Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Spider Jerusalem said:
. 'White men are evil', 'White people are a terrible race', 'You shouldn't make those kind of jokes or say that...' etc
Meanwhile she's enjoying living in one of most free and advanced societies ever created. Created by whom? White men.
Women like this are so far out of touch with reality it's mindblowing.
Olafsmash said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
. 'White men are evil', 'White people are a terrible race', 'You shouldn't make those kind of jokes or say that...' etc
Meanwhile she's enjoying living in one of most free and advanced societies ever created. Created by whom? White men.
Women like this are so far out of touch with reality it's mindblowing.


She's entitled to her opinion, but for me it's just the total hypocrisy of how someone can preach about anti-racism and anti-sexism and then turn round and slag off an entire race and gender in the same breath and still think they have the moral high ground in the argument.

I got no interest in arguing with her or trying to change her mind as it's a complete waste of my time and energy as well as being a pointless pursuit. I just wanted to have sex and enjoy good company, but she wanted to try shoot me down at every turn and be argumentative and make things awkward.

There was however one thing I could and did do: Walk away and choose to spend my time with someone who deserves it.

Thankfully the next 2 girls I've lined up dates with seem feminine and agreeable, so I'll hang with them instead!

Thanks for your input

Spider Jerusalem said:
She's entitled to her opinion, but for me it's just the total hypocrisy of how someone can preach about anti-racism and anti-sexism and then turn round and slag off an entire race and gender in the same breath and still think they have the moral high ground in the argument.
I agree. It's also the fact that she (probably) knows that this type of verbiage hurts the perception of the social causes that she claims to support. Which implies that she cares more about having a ego wank fest than actual social injustice.
Day 177: 05/04/2022 ✅

Retention Messaging 📱 Tinder Burnout 🔥 Condoms

Was hoping to go out today, but it's pissed it down all day. I went out, but much later once the rain died off to pick up my prescription and go to the Chiropractor. Mostly been a day of taking care of chores/pointless bullshit, but needs must 🌧

Retention Messaging 📱

Caught up with Japanese Kitten 🇯🇵 and Italian Pole Dancer 🇮🇹 a little today. Both seem keen for the dates. I've just been keeping in touch enough to keep them interested so they don't drift away and bail on our dates the next few days. I've found that not texting for days before a date can lead to flaking, so I'm just engaging enough to keep them retained and not come off as a thirsty simp. It's all about balance.

Rope Bunny 🪢🐰got in touch today as well. She sent me an unsolicited nude this morning which was nice of her 📷 Taking this as she's still interested and wants me to come Fuck her again. I'll see how I'm fixed for next week, but I could go round hers for an hour or 2 and get laid 👇

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I won't be sticking around too long as I got smoked out last time 💨 👎 and had to wash my clothes when I got home. She says to let me know a day that's best and I can go round earlier as she knocks off work at 12. I'll just go round sooner and leave sooner (12-3) before the rush hour travel. Not many benefits to being off work, but this is one of them and I'm sure gonna take advantage ⬆️

Tinder Burnout 🔥

Think I'm suffering from Tinder Burnout 🔥 I used a couple of boosts over the weekend and had no luck ⚡⚡

The girls I did match with are either miles away, not my type, didn't reply or they just unmatched after my first message 👎 I got 18 Boosts left as I bought a rack of 20 last month to keep banked for when I got back into dating 💵 I don't want to waste these, so I won't be using them for another week or 2. I'll still swipe, but I want to give it time for new girls to join Tinder and take it from there. I always bulk buy boosts and don't want to waste my money if I'm not getting anything out of it 💰 ➡️ 🕳

Feeld sucks too. Everyone is miles away and really entitled. I'll pay passing attention to it, but I'm pretty much decided that I'll delete it once my trial membership period is over. Looks like the girls on there want elite and experienced BDSM guys and the level of entitlement and lists of demands on the profiles showcases that. It's something which I just don't have that level of experience in yet and I don't really have a desire to pursue it currently 🚧


Had a big Condom delivery today. I buy in bulk as it's cheaper and I was running low with my recent escapades on Tinder etc. These Fetherlite ones from Durex are my preferred as they're thin, lubricated and easy to get on. Enough said

