriate for us to hang out.