Spider’s Progress Log πŸ•· DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 268: 05/07/2022 βœ…

Dating Plan B - Spider Gets Flaked! πŸ‘Ž


The Sexologist I was supposed to meet today flaked on me. Got a text message this morning with the whole 'I don't feel well, I'll catch you another time...'

No proposal of another day and time to meet.

Looks like the Sexologist did not want to have sex! With me anyway. hah.

Did my backup plan instead and went shopping, cleaned my place and got my hair cut.

I was going to send Andy's recommendation of the bucket list and ask about her most Fucked up fantasies, but I don't think this can be salvaged as I'm getting the vibe that she completely isn't interested. On top of that I'm not really in the mood for talking to her any more.

That's it for today really. Bit of a letdown, but it is what it is.

I'll keep trying and see where I get.

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 269 (tee-hee): 06/07/2022 βœ…

Date with a Paramedic πŸš‘

Got a date with a Paramedic tomorrow. Pitched a 'Dominos pizza round my place with wine' date and she seems game. Have to see how it pans out πŸ‘€

Red hair, tattoos, tall-ish, nice ass and slim figure. My kinda girl πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

Hopefully I can swing it so she comes round and I'll try and make a move. See how it plays out πŸ›Œ

The Sexologist also got in touch last night. She wasn't really sick. She'd just come out of a relationship and didn't feel ready. Wished her all the best and thanked her for her honesty 🀝

I can't be mad at someone who's honest and I'm not the kinda monster to make a girl do something she isn't comfortable with πŸ•Š

Hopefully I'll have better luck tomorrow. I'll put an update on and let y'all know how things go 🀞

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 270: 07/07/2022 βœ…

LAY 11 - Paramedic Chick πŸš‘ and Date with a Daddy's Girl πŸ“…

LAY 11 - Paramedic Chick πŸš‘

What a night I've had πŸ‘„

Just slept with one of the best looking girls I've ever been with πŸ’―

Paramedic chick came over today and Fuck me, is she cute πŸ‘€

Red long hair, tattoos, D cups, slim body and a nice ass πŸ‘

We made out after a bit, had pizza, and then went up to bed and Fucked. Lot of LMR and I thought this was just her being flakey, but after being honest and having a talk, she was worried as she hadn't waxed πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Told her it's no drama and about some of my embarrassing sexual escapades which put her at ease πŸ‘

It was game on from there. Went down on her which made her come, Fucked her, spanked her, then we just cuddled and chilled πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

For my own peace of mind, I used a condom every time and this girl is on the pill

So that's Lay 11 in the bag. Really happy and I think I'll see this girl again as she's pretty down to Earth and nice as well as smoking Fucking hot πŸ”₯

Date with a Daddy's Girl πŸ“…

Got another date planned tomorrow with a Daddy's Girl πŸ“…

She sent me a couple of photos of her in a maid outfit and with her coloured hair, so I know the type. She looks cute, but we'll see how her personality is πŸ‘€

She was going to come straight over, but wanted to meet in public first.

No dramas I said - I understand that for a girl, going round to some random dude's house on the first date can be a little risky. Been a few high profile cases here in recent years where chicks have been killed by scumbags who they've met online in those kinda circumstances πŸ‘Ž

Luckily, there's a pub across the rode from where I live and we've arranged to grab a drink there for an hour first. I'm cool with this. I get to check her out as well as we haven't video called or anything yet πŸ‘€

I'm kinda expecting a flake, but we shall see what happens 🀞

I'll keep you all posted on this one πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Girls in the medical sector are crazy, I've been with doctors, paramedics, nurses. They're all wild
Holden said:
Girls in the medical sector are crazy, I've been with doctors, paramedics, nurses. They're all wild

Dude, 100% true!

I can also say the same as regards cops speaking from personal experience working with and dating them - all crazy in bed!
Day 271: 08/07/2022 βœ…

Back in the Gym πŸ‘Ÿ and The Daddy's Girl πŸŽ€

Back in the Gym πŸ‘Ÿ

After yesterday's excitement, I forgot to post that I got back in the gym yesterday. Had a session with my P.T. πŸ‘Ÿ

After COVID, I handled it quite well. Walked down and back (20 minutes each way) then busted my ass for an hour with the weights πŸ˜“