Any Other Business

- Filled out some more paperwork for the therapist and sent it off to him in advance of my session tomorrow

- Gave my room another quick clean as things have been piling up

- Had to pick up my antidepressant prescription as they didn't have it in when I was in town a couple days ago. There’s a national shortage of medication at the minute probably due to backwards government policy or big pharma corruption - my money’s on both. Last time some dude in the pharmacy was kicking off as they didn’t have his grandkid’s prescription. My issue was that the doctor hadn’t sent the re-order request despite me ringing up and them saying otherwise. Pain in the ass, but I kept cool and went back today. Good thing as I’m down to my last pill and I’ve heard if I come off them too quick and sudden, they can Fuck with your head. Bad part though is that they only had half of the pills! Gotta go back tomorrow which is a pain in the ass, but it is what it is 💊

- Went to the Chiropractor, so I’m finishing off the day with a sore back 🔙

Thanks for reading 📖

Day 178: 06/04/2022✅

Date Prep 🪒 Height-Increasing Shoes 👟 Therapy

Date Prep 🪒

As I've got 2 dates over the next 2 nights and some free time today, I decided to prep for the dates now. There's a chance I'll be staying over with Japanese Kitten 🇯🇵 tomorrow night and if I get home the next morning, this will save me time organising Saturday's date with the Italian Pole Dancer 🇮🇹

Today I've chosen and ironed my clothes for tomorrow and Saturday's date, Manscaped, packed a bag for tomorrow in case it's an overnight stay and stocked up on condoms 🪒 💼 🎈

Also picked up some chewing gum to keep my breath fresh 👄 Trying to be optimistic about getting laid. Been getting good signals anyway, but I'm not getting my hopes up until she's in my bed 🛌

Japanese Kitten 🇯🇵 is a bit of an emo chick, so tomorrow's date outfit will try and get in line with her vibe a little:

The ‘Rockerboy’ look 🎸🤘

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- Dark Grey Jeans
- White T-Shirt with Design
- Denim Jacket
- Wallet Chain
- Height Increasing Shoes
- White Calvin Klein Boxers (In case I get lucky)
- Black Stud Earring
- Black Bar Pendant Necklace
- Smart Coach belt

Italian Pole Dancer 🇮🇹 I'm meeting at a bar/restaurant, so I'll be dressed a bit classier. Get the feeling she likes to appear classy too:

The Leather 🧥

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- Leather Jacket
- Blue Dress Shirt
- Smart Grey Jeans
- Bar Pendant Necklace
- Black Stud Earring
- White Calvin Klein Boxers (In case I get lucky)
- Smart Coach belt

I'll do the standard shit for both dates too - shower, hair pomade, aftershave etc. Got my beard at a decent-ish length now too. Not scruffy, but not like how it was when I was a teenager either - all misshapen and patchy 🚿 🧼

Height-Increasing Shoes 👟

Italian Pole Dancer 🇮🇹 asked me how tall I am. She seems to have a bit of an obsession over height 📏 I'm guessing the Italian in her likes to have a 'traditional man' who's tall and masculine etc. I've been coming across this way over text and playing into what she likes e.g. not being simpy, not sending nudes, not being afraid to be crass and a little cheeky on occasion 🍑👋

I got some Height-Increasing 👟 I purchased a while back. I wear these on dates sometimes if I think it'll help. Sometimes if the girl isn't someone I'm massively attracted to, I won't bother with wearing them. The next 2 dates though the girls are feminine and quite attractive, so I'll stick these on to give me a bit of a boost. I can also put on my Tinder profile that I'm 6'1 ⬆️

The Height-Increasing Shoes take me from just over 5'10 to just under 6'1, so they definitely give me that Slight Edge.

