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Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 250: 17/06/2022 ✅

Last Minute Date Tonight 🛌 and Breaking Point with Bulking 🤯

Last Minute Date Tonight 🛌

Was talking to this girl on Tinder on and off the past week who lives in the next town over 🗺 Things got sexual real quick then calmed down a bit as I've been working my new job 💵

She sent me a 'nude a day to keep me interested...'. 📷 Turns out she's free tonight, so I've pitched a date to her round hers. She says 'just come over at 8 and I'll be ready for you.' ⏰

So I'll slip round later and hopefully I'll also be slipping in. Could be a new lay on the cards ♠️♥️♣️♦️

I'll update tomorrow with what happens, but it's looking promising 📝

Breaking Point with Bulking 🤯

Was lying in bed last night thinking about my weight gain goals and how I've been Fucking around on them 💭

I think I've kinda hit a breaking point as I got a bit upset and angry with myself.

I'm fed up of everyone I date being heavier than me 👎

I'm tired of not feeling 'like a man' 👎

I've had enough of being mocked for my weight 👎

I'm not putting up with the lack of respect I get for being how I am 👎

I'm not going to stand for women giving me passes because I'm not 'fit enough' 👎

So yeah basically I'm not tolerating this shit no more 🚫

I'm paying for a P.T and not coming into the gym enough or eating properly, so the money is kind of being wasted in a way 💸

To this end, I've decided to start getting serious with bulking as I'm not putting in enough effort, time and money 💯

Due to being thin as Fuck, I end up puking my guts out whenever I take the protein shakes/mass gainers that you have to mix up with milk yourself. Something I've always struggled with to be honest 😷

Working at the health food store in this new job has come with an added advantage: I get 25% discount on all items. I've been experimenting with various weight gaining supplements this past week 💵

I've found some ready made ones in the store which aren't mass gainers but rather 'complete meals'. I've also found some peanut and caramel protein bars that I really like. I've tried both of these and my stomach has been able to handle it 🥤

Both the bars and shakes are classed as 'complete meals' and come packed with vitamins and minerals and not much sugar 🍫 🥤

There's also a deal on in U.K McDonald's restaurants where if you fill in a short survey on your receipt, you get a BigMac and Fries for £1.99 and the receipts you get from that every time can be continually re-entered into the survey so you get the £1.99 deal 🍔 🍟

This will save me having to meal prep, blast the excuse of 'I didn't bring any food...' out of the water - it takes 2 minutes to throw a shake and bar in my bag or take a quick trip to McDonald's as there's one right by me. Also, this won't be as expensive for me due to the discount. They do different flavours as well, so I won't get bored, although I quite like the banana 🍌

Ultimately, I've decided to take myself seriously, bite the Fucking bullet, and spend the money.

To sum up:

- 2 Protein Bars a Day - 472 Calories
- 2 Yfood Complete Meals - 1000 Calories
- BigMac and Fries - 830 Calories

The shakes and protein bars will be taken twice a day after workouts and during lunch breaks at work/home 🪑

This is in addition to the regular meals and snacks I take anyway, which will come to a total of Around 3500 Calories a Day ⬆️

I've done the maths and all together, this is going to cost me: £68.81 a week

This is 7 Hour's work which is nothing really. It isn't too costly with the discount applied and considering there's a lot of overtime going and I'm on a decent wage currently, things are looking in my favour 💯

I've transferred money from my savings in order to start buying supplements this week and get on it.

I also went out today to make the first purchase:

View attachment 1

Any other business:

- Cleaned my room ✅
- Manscaped for the date later ✅
- Did some work training ✅

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 251: 18/06/2021 ✅

⭐️LAY 10: The Bubbly Girl⭐

Lay 10 has been achieved 💯

Good to hit double figures ⬆️

This was a pretty easy one. Chatted up this chick for a week and met her last night and it didn't cost me a penny in travelling or coffee/dates 💵 She even came and picked me up due to the trains being cancelled 🚂

She was a little chubby, but was genuinely a sweetheart, so I could look past it. Especially after the bullshit I've been through recently. She did send regular nudes before we met, so I knew what she looked like 📷

Very self-conscious when we got back to hers and she was literally covering up her body 🙈 Denied being nervous when I said to her 'you're nervous, relax it's all good. You look good' 👀

