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Rottweilers' Log

Dec 21, 2021
Hello, I'm Raph, welcome to my Log
I have been here a while now, and I wanted to start a log to have accountability, (i.e. Guilt-tripping my ego into accomplishing goals).

Goals 2022:
1. Build my body (From 20% Body fat to 15%)
2. Finish College (5th-year Architecture)
3. Make a lifelong friend
4. Have an FWB relationship with a High-quality woman

Some cool things to do, Because 365 days is quite a long time:
1. Stop trying to kill myself/ Have better mental health (Long term Goal)
2. Learn to play more songs on the guitar (2/30) * Currently the alphabet & twinkle twinkle little star*
3. Jumpstart my youtube animated channel
4. Wall Climbing
5. Learn Japanese, Spanish, and German Languages (currently at the basics on all three)
6. Teach an online course about animation using animation (I just thought of that *mind blown*)
7. Stop watching porn (also a long term goal)
8. Design and Build my home gym (In need of some gym rings, maybe a bench, and weight rack)
9. Build a new and affordable wardrobe

With all this and also having a focused mindset, I believe that my goals are possible. I like to think that I'm doing this to make my parents proud, and so that I'm set for life when I reach my 30s or 40s. I also hope to help people along the way like Andy and Radical
What are the action that u took already and what actions are u putting in place to attain your goals
Ey Bro, ovnidos
for goal #1
-Tracking my calories (App: myfitnesspal), eating less than 2000 calories
-Spending 1-2 hours 5 days a week. to work out at home, lifting weights and body weight
-For rest days, cardio (Boxing)

for goal #2
-I am Preparing my thesis, my defense is on February 8. Wish me luck
-Finding a mentor

for goal #3 & #4
- I have no clue... I have read "How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie"

the secondary goals, are just to make my mind busy...
I use some apps like duolingo, and youcisian.
I also listen to audiobooks on youtube if can't buy/ afford the books
Last month I met a girl who tried to sell me insurance last month, and I made a move and told her that she was cute, to which she replied with a witty response of her own, It was the first time I spontaneously flirted and got a response, I was very proud of myself at that moment. But knowing that I could not afford the insurance that she was selling, I kinda felt guilty and stopped talking to her, our last conversation was when I greeted her with a Happy New year... now some time has passed and I don't know how she'll react if I get in touch again for a cup of coffee.

I had been on dating apps and after being tricked three separate times by fake accounts I just gave up on these apps entirely. But this time I had an actual conversation and I don't know if she even wants to see me again.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Last month I met a girl who tried to sell me insurance last month, and I made a move and told her that she was cute

Good job! I also started here. Just keep complimenting girls if you feel like they're cute, and keep doing that until you're comfortable for more daring stuff.

Lonely_Rottweiler said:
now some time has passed and I don't know how she'll react if I get in touch again for a cup of coffee.

Unless you want to become good platonic friends with her (which I really don't recommend if you just met & haven't fucked at all), just let it go & forget her. Though if you want to leave her a little better than she was, you can give her some insurance lead referrals if you feel like it.

Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Tracking my calories (App: myfitnesspal), eating less than 2000 calories

Are you eating the same thing everytime?

Lonely_Rottweiler said:
I am Preparing my thesis, my defense is on February 8. Wish me luck

Good luck! I miss being a student.
Thank you SIGMA_1234 , I also feel like I should leave our conversation on a positive note and not mess it up.

About the 2000 calories. I just try to eat less than what used to eat, and just have a rough estimate on the calorie calculator, it's not the best method but I'm learning as I go

Thanks! I honestly need all the luck I can get
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
About the 2000 calories. I just try to eat less than what used to eat, and just have a rough estimate on the calorie calculator, it's not the best method but I'm learning as I go

Honestly, that's a little worrying :oops: Shared something with you in your DMs
Yesterday I lost 2 kilos or 4.4 pounds, lol: but I may have over celebrated by eating going 800 calories more than what I'm supposed to. I'm also having a bad week, so watched way too much porn this past few days. I didn't mean to cope, but my bad habits usually happen when I'm at my lowest.

Side note, do you guys date/ have one-night stands with co-workers? I don't really get the saying "don't shit on where you eat" or something that goes like that.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Side note, do you guys date/ have one-night stands with co-workers? I don't really get the saying "don't shit on where you eat" or something that goes like that.

Never did it with co-workers, but I still suggest against it. The workplace is so pre-dominantly feminine (especially HR), & a single "incident" can not only tank your career but also the company's. Better to look for someone else outside.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Side note, do you guys date/ have one-night stands with co-workers? I don't really get the saying "don't shit on where you eat" or something that goes like that.

Don't shit where you eat. Don't do that please I'm strictly against this, you can get in bigg trouble and make your worklife Hell man.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Side note, do you guys date/ have one-night stands with co-workers? I don't really get the saying "don't shit on where you eat" or something that goes like that.
Hard pass for me. I like to keep my personal and professional lives separate.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
I'm also having a bad week, so watched way too much porn this past few days. I didn't mean to cope, but my bad habits usually happen when I'm at my lowest.
Hey homie. If I may recommend a book I read recently, check out "Hackbook EasyPeasy". It's a quick little book that's helped me out with porn, and I haven't watched in 2 weeks now. I don't even really want to.
Few weeks ago I was watching porn for 10+ hours straight a few times, sometimes even when I was at my remote work job (lol.) If you google the book it it's free online

Lonely_Rottweiler said:
do you guys date/ have one-night stands with co-workers? I don't really get the saying "don't shit on where you eat" or something that goes like that.
I've done this once before, guess I'll play devil's advocate to what the other guys are saying. Yes it'll cause drama and headaches. If you have a serious 9-5 I'd say NO but if it's a less serious temporary job/service industry job it's whatever, who really cares.
Thanks for the advice, brothers! does that also apply if the co-worker is the one pursuing?

something curious happened this past few days guys, After lifting weights and seeing some results I noticed that I kinda grabbed some attention from a group of girls in the mall, I felt proud and I wanted to approach, them but I realized I had my sisters and Aunt with me. So I just held my frame and silently acknowledged them staring at me. even as they went past by I looked behind me and they were still giggling amongst themselves. I felt proud of that moment, although it might be something else that they noticed, but, I try to think positively.
Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Thanks for the advice, brothers! does that also apply if the co-worker is the one pursuing?