I wear them the first few dates and then I normally ditch them once we've Fucked. Never had a girl say 'Have you lost some height?' once I've done this anyway 😎

If I don't get any lays this weekend, there's always The Rope Bunny 🪢🐰 as the ‘consolation prize’ 🥉 who I'm probably gonna hit up early next week anyway 👍

Therapy 2

I had Therapy again today. Pretty much addressed what was causing my panic attacks and tried to figure out alternate, more rational explanations for them. Changing the way I think which is typical CBT. I think it went okay and it gave me a lot to think about. I've certainly been a lot better and calmer over the past few weeks, but I believe this is also probably due to the antidepressants kicking in after the initial period. I'll definitely stick with the pills and the therapy combined to see how I get on. I'm getting referred to a different therapist who specialises in anxiety and intensive CBT, so we'll see how that goes. 2 month waiting list for that though. I hate Socialised Healthcare. Private medical insurance is on my list for when I get a new job ⬆️ 💵

Any Other Business

- Helped a friend out with a University assignment. Not really self-improvement for me, but it's like Andy says he's trying to leave the world in a better place than he found it - I'm trying to do the same especially if I can be a good buddy along the way 🤝

Thanks for reading 📖

Adam said:
Good Luck. Those look like solid outfits. Seems like you've got your style pretty nailed down already.


Thanks man - I splashed out some cash during 2020 lockdown and bought a load of clothes online. Got my alternative style locked down and figured out what works for me!

I'll put a post on either later tonight or tomorrow depending on how things go later with the date

Thanks for the support

Day 179: 08/04/2022 ✅

American Cougar in Amsterdam 🐆 Japanese Kitten Date 🇯🇵 Viagra 💊

Posting this one earlier than usual as I'm off for a date later with Japanese Kitten 🇯🇵

An American Cougar in Amsterdam 🐆

So there was this American chick I spent a night with in London about 4 years ago who is a total cougar 🐆 Mentioned her briefly on a previous post on here 📝 I Met her and took her for a drink - she had a few vodkas and took me up to her room where we pretty much Fucked all night 🛌

We kept in touch and we catch up every now and again. Turns out she’s gonna be in Amsterdam in a couple of months on her own now that the COVID bullshit has calmed down 🇳🇱

She goes over to get high and chill for a week or so. She’s asked me what I’m up to and if I want to ‘keep her company’ for the week. I’ve fancied going back to Amsterdam for a while and this will be a hell of a lot cheaper as I’ve just gotta give her something towards the room 💵

It’s gonna be a week of getting high, enjoying the August sun, seeing the sights, good food and humping the Fuck out of her every night 💨 ☀️ 🌃 🍆

She’s made it clear we’ll be sharing a bed and that she'll be 'sleeping naked' every night 💯 I got money saved from the travelling I didn’t do during lockdown, so this could be a fun week indeed. She's blonde, got massive tits and a big ass which I sure enjoyed spanking last time 🍑👋

I'll keep the log updated with any developments on this one 📝

Japanese Kitten Date 🇯🇵

Off for a date with Japanese Kitten tonight 🇯🇵🐈‍⬛ Sent her a confirmation text 📱 which has now become my gold standard practice before a date which I'm hoping will lead to a new lay later. I've Managed to get the logistics planned out quite well. She's pretty much said she wants to meet for a coffee ☕️ to make sure I'm not a 'nutjob' and then she said she's up for spending the night with me 🛌

I came close to biting and booking the room yesterday, but I held off because of what happened last time where I got bailed on and lost 70 Bucks 👎 I also know how chicks can be - they blow hot for you one minute then can just go cold all of a sudden 🥵 🥶 so I'm remaining sceptical until she's actually in my bed 🛌

Plus, she could be a crazy bitch herself - you never know 👀

I've told her once she's happy in the coffee shop, I'll book the room on my phone and we'll head over. I'll give it an hour and say 'You wanna get outta here with me?' If it's a yes, I'll book it 👍 If it's a no, I'll chill for another 20 minutes then leave the date and it's a 30 minute train ride home which is no big deal 🚂 I'll just go for the second date lay from there or I just won't see her again depending on the vibe 😎

I will put an update on either tonight or tomorrow with what happens and keep the log updated with any developments. Hopefully I can get laid tonight, but we'll see how it plays out 📝

Viagra 💊

My Viagra shipment arrived today 💊 Bought a bulk round of 32 Pills for 50 Bucks. I always buy in bulk as it's cheaper with the prescription fees 💵 I buy Sildenafil which isn't brand name Viagra, but it's exactly the same - Pfizer lost the patent back in 2012 and drug companies were allowed to start producing it from 2014 onwards - I always research shit before putting it in my body 🧪