She eventually admitted she was, so we spent an hour in our underwear just chilling and getting to know each other so I could put her at ease. I just kissed her neck, brushed my stubble against her, bit her ear etc. which got her to relax and get into it 🫦

After the foreplay, the bra eventually came off, then the underwear. She kept covering her pussy up with her hand when I was trying to go down on her, but eventually she relented and I made her come after 10 minutes. Fucked her twice in doggy and spoons then just chatted some more about dating, why I don't do relationships, Tinder fails etc. She mentioned she didn't want me to go down because I'd be looking up at her body 👀

She was very self-conscious, but I took my time with her and she enjoyed it ⏰

I enjoyed the conversation we had after sex too. I got home about 1 this morning after she kindly dropped me off and wouldn't take any petrol money 💵

For my own peace of mind, this girl is on birth control and I used condoms every time 🎈

So that's Lay 10 in the bag. Nice girl.

Realising I'm Seen as the 'Nice Guy' 👎

So it turns out that the girl I've been dating and 'won't put out until we're exclusive' made some interesting revelations to me recently 🗣

- She was a 'Cam-Girl' when she was 20 years old
- She's been in abusive relationships
- She's 31 now and wants to 'settle down and have kids with a decent guy’


Bottom line? She's seeing me as the 'nice guy'.


This is a position I wanted to never find myself in again after many years.

Think I need to just cut my losses and bail. She's not being receptive to the idea of having sex with me and quickly changes the subject whenever I mention it or bring it up 🚪 🚶‍♂️

Think I'm going to tell her I'm gonna stop seeing her as I'm just not gonna get what I want 👎

I've been honest from the start so there's no guilt here on my part, although I may still feel it, but I’ll handle it if/when it comes.

Only seen her a week or so and I haven’t even Fucked her, so I think a text message will be appropriate 📱

If it was longer and I’d slept with her, then I’d do it in person. Don’t want to waste any more time, effort and money on this girl if neither of us are going to get what we both want.

Think I need to re-read ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy’ to refresh myself and start applying the principles more 📚

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Yeah man this is why I say it's not worth it to deal with women like that. Maybe you should improve the vibe of your photos to make you seem like more of a fuckboy. Would deter this type of behavior.

Congrats on double digits :)
Squilliam said:
Yeah man this is why I say it's not worth it to deal with women like that. Maybe you should improve the vibe of your photos to make you seem like more of a fuckboy. Would deter this type of behavior.

Squilliam It just makes me feel like crap that she'll give it up easily and willingly for the abusive bad guys who treated her like shit, but is making me wait these nonsensical time frames 'I have a 3 week rule...' 'none of that until we're committed to each other...' and demands exclusivity from me.

Like Brother_Tucker says - she's an emotional terrorist and I'm not negotiating with her.

Then I find out she had no problem showing herself on cam to probably hundreds of thirsty simps to get money, but gets defensive when me, the guy who treats her right dares to ask 'lets see a little more of you'...

It's classic red-pill: Hit the wall at 30 and now wants a provider to settle down with.

My life is full of Red-Pill lessons lately.


Congrats on double digits


Thanks a lot - here's hoping I can get it up to 11

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
It's classic red-pill: Hit the wall at 30 and now wants a provider to settle down with.

My life is full of Red-Pill lessons lately.
I don't blame you man. But for your own sake, try not to get hung up on the red pill stuff so much. I'm not saying it's wrong or it's not accurate at all, but its just a very cynical perspective and I think it is damaging to your mental health to dwell on it.

The second she said that, I wouldn't think twice about ending things right there and then.

Leave girls like that to desperate guys who can't get laid if they don't have a girlfriend. You are clearly better than that :D

But seriously, maybe make your photos look more fuckboy like. And do you screen in your messages?

Squilliam said:
I don't blame you man. But for your own sake, try not to get hung up on the red pill stuff so much. I'm not saying it's wrong or it's not accurate at all, but its just a very cynical perspective and I think it is damaging to your mental health to dwell on it.

I do try to read Andy's articles to keep myself balanced and I had a positive experience with the girl last night. There was one point where I think Red-pill mantra was taking over my life and tainting my world view and view of women in general, so I am conscious of it and I try to avoid falling into it, but I will call it out when I see it in my dating experiences. Hopefully I can learn from it and hang out with girls who are more receptive and worth my time.

