Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Spider Jerusalem said:
Hey dude, all good here - gonna post an update on it a bit later on. Just hit Day 10 and strangely enough, I had a dream that I relapsed the other night! Woke up relieved when I realised I hadn't! Paha ha

How you getting on with it mate? First couple Days I was indifferent, but the past few I've had a couple urges, but nothing major. I think my mind and body are finally saying 'Fuck this, not interested no more'.
Thats great. Let's do this! I'm doing fine. Feels exactly like your last sentence. I don't wanna go back.

Spider Jerusalem said:
Yes I saw that on the Berserk Reddit that I'm in! Fantastic news and I'm really happy - thanks for being considerate and mentioning it! Are you a Berserk fan as well? I've been collecting the Deluxe editions and I'm really itching to see what happens in the next chapter

Yea I guess i'm a somewhat of a fan. I don't really mangas, but after watching the 90s anime of Berserk I had to start reading the manga. I'm at chapter 280 or something, can't remember.
Only other manga i've read is Kingdom, which I really enjoyed. Hyped for more Berserk though!
Day 243: 10/06/2022 ✅New Job 💵 'Love-Making Playlist' 🎶 and Relapse 👎

New Job

Day 1 of my new job today working as a Health Food Store Supervisor 💵

Long day working 07:30-17:30 💤

Went okay. Just working in a shop and I haven't really got much more to say on it 🤷‍♂️

'Love-Making Playlist' 🎶

Now I'm dating again, thought I'd set up a 'Love-Making Playlist' for whenever I get intimate with a girl 🛌

This will be a rolling job and I hope to have at least 2 Hours worth of tunes ⏰

I'm into alternative music, so it's gonna mostly be alternative tracks 👾

So far:

Extreme - More Than Words
Cigarettes after Sex - Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

I'll keep at it with this ⬆️

Relapsed 👎

Long story short, chick I dated yesterday sent nudes and I relapsed 🤦‍♂️

Olafsmash Respect to you, the Victor! 🤝

Starting again on this. I'm pissed off understandably, but looking at the positives? I got to 12 Days. Longest I've gone and porn wasn't involved 💯

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
I wouldnt count some nudes from a chick your dating a relapse bro Spider Jerusalem
Olafsmash said:
I wouldnt count some nudes from a chick your dating a relapse bro @Spider Jerusalem
I mean, it's still fapping.

Definitely a lot better than porn though
Squilliam said:
Olafsmash said:
I wouldnt count some nudes from a chick your dating a relapse bro @Spider Jerusalem
I mean, it's still fapping.

Definitely a lot better than porn though

Ah he fapped kk
I wouldn't be too harsh on myself especially if is someone you are actually dating, a "real" person that you can have intimacy with is much better than a bunch of strangers that you never met that fire up all your neurons
AskTheDom said:
I wouldn't be too harsh on myself especially if is someone you are actually dating, a "real" person that you can have intimacy with is much better than a bunch of strangers that you never met that fire up all your neurons


Thanks mate - I got to 11 Days anyway which I'm happy about I'm also glad I didn't use porn either


Yeah I'm out dude aha


Defo a lot better than porn!
Day 244: 11/06/2022 ✅

Coffee Date Fail 👎

I haven't got much of an update today 👎

I've been doing work training online and I went on another coffee date, but kinda wished I hadn't bothered 😒

Bit of a strange one. I travelled to her (only 15 minutes) and bought her 2 peppermint teas etc, but this girl was just very dry, unreceptive and didn't have much of a sense of humour 😐

Her: 'How tall are you?'

Me: '6.1'.

'Her: 'Oh that's nothing. My brother is 6'3'.

This girl was 5'5.

I probably should've told her to go Fuck her brother instead then at that point and stop wasting my time 🤦‍♂️

As an example I made a couple of jokes which have been well received previously by other girls:

Her: 'What do you do for work?'