Still suggest against it. What if things go sour down the line & the initial positive feelings from the girl turned sour? All of a sudden you have a target on your back just waiting for that girl to pull the trigger.
Self-Evaluation February 2022: (Excuse the poor grammar)

-Losing 2 kilos
-Being able to do 5 more pullups
-Made two new friends in this Forum
-Home gym: Completed
-Learning the difference of "kyuu" and "kyou" in Japanese, (Nine and Today, respectively)
-Noticing women glancing at me? (I could be overthinking it)
-Consistent workouts

-Watching Youtube and porn as my coping mechanism (I'm rereading easy peasy), even if the day wasn't even that bad
-Still can't find a steady money-generating business online
-Even after losing 12 kilos, I still look fat. I look like 20-25% body fat
-I don't do anything interesting
-Bad work ethic. I can't focus on anything
-Still have that "people-pleasing behavior"


Two years ago I just had my heart broken by my first girlfriend and I was binging some romantic comedies I used to watch to criticize how the awkward guy always get the girl, and in the movie Crazy, Stupid Love, there was this line that motivated me to improve my situation, it's when Ryan Gosling's character, Jacob Palmer says "When we're done, this wife of yours, she's gonna rue the day she ever decided to give up on you" and that stuck with me for the longest time.

Anyways, I'm considering taking steroids to improve my physique, but not yet. I need to respect my efforts for the past two years and achieve the level of success I want without shortcuts, It just hurts when I see my efforts not recognized by peers. Another brain fart I had was "if we have green and red flags for dating and long-term relationships, do we have green and red flags for women who can be our potential hookups?", (I'd like to hear some thoughts about this) I gave up milf hunting and just focused on building connections with people.

Do I need a beard?
I have stopped watching porn for 3 days, feels good man

So to remove tension from the woman who took my virginity, ( I can be clingy) I decided to talk to more women like the articles told me, and I met a buxom woman, two years older than me, Now I had a low IQ moment and confessed to her that I usually stare at her breast and that I was sorry for that, she said it was okay but that made thing awkward between us and we have stopped talking after that. I'm still kicking myself for that

And this is less of a log but if you know any asian people, especially the elderly, in western countries, kindly look out for them and tell them that they're safe. Kindly give them some comfort if you can.
Self Evaluation march 2022:

-This month my workouts are consistent, the progress is not as significant but I'm excited to see the results.
-My Thesis is finally moving, we're going somewhere.

-I lost my motivation to grind, without friends, girls, or events to go while completing my thesis, It feels pointless to keep pushing myself

I'm tired of making excuses for everything that I haven't accomplished in my life. but sometimes I can't help to compare myself to other people, especially my batchmates... Damn, I hate Facebook. These past two years I used my bitterness towards my ex as fuel for self-improvement but it doesn't look like it took me anywhere good
Aight time to adjust some goals, This self-improvement shit became personal and I'm tired of sabotaging myself for the sake of comfort, and after reading MakingAComeback logs he inspired me to work harder for my goals.

Every day is a new life to a wise man

Goal #1. Graduate architecture

Finishing in Architecture would provide me the freedom to explore and become independent, help my family, weaponize my profession for better dates and opportunities, and create a better life for my future wife and children.

My Thesis is the only thing that prevents me from graduating, I need to sacrifice 10 hours a day to complete and comply with the comments that are provided by my panelists.

*No YouTube before 5:00 pm, listen to audiobooks instead
*No Self-gratifying activities like video games or watching pornography
*Solve at least 5 of the comments of the panelists a day

Goal#2. Cut 5kg of fat on my body

I already lost 10 kg before and I thought I was the most handsome guy in the room, So after discovering that I was masturbating my ego, I decided that I needed to do more than just lose weight and buy better clothes.

My liver problems will probably not be affecting my metabolism. The plan is to convince my family that meal prepping is healthy while trying to limit my calories to 1700.

*Its probably easier to just buy groceries and meal prep my own food
*MyfitnessPal is downloaded to my phone to record what I eat during a day
*Follow the plan that was shared with me by SIGMA_1234, Thanks SIGMA_1234 !

Goal#3. 5 lays without paying

I only had sex with one woman before, and she was an escort. I want to know the feeling that I deserve connections and relationships without fear, guilt, or monetary exchange. and I want to have sex.

The more I overthink the more that I will be less likely to do it.

*Lose fat by eating less and build muscle by lifting and some calisthenics
*Go outside or get into events and strike up conversations with at least 15 strangers a week, 5 male, and 10 female
*Buy better clothes but not waste a lot of money. the goal is to not look like I'm a million dollars but to be seen as a well-spent one hundred pesos.
*Get a haircut
*Unlearning some negative thoughts about strangers through audiobooks
*Update in this forum for advice

Goal#4. 10 artworks on the internet

An instructor once said to me that my designs will only work in video games. Taking that as a challenge I'll post concept arts of environments and characters for videogames. this will give me a hobby to work on and possibly some income

learn in udemy or any learning platforms

*Just draw,
*Look at any comments as notes
*post here?

This will be the start of my weekly post from now on. Wish me luck