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Road to Game Competency

I’m just thinking about Game and where I’m at right now.

This February when I approached 125 girls and got ZERO phone numbers, that was pretty painful. I felt worthless. And I didn’t see a way out.

Now, it looks like, I can consistently get phone numbers. Those phone numbers may be weak but they exist! From the last 10 approaches, I got 3 contacts! That’s infinitely more than 0 out of 125. One of these 3 contacts is from a very beautiful girl and the other 2 girls were also hot or cute.

I think what accounts for this big difference is that back in February, I was going out with the mindset that I just needed practice and if I was persistent enough results would come. But I had no plan or structure apart from trying to chat up girls with an indirect opener and then freestyle from there.

Now, on the other hand, I have a clear structure to follow: the London Daygame Model. More specifically, I’m trying to do daygame with Tom Torero’s method. And it seems to work. He knows things about game that I see consistently confirmed in practice.

One piece of wisdom of his is: girls’ reactions tell you what’s wrong with your game. E.g. if she looks frightened when you stop her, you’re probably not smiling. If you never get IOIs after the compliment, there’s something wrong with your delivery: maybe you talk too fast or your body language is unconfident.

And if all your numbers are flakes, you’re not building enough comfort. Or your interactions are too short and you go for the close too early. And that’s exactly what girls are telling me right now with their reactions: I get lots of IOIs from beautiful women, I also get numbers but I get no dates. Which isn’t very surprising because I don’t build comfort. Never. For some reason, I just don’t bother building comfort. If I get IOIs, I go straight for the number.

So, I guess, I will start focusing on building comfort from now on. I will also spend more time watching Tom Torero’s videos and internalize the entire structure as much as I can. Action is important but so is studying at home.
Although I didn't get any phone numbers today, I'm quite happy with today's session. Also, this will be a quick one because I'm going out to a pub crawl event I found on Meetup.

Girl 1:

She could be in her late 20s, not particularly hot - I think most guys would rate her a 6. I did everything as I most often do: let her walk past and then wheel of fortune. She said she had a boyfriend and also that my compliment made her feel very good. She also looked like she was enjoying the interaction.

Girl 2:

This was in my favorite shopping mall. She could be about 25 and again not particularly hot but pretty enough. I said a lot of unnecessary stuff that I didn't learn anywhere before I delivered my compliment. The assumption stacking went terrible but the vibing phase wasn't bad. She seemed to have enjoyed the situation. She, too, said she had a boyfriend.

Girl 3:

I went to a different shopping mall where I saw this girl coming towards me. I did a perfect wheel of fortune and as soon as I delivered my compliment a big smile appeared on her face. She was even happier about my approach than the previous two girls. I couldn't really make an educated guess about her background based on her looks, so instead I started saying what she couldn't be. I said she couldn't be a liberal arts student or a girl slaving away at a big corporation. She said she was an architect. I went on to the vibing phase using this piece of information and I described a vivid caricature of a stereotypical architect student. I think it went quite well and I also think I reached the hook point.

I was about to move on to the comfort building phase but she said someone was waiting for her and she had to go which I took literally and I wished her a nice day and left. What a stupid move! This girl's eyes were sparkling and she was constantly smiling and seemed to have enjoyed the conversation a lot.

Anyway after today's session, I'm starting to feel more and more confident that with practice, I will be able to improve my game and learn to perfectly execute Tom Torero's method.

Just finished reading the Slight Edge. Also wrote down my dreams and the simple daily disciplines in all 7 key areas.

The other book (You Can’t Afford the Luxury Of a Negative Thought) I read a few months ago.

I enjoyed reading both and I hope that doing those simple daily disciplines will put my life on the success side of the slight edge curve.
I’m doing this week’s first session right now and I think I’ve broken my record for the number of times I pussied out. I’ve been roaming the shopping malls and streets for hours now and I pussied out about a dozen times.

There are days when I turn into a coward and I’m not sure why this happens.

Anyway, I ain’t going home until I accomplish today’s mission.

UPDATE: Now, it’s about an hour later and I’m heading home.
Alright, I’m home. No phone numbers today, overall a shitty session.

Girl 1:

This was a spontaneous approach from yesterday. I was leaving the underground when I decided to walk up to a girl who got off at the same station as I did. She was in her early 20s and she wasn’t particularly beautiful but her body was hot. I’m trying to learn switching into daygame mode at any moment which is why I try to approach girls outside sessions. My delivery was like shit. I said stuff I didn’t learn anywhere, I was unconfident, I was talking too fast and I didn’t go with the LDM. Despite my poor performance she smiled and seemed to be happy about my approach. After a minute or so I decided to wish her a nice day and leave.