Me: 'Oh I'm a Russian Spy. I'm afraid you've been identified as a 'person of interest' to the Motherland and I'm going to have to tie you to a chair and interrogate you - although you may enjoy that!'

Her: 'Wow. You're very forward, how do you get away with saying these things? Do you just have no filter?'.

Told her it's just how I am and at least I'd never lie to her and she'd always know what I'm thinking which she agreed to.

Told her I have a cat and she just said flat out 'I'm allergic to cats.'

She was half-jokingly saying about 'taking her tea to go and leaving' and I told her 'Go ahead I won't stop you.'

She warmed up a bit eventually, but the whole thing was just Fucking hard work.

I walked her to her car and just left straight after. Spent about an hour with her in total.

I've been ghosted on by her by the looks of things.

Fucking fine by me.

Worst thing about this whole date? This girl was like average looking, but was acting like she was a 9 or a 10. Sarcastic and just generally unpleasant to talk to a lot of the time. Hypergamy at it's finest.

I'm staying in and having a takeaway tonight and I'll probably play some Xbox so Fuck it I'm taking a night off from it.

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 245: 12/06/2022

Work and Date 2 ☕

I'm pretty beat from work today so haven't got much of an update.

My diet's gone out the window as I haven't been able to go food shopping, so I'll address this as priority when I'm more settled at work.

Chick I met last Thursday is out tonight and I've planned to get a quick coffee with her for an hour after she's met her friend.

Trying to do something positive once a day that isn't just work work work all the time as last time I just got completely Fucked over and ended up sleeping all weekend and had a breakdown.

I'll post on here how the coffee date goes tomorrow.

Got another early start as the computer crashed so I've gotta go in an hour earlier and sort it

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 246: 12/06/2022 ✅

Making Out: A Girl Makes me Feel Wanted for the First Time in a Long Time 💯

Last night was quite interesting 💭

I met the girl I saw last Thursday in a bar over the road from where I am, so it was kind of one of those 'if it falls into place I'll come see you and if it don't I'll catch you another time' kinda deals 😎

She was meeting a friend of hers for coffee and they ended up going to this bar after as they didn't want to call it a night. I was hoping for some alone time with her, but I didn't mind. Got me out the house for an hour and a half after a long day at work, so I thought 'cool I'll go along' 🤷‍♂️

Got into the bar and this chick jumps up and kisses me straight on the lips 👄

'Shit' I thought. That was quite unexpected. I could tell this girl is pretty into me. I had an idea as she's been sending me nice texts all week 📱

I sat down and made polite conversation with her friend. Next thing I know, this chick puts her hand on my knee and then starts rubbing the inside of my thigh. Using her nails to lightly tease and scratch. She also kept resting her head on my shoulder 👀

I ended up smacking her on the ass when I got up to head to the bathroom and she said 'You better come back or else...' and smirked at me 🍑👋

Made out with her in the car park before we parted ways 👄

After recent bitchiness this was a nice experience ⬆️

Not much else to say for today 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 247: 14/06/2022 ✅

Paying Attention to a Girl's Actions not her Words 🗣

So the girl who I've been dating a dropped a bit of a bombshell today and gave me quite the pain in the ass of a text:

'We won't be doing anything sexual until we're officially in a relationship'.

First it was a 'I have a 3 week rule...'

Now it's this 😒

It got me thinking of something red-pilled I read a while back: 'Pay attention to a girl's actions and not her words...' 💊

Bear in mind this girl was all over me Sunday night 🫦

One of those mind saying no but body saying yes type of deals 💭

Chick's home alone this week, so lets see if I can swing it to get back to hers despite this bullshit she's dropped on me 👎

Made it clear I'm just dating and nothing more, so she is aware yet still was all over me


Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
Day 247: 14/06/2022 ✅

Paying Attention to a Girl's Actions not her Words 🗣

So the girl who I've been dating a dropped a bit of a bombshell today and gave me quite the pain in the ass of a text:

'We won't be doing anything sexual until we're officially in a relationship'.