Oh yeah and because Fuck Pfizer with their COVID profiting bullshit 🖕

I don't always need it, but when my depression kicks in or I'm just having a bad day but still wanna get laid to cheer myself up, this does the job 💊 I reckon these will keep me going for a year or 2 before I need to re-order, so I save money in the long run 💊💊💊 💵

Any Other Business

- Picked up the rest of my antidepressants as the pharmacy is on the way to the train station where I'm heading to see Japanese Kitten later. Guess this counts as my dating backup plan 💊

- Dropped off some medical paperwork at the Doctor's office which is right next door to the pharmacy. 2 things done in one trip 🏥

- Cleaned my room. If the date goes to shit, at least I'll come back home to a tidy room to crash in 🧹

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 180: 09/04/2022 ✅

⭐️LAY 6: Chinese Kitten ⭐️ + Date night 🇮🇹

Writing this out now as I'm off on another date later. lay 6 is now in the bag and I'm pretty shocked I've been doing this well lately 💭

⭐️LAY 6: Chinese Kitten 🇨🇳 ⭐

Well guys, I can’t believe it, but I got LAID AGAIN last night 💯

Lay 6 was the Japanese Kitten I’ve been working on but It turns out that she’s actually a Chinese Kitten! 🇨🇳

Read on for the Lay Report ⬇️

So I sent a confirmation text yesterday afternoon 📱 She confirmed to meet, but asked to push back an hour and meet at 7:30 P.M instead of 6:30 P.M.

No big deal and suited me fine as it gave me chance to vacuum my room and do a few chores around the house. Wanted to come back to a clean room in case I got stood up or it didn't play out for whatever reason. Headed up to the train station and took the train into the city 🏙 Rolled in about 7:15 and told her I was there. Waited at our meeting spot and no sign of her at 19:30. Clock hit 19:40 and I was thinking I’ve been stood up, then I saw this 5’2 petite Asian girl with blue and blonde dyed hair walking towards me.

She was the literal definition of cute.

Kissed her on the cheek (which took her by surprise) and we went and grabbed a coffee in the train station🚉 I told her to ‘sit next to me’ (Thanks Andy for this tip) which I think played in my favour as she said she liked being told what to do previously.

Chatted for about an hour and a half and had a coffee ☕️ Talked about work, University, Online dating etc. touched her hair a few times and made her laugh. Eventually said ‘let’s get outta here - come back to my room…’ …and she agreed 💯

Went to a hotel nearby and I bought a room.

Lay Report 📝

Soon as we got into the room, we ended up getting into it. I put her cat ears on that I brought for her (which she loved) and I was patting her head calling her ‘My little kitty cat…’ Kissed her and then we stripped each other off. She had a black lace bra on and a cute burgundy lace thong 👙

Picked her up and put her on the bed (man she was tiny!) and I started kissing and working my way down her body. She was really shy and ended up covering her face with a pillow. Went down on her, then Fucked her prone. Fucked her another 2 times in doggy, legs on shoulders and side-spooning 🍑🍆 She also jacked me off and sucked me whilst I was watching the T.V and playing on my phone 🛌

She was acting like a kitten 🐱 pawing my chest, meowing, purring and she even had me hand-feeding her some snacks we bought at one point! 🍊

She slept in my arms the night and then I Fucked her again this morning before we parted ways 👋

Certainly an interesting and different girl. Had some good conversation with her too. She was telling me she’s had a bit of a rough time with exes including being pregnant and getting cheated on. She works in journalism and told me a few stories which I found interesting as it was something I looked into a while ago 📰

She also told me she doesn’t like dating Chinese guys and prefers white dudes. Found this quite interesting 💭 She said it's because her Chinese is bad and she'd feel embarrassed as it's something that is expected that you know in Chinese culture kinda thing. She told me that at least with dating white guys, the families don't expect you to know any of the language!

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For my own peace of mind, I am stating here now on the record that I used condoms every time we Fucked.

So that’s Lay 6 done. Pretty happy about how it played out. Another first date lay. I usually go for second date lays, but I’ve been seeing the opportunities lately and taking them.

