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Road to Game Competency

So sad about Uncle Tom.

It is sad he is not in this world.


We as men must do better for each other.

I would take Pancake's advise about therapy serious man.

This game, is brutal as it is.

Life is short pretty much bro.

Better to go through it light in your being.

Brother_Tucker said:
Hey there, I read the whole log and I have some thoughts.

You seem to have the same problems of running out of things to say, or worrying that a random person will interrupt your set or worrying about a 12 vs 2 stop.

Before I dive into that, I need to point out the elephant in your room: You come across as a day game nerd . Pick up is ideally training wheels to get you to the point of where you can talk to girls. You don't need to take it too seriously. When I saw you writing about an assumption of a girl ovulating, I can only imagine any girl hearing your inner thoughts drying the fuck up. This may just be how you're reports come across, but it sounds like you are overly gamey and don't know what to do if any interaction goes off script. You also have a lot of ego investment on positive responses. Any girl that spoke to you was hot, any girl that was rude or non receptive was not attractive or a hippy. This tells me why your days are taking too long; you're being overly picky when you haven't had one date yet. Don't get me wrong, you don't have talk to girls that are a hell no. But I'd be interested in you sharing 3 pictures of girls that would be your 10, 3 of your 7 and 3 of your 5.

Putting on my Dr Phil hat, all of your problems seem to come from a place where you don't think your good enough as you are. You seem to count the number of IODs and exit sets because you have written the interaction off based on an imaginary score board. If you lack the confidence to think you're attractive, why would any random girl on the street want to suck your dick? If you don't even think highly enough of the only person in the world that wipes your own ass every day and doesn't complain, why would a stranger? If I were you, I'd start treating that guy with the respect he deserves. The pc principles and all the other woke nonsense people that you worry about; If they ever speak to you, just ask "are you paying my bills?" When they say anything other than yes, all you have to say is then I don't give a fuck what you think and walk away. You don't owe people shit, just remember that goes both ways.

My problem with this is that you have spent too much time reading techniques and are punishing yourself that you don't follow the script exactly. You just need the basic frame work: opener, display value, vibe, close. You also need to widen your net. Stop only focusing on the girls that you think we will pat you on the back for. We are random people on the Internet and a bunch of us lie about how we are doing to impress other random people on the Internet. Talk to more girls, not just the hot ones. You want to get a single girl onto a date, but before that you need to figure out who you are and why you don't think that guy deserves some pussy. Based on your interactions so far, I cant imagine you getting through a 1 hour date of conversation.

I really want to put this in perspective, as long as you're fun and confident, girls will find you attractive. I'm going to a larp event this weekend, yes the kind where you dress up as medieval characters and play grown up make believe with 4000 other people. There are a ton of hot girls (surprisingly a large number of onlyfans models) that go to these things because its fun. I will be dressed as a forest dwelling asshole selling cookies I brought from the store for fake money to drink in player ran bars and I will have loads of girls flirting with me. We aren't even talking about any real world stuff, we are making it up and they will be dressed like princesses from game of thrones. If anyone reading this thinks omg this guy is super lame, try and tell me with a straight face that you would not blow your load to a girl saying "take me my lord" as she drops her dress to the ground. Knowing pick up helps, but most of it comes from the confidence that I'm fucking awesome and there are plenty of girls that would like to find that out privately. Even in the nerdyist possible environment where people get drunk on home brewed alcohol beat the shit out each other with foam swords, I can get laid if I want to. In case anyone reading this wonders what I look like doing this:


So first things first, share photos of girls you rate as a 10, a 7 and a 5. Steal them off of Google or IG or whatever. The point is I want to know what your standards are before going any further.

TLDR, stop being a pick up nerd, stop hating who you are and be less picky until you start getting successful.

Alright, thanks again for your post, Tucker!

I can give you a better sense of my standards with girls in a different way.