First it was a 'I have a 3 week rule...'

Now it's this 😒

It got me thinking of something red-pilled I read a while back: 'Pay attention to a girl's actions and not her words...' 💊

Bear in mind this girl was all over me Sunday night 🫦

One of those mind saying no but body saying yes type of deals 💭

Chick's home alone this week, so lets see if I can swing it to get back to hers despite this bullshit she's dropped on me 👎

Made it clear I'm just dating and nothing more, so she is aware yet still was all over me


Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷

I don't negotiate with terrorists.

Especially emotional terrorists that withhold intimacy to get what they want.

Read the situation, but if she's pushing for a relationship first chances are chad was the last one there and she's looking for the safe nice guy next. Don't change your goals to get into this girls pants and you will be alright.

Good to see you again mate

Brother_Tucker said:
I don't negotiate with terrorists.

Especially emotional terrorists that withhold intimacy to get what they want.

Read the situation, but if she's pushing for a relationship first chances are chad was the last one there and she's looking for the safe nice guy next. Don't change your goals to get into this girls pants and you will be alright.

You're right. She sent me a message today saying about how she's 'deleted all her dating apps' and 'has a good feeling about me...' definitely been with an abusive guy previously from what her friend was saying the other night.

I'll give it a tug and see what happens, but I won't compromise my goals with getting laid just to sleep with this girl. I made that mistake once before and ended up with a tyrant who only gave it up begrudgingly once a month.

Learnt from my mistake, but it's good to have a reminder so thanks for the input

Spider 🕷
Day 248: 15/06/2022 ✅

A Red-Pill Experience: Having my status as a man questioned 💊

So something interesting happened today at work which was a bit of a Red-Pilling experience 💊

I saw an old teacher who came in who I didn't really get on with at school and is one of these 'man-hating' types from what I can gather 👎

I was polite and pleasant with her as much as possible, but her disdain for me began to show through:

'You must not have done very well in your final exams to end up working here. Looks like we couldn't educate you so what was even the point of you going to school?'

I didn't bother mentioning I was a decorated police officer for 7 years who was promoted to Sergeant. Nor did I mention I graduated top of my class at university and have 2 degrees under my belt. Or that I had previously successfully managed a team of 20 staff and that I only left that job due to health reasons. Nor did I bother mentioning that I was the assistant manager of the shop and was in charge of it 3 Days a week when the boss wasn't around.

Bit of a shitty thing to say, but I just brushed it off 👋

Then it kinda hit me: I've been spoken to like this before by quite a few women 🗣

'You're not a man, you're a coward for breaking up with me...'

'You don't work, you don't do Fuck all. Low value male that's all you are...'

'Oh you didn't get the job you went for? Such a loser.'

'You're not a man you're just a little Fuckboi for not wanting a relationship.'

It made me realise today that women who don't get what they want from me or are just angry, bitter women will insult your status as a man 👎

This trend is most common in psycho bitches, single mothers, entitlement princesses and angry older women who have smashed headfirst into the wall and are well past it and want a 'nice guy to settle down with...'. 😒

In the past, I'd get defensive, pissed off, upset and it would play on my mind for a while 💭

In actual fact, it's a blessing in the form of a massive red flag that says 'I will add nothing to your life. Avoid me at all costs' 🚩

The real and only solution?

'There's the door 🚪 👈

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
'You must not have done very well in your final exams to end up working here. Looks like we couldn't educate you so what was even the point of you going to school?'

Spider 🕷

The lack of self awareness from your teacher is just amusing, she's indirectly admitting she's terrible at her job but trying to rationalize it as you failed your exams to end up in a place she thinks less of.

You're right to not get defensive, you can just laugh this person off, they add nothing to your life at this point so they are no different than a stranger on the bus trying to share their political opinion with you
Brother_Tucker said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
'You must not have done very well in your final exams to end up working here. Looks like we couldn't educate you so what was even the point of you going to school?'