A month ago, I couldn't get out of bed and thought I was dying due to severe anxiety, so what the Fuck have I got to lose?

I took the train back home 🏠 and I’m now getting ready for my date tonight with the Italian Pole Dancer 🇮🇹 ⬇️

Date with Italian Pole Dancer 🇮🇹

Got a date with Italian Pole Dancer today 🇮🇹 Sent her a confirmation text this morning whilst Chinese Kitten 🇨🇳 was tonguing my balls. Lol.

She says she’s all good to meet, so I’ll be seeing her at 6:15 tonight ⏰ Gonna grab a shower now 🚿 get changed into my picked outfit and rest up a little before I head off 🚪

Did a couple chores in between as well, so done a bit of everything today.

I’m not expecting to get laid again tonight, so I’m gonna relax, take it easy and see how it plays out. Not putting any pressure on her though as I’ve got the sense she wants a couple dates with me first ☕

However, if I see an opportunity, I will take it.

I will post an update on here tomorrow night as to how the date goes 📝 Not sure how it’s gonna go, but I’m keeping an open-mind 💭 and trying to be more optimistic about things ☀️

Any Other Business 📝

- Changed my bedsheets for when I get home later amongst a few other house chores

- I’ve realised that my diet lately has completely and utterly gone to shit. Haven’t been feeling well recently stomach-wise, so this is something I need to address and will do very soon

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Wow dude you're on a fucking roll. Keep it up!
Awesome man. You guys all seem to find these really different, openminded chicks.

Btw texting other girls while another girl is blowing you is one of the best feelings in life - swiping on Tinder too.
Holden said:
Btw texting other girls while another girl is blowing you is one of the best feelings in life - swiping on Tinder too.
How tf does one do this without her noticing?
Day 181: 10/04/2022 ✅

Making Out with an Italian Pole Dancer 👄 Tinder Boosting ⚡

So my date with the Italian Pole Dancer went well last night 💯

Didn't go back to hers, but ended up making out with her. To be honest, I was absolutely shattered after my lay with Chinese Kitten the night before, so just meeting this girl tonight in the short space of time was an achievement in itself I think 💭 It’s put me well on the way to getting her into bed judging by how the date went ⬇️

Also did a few Tinder Boosts when I got home which didn't really have great results ⚡⚡

Met up with this Italian girl at 6:30 last night. Fuck me, she was good looking. Black dress, tights, long dark hair, deep brown eyes and makeup on point. She was 5'7 and I stood at 6'1 in my height-increasing shoes which are a Fucking game changer. Worth getting the insoles or even splashing the cash out on the integrated shoes which I've found are comfier 👟

We had a nice meal and just talked about work, life plans, online dating etc. I was teasing and winding her up a lot during the date which was funny. Had her rolling her eyes at me and smirking the whole time e.g:

Her: 'That baby is cute'
Me: 'I've already got someone cute to look at who I've been looking at the whole night *looks straight into her eyes* 👀
Her: 'Oh really?'
Me: 'Oh yes, you see that girl over there in the corner...' *Nods my head in the direction of the other side of the pub*
Her: 😑


She was telling me she thinks it's bad if a girl sleeps with a guy on the first date, so I didn't push it. Just said 'Cool, see you next weekend for coffee'. Outside the pub I ended up making out with her which was pretty hot 👄 Kept teasing her and making her laugh. She said she's up for coffee next week, So I've set up a coffee date with her at 12 P.M on Saturday ☕

I'm willing to wait 3 dates before getting laid with her. Any more than that, I'll write her off and move on. My days of playing SIMP are long over 👎 I'll try go for date 2 for the lay, but I think this girl is gonna need a 3rd date as she's got the idea in her head of a 3 date rule 💭 She made out with me a couple times last night which I'm taking as a very good sign ⬆️

The physical chemistry seems there, I just think she needs to get her head in the right place before I’ll be able to clap them cheeks 🍑👋

Tinder Boost ⚡

Used some Tinder boosts before I went to bed last night ⚡️ and took a look at my results this morning ☀️

Honestly? Quite disappointing. Again, everyone is miles away, not good-looking, not down to Fuck, really cold/unreceptive etc. Tinder has gone a bit shit lately as I mentioned in a previous post. I've been working on Hinge a bit more lately. Bumble is also quite literally dead 💀