What filters out the most women in my case is that I’m only approaching girls who are shorter than me. I can’t give you exact percentages but my hunch is that it filters out at least half of all women.

The second biggest contributor to my long sessions is probably the fact that I’m not approaching many girls who don’t look at least a little bit friendly or the ones where there are many people, especially men, within earshot. That cuts the number of women I could potentially approach again in half (or almost in half).

The third biggest filter is my age preference: I rarely approach women under 20 or above 30. This is only partially a preference even though it is my preferred age range. It also has to do with my observation that a woman’s age and how well they respond to me are inversely correlated.

And then there’s the problem that for every girl I approach there is at least another girl where the situation is absolutely ideal and I still pussy out. I hate it when this happens and I’m trying to improve in this area.

Other than my height and age preferences, I’m not very picky (or at least I don’t think I am):

My 9s and 10s are the most attractive 20% of 20-25 yo girls who are also shorter than me.

My 7s and 8s are the most attractive half of 20-25 yo girls who are also shorter than me except the 9s and 10s. This plus the most attractive 20% of 25-30 yo girls who are also shorter than me.

My 6s are the most attractive half of 20-30 yo girls who are also shorter than me and are not 7s, 8s, 9s or 10s.

What specifically constitutes “attractive” to me has no bearing on the duration of my sessions because it’s not that I don’t approach X or Y woman that makes my sessions long but the overall number of women I don’t approach regardless of whether they are Xs or Ys.

I don’t approach below 6. This is again only partially a preference. Here, too, I have noticed that the hotter the girl, the more success I seem to have. (And I’m not sure what’s behind this counterintuitive phenomenon although I have some ideas.)

One more thing that filters out some women are my red flags:
- Blue or purple hair
- Hardcore hippy looks
- Smoker

Basically my issue here is that I really dislike the radical left wing types and I also really don’t like kissing with an ashtray.

And one more minor thing: I don’t approach Chinese women who look like they were born and raised in China. They live in quite closed communities and they really don’t seem to want my attention. I do approach Chinese girls though who seem to be born and raised outside China.

Your elephant in the room observation: touché. You also made me laugh hard. What you might find surprising is that I don’t mind this label at all as long as I don’t come across this way to the women I’m gaming. If I do, my game is shit. I want to learn formal game (now I’m focusing on Tom Torero’s method) and before I can say that I’m happy with how I can actually do it (independently of the results it’s getting me) I don’t even want to think about getting rid of the training wheels. I want to take it seriously and I will take it seriously.

My thoughts on my results so far: so far, I’m cautiously optimistic because it seems like I’m making slow progress. I’m not sure if it’s real or due to chance alone - I need a few more months to be able to say anything on my progress with some degree of certainty. And that’s really all I’m looking for in the short term beyond, of course, making going out regularly to talk to girls a weekly habit that I can sustain in the long term. Once I can demonstrate to myself that I can make progress in this area no matter how slow it is and that I can handle the rejections, I will start thinking about increasing volume (which is ridiculously small for now, I know).

I couldn’t agree with you more on your remark about telling girls about their hormonal cycle and I don’t do that. Explaining girls Game is not good game. I also know that logic is generally a turn-off for women. However, it’s important to be aware of what role hormones play in women’s mating behavior because the girl that’s ovulating is not the same girl that’s right before menstruating in terms of how they FEEL. I think every man should read the book Hormonal from prof. dr. Martie Haselton of UCLA.

Your observation of me having a lot of ego investment on positive responses is also accurate and the reason for that is that for most men, even for men in the upper 20%, most girls will be no-girls. And for no-girls, I want to make my approaches as quick and as smooth as possible.

Your statement that I don’t think I’m good enough as I am is true in some sense. I don’t think I’m good enough for women because women reject me after a lifetime of self-improvement. If I had no problem getting girls into my bedroom, I would think the opposite. Similarly, I DO think I’m good enough to hold a high paying job because I have repeatedly demonstrated throughout my life that I can get high paying jobs. If, after a lifetime of self-improvement, I would still be working in a McDonalds, I would think that I’m not good enough for high paying jobs.