Also, there was a guy who stopped and seemed to be very interested in what I was doing.

Girl 2:

After walking around in shopping malls and in the street for hours and weaseling out about a dozen times, I finally saw a girl who ticked almost all of the things I look for, so I jogged up to her with my usual move. She was taller than me, she was slim and she could be in her late 20s. She was very happy about my compliment and I went straight into vibing based on her tiny handbag. I teased her about it and kept the frame as a man to woman conversation all the way to the point when she said she had a boyfriend. I asked her how serious that boyfriend was but she said she never cheated on him. After that I wished her a nice day and left.

Girl 3:

It was getting late and I noticed that there are fewer and fewer people in the street, so I got impatient to find another girl. Luckily as I walked out of the underground, I saw one coming towards me. She could be about 25 and she looked like an average girl in every way. I stopped her and delivered my compliment. She said it was nice of me but she had a boyfriend. I wished her a nice evening and left.
This is just a post for myself reminding myself of the correct mindset with daygame for now:

1. For now, I don’t want care too much about results other than posting my stats at the end of each month.

2. The most important thing I want to focus on is to make daygame an easy to do and enjoyable weekly habit - much like going to the gym is an easy to do and enjoyable weekly habit. Right now, I’m nowhere near that because I need to exercise a lot of willpower to go out and talk to girls, whereas going to the gym requires no willpower at all. I actually look forward to each and every session in the gym and I feel fantastic during and after workouts.

3. The other thing I want to focus on is that I want to learn to execute the LDM - more specifically Tom Torero’s method - PERFECTLY. The smirk, the eye contact, talking low, slow and with conviction, posture, going through each and every phase properly.
AA is a strange thing.

Sometimes I don’t care at all and sometimes I pussy out of approaching girl after girl after girl.

Like today. As I was going about doing shit I normally do in my day-to-day life, I pussied out of approaching 3 or 4 girls I could have easily approached.

I really want to learn switching into ‘daygame mode’ at any time because regret really is a 100 times worse than rejection.


As I spent some time thinking about my AA, I realized that it isn’t necessarily rejection that I’m (most) afraid of. It’s more like a fear of a White Knight or a Blue Pill Alpha (like PC Principal from South Park) who happens to be within earshot and decides to stand up against “toxic masculinity”. More specifically, I’m afraid of a physical confrontation with a guy like that. ‘Member what happened to poor Eric Cartman?
Hard day today.

I went out after lunch and I grabbed coffee in my favorite coffee shop. I also watched half an hour of Tom Torero's videos on my phone just to deepen my understanding of the LDM and also to try to adopt his slow, calm, light-hearted style of speaking (I completely failed at that).

The session, again, took me ridiculously long. At one point, I was thinking about how today would be the first day when I would go home without having accomplished my mission. Luckily, I managed to get my shit together and reminded myself that what I'm trying to achieve is very difficult (especially for short guys) and I needed to toughen up and get today's shit done.

Nevertheless for some reason I feel like shit right now.

Here are the approaches:

Girl 1:

I was waiting for the tram when I saw a girl walking by. She could be in her late 20s and she was wearing a lot of makeup to cover up her uneven skin on her face. I walked up and complimented her using the "cheeky" pre-opener that worked so well a few weeks ago.

She was smiling but I couldn't really make educated guesses about her so I just said that she looked suspiciously happy. She didn't say anything to that and I didn't know how to continue stacking, so I just wished her a nice day and left.

Girl 2:

I discovered a section of a street where I've never sarged before. I was walking in this street when I saw a girl with a rented bicycle doing the groceries. She could be in her early 20s and she was blond and cute. She was also a bit taller than me but it was getting late and so I decided to approach her. I paid her a compliment and then I tried to strike up a conversation with her about her bike. She didn't seem very interested though and she said she had to go. I wished her a nice evening and left.

Girl 3:

Shortly after the second girl, I saw another girl who was about as tall as me. She was a liberal arts student (what else). Before I let her walk past, we held eye-contact for a moment. The situation was easy and so I turned around and jogged up to her. My wheel of fortune was good, I was holding strong eye contact and I delivered my compliment. I wasn't talking particularly fast but I could have been talking slower. I guessed where she studied correctly but then I abandoned the LDM and started talking about my favorite philosophers (probably with a serious face) instead of being flirtatious and painting a caricature of a typical liberal arts student.