Thanks for helping me take a step back and get some balance and perspective on the situation
Squilliam said:
The second she said that, I wouldn't think twice about ending things right there and then.

Leave girls like that to desperate guys who can't get laid if they don't have a girlfriend. You are clearly better than that

You're right man. I am better than that. I'm gonna break it off with her and stop seeing her. I'll post on here when I've done it. Haven't Fucked her so at least she won't feel used.

Squilliam said:
But seriously, maybe make your photos look more fuckboy like. And do you screen in your messages?

Honestly? I think it's because I look shit. My body ain't great as I'm very thin.

I am taking steps to address it as you may see from previous posts: Hoping to get more food down my neck - protein bars and weight gainer shakes alongside a bulkier diet and hitting the the gym to just generally look better. Caught up with Holden recently who gave me some solid advice.

Now that Tinder has gone more expensive for some reason, he mentioned it might be ideal to take this time to get my body together over the next 6 months and invest the money I've saved as I have cancelled Tinder Gold and Hinge Premium etc. as prices have all gone sky high into good quality food and the Gym. Might even pay for a photoshoot in a city.

This is because the girls I'm matching with I'm not really thinking 'Fuck yeah, she's gorgeous...' I'm just thinking 'they'll do'. The ones who are decent looking give me the whole 'it will be X number of weeks/months before sex...' and give me ultimatums etc. which shows they aren't really that attracted to me and aren't as receptive and/or willing to sleep with me and give me a lack of respect - probably because I look like shit.

I think this is something I need to fix before I have more success and get what I actually want.

I do screen, but I don't think I'm screening hard enough. Think I need to be more forward and direct in what I'm actually looking for.

Thanks for your help - given me a lot to think about

Day 252: 18/06/2022 ✅

Breaking Off a Girl Who Demands Exclusivity 🚪 👈 and I Got The China Virus! 🇨🇳 ☣️

Breaking Off a Girl Who Demands Exclusivity 🚪 👈

Took Squilliam's advice and broke things off with that girl who was demanding exclusivity from me 🚪👈

Conversation attached as proof 📷

It was the right decision and I did it honestly and with sincerity.

Big thank you to Squilliam for putting my head right - I am very grateful to you 🤝

She took it well and even agreed we want different things ✅ Looks like she was just enjoying the validation while it lasted as she still asked to stay friends 👎

Lol. Fuck that 👋

Told her it's a no from me and wished her all the best. Bit pissed off with myself that I let it go on this long. Should've nexted her ASAP really, but you live and learn 😎

One of her friends also messaged me on Instagram and accused me of 'slagging her off' at a pub quiz I was at the other night 🤔

We'd spoken on Tinder previously, but just didn't keep in touch 👻

She accused me of:

- Slating her because she didn't reply to my messages

Didn’t happen. ❌

- Telling her guy friend who was present to 'sack her off' because they went on holiday together, shared a bed, and nothing sexual happened between them

Nope. Wrong. ❌

What actually happened:

- I said we just lost touch and didn't end up messaging and left it at that. ✅

- I gave advice to this guy friend of hers that if he was hoping for something romantic with her, he should look elsewhere as if they shared a bed on holiday and nothing happened, she sees him as a friend, nothing more and he'll just end up getting hurt and prolonging his pain. Bear in mind this guy told me that he's been friends with her for 13 years. 'If it ain't happened by now, it ain't happening at all. Move onto someone else if you want romance and intimacy' is what I told him. ✅

I told her both of these things above as well as the fact everyone was drunk except me as I don't drink ⚖️

My guess? One of 2 things happened:

1. Everybody present was drunk except me as I don't drink and combine that with a game of 'Chinese Whispers', she's heard a total load of bullshit and half-truths which she's took the wrong way 🍻

2. The aforementioned guy friend who is so balls in the friendzone he'd give Johnny Sins a run for his money, made up some bag of bollocks story about me saying things about her and how he 'heroically defended her honour...' 🤺


Told her 'believe me, don't believe me. I don't care either way as I know what I really said' and left it at that ⚖️

More drama tries to enter my life (again!) 👎

Glad I've nexted this chick now ⬅️

I Got The China Virus!🇨🇳 ☣️

Well, Shit.

Felt like utter crap last night. Got a bit of a temperature, my head hurt and just generally felt like Fucking shit! 🌡

So I decided 'ah I'll do a test just in case...'

