Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

That's the main bummer for the 'rona virus for me, absolutely destroys my gym numbers for a couple of weeks lol.

Other than that, just here to say kudos man. Working hard. Very nice.
Hey it’s wnyhg. I would go to every interview if not just for the experience. I’m sure you understood the cost of living around London, could you have asked for more money using a rent you found and providing info to the company justifying the request? Idk how it’s in the UK.

Here when I opened my mouth they’d offer at least 5 different contracts based on bonus or RVU, partnership and so forth.

Also, as an example, I’m in New York. I flew all the way to the other side of Texas for one measly interview when I was interviewing for residency. I had to stay over in Newark one nite to fly cross country. That visit helped get rid of the lack of confidence and gave me the chutzpah to distinguish myself from the other interviewees at the program where I eventually landed thats affiliated with a really solid hospital.

Experience isn’t everything especially if it’s based on incorrect methodology. Just sayin’. That company will eventually find out, good or bad.

Is it possible to stress yourself and push yourself to the brink of breakdown, yourself in order to increase the threshold at which issues develop? If I were you, I would day game going door to door(but also having my biz card handy), in your city, and going to the gym and learning to cook and asking for more work not for promotion but to push your boundaries of failure until it’s/ they’re fixed? Do you need to see a speech pathologist, If you already haven’t? Will a therapist help prioritize and alleviate some of your previous stressors? I would actually suggest a life coach. But that’s only because I know one who was my junior in high school. He’s written two books, Be the Hero and You’re addicted to you. His name is Noah Blumenthal. These books may help in delineating further how to approach some life situations.

Just my .02 cents.

I’m actually interested in knowing more about anime. I’m looking into BDSM and I’d love to have a foundation of knowledge in anime.

What websites, videos or content creators, books do you recommend for me to learn more about it and some cosplay?
Tuesday 11/04/2023
Gym: Arms
Last day of my holidays. I was feeling a bit restless, so I did some job hunting. I didn’t send out any applications, but I did identify several jobs I was reasonably interested in

Wednesday 12/04/2023
I realised one of the companies I identified is one of my former colleagues who I respect greatly use to work at. I spoke to him about it, and he said he thinks I would be a great cultural fit. With his support, I wrote a new resume for the position. I am just waiting to send it tomorrow, once I have had a chance to double check it

Thursday 13/04/2023
Gym: Legs
Todays session was the first session I have had in a long time where I felt at full strength. I am looking forward pushing hard at my next session too.
Sent off my application for this new role today. I hav no idea how long it will take for them to get back to me, could be weeks or months, so I will start looking for a new job next week whilst I await further news.

Friday 14/04/2023
Went to see a friend after work, no self development activities.

Saturday 14/04/2023
Went to see a friend after work, no self development activities.

Sunday 16/04/2023
Gym: back
I had what felt like my first 100% gym session in over a month. Catching covid really did a number on me.
I have set the target of completing the job application for Pragmatic this week. I plan to be away this weekend again, so I need to aim to have it all done by Friday. That will mean I will have ot get most of it done on Tuesday and Thursday

Monday 17/04/2023
Gym: Push
Another great session. I was feeling physically exhausted after it. I was meaning to do some work on the job application afterwards, but I was feeling very frustrated from work, so I decided to go for a big walk instead. I’ll have to set a target for completing certain parts of the application tomorrow, and make sure I hit it.
Aiming for the ‘1 job application a week’ goal is going to be tough, but I’m going to try and keep at it until the end of June.
HomelessBob said:
That's the main bummer for the 'rona virus for me, absolutely destroys my gym numbers for a couple of weeks lol.

Other than that, just here to say kudos man. Working hard. Very nice.

Thanks man, I'm thankfully back at 100% now. I'm really happy with my progress in the gym, but progress elsewhere in life is fustrating me.
Wnyhg said:
Hey it’s wnyhg. I would go to every interview if not just for the experience. I’m sure you understood the cost of living around London, could you have asked for more money using a rent you found and providing info to the company justifying the request? Idk how it’s in the UK.

Here when I opened my mouth they’d offer at least 5 different contracts based on bonus or RVU, partnership and so forth.