That mistake was enough to turn around her initial positive reaction and she rewarded me with the boyfriend response. Knowing full well there and then the mistake I made, I didn't see any other option than to wish her a nice evening and leave.
I got over with today’s session relatively quickly despite the fact that I pussied out no less than 7 times during the session. I guess it was just good luck that everywhere I went today was full of beautiful women.

Also, watching Tom Torero for half an hour right before the session seems to help a lot.

And here are the girls:

Girl 1:

This was a spontaneous approach from Saturday. I was walking to the underground when I saw a girl I couldn’t take my eyes off. She was about 20, she was very short (she could be about 5’4) and she was wearing hoop earrings. I stopped her and complimented her on her eyes after throwing in the “cheeky” pre-opener. The stop was good and I was also holding strong eye contact. As far as I can remember, I was also smiling when stopping her. For some reason though, I was experiencing strong approach anxiety and so I think I came across nervous during the interaction. The stacking went well: I started talking about her hoop earrings and she did me the favor of teasing herself about them to which I throw in an agree and amplify kind of comment. I also guessed correctly, based on her looks, what she had been doing before that day and, up until this point, the conversation was going quite well. We were vibing and she seemed to have enjoyed herself. After some point, however, her body language suddenly turned more negative and she ended the conversation shortly after.

Girl 2:

After pussying out of approaching a few girls, I got a little impatient with myself and pulled the trigger outside a shopping mall where there are usually lots of chuggers and muggers. The girl was quite posh, probably in her late twenties and even though I got in front of her perfectly at 12 o’clock holding strong eye contact, it wasn’t enough to break her momentum and she kind of semi-walked past me before she finally stopped. Her facial expression was quite negative and it might have been partially due to my not smiling. I delivered my compliment which turned her reaction around. She started smiling and she seemed happy about being hit on. The problem was that her initial negative reaction and a homeless guy sitting on a bench very close to us made me feel quite uncertain about the approach and before my brain could process that her reaction had changed, I ejected.

Girl 3:

I discovered a new place where I will probably spend a lot of time running after skirts in the coming months. It’s not very well known and yet it’s busy and there aren’t many charity workers or people from religious sects who would make girls less approachable. I was walking in this area when I saw a short, pretty, 25 year old Ukrainian girl. The situation was ideal, I jogged up and did a perfect wheel of fortune. After a little longer than ideal pre-opener, I delivered my compliment and she responded very well. She was happy, her eyes lit up and her reaction was very positive throughout the conversation. The stacking went well and also the vibing but I didn’t notice any particular moment you would call a hook point. I guess it was just because she was clearly a yes-girl and she was hooked right after the compliment. I was talking relatively slow and calm and she rewarded me with a flood of IOIs. After spending a few minutes in the vibing phase, I started thinking about moving on to the comfort building phase but when I asked her if she was a good girl or a bad girl, she said she was married and she had a daughter. She even showed me her wedding ring. Despite her marital status, her non-verbal communication didn’t change and she continued showing signs of interest.

Because I would have found it morally reprehensible to do otherwise, I continued a friendly chat with her for a short while but then I wished her a nice day and left.
It’s the end of the second month, so here are the stats:

Approaches: 27 (100%)
Contacts: 4 (15%)
Idates: 0
Date 1: 0
Further dates: 0
Lays: 0

Roughly the same numbers as in the first month.

Worst sets:
  • Quite a painful rejection after my embarrassingly poor performance
  • That shy corporate girl wearing her badge who seemed quite embarrassed by my compliment

Best sets:
  • The hot party girl in the bright green skirt who really enjoyed being hit on
  • A hot girl I number closed just outside the underground station
  • That gorgeous black girl
  • The beautiful architect who seemed to be a yes-girl but who was in a hurry
  • The married Ukrainian yes-girl

What went well:
  • Better understanding of the LDM
  • Stronger stops
  • Slower, calmer delivery
  • Started making a conscious effort to shift as many approaches as possible from my sessions to my normal, day-to-day life

Sticking points:
  • Pussying out very often
  • Not smiling sometimes
  • Talking too fast (often)
  • Not talking low
  • Not bothering to build comfort

Plans for the next months:
  • Continue to watch Tom Torero for 30 mins before each session
  • Drastically reduce the number of times I pussy out
  • Try my best to do each and every stop perfectly, hold strong eye contact, talk low, slow and with conviction and go through each phase of the LDM properly
  • Start recognizing and dealing with shit-tests
  • Try to make each set last for about 10 minutes to minimize flake numbers
Hey there, I read the whole log and I have some thoughts.