Might have to change tactics or figure something out going forward. Bit of a pain in the ass, but what can you do 🤷‍♂️ Had a good run lately and there's a couple of potential prospects who I could make into regular plates, so we'll see what happens 🍽

Any other business

I’m pretty dead after the past couple days, so just gonna take a break today and maybe make some plans 📝 I’ll just do what I feel like doing 😎

Thanks for reading 📖

Squilliam said:
Holden said:
Btw texting other girls while another girl is blowing you is one of the best feelings in life - swiping on Tinder too.
How tf does one do this without her noticing?


I think the idea behind it is that she knows and notices, but you don't care and because she's submissive and subservient to you, she's willing to still go down on you despite that. Some girls like that kind of thing - come across a few in my time!

Spider Jerusalem said:
I'm willing to wait 3 dates before getting laid with her. Any more than that, I'll write her off and move on. My days of playing SIMP are long over I'll try go for date 2 for the lay, but I think this girl is gonna need a 3rd date as she's got the idea in her head of a 3 date rule She made out with me a couple times last night which I'm taking as a very good sign
Atta boy. Get laid or get lost. :)

Only thing I wanna say is, in my experience, making out doesn't necessarily mean you're getting closer to sex. I had a girl ask to come back to my house on a first date without kissing, and a different girl who still wouldn't have sex with me after 3 or 4 dates despite initiaing a makeout on the first. Granted, that girl was a virgin. It's a good sign though.

Pancake himself has said that kissing isn't anything special to him, just another form of physical escalation.

I guess what I'm saying is, I used to think that kissing and sex weren't far off, but women seem to be far more protective of giving up sex vs kissing.

You're doing a great job bro. Keep it up.

Spider Jerusalem said:
I think the idea behind it is that she knows and notices, but you don't care and because she's submissive and subservient to you, she's willing to still go down on you despite that. Some girls like that kind of thing - come across a few in my time!

Lol, I'm not fuckboy enough to imagine myself doing that. I've never been sleeping with multiple girls at once, but even if I was, I've never thought of how to comfortably introduce that topic.

Like, even if she's down for the idea of a threesome, I'm going to have to be like, "yeah, I'm, seeing other girls, want to meet one?"
Squilliam yeah exactly, the whole point is that she knows you're doing it

Spider Jerusalem I'm surprised you went for a coffee date in the middle of the day for the second date. Why not drinks at your place? Unless that's the earliest you're both available, I would shoot for the "wine at my place" date. Anyway, you say you go for 3 dates max - that's fine. I go for 2 dates max. She seems like a high quality girl so good luck man

Tinder and Bumble are also dead here. I think it's the Easter vacation effect. Let's hope I'm right and the volume returns in 8 days
Holden said:
Tinder and Bumble are also dead here. I think it's the Easter vacation effect. Let's hope I'm right and the volume returns in 8 days
If you don't mind me asking, which country are you from? I know you're not American so I've been kinda curious.
Holden said:
@Spider Jerusalem I'm surprised you went for a coffee date in the middle of the day for the second date. Why not drinks at your place? Unless that's the earliest you're both available, I would shoot for the "wine at my place" date. Anyway, you say you go for 3 dates max - that's fine. I go for 2 dates max. She seems like a high quality girl so good luck man


Hey man - it was for a number of reasons to be honest. I don't actually drink as I quit 5 years ago and it's caused me problems in the past as I've been called out on it when I've suggested 'I'll bring over a bottle of wine...', they respond: 'You don't drink?'. I then get accused of being a creep or something and it just causes drama.

Plus I'm back with my folks at the minute which makes things difficult logistics wise, so I'm gonna have to put this chick at ease a little more before she lets me come back to hers from what I'm getting. She did say she has a 3 date rule, so I'll see what happens. If I get Fucked about though, I'll just 'next' her.