Gonna look at going back properly next week πŸ”œ

The Daddy's Girl πŸŽ€

Got a date with The Daddy's Girl later at 7 πŸ“…

I got some cheap tins of Gin and Tonic in that cost me a few bucks, so that'll be the pull back to mine 'Wanna get a drink back at my place?' later on after we've had 1 or 2 at the bar πŸ₯‚

Hopefully she's up for coming back 🀞

Any Other Business:

Caught up with the Paramedic today πŸš‘

She's doing good and had a good time yesterday - arranged to meet her for coffee on our rest days Friday, so something to look forward to β˜•οΈ

That's about it for now πŸ“

I'll put a post on tomorrow to let you all know how the date tonight goes πŸ”œ

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Spider Jerusalem said:
I can also say the same as regards cops speaking from personal experience working with and dating them - all crazy in bed!
A Fetlife lay of mine was a cop - she regularly does gangbangs. Thought it was pretty funny
Day 272: 09/07/2022 βœ…

⭐️LAY 12⭐️ Spider Fucks 2 Girls in 24 Hours ⏰

Well, shit.

I've gone and Fucked 2 different girls in the space of 24 Hours again ⏰

Paramedic on Thursday πŸš‘ and The Daddy's Girl last night πŸŽ€ takes us up to Lays 11 and 12 βœ… βœ…

Met the Daddy's Girl at the bar over the road from me. 5 foot 2 and bit of an emo, but still pretty cute πŸ‘€

She was hella' nervous and I bought her 1 drink then we went back to mine after some small talk πŸ’¬ Funny thing turns out I worked with her brother 10/11 years ago in my first ever job. lol. Small world 🌎

Chilling at mine in the garden 🏠 I poured her a couple more Gin and Tonics and we just kept chatting πŸ₯‚ I was winding her up a little and negging her which she was loving πŸ’¦

Only bad points were that she was a smoker and asked if she could light up some weed whilst here πŸ‘Ž Told her respectfully and politely no as it's my parents place. Plus I don't need that kinda drama from the neighbours! She accepted this and was cool with it πŸ‘

Eventually went up to bed and put some tunes on and we got pretty much straight into it 🎢

She gave me the longest blowjob of my life (she said she loved sucking cock). She was a bit rough at it and I had to direct her a bit, but once she calmed down it was pretty enjoyable. I used my wand on her which got her absolutely screaming the place down (KillYourInnerLoser thank you Andy!) and Fucked her twice πŸ›Œ

πŸ’­ For my own peace of mind, I used a condom every time and this girl is on the implant πŸ’­

Just chilled in bed for a bit and chatted. Noticed this chick has a lot of self-harm scars on her body. Obviously been through some shit in her time, but I was cool about it πŸ•Š

She left about 1ish. Was gonna have her stay over, but my folks came back early this morning πŸŒ… From reading Holden's log, I've kinda realised now that I'm not obligated to have anyone stay over if I don't want them to. Told her I had work and needed my sleep which she was cool with πŸ’€

I helped her out with some cash towards the taxi πŸš• (only 5 bucks or so) and made her text me when she got home so I knew she was alright (my caring nature I guess) πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I enjoyed the sex, but I preferred Paramedic Chick to be honest πŸš‘ I think I'll try and set up something regular with her going forward πŸ”œ Logistics are gonna be difficult with this Daddy's Girl anyway as she also lives at home and we both don't get the places to ourselves very often 🏠

Probably just be a one night thing, which I'm cool with. It's all an experience! πŸ“š

So that's Lay 12 in the bag. I've pretty much roughly Fucked a new girl every month this year now πŸ—“ Quite an achievement I think considering the shit I've been through and I’ve still got 5 months left to go of the year! πŸ“…

Any Other Business:

- My House is now tidy as Fuck due to getting it clean for visitors coming round the past couple days. Just need to do my room real quick now as it got a bit ropey after last night! 🧹

- My back is completely Fucked after mowing the lawn yesterday and last night's antics! Need a rest before I get my ass back to work tomorrow πŸͺ΄

That's it for today's update πŸ“

Onwards and upwards πŸ’―

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
See man, this is exactly what I meant when I said "you're better than that" :)
Squilliam said:
See man, this is exactly what I meant when I said "you're better than that"


Appreciate the advice my man - I try and listen to everybody on the forums as what they tell me usually pays off

Thanks again!
Day 273: 10/07/2022 βœ…

Post-Lay Recovery 😴

I'm pretty Fucking beat after the past couple days of shenanigans, so I'm taking a bit of time to take it easy today πŸ›Œ

I've strained a muscle in my back whilst mowing my lawn and doing gardening, so that's an even bigger reason to chill a little πŸ˜–

Had to put a 7 hour shift in at work today which was a bit of a killer as it's been one of the hottest days of the year. Had some right arsehole customer in who upset one of the girls too by being a condescending prick πŸ–•

I hate the average person who thinks it's okay to act like this.