You seem to have the same problems of running out of things to say, or worrying that a random person will interrupt your set or worrying about a 12 vs 2 stop.

Before I dive into that, I need to point out the elephant in your room: You come across as a day game nerd . Pick up is ideally training wheels to get you to the point of where you can talk to girls. You don't need to take it too seriously. When I saw you writing about an assumption of a girl ovulating, I can only imagine any girl hearing your inner thoughts drying the fuck up. This may just be how you're reports come across, but it sounds like you are overly gamey and don't know what to do if any interaction goes off script. You also have a lot of ego investment on positive responses. Any girl that spoke to you was hot, any girl that was rude or non receptive was not attractive or a hippy. This tells me why your days are taking too long; you're being overly picky when you haven't had one date yet. Don't get me wrong, you don't have talk to girls that are a hell no. But I'd be interested in you sharing 3 pictures of girls that would be your 10, 3 of your 7 and 3 of your 5.

Putting on my Dr Phil hat, all of your problems seem to come from a place where you don't think your good enough as you are. You seem to count the number of IODs and exit sets because you have written the interaction off based on an imaginary score board. If you lack the confidence to think you're attractive, why would any random girl on the street want to suck your dick? If you don't even think highly enough of the only person in the world that wipes your own ass every day and doesn't complain, why would a stranger? If I were you, I'd start treating that guy with the respect he deserves. The pc principles and all the other woke nonsense people that you worry about; If they ever speak to you, just ask "are you paying my bills?" When they say anything other than yes, all you have to say is then I don't give a fuck what you think and walk away. You don't owe people shit, just remember that goes both ways.

My problem with this is that you have spent too much time reading techniques and are punishing yourself that you don't follow the script exactly. You just need the basic frame work: opener, display value, vibe, close. You also need to widen your net. Stop only focusing on the girls that you think we will pat you on the back for. We are random people on the Internet and a bunch of us lie about how we are doing to impress other random people on the Internet. Talk to more girls, not just the hot ones. You want to get a single girl onto a date, but before that you need to figure out who you are and why you don't think that guy deserves some pussy. Based on your interactions so far, I cant imagine you getting through a 1 hour date of conversation.

I really want to put this in perspective, as long as you're fun and confident, girls will find you attractive. I'm going to a larp event this weekend, yes the kind where you dress up as medieval characters and play grown up make believe with 4000 other people. There are a ton of hot girls (surprisingly a large number of onlyfans models) that go to these things because its fun. I will be dressed as a forest dwelling asshole selling cookies I brought from the store for fake money to drink in player ran bars and I will have loads of girls flirting with me. We aren't even talking about any real world stuff, we are making it up and they will be dressed like princesses from game of thrones. If anyone reading this thinks omg this guy is super lame, try and tell me with a straight face that you would not blow your load to a girl saying "take me my lord" as she drops her dress to the ground. Knowing pick up helps, but most of it comes from the confidence that I'm fucking awesome and there are plenty of girls that would like to find that out privately. Even in the nerdyist possible environment where people get drunk on home brewed alcohol beat the shit out each other with foam swords, I can get laid if I want to. In case anyone reading this wonders what I look like doing this:

So first things first, share photos of girls you rate as a 10, a 7 and a 5. Steal them off of Google or IG or whatever. The point is I want to know what your standards are before going any further.

TLDR, stop being a pick up nerd, stop hating who you are and be less picky until you start getting successful.
Thanks for your lengthy post, Tucker!

I’m still in the bootcamp but I will reply when I’m back.

I’ll also write a post on my experiences with the bootcamp.
It’s been a pretty eventful couple of days. I’m back from the bootcamp, I went out to run after girls yesterday and on Monday and I have a feedback post to reply to (which I haven’t forgotten).

So first things first: the bootcamp.