And... I got the Fucking 'Rona. 🦠

Why does this shit always happen when I start a new job? 🤦‍♂️

Luckily my boss was cool about it and was just like 'it's one of them' ☮️

Not great when you struggle with health anxiety though 👎

Did my oxygen last night - 99%. I'll keep an eye on myself and try not to panic, but due to parents being vulnerable, looks like I'm imprisoned in quarantine in my room for the next 7 days ☣️

View attachment 1

Managed to contact everyone I've been with or near to make them aware - just doing it out of respect more than anything 🤝

I'll try and be productive over the next few days. Got some work training, a few books to get through and other things but I'm gonna be bored outta my Fucking mind I can just tell 💭 😴

Ain't life grand? 🙃

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Glad you were able to end things without too much drama.

On another note, not gonna lie, I matched with a girl who seems to be from England, and after reading your and MACs log, I'm hesitant to even message her because it seems like there is a good chance that she is some crazy man-hater. She mentioned a few things about politics but none of it was phrased negatively.

Spider Jerusalem said:
Honestly? I think it's because I look shit. My body ain't great as I'm very thin.

I am taking steps to address it as you may see from previous posts: Hoping to get more food down my neck - protein bars and weight gainer shakes alongside a bulkier diet and hitting the the gym to just generally look better. Caught up with @Holden recently who gave me some solid advice.

Now that Tinder has gone more expensive for some reason, he mentioned it might be ideal to take this time to get my body together over the next 6 months and invest the money I've saved as I have cancelled Tinder Gold and Hinge Premium etc. as prices have all gone sky high into good quality food and the Gym. Might even pay for a photoshoot in a city.

This is because the girls I'm matching with I'm not really thinking 'Fuck yeah, she's gorgeous...' I'm just thinking 'they'll do'. The ones who are decent looking give me the whole 'it will be X number of weeks/months before sex...' and give me ultimatums etc. which shows they aren't really that attracted to me and aren't as receptive and/or willing to sleep with me and give me a lack of respect - probably because I look like shit.

I think this is something I need to fix before I have more success and get what I actually want.

I do screen, but I don't think I'm screening hard enough. Think I need to be more forward and direct in what I'm actually looking for.

Thanks for your help - given me a lot to think about
You seem to understand what you need to do. If you're getting laid the way you are, then imagine how you could be if you maxed out everything.

I'm pretty much in the same boat, I look good enough, but not great. And the good news is that you can improve on that, which you seem to be doing.

I think you should looksmax, take new photos, and then get experienced guys to review them. If you give off the fuckboy vibe, then girls like the ones above would've most likely just swiped left on you to begin with. I think a shirtless photo which makes you look like a douchebag always works for that.

From what experienced guys have told me, most of the screening should be done with photos, not with messages. Pancakemouse said his photos look like a fuckboy and he rarely if ever runs into any girls who want a "decent nice guy to settle down with".
Squilliam said:
Glad you were able to end things without too much drama.

Thanks mate. You really helped give me a kick up the ass to just get it done.

Squilliam said:
On another note, not gonna lie, I matched with a girl who seems to be from England, and after reading your and MACs log, I'm hesitant to even message her because it seems like there is a good chance that she is some crazy man-hater. She mentioned a few things about politics but none of it was phrased negatively.

It's easy to see why it's difficult to avoid becoming highly red or even black pilled in this country. Lot of far-left politics and just general 'boys are stupid throw rocks at them' attitudes. You have to be insanely good looking here and have your shit together if you want to do even average, especially depending on where you live.

If you look semi-decent and have some assets/qualities, you can do okay with mostly 5's and 6's, but not brilliantly.

Meanwhile the girls here can be a total Fucking train wreck and even the top tier guys will throw themselves at them if they look just borderline average. Lot of competition in my opinion. Plus British people in general are just quite prude and uptight which doesn't help. The few foreign chicks I've dated have been laid back and don't give a Fuck which is refreshing.

Squilliam said:
You seem to understand what you need to do. If you're getting laid the way you are, then imagine how you could be if you maxed out everything.

I'm pretty much in the same boat, I look good enough, but not great. And the good news is that you can improve on that, which you seem to be doing.

Was hoping to start this week on my new diet etc. but that's gone to shit as I've come down with the Corona! Have to be next week I get on it when I'm hopefully better.