Thanks for wishing me luck! I'll keep you updated as to how it goes the coming weekend

Day 182: 11/04/2022 ✅

Make-Out with a Maths Teacher 👄 MILF Booty Call 🍑 Fitness Cougar

Wanna start this update off by saying mad respect to Brady Dewm who hit me up last night with some words of encouragement - really appreciate you brother, and all the support you've given me so far 🙏

I was actually on an impromptu date with a Maths Teacher last night when he messaged and I've also got another date lined up tonight although it's looking more like a booty call with a Milf. There's a Fitness Cougar it looks like I'm meeting for coffee tomorrow as well, so we'll see how all this plays out 🔜

I know I've been chasing tail a lot lately, but I'm enjoying myself and the current time off work doing it after grinding in a shit office for 6 months or so 👎

Read on for more details ⬇️

Make-Out part 2: The Maths Teacher 👄

I ended up having an impromptu date with a Maths Teacher last night which lead to my second make out of the week. Chatted her to a little Saturday night and she went to sleep on me over Tinder text 💤 I hit her up again yesterday evening about 8:30 P.M and she said to me that she's leaving my town to head down South where she lives (she was up here seeing her parents) and she'd be back next month 📅 So I pitched a date to her which was a McFlurry at the 24 Hour McDonald's a 10 minute walk from my house (Which was a 10-minute drive for her) 🍔

With it being a Sunday, McDonald's was the only place open and I Played the angle of 'I won't see you for a month and the conversation will probably fizzle out by then, so you might as well see me tonight if you're free for an hour or so...'. ⏰

Surprisingly, this worked and she agreed to meet me and seemed quite up for some physical contact even though she was a little reluctant to admit it:

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So I dived in the shower 🚿 threw on a denim jacket 🧥 some jeans 👖 my height-increasing shoes 👟 my trucker cap 🧢 and headed off 🚶‍♂️

I showed up and was 10 minutes early ⏰ and she parked up 10 minutes later. I just sat outside McDonald's and hit up some other prospects on my phone 📱 in the meantime whilst waiting for her. The first thought that sprung to mind when I saw this girl? Submissive. This girl was really cute. Very slim, jeans and a flower blouse, light makeup, pretty face and petite build. First thing I did was put my arm around her waist and kiss her on the cheek which really took her by surprise 👄

Now this was quite interesting this date, as I played the 'Dominant asshole' a little, which, to my surprise, worked ✅

I thought to myself ‘Hey this girl’s going home tomorrow, what have I got to lose? 🎲

We headed into McDonald's and I ordered and paid for her 💵 I just had a drink 🥤 and she had fries 🍟 and a coke. She offered to pay and I just went 'Nope.' She was also like 'Oh I'm not sure if I want fries if you're not going to eat...' I ordered them anyway. I told her to grab a seat and I'll bring the food and drinks over. She looked at me as to say 'Where?' and I said 'Over there' and pointed to some backed seats. I also gave her my cap and said 'Look after this for me. I'll be over in a minute'. I quickly got the impression that she liked being told what to do as she complied without question 👀

I brought the stuff over and she was sat on the edge of the seat. I said 'Shift over. This ain't a job interview...' with a smirk. To which she said 'Oh okay...' and I sat next to her. I put the straw in her drink for her and made sure I got nice and close to her whilst talking 💬 Conversation was good and often turned sexual 🛌 Brief rundown as to what we discussed:

- Bad Tinder Dates
- Her Job as a Maths Teacher
- My time as a cop
- How I'm Dominant and She's Submissive
- What she enjoys in bed
- Relationships and how they are bullshit
- Latest series of Bridgerton - Lol, can't believe this, but I'll openly admit I watch and enjoy it! 📺

I made sure to brush her hair across her face a few times. Noticed also that she had my hat in her hands and she was playing with it all nervous like. I pointed this out and she was like 'I don't normally get nervous, but...' I teased her about this and I was saying 'Not that scary, am I?' 😏

I also played the dominant asshole a lot too. Told her she could 'leave whenever' and I wouldn't be bothered and that we either 'see each other again or we don't' 👋

She was saying things like 'You must know you're handsome...' which kinda surprised me as I was like 'err no? I guess I'm about average...'. Tinder also Fucked up and unmatched us and she checked her phone whilst I was taking a piss and said 'Have you unmatched me?!' To which I replied 'No, why?' and she said 'I wanted to check your Tinder photos again and I can't find you...'. So this morning I've sent her through a couple photos of me as she seemed to want to look at me for some reason (Lord knows why) 📷