The bootcamp was led by a guy who teaches something similar to the LDM. It’s direct, it’s done during the day and it ends with asking for contact details. What seems to be clear is that daygame coaches are very dogmatic about the question of what’s the best hour of the clock to stop a girl at. Tom Torero preaches 12 o’clock; this guy was insisting on 11 (or 1 o’clock if you’re going from the right). I haven’t made up my mind about this seemingly unimportant question yet but on Monday 2 out of the 3 girls I approached didn’t stop (more on that in a later post) and since I started doing daygame 2 months ago, it only happened to me once that I couldn’t stop a girl.

The bootcamp was held at a holiday resort and it was 4 days long. The first day consisted of 8 hours of classroom style learning. We learned a variation of the LDM and as there were only 10 students, we were given the chance to practice the stop and the subsequent phases of daygame on a flesh and blood human female who happened to be, no less, the instructor’s girlfriend.

We were also given feedback on our performance and I was very surprised to hear mine. The instructor, his girlfriend and the other instructor (a handsome young man) all said that I was the best looking guy in the group. They praised me for being “jacked” and they said that my outfit, my accessories and my grooming were all spot on. The instructor also let me know several times during the four days how cool the strap of my Apple Watch was. Needless to say I was very happy to hear all that but I think what I was told wasn’t the whole truth. I think what they really meant was that I was the best looking guy in the group with the unspoken but important caveat of “controlling for my age and - more importantly - for my height”. Anyhow, this tells me that I’m doing well in the looksmaxxing department and that there isn’t much left to do. (Although I have some ideas on how to improve my looks and I will do it in the future.)

They also said that I came across as TOO confident which is the reason why I can get phone numbers but not dates. This is similar to what a girl I approached in the bootcamp said. She said I looked like I was doing this a lot.

We were also practicing mock dates with the female instructor and both she and the other instructor pointed out that I came across as very confident. The girl said that the fact that I was holding strong eye contact all the way through our conversation made me stand out from the other guys.

Another important piece of feedback came from other guys in the group who were watching me talking to girls from a distance. They accused me of using some “secret stuff” that I’m not telling them because they saw the girls giggling and their positive body language.

On the second day and also on the days after that, we were given assignments to complete. We were split into two groups: beginners and intermediates. I was assigned to the intermediate group. The first one to complete all the assignments was to win a bottle of wine with the caveat that the girls must be at least sixes, otherwise the wine would be a cheap one.

I’ve been posting recently about the fact that I pussy out quite often. In light of this, it came to me as a rather big surprise that I successfully completed some of the most difficult items on the list. One of the assignments was that we had to approach a mother-daughter set. Not only did I jump in without the slightest amount of hesitation but I could actually number close the girl and take her out on a date later that day! Also surprising was the fact that her mother was actively helping me with the pickup rather than doing everything in her power to sabotage my efforts. I organized the date for the same evening which didn’t go particularly well but wasn’t bad either.

I also opened a two-set and a four-set and even though I couldn’t number close either (and it wasn’t part of the assignment), one of the girls in the four-set looked like she was quite a bit into me. I think she wanted to give me her contact details but she didn’t want to look like a whore in front of her friends.

I also helped out one of the guys in the intermediate group who ran into a Swedish girl. His problem was that he didn’t speak English. Even though the girl was waaaay taller than me, she seemed to be happy about the attention she was getting.

And then there was the girl who were there with her sister and her boyfriend (her sister’s not hers). I thought she was alone and I wheel of fortuned ahead of her but it turned out that she was in a mixed group of 3. I was very surprised by the fact that I remained calm and collected throughout and I asked the man of the group for permission to talk to the girl for a few minutes which he gave me. Again, the girl said and also communicated through her body language that she was very happy with the fact that I was hitting on her. Unfortunately, she lives far from where I live and they would leave the holiday resort the next day.

The most interesting fellow student in the bootcamp was a guy who was almost entirely deaf. He had difficulty speaking and when he’s talking to someone he needs to see their mouth to be able to “read” their words. In spite of his disability, he was having no problem with women. He said he had been dating both deaf girls and girls with normal hearing and that he hadn’t had much difficulty finding women to date. I also overheard a conversation between him and one of the instructors where the instructor was telling him that he should have escalated harder on a girl who had been “crazy about him” in a party the night before. It’s such an inspiration to see guys like him succeed.

There was also one guy who scored during these 4 days but he was a very good looking and charismatic young man who was invited by the girls he was talking to to go “swim naked” with them in the lake later in the evening. After this guy, I came closest to scoring by taking out a girl on a date and escalating successfully to kissing. As far as I know there was only one other guy who took out a girl for a date and perhaps another one who could get contact details. I also remember one dude who approached only 1 girl during the 4 days.