Also, as an example, I’m in New York. I flew all the way to the other side of Texas for one measly interview when I was interviewing for residency. I had to stay over in Newark one nite to fly cross country. That visit helped get rid of the lack of confidence and gave me the chutzpah to distinguish myself from the other interviewees at the program where I eventually landed thats affiliated with a really solid hospital.

Experience isn’t everything especially if it’s based on incorrect methodology. Just sayin’. That company will eventually find out, good or bad.

Is it possible to stress yourself and push yourself to the brink of breakdown, yourself in order to increase the threshold at which issues develop? If I were you, I would day game going door to door(but also having my biz card handy), in your city, and going to the gym and learning to cook and asking for more work not for promotion but to push your boundaries of failure until it’s/ they’re fixed? Do you need to see a speech pathologist, If you already haven’t? Will a therapist help prioritize and alleviate some of your previous stressors? I would actually suggest a life coach. But that’s only because I know one who was my junior in high school. He’s written two books, Be the Hero and You’re addicted to you. His name is Noah Blumenthal. These books may help in delineating further how to approach some life situations.

Just my .02 cents.

I’m actually interested in knowing more about anime. I’m looking into BDSM and I’d love to have a foundation of knowledge in anime.

What websites, videos or content creators, books do you recommend for me to learn more about it and some cosplay?

Hey man, thanks for the work you put into writing such a detailed reply.

I try to go to every interview I can. At late stage interviews, I'm often filled with what I think of as 'can do' energy, so even if I don't get the job, I can walk away feeling very positive. My last rejections was particualry hard however becuase I had 'rona, and I was struggling to seperate feeling shit becuase of the bug, and feeling shit because of the virus.

You are right about the trying to do too much stuff at once problem. The job hunt is 100% my priority right now. I should probebly go to the gym less, and spend more time working on the hunt, but the gym has become rather addicitve, and a massive part of my mental health.
Tuesday 18/04/2023
I spent two hours today preparing for a new job application, however, at the end of the day, I discovered that I have been invited to a meeting with a recruiter I for the company I applied for next week! The meeting if on Friday, I’ll be changing my focus to preparing for this new role

Wednesday 19/04/2023
Gym: legs
Rough day at the gym, spent na hour afterwards preparing for the interview

Thursday 20/04/2023
Spent two hours preparing for tomorrows interview

Friday 21/04/ 2023
Unfortunately, the interview had to be pushed back to Monday next week. I plan to spend most of this week resting and visiting a friend, but I hope to get some revision in on Saturday

Saturday 22/04/2023
I was visiting a friend, so I consider this a rest day.

Sunday 23/04/2023
Gym : Pull
I spent an hour revising today, but my main focus was on recovery still, and getting myself pumped and in a good mind set for tomorrow

Monday 24/04/23
Gym: Push
The interview with the recruiter went very well. She got me incredibly pumped and excited for the role. The first stage of the interviews will be on Friday, and I have planned out my revision and preparation schedule already.

Thoughts: I haven’t felt this pumped for a job application so far this year. I am feeling incredibly positive and motivated about it. I need to make sure I put the time into the preparation and planning for the upcoming interviews.
Monday 24/04/23
Gym: Push
The interview with the recruiter went very well. She got me incredibly pumped and excited for the role. The first stage of the interviews will be on Friday, and I have planned out my revision and preparation schedule already.

Thoughts: I haven’t felt this pumped for a job application so far this year. I am feeling incredibly positive and motivated about it. I need to make sure I put the time into the preparation and planning for the upcoming interviews.

Tuesday 25/04/23
Gym : Legs
Spent two hours preparing for the interview after work
Wednesday 26/04/23
Spent one hours preparing for the interview after work

Thursday 27/04/23
Rest day
I took is easy after work today

Gym: Pull
Booked the day off from work for this morning interview. The interview went really well. I thought I performed really well, but I did forget the STAR method a few times during the interview. The interviewer stated he very much enjoyed chatting to me, so I’m expecting to be invited back to a second stage interview soon.
As I was walking back from the gym, I got a phone call form an agent I spoke too a month previously, who has managed to get me a interview lined up for a upcoming role at one of my target companies. The interview is next Thursday, so I’ll be spending this weekend preparing for it.