We ended up getting out of McDonald's and driving to a car park by my place where I grabbed her and kissed her. We ended up making out for half an hour. Lots of neck kissing, wandering hands, playing with her hair etc. She said she wanted me to Fuck her, but she was on her time of month. Ended up parting ways and I got home at 01:00 Hrs. My phone buzzed and she sent me a photo of her in lingerie when she got home and sexted me a little bit. Gonna keep in touch with this girl and go for a lay either when she's back up my way or I might even head to her for a weekend of debauchery if I can make the time 🛌👄💦

Overall, a good night with a future prospect on the cards ♠️♥️♣️♦️

Booty Call With a Milf? 🍑

Ended up matching with this 32 Year-Old Milf yesterday on Tinder. Chatted her up a bit and I got her number ASAP and moved her onto WhatsApp 📱 Conversation quickly turned sexual and it was clear she wanted some company yesterday, but had to take care of her kids due to the ex not being able to have them. She ended up sending photos of her GG Tits, her in panties and bra and a photo of her ass 📷

Pretty clear she's down to Fuck 💯

Turns out she's free tonight between 5 and 7. I've offered to come round hers and give her a sorting out. I've told her to 'wear pretty panties for me...'. 👙

Sent a confirmation text this morning and looks like we're on 📱 This could be Lay number 7 on the cards. Won't count it as a done deal until I'm actually in this chick's bed later 🛌 but I'll be sure to update my log tomorrow with what happens. She seems pretty keen and she's fairly local too, so we'll see how she looks in person 👀

Fitness Cougar 🐆

Got a coffee date I've arranged tomorrow with a Fitness Cougar ☕️ I got talking to this chick a while ago, but she got into a relationship with someone, so I backed off as I don't go there if they're shacked up. Just end up inviting drama into my life 👎 Anyway, I recently bumped into her again on a dating site and we've hit it off. Asked her for coffee tomorrow and it's looking like we're on ⬆️

Not sure how this'll go, but again, we'll see how it plays out. She's pretty hot and looks after herself, so I'm definitely up for giving it a go with this chick 🛌

Any other business 📝

- I've just been focusing on chasing tail recently, so haven't had much time for other things! I'll keep working on things. My anxiety seems under control and meeting women, getting out there and getting laid is definitely helping I think. It's this 'Couldn't give a Fuck' attitude that I think is doing it for me 💯

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 183: 12/04/2022 ✅

⭐️LAY 7 ⭐️ The Milf who was not a Milf! + 365 Project 50% Complete!

⭐️ LAY 7 ⭐️ The Milf who was not a Milf!

Won’t go into too much detail on this one - I did get laid, but it was a letdown: Fatter than her photos, just lay there and expected me to do the work and messed me around on the times, so I was hanging around for half an hour 🤷‍♂️ She also had a cold which she didn’t tell me about, which Fucked me off as I wouldn’t have gone round otherwise 👎

I Fucked her, made my excuses, then left. Was there 30 minutes if that. Not my finest experience, but an experience nonetheless 📝

I’ve got a date with Fitness Cougar 🐆 later today, so hopefully that goes a lot better. She seems the type of girl who looks after herself, so I’m hoping it goes better than last night’s lay 🛌

Won’t be seeing her again that’s for sure 👋 You live and learn - coffee first from now on instead of just going straight round a girl’s place ☕️ I think this lay was me getting greedy and wanting an easy Fuck and I’ve learnt my lesson!

365 Project 50% Complete!

I got just over my 365 Day project with today’s post with 183 being doubled totalling 366 ⬆️ Pretty happy with this achievement. Brief rundown of what I’ve achieved so far:

- 7 Lays
- Writing style has improved
- Slowly beating anxiety/depression
- Improved my Style
- Did a Podcast with Andy
- Read more
- Started listening to more podcasts
- Got more confident with dating/sex

There’s more hidden benefits, but I’m very happy regarding the above and what I’ve achieved 💯

I’m off for a date with the Fitness Cougar 🐆 so I’ll pop an update on tomorrow regarding how it goes ☕

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