All in all, the bootcamp was a great experience because I could learn some new things about myself but also because the assignments were like a mini AA program. I now better understand the importance of emotional state when doing the approaches and I will try to manage it consciously from now on every time I go out. I also had a chance to meet some cool guys who live nearby and I hope I will be able to go out and grow together with them. The bootcamp was also a lot of fun - if for no other reason then for stuffing shitloads of pancakes filled with chocoa in my face.

One last thing for this post: as I was coming back from yesterday’s idate (yes, idate - more on that in another later post) I saw the angry feminist on the underground. We both noticed each other and she was making the same kind of bitter facial expression as she had been when I was hitting on her. Other than being scared of her, I think, on some level, I also feel sorry for her. It must be awful to be angry at the opposite sex as a whole.
Monday was a pretty shitty day in terms of daygame results. Here’s what happened:

Girl 1:

She didn’t stop. I’m not sure if it was because I stopped her at 11 o’clock instead of 12 or because I hadn’t shaved before I went out. Maybe it was because she didn’t speak my language or a combination of all these but it doesn’t happen very often so I was quite surprised.

Girl 2:

I was even more surprised when the very same thing happened the second time in a row. A girl from another country not stopping! What the fuck is going on today?

Girl 3:

By this time I got pretty pissed at myself. I was also impatient to go to the gym because on Monday the last time I worked out was on Wednesday the week before.

So my emotional state was like shit when I opened the third girl who was wearing these big ANC earphones. She almost didn’t stop but eventually she did and I delivered my stuff with terrible non-verbal communication. I was talking fast and the fact that there were many people around me made my performance even worse.

She thanked me for my compliment and being fully aware of my shitty performance I ejected and rushed straight to the gym where I experienced 50 minutes of blissful happiness.


I changed my weekly schedule a bit so I will be going out to meet girls on Monday and Tuesday from this week on.

Girl 1:

It seems like, this week, life’s only throwing foreign girls in my way. I was waiting for the green light to cross the street when a girl with red hair appeared next to me. She was probably in her late 20s. When we got to the other side of the street, I got ahead of her. She didn’t speak my language and judging from her accent she was most likely Russian or Ukrainian. She said her English was “so-so”, so even though she was smiling when I delivered my compliment, I decided to politely eject.

Girl 2:

I was exiting the underground when I saw two girls who could be approached. I was hesitating for a bit but then I decided to go for the one that was on the move because the other girl was probably waiting for someone and I didn’t want to deal with a potential cockblock.

The girl of my choosing was upstairs in the tram stop already by the time I caught up. There was no need to stop her, so I just walked up and delivered my usual stuff.

I also learned a technique in the bootcamp which I’m experimenting with right now: after the compliment, I say in a twisted, playful, light-hearted way that I was thinking about all kinds of terrible things that might happen to me if I compliment her. E.g.: “I wasn’t entirely sure that complimenting you was going to be a good idea because I was thinking to myself that you might pepper spray me or something.” I have used this routine a few times now and the result was laughter every single time.

So the girl was laughing and I was about to start stacking when a cockblock of a kind I hadn’t thought of appeared out of the blue: her tram. She said she was going to board it and not having any better idea I just wished her a nice day and let her go.

Girl 3:

This approach ended in an idate, which went really, really, really well (at least that’s how I see it). After the date she disappeared though and I want to write a detailed post about it and ask some of the experienced daygamers in the forum for analysis to help me figure out what went wrong.
OK, so here’s my instant date I had on Tuesday and I’d really love some feedback from the daygame chads on this forum (like pancakemouse, september or Manganiello to name just a few).

So here we go: I was doing my second daygame session of the week and I was walking down a street that’s not very well known but has lots of coffee shops and restaurants on both sides and there’s decent volume. There are also no chuggers or muggers, so it seems like the perfect place to do daygame.


I was walking down this street when I saw a cute asian girl coming. She was in her early 20s. I’m a bit afraid of Chinese women because they tend to respond quite negatively. Based on her looks, however, my hunch was that she wasn’t born and raised in China, so after she walked past me (and a bit of hesitation) I decided to take action and I stopped her with a perfectly executed Tom Torero style wheel of fortune. I was doing the cheeky smirk and I was holding strong eye-contact. I also tried to appear as non-threatening as possible because the girl was tiny (she could be about 5’2’’). I also kept a somewhat bigger distance than normal.