I'm in now for the next 4 Days taking Friday and Saturday as my days off, so it's gonna be pretty full-on the rest of the week. Might be some filler posts required as it's going to be a case of go to work, go home 🏠

I'll be seeing Paramedic Chick on Friday for coffee which she's confirmed with me via text πŸš‘ She seems cool, so I'm happy hanging with her outside the bedroom β˜•οΈ

Got a feeling she wants more, but I'll have a chat with her about it as I've made it clear I don't want marriage, kids etc. at this stage of my life or a serious relationship πŸ—£

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 274: 11/07/2022 βœ…

Sleep Pattern Reset: Waking up at 05:00 πŸŒ…

Decided to reset my Sleep Pattern and start getting up earlier again. With COVID, everything kind of went sideways as regards getting up early and going to bed on time which carried over when I went back to work.

View attachment 1

This has resulted in me not getting enough sleep and hating the world every morning when the alarm goes off and I have to go put 8/9 hours in at work 😴

Not happy with this as it's really messing up my day. Running on 4/5 hours sleep is wrecking my health and I'd go so far as to say ruining my self-improvement πŸ‘Ž

So yesterday I set the sleep schedule on my iPhone to run from 21:00-05:00 Hrs. And I stuck to it: Last night I went to bed at 21:00 Hrs. and I Woke up at 05:00 Hrs. today πŸŒ…

Still felt a bit groggy this morning, but I'd say I got about 7/7.5 Hours sleep which is a lot more than I've been having normally.

I hope to continue this tomorrow and going forward as I'm much more productive and have more time to get shit done βœ…

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 275: 12/07/2022 βœ…

05:00 Wake Up Part 2 ⏰ and Paramedic Date Confirmation πŸš‘

05:00 Wake Up Part 2 ⏰

Woke up at 05:00 Hrs again today despite there being a national heatwave in this country and me not getting lots of sleep β˜€οΈ Still got up fairly easily. Phone alarm and the sunrise alarm I have probably helped with this πŸ”” Gonna try and keep up the streak and get back to how I was originally with these early wake-ups: A hell of a lot more productive and having lots more time to get things done πŸ’―

Paramedic Date Confirmation πŸš‘

Spoke to the Paramedic I saw last week πŸš‘ Date is all confirmed for Friday in the City βœ… Looking like it's gonna be a Krispy Kreme and Milkshake date πŸ₯€ Be good to see her again as I had a lotta fun with her last time. I'll let her know a time later and a place once I've had a look on Google Maps πŸ—Ί

Put a 10 hour shift in today at work which is why my updates don't have much substance lately πŸ‘Ž Still counts towards my 365 Project as long as I make 1 post a day, so it is what it is sometimes πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Got Friday and Saturday off this week, so I'll try and put some more substance into the posts then πŸ“

Least I'm dating, working and starting to get up early again - I was a complete Fucking mess 5 months ago πŸ—“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 276: 13/07/2021 βœ…

Bulking and Gym Start Date: 17/07/2022 πŸ—“

Literally been at work all day today, so thought I'd do a quick post on how the bulking plans are working out πŸ“ˆ

I now have a commencement date for both my diet and gym routine: 17/07/2022 (Sunday) πŸ“…

Now I've actually started waking up early πŸŒ… and have found the high-calorie protein bars and ready mixed drinks that I actually like that won't make me puke my guts up, I have stocked up on them as we recently had a delivery in the health food shop where I work πŸ’΅

These are highly sought after and sell quick as they are currently on promotion. On top of that, I get my 25% discount. With me working the delivery however, I get to cherry-pick the stuff I want and put them to one side where I purchase them on my lunch πŸ’

Today I picked up:

1 x Box (10) Protein Bars 🍫
2 x Crates (12) of yfood Banana Shakes 🍌

I have now made a serious investment in my bulking diet and have the base that I want: Enough stocks to keep me replenished until each delivery day on the Tuesday πŸ“¦

I had a plan in place to help me get my ass back in the Gym and I'm pretty much ready to get on it now:

- Hire a P.T βœ…
- Get a Workout plan from my P.T βœ…
- Design an easy Diet Plan βœ…
- Find supplements I can take βœ…
- Fix my sleep pattern βœ…
- Stock up on Supplements βœ…

Looks like I'm ready to get off my ass and get into it πŸ’―

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 277: 14/07/2022 βœ…

No-Fap Helping my Sleep Pattern πŸ’€ and the Fucked Back! πŸ‘Ž

No-Fap Day Helping my Sleep Pattern πŸ’€

Haven't got much of an update for today πŸ“

I've recently started No-Fap again at the same time I decided to fix my sleep pattern. I'm on Day 4 of both of these and feel they go hand in hand. I'm no longer up late on Reddit watching Porn and ruining my sleep pattern as well as burning out my dopamine receptors 🀯

I'm a lot less tired and I'm continuing to get up early so think this is helping a hell of a lot ⬆️

I kept my mind map thing which I got to Day 11 on, so as soon as I hopefully get to day 11 on No-Fap, I'll get this out and continue it πŸ’­ Was gonna throw it away πŸ—‘ after I broke my streak, but decided it was a waste and kept it for when I next started again. So far so good βœ…

The Fucked Back! πŸ‘Ž

I woke up this morning in absolute agony with my back. It's completely Fucked πŸ‘Ž I struggled with it recently and it eased off, but now it feels like I've pulled a muscle or strained it πŸ˜– I'm struggling to bend down. Today wasn't much fun at work as a result as I had to go and put another 10 hours in πŸ™ƒ

I'm glad I'm off for 2 days now as I'm not back in work until Sunday morning. Need to give my back chance to heal. I've also got the date with the Paramedic tomorrow, so I hope I'm up to it. I should be okay in time for the Gym on Sunday, so fingers crossed 🀞

First COVID now this 🦠 You couldn't make this shit up! Trying to remain positive despite everything that's been thrown at me lately πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ

I did get laid twice recently, so there is that! πŸ›Œ πŸ›Œ

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 278: 15/07/2022 βœ…

No-Fap Day 5 and Flights to Amsterdam Booked

Quick post as I'm shattered!

No-Fap Day 5

Day 5 and still in.

Flights to Amsterdam Booked

Caught up with the American chick I'm going to Amsterdam with this morning. She sent me videos of her dancing provocatively in lingerie... Gonna be glad to have my hands on her for a week!

Flights have now been booked so all good here!

Thanks for reading

Spider πŸ•·
Day 279: 16/07/2022 βœ…

Lingerie Shopping and Video Call Striptease πŸ‘€

Lingerie Shopping πŸ‘™

Forgot to mention yesterday on my date with the Paramedic chick πŸš‘ we ended up going into a couple of lingerie stores in the city centre 🏬 I thought she was just looking for herself, but she was asking my opinions on a lot of things. When I saw one I liked, she went and bought it πŸ’΅

She ended up sending me photos when she got home of her wearing the set which was a Fucking tease to see πŸ“·

Video Call Striptease πŸ‘€

Shortly after sending me the photos, she video-called me. And she was naked... πŸ‘€

She did a little striptease for me which ultimately lead to me breaking my no-fap streak (Fuck.) πŸ˜‚

Was pretty damn hot not gonna lie πŸ”₯

On another note, gonna have to push back the gym πŸ‘Ž

Was hoping to go tomorrow and start my diet, but my back is still strained πŸ˜–

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 280: 17/07/2022 βœ…

The Heatwave πŸ”₯

Anyone in the U.K now will understand that it is currently hot as balls in this country!

I'm trying to keep myself cool and drink plenty etc. but it sure as hell is making work 10 times harder and zapping my motivation.

Put in a 7 hour shift today and it was a struggle. I'm pretty lethargic and don't have much else to say today, so this is a bit of a shit one.

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 281: 18/07/2022 βœ…

Started my Diet and Graduation Prep

Started my Diet

Started my diet today. Bit of a struggle in the heat, but I'm up to about 3000 calories right now.

Considering I don't really eat? Massive achievement.

The heat has been making this difficult, but I'm doing my best with it.

Graduation Prep

Kept this quiet, but I'm graduating University tomorrow, so got my suit etc. ready today.

Looking forward to closing the chapter on this one. Don't wanna do it, but my folks want to be there to see it, so it's more for them.

Thanks for reading

Spider πŸ•·