Spider 🕷

The lack of self awareness from your teacher is just amusing, she's indirectly admitting she's terrible at her job but trying to rationalize it as you failed your exams to end up in a place she thinks less of.

You're right to not get defensive, you can just laugh this person off, they add nothing to your life at this point so they are no different than a stranger on the bus trying to share their political opinion with you

I thought exactly the same, plus I find it very annoying when people express shallow judgments based on a tiny little piece of information
Is this vicious cunt still employed as a teacher in that school? Or any other?

If so, they just broke the code of conduct and have committed an infringement that reflects poorly upon her school and profession.

This is extremely unacceptable conduct and you need to follow up with the school if they're employed there and make it clear this behaviour is totally unacceptable.

Women are a complex creature, and a mixed bag. Some are nice, some are decent, most of them are just aimlessly wandering the world in a daze, neither here or there. And some are just resentful, embittered demons who will get old, weep and rot like the maggots they are.

I am very disappointed in your teachers conduct. This bothers me a lot. I have delivered projects in the area you live supporting young people's educational attainment and life progression and worked my ass off to help their employabilty. Some I was able to absolutely help and they have gone on to good careers. This was difficult work and to see this undermined by this miserable cunt has really bothered me more than you could know.....


MakingAComeback said:
Is this vicious cunt still employed as a teacher in that school? Or any other?

Unfortunately they are now retired. I could really have given her one big headache if she still worked there with putting in a complaint like you say.

MakingAComeback said:
And some are just resentful, embittered demons who will get old, weep and rot like the maggots they are.

I unfortunately have a habit of bumping into those ones. I imagine London chicks are 1000 times worse

MakingAComeback said:
Some I was able to absolutely help and they have gone on to good careers. This was difficult work and to see this undermined by this miserable cunt has really bothered me more than you could know.....

No wonder there’s a crisis of mental health amongst young people and a lack of motivation with people like this running around

Thanks for making me feel better about it MakingAComeback and seeing it for what is

Spider 🕷
Day 249: 16/06/2022 ✅

Being Honest with Dating ⚖️

I ended up going out last night with the girl I’ve been seeing recently who wants a relationship (and will settle for nothing less) 😒

She asked me out for an hour, so I went along to some bar and just chilled. She was saying about how she’s ‘come off all dating apps’ and ‘has a good feeling about me…’ and ‘wants to see where things lead…’

Err, what? 🫤

This despite me mentioning I won’t settle in a relationship with her or anyone many times 🤦‍♂️

We had a date scheduled today (milkshake date) 🥤 and so I went along and met her and decided to take Brother_Tucker’s advice and had an honest conversation about things ⚖️

Told her we both want different things and that it wouldn’t be fair on either of us to carry on pretending otherwise. She accepted it and asked if we could remain friends 🤝

I told her honestly probably not as it wouldn’t be much fun hanging around with her and not getting what I want and the same with her not getting what she wants 👎

Today marked ‘Date 3’ and I know for a fact she’s home alone next week and still I didn’t get an invite round or anything, so she has no real intention of giving me what I want 🚫

Like Brother_Tucker said, there’s no point negotiating with terrorists as I feel like I’m having to try to persuade someone to have sex with me which doesn’t exactly make me feel great 😑

To my surprise, she's agreed and wants to continue dating and has said she wants to have sex with me 🤔

I told her to think it over and be 100% sure it's what she wants. I have advised her I won't be being exclusive with her, but I would be honest with her if I met someone else ⚖️

Just waiting to hear back now. Ball's in her court, although I’m thinking of cutting this off completely as I’m just getting total mixed vibes and I think she thinks I’ll relent on my position in the future 🔜

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
'We won't be doing anything sexual until we're officially in a relationship'.
Lmao, I admire your perseverance. I would've nexted her right then and there without hesitation.

It's even funnier when mediocre looking girls say this kind of thing. No thanks, I'm leaving those girls to desperate guys.