My complement wasn’t specific to her - I just said she looked really nice and I had to come over and say hi. I also used the new routine I learned in the bootcamp: after the compliment I said in a playful tone that I was worried about being pepper sprayed because I’m just a random guy chatting her up. I got the reaction I get every time: laughter.


I continued with making observations aimed at trying to figure out where she was from based on her accent and her looks and she said she was ethnically Chinese but she was born and raised in France. And that was all the work I needed to do to reach the hook point because at this point she asked me where I was from. Replying that I was local seemed to have brought out her disagreeable side: she pointed out that locals were “not very friendly” which I had to vehemently agree with.

At this point she sat down on the edge of a piece of street decoration we were standing next to. I wasn’t sure how to interpret her move but my gut feeling was that she was hooked and she wanted me to stay, so for some reason (which is unclear to even myself) I thought the right move was to introduce myself which I did. After we shook hands, I asked her if it was OK if I sit down too and she said yes.


We went on to talk about learning foreign languages for a few minutes and we also talked about how both of our first names spelled strange. This part of our conversation was a bit bland and serious but when I tried to guess her educational background based on her looks and my first impression of her, the conversation turned more flirtatious. She started to open up and share things about herself.


She also started asking questions about me. I told her a little bit about my educational background and her responses felt like she was trying to be agreeable and seeking rapport. I learned that she was staying for a few months for some kind of an internship role and that she felt a “little lonely”. She said she was an introvert and that she didn’t like partying not because she didn’t like dancing but because she doesn’t like when many people are watching her. (My random thought: perfect wife material.)

My thoughts on my performance so far:

I’m very happy with how I was doing up to this point. I think I’m starting getting the hang of going through the steps of the LDM properly and I’m also less nervous than I used to be. I’m talking lower, slower and in a more authoritative tone but I think I need to slow down even further. There are times when I feel very exited (usually after a positive reaction from a girl) and I want to learn to remain calm and stoic throughout. I’m starting to develop the capacity to “think on my feet” while I’m gaming women and I feel excited about it.

The idate:

My interaction with her so far lasted for about 5-10 minutes and after spending what I thought was enough time building comfort, I said I had a crazy idea and I asked her if she wanted to have a drink with me right there and then.

Much to my surprise, she said yes and we were heading to the nearest coffee shop I could think of. At that time, I felt like I had achieved something and my thoughts started revolving around how I did in the first part. For this reason, we had an uncomfortably long period of silence while we were waiting for our drinks which felt like taking ages.

After about 10 minutes we got our drinks and we sat down at a table outside. Somehow our conversation returned to the topic of languages and, for some reason, she wanted to test my French (I learned some French in high school but I don’t speak it). She said she wanted to see how good my grammar was. It was probably a shit test which I didn’t realize at the time but I responded instinctively by twisting the situation a bit and saying playfully that she was behaving like a strict French teacher. Unfortunately, I ended up taking her request seriously and I said two very simple sentences in French. She replied “very good” (horrible frame, I know) and then we changed the subject and talked about the places I visited in France. As the only time I was in France was with my ex-girlfriend, we got to the classic “do you have a girlfriend” shit test which, again, I didn’t recognize as such and I gave her a straight answer.

She was also investing in the conversation by asking a lot of questions about me. I answered all of them dutifully forgetting about the wisdom that a woman’s imagination is my best friend. Luckily, I didn’t forget about reminding her that this is a man-to-woman interaction by letting her know at one point how beautiful I found her long, black, asian hair. Curiously, she reacted by asking me if I would consider moving to another country which I don’t get at all because the LDM is supposed to work by appealing to the alpha-fuck side of her hypergamy not the beta-buck side. (Perhaps another frame test?)

Throughout the date, she told me about many foods and drinks she disliked. I think this was a manifestation of what Tom Torero calls “princess behavior”. At one point she said she hated the two things I was having: coffee and sparkling water but then she asked me if I lived nearby. I also remember her asking another question about my logistics earlier when we were in the street. She asked me if I had to work later that day when I got home.

She also complimented me during the date: she said that I looked “sporty” and that I looked like a guy who had goals. Later on, just to make sure that I didn’t end up in the friend zone, I made an explicit statement that I wasn’t talking to her in a friend-to-friend way but rather in a man-to-woman way. She replied by saying that I was “attractive” and she asked me if it ever happens that girls hit on me in parties. I replied that Eastern European girls tend to be more conservative than Western European or North American ones and that girls don’t do that.