Saturday 29/04/23
Gym: Push
I tried nto sneak an hours prep in, but it didn’t go well.

Sunday 30/04/23
Gym Legs
Again, I tried not do some revision, but my mind just could not focus. As determined as a Iam, I think I might be a little burnt out with all the revision.

Monday 01/05/23
Gym: Pull
Spent two hours revising this morning. I’ve ticked off all ‘must do’s’ on my list. I was able to focus much better in the morning then when I try to do it after the gym at the weekend. All that is needed now is to practise speaking my answers, and doing any more research and prep that crosses my mind.

Having two job interviews side by side has me feeling very optimistic. Moving forward, I need to make sure I plan my time carefully, and give both applications my best attempt. I can’t prepare for when there is someone better than me applying, but I can be prepared to make sure I show them how serious and enthusiastic I am.
If I am able to land one of these jobs, it will be a major mile stone in what I want to achieve.
Monday 15/10/23
I spent several hours after work preparing for the upcoming interview.

Tuesday 16/10/23
I spent a few hours at work actually preparing my presentation. I am feeling much more prepared now.

Wednesday 17/10/23
Gym: Push
I read through my notes and practised my presentation after work.

Thursday 18/10/23
Got my hair cut after work. Read through my notes and practised my presentation. I largely relaxed today.

Friday 19/10/23
Big and final interview! Despite my anticipation, I was very excited for it.
I feel I did very well. I could have been more relaxed at time, and remembered the STAR method of answering questions.
I don’t think there was anything I could have done differently in the run up to it to prepare.
I felt like I made a very good connection with the interviewers and the team members I got to meet. They said they have three places going, and if I recall correctly, four candidates, so I am feeling very positive about this role. Just have to wait two weeks to hear back from them.

Saturday 20/05/2023
Gym Legs
I woke up today feeling the greatest I have in a couple of weeks It felt so good have the tension of the interviews lifted from my shoulders
I went ot the gym after breakfast and hit some new personal bests. Two sets of 100kg x 10 squats, and more reps on the 200 kg leg press, so I was very happy with the progress.
Around midday, I started to feel tired, so I began taking it a little easy

Sunday 21/04/05
Gym: Pull
Not a great day at the gym today. I couldn’t get many reps in. I feel I have definitely caught something. I decide to just enjoy the day off any not worry anything after 4 weeks of interviews.

Monday 22/05/23
Rest day.
I just chilled after work. I’m in a good place mentally, but I am feeling physically run down. I can not tell if it’s a bug, or just finally being free of all the stress and anxiety of the itnerviews.

Thoughts and opinions
I am very glad that the weight of the jobs interviews is finally off my shoulders. Doing two at a time isn’t ideal, but I would prefer two companies over one being interested in me.
On reflection, I am not sure what I would have done differently over the last two weeks. I am very pleased with the effort and dedication I put into myself in working towards applying for these roles. My energy in the last week dipped significantly, but I think that might have just been stress and exhaustion.
I’m expecting to hear back from them all within the next two weeks, so I don’t plan to do any more job hunting until then, and am instead just going to enjoy my time off in the evenings.
I haven't been keep a diary this week. After four weeks of back to back job interviews to prepare for I've deviced to give myself two weeks break from it whilst I wait to hear back from them. Dairy entries will convene after my birthdday on the 5th of June.

Im the mean time, I have started my summer shred to trim down the body fat in time for the August fesitivals. I'm beginning by completley cutting out the junk food I've been allowing myself recently, and will be looking at reducing my calorie intake further once I hit a weight loss barrier.
It’s been three weeks since my last face to face job interview, and I am still waiting for a reply.

For job I interviewed for first, I dropped the recruiter an e-mail today asking for an update. I’m still trying to remain positive regarding this role, as I have waited much longer in the past to hear back positively from the role.

Regarding the second company I applied for, I contacted the agent last Friday. I was expecting to hear the results then, but unfortunately, one of the candidates has had to push back there interview. Now the date I am expecting to hear back from them is the 12th next week.

I am still going to plan positively, and not start looking for new jobs until I hear back from these ones.
In the meantime, I have some workplace therapy books I want to read, and I’ll be going back to daily updates in my dairy.