I also understand the reason why you made this statement: women are attracted to self-confidence which makes perfect sense from an evolutionary perspective because self-confidence is a hard to fake signal of fitness in men. The only problem with self-confidence is that it is hard to fake and it’s only growing slowly as you develop competence in the area where you lack confidence. And that’s exactly what I’m trying to do: develop competence in daygame.
You can post pictures of random ig girls to show your standards. It's hard to tell from text
good job replying though
The attractiveness of women he approaches is of little relevance to his (lack of) results. Leave it.

This is the only thing that matters, quoted from my first post in the thread:
pancakemouse said:
Your post mentions a history of trauma and current state of constant negativity. It is all but guaranteed that this is coming out in your interactions with women, and if this is missing, progress will nearly be zero.

Read Yohami on this.

I don't care how much you "practice daygame", girls will not fuck you if you're broken. Maybe, once in a blue moon, you will stumble on another broken girl, or you will get lucky. But it will not be consistent.

So either you're practicing daygame to improve your inner game (takes forever), or you do it another way, or both.
pancakemouse said:
The attractiveness of women he approaches is of little relevance to his (lack of) results. Leave it.

This is the only thing that matters, quoted from my first post in the thread:
pancakemouse said:
Your post mentions a history of trauma and current state of constant negativity. It is all but guaranteed that this is coming out in your interactions with women, and if this is missing, progress will nearly be zero.

Read Yohami on this.

I don't care how much you "practice daygame", girls will not fuck you if you're broken. Maybe, once in a blue moon, you will stumble on another broken girl, or you will get lucky. But it will not be consistent.

So either you're practicing daygame to improve your inner game (takes forever), or you do it another way, or both.

+7 on what pancakemouse is saying. We're not hating on you, everyone here is here to get better and better ourselves.
This week on Monday and Tuesday, my state when I went out was much worse than usual which surprise, surprise resulted in much worse responses from girls than usual.

I will go out later today with one of the guys from the bootcamp to do daygame. I hope today I’ll be better able to manage my state.

So, the girls:


Girl 1:

Hot gym girl in her early 20s. She didn’t stop. She said she was in a hurry. I don’t know why girls started not stopping recently but I don’t like it at all. I don’t think it’s due to chance (alone).

Girl 2:

She could be in her late 20s, her appearance was quite posh. She was polite but based on her non-verbal communication she was clearly a no-girl. Not seeing any hope of reaching the hook point, I ejected during the stacking.

Girl 3:

Cute girl, could be about 20. I didn’t need to stop her because she was waiting for the train. I walked up and as I was delivering my pre-opener, she looked at me and she walked away with a disgusted facial expression. Ouch.


Girl 1:

Another posh girl in her late 20s. She was dressed almost all in black and she was a little taller than me. My delivery was terrible. I think I came across as very unconfident, being very apologetic about stopping and complimenting her. As she didn’t give me anything during stacking which I could use to move on to the vibing phase, I wished her a nice day and walked away.

Girl 2:

This was a cute girl, about 25. She was quite short (could be 5’2) and she was wearing very bright colors. Wheel of fortune, compliment and positive reaction. She was giggling but it turned out she had just come back from her honey moon. I had a short chat with her after which I wished her a nice day and left. This was again an approach where I’m really not happy with my delivery. I got overly excited after her positive response and it was obvious in my vocal tone.

Girl 3:

This girl was somewhat overweight but she was in her early 20s and again definitely shorter than me. First, I wasn’t sure if I should turn around as she walked past me but then I decided to go for it. This was my best delivery this week and I’m actually semi-happy with it. The stop was a little weak but I didn’t say any unnecessary shit and I was talking much slower than usual. Her response was stone cold though: no smile, one word answers - clearly a no-girl. After this had become crystal clear, I wished her a nice day and left.


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