Squilliam said:
I think you should looksmax, take new photos, and then get experienced guys to review them. If you give off the fuckboy vibe, then girls like the ones above would've most likely just swiped left on you to begin with. I think a shirtless photo which makes you look like a douchebag always works for that.

If some of the elite and more experienced guys on here would be happy to take a look I'd be very grateful once I've got my shit together in the gym and with my diet etc. I'm also thinking of hiring a photographer and doing some research/pricing etc. Even a couple of decent photos could really even the odds from the guys I've seen on here who've done it. I do need to try give off more 'asshole' vibes I think as I come across as decent/nice and I'm always the guy girls want to settle with.

Squilliam said:
From what experienced guys have told me, most of the screening should be done with photos, not with messages. Pancakemouse said his photos look like a fuckboy and he rarely if ever runs into any girls who want a "decent nice guy to settle down with".

This 100%. I think I'm going about it totally wrong and need to change my perspective.

Thanks a lot man you been real helpful. Much appreciated!

Day 253: 19/06/2022 ✅

Quarantine Day 2: Electric Boogaloo ☣️ and 'Thanks Toplist!' 👍

These updates are going to be pretty lacklustre unfortunately as I'm still in self-imposed lockdown ☣️

Shit happens as I've got vulnerable family members - a heart attack, COPD and cancer recovery between the 2 of them 🏥

Not to mention both are in their 60's now and classed as high risk, although both and my brother have had all the jabs which is providing me some reassurance. Just would feel very guilty if I passed it on 😐

If I lived alone, I'd probably just carry on as normal, but I have responsibilities to my family 🏠

I'm trying to remain in good spirits and stay productive/positive despite everything ⬆️

Meals are very kindly being brought to my room by my family members 🥘

Everyone is wearing masks as if I've been bitten by a zombie and they have to go the other side of the house if I need to use the bathroom 🧟‍♂️


Honestly though I don't see what the fuss is all about. The news was making this China Virus out to be the end of days for humanity! 🔥 💥

Feels more like a Fucking bad cold to me 🤷

Oh well. Just some bullshit I gotta work through I guess 😎

'Thanks Toplist!' 👍

Also noticed I've made the Thanks Toplist! 🙏

Not much for social media validation, but I'm taking it as a sign I'm making progress on my self-improvement journey and I'm learning along the way 💭

Thanks guys - appreciate all your input and assistance! 💯

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
@Squilliam It just makes me feel like crap that she'll give it up easily and willingly for the abusive bad guys who treated her like shit, but is making me wait these nonsensical time frames 'I have a 3 week rule...' 'none of that until we're committed to each other...' and demands exclusivity from me.

Try not to get mad at her. She's telling you excatly who she is, so all you have to do is listen and realise this isn't the type of person you want to be with.

I think the redpill calls it the anger phase, where you see things as they are and it all feels unfair. The important part is you have to move past that and accept that it's OK for a girl to act this way she's doing nothing wrong. Now you can decide if you're OK being treated that way, or you can say no thank you and walk away and you're also doing nothing wrong.

Holding onto anger doesn't help you at all I'm not saying the situation from a guys perspective doesn't suck, but change your mindset from : I can't believe she is making me wait 3 weeks when the other guys got it for free. To: This is an opt in problem.

Almost all guy problems are opt in problems, you are fully in your rights to just choose to not take these problems on and explore your abundance.

Trust me life is super easy when you realise and live with this mindset.

Hey dude good to see you again!

Brother_Tucker said:
Try not to get mad at her. She's telling you excatly who she is, so all you have to do is listen and realise this isn't the type of person you want to be with.

If anything you’re right I should see it as a blessing as she’s just told me in no uncertain terms I need to look elsewhere 🚩 Also recently found out she’s been on swingers websites in the past!

Brother_Tucker said:
I think the redpill calls it the anger phase, where you see things as they are and it all feels unfair. The important part is you have to move past that and accept that it's OK for a girl to act this way she's doing nothing wrong. Now you can decide if you're OK being treated that way, or you can say no thank you and walk away and you're also doing nothing wrong.

Holding onto anger doesn't help you at all I'm not saying the situation from a guys perspective doesn't suck, but change your mindset from : I can't believe she is making me wait 3 weeks when the other guys got it for free. To: This is an opt in problem.

You’re right man I just need to accept it, let it go, take a breath and have the abundance mentality instead of scarcity.