I also ran into the classic shit test of “do you approach girls often?” This time I recognized this question for what it was and I decided to give an agree and amplify kind of answer and said that she was the 11. girl I had hit on that day. I also added in a playful tone that my calendar was full of dates but because I liked her I could try to squeeze her in for the day after. At this point she abruptly ended the date by saying she had to do a report for her boss. I took her phone number nonetheless and I sent her a feeler on the same day and a photo ping 2 days later but she didn’t reply.

I don’t know what went wrong although I do have some theories ranging from sounding like an incel to sounding like a complete narcissist douchebag.

My thoughts on the date part:

The mistakes I made during the date:
- Becoming overly excited about her IOIs
- Too many filler words when I speak in English
- Talking too fast
- Not being able to recognize shit tests real-time

So, once again, I could really use some feedback here from anyone who knows what the fuck he’s talking about when it comes to daygame.
Giving a girl a compliment is not (necessarily) man-to-woman.

Man to woman is sexualizing, disqualifying, and touching.

You never left the friend zone. This was a lonely girl looking for attention and you didn't do enough to break the frame.
pancakemouse said:
Giving a girl a compliment is not (necessarily) man-to-woman.

Man to woman is sexualizing, disqualifying, and touching.

You never left the friend zone. This was a lonely girl looking for attention and you didn't do enough to break the frame.

Thanks, I really appreciate the insight!

I would never have figured it out on my own that I was in the friend zone all along. I thought that the stop, the compliment, the eye contact and talking slow were masculine enough.

I remember you sending me a blog post you wrote on finding a therapist. I still believe therapy is bs (I share Tom Torero’s view on this subject that daygame is the best therapy). But do you have a blog post on any of the subjects you mentioned above like disqualifying, breaking the frame etc. especially during the first part of seduction (when you have just chatted her up in the street)?

Do you have a daygame coach you hold in high regard?
ldoser said:
pancakemouse said:
Giving a girl a compliment is not (necessarily) man-to-woman.

Man to woman is sexualizing, disqualifying, and touching.

You never left the friend zone. This was a lonely girl looking for attention and you didn't do enough to break the frame.

Thanks, I really appreciate the insight!

I would never have figured it out on my own that I was in the friend zone all along. I thought that the stop, the compliment, the eye contact and talking slow were masculine enough.

I remember you sending me a blog post you wrote on finding a therapist. I still believe therapy is bs (I share Tom Torero’s view on this subject that daygame is the best therapy). But do you have a blog post on any of the subjects you mentioned above like disqualifying, breaking the frame etc. especially during the first part of seduction (when you have just chatted her up in the street)?

Do you have a daygame coach you hold in high regard?

You've got to be kidding me. After Tom's suicide, several of his contemporaries revealed they'd been trying to convince him to seek professional help for years.

Because of his refusal to do so, he's six feet under.

You think these girls care about your trauma? Game isn't therapy. It is a supplement for therapy. It's a sandbox where you have unlimited tries to explore your own holograms as it relates to the opposite sex. But if you are a broken shell of a man, Game will not fix you on it's own.

ldoser said:
But do you have a blog post on any of the subjects you mentioned above like disqualifying, breaking the frame etc. especially during the first part of seduction (when you have just chatted her up in the street)?

Do you have a daygame coach you hold in high regard?

I don't have any quick resources handy. I learned these all in the field and from mentors.
pancakemouse said:
You've got to be kidding me. After Tom's suicide, several of his contemporaries revealed they'd been trying to convince him to seek professional help for years.

I may be ignorant of some important facts here but that feminist bitch who led a smear campaign against him also might have had something to do with his tragic death. Also, if I’m getting the facts right, his payment processing account and his website were taken away from him in an attempt to make it impossible for him to make a living.

So in light of this, even though I'm fully aware of the psychological damage that single mothers (and domineering mothers single or not) can cause to their children and especially to boys, I find it less plausible that after the cancellation, it was trauma rather than the cancellation itself that was the most important cause of his decision to end his life.

pancakemouse said:
You think these girls care about your trauma?

No, of course, they don’t. Women don’t give a shit about men’s struggles. They just wait at the finish line and pick the winners. Female nature 101.

Anyhow, I’m really grateful for your insight about my idate and rather than spending more time thinking about this sad topic, I will focus on my Slight Edge disciplines and go out and talk to girls.