Some other SIMP can put up with her demands I’ll find someone else 👋 🚪

Brother_Tucker said:
Almost all guy problems are opt in problems, you are fully in your rights to just choose to not take these problems on and explore your abundance.

Trust me life is super easy when you realise and live with this mindset.

Thanks for the new perspective mate

I’ll start saying ‘I’m opting out’ more when I see this kind of behaviour early on to save me wasting my time

Thanks again!

Spider 🕷
No problem, you can pm me if you prefer but where abouts in the UK are you based?

You've done the work so I would be happy to help out with optimising your profile if you wanted to give it an upgrade?
Brother_Tucker said:
No problem, you can pm me if you prefer but where abouts in the UK are you based?

Thank you my man!

I'm in Staffordshire - close to Wolverhampton and Birmingham

You've done the work so I would be happy to help out with optimising your profile if you wanted to give it an upgrade?

If you could take a quick look, I'd be very grateful! I'll P.M my Tinder profile over to you

You want anything cash wise for taking a look?
Brother_Tucker said:
No problem, you can pm me if you prefer but where abouts in the UK are you based?

You've done the work so I would be happy to help out with optimising your profile if you wanted to give it an upgrade?


Here's my profile link dude

Much appreciated!
Cheers for sending that, can you also share your hinged profile as well including your prompts and responces?

Interestingly clicking your link doesn't open your profile in my tinder app but the Web page. What's your bio for the tinder?

Give me some time as I'm away on business this week but we will certainly be able to upgrade your profile.

Also don't worry about the cash, you've put a lot of time into self improvement and posting on the forum. If my recommendations work and you see good results you can refer me to some of your friends and I will charge them.
Brother_Tucker said:
Cheers for sending that, can you also share your hinged profile as well including your prompts and responces?

Interestingly clicking your link doesn't open your profile in my tinder app but the Web page. What's your bio for the tinder?

Give me some time as I'm away on business this week but we will certainly be able to upgrade your profile.

Thank you for taking a look!

Tinder bio is:

Sup’ I’m *MY NAME* 🦥

6’1 📏

You’re single, I’m single, you know what that means? Nobody loves us 🥲

Looking for a cool girl to chill with 🏝

Anime and chill? 📺

Tell me your life goals? ✅

2020’s over. Let’s get to know each other properly ☕📅

Hit me up if you’re picking up good vibes ✌️

Instagram is *MY INSTA HANDLE* if you’re worried I’m a 45 year-old fat, bald dude called ‘Hector’ 😏


Hinge Profile photos are the same as Tinder:

- Me making the sign 🤘
- Mirror photo 🪞
- Cat photo 🐈
- Glasses Photo 🤓
- Baseball Cap Photo 📷

And this one which isn’t on Tinder:

Hinge Prompts are as follows:

View attachment 2

View attachment 1

Thanks for your help!

Spider 🕷
Brother_Tucker said:
Also don't worry about the cash, you've put a lot of time into self improvement and posting on the forum. If my recommendations work and you see good results you can refer me to some of your friends and I will charge them.

And thank you my man - much appreciated 🙏

I’ll be sure to send some business your way as I know a couple guys on Tinder who would likely benefit from some expertise

I’m in the process of setting up a website, so be happy to give you a recommendation on there once it’s up and running also if it would help you drum up some business? Something to discuss in the future - be happy to help promote and put you out there as you’ve given me a lot of solid advice this past year 💯

Been checking out your fitness videos as well and they look fire 🔥

Thanks again!

Spider 🕷
This is all great, alright I will get to work on some upgrades over the next few days. Latest will be this weekend as I get back from this work trip on Friday.

Also thank you, I'm hoping to branch out into upgrading dating profiles too, so working on yours helps with that
Brother_Tucker said:
This is all great, alright I will get to work on some upgrades over the next few days. Latest will be this weekend as I get back from this work trip on Friday.

No rush mate as I’m recovering from the Corona currently so honestly take your time I’m not in a hurry 😷

Brother_Tucker said:
Also thank you, I'm hoping to branch out into upgrading dating profiles too, so working on yours helps with that

My pleasure! I’m hoping to take some new photos in the future for when I’ve bulked up a bit so might also hit you up in 6 months or so then for some paid optimisation and your services👌

Much appreciated!

Spider 🕷