Spider’s Progress Log πŸ•· DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 282: 19/07/2022 βœ…

Graduation! πŸŽ“

Had my graduation ceremony today for my law enforcement degree πŸ“œ

Hottest day of the year β˜€οΈ and in full robes, but a good day nonetheless despite my parents bickering and annoying me a little πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Turns out I graduated top of my class and was presented with an award to reflect this πŸ† as well as a certificate πŸ“œ

Was a nice surprise I wasn’t expecting

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider (Bsc, Hons!)

Day 283: 20/07/2022 βœ…

Some Crazy Bitch Tries to Start a Fight with Spider! πŸ–•and A flake returns to Spider's Web πŸ•·

Some Crazy Bitch Tries to Start a Fight with Spider! πŸ–•

Talk about a crappy start to the day! πŸ‘Ž

So I was on my way to work this morning just minding my own business. I pass by this bakery takeout style place - it's a Greggs which is a chain store all of the guys on here from the U.K will know about 🏬

These spots are everywhere in small towns etc. and are unfortunately notorious hangouts for the local 'ne'er do wells' and low-lifes who congregate outside and think they're tough - think chavs, eshays, townies etc. in knock-off tracksuits and shitty jewellery πŸ˜’

Just passing by and this girl says to me 'What the Fuck are you looking at?'

Me: 'Excuse me?'

Her: 'I said what are you looking at?'

Me: 'Well I was looking up the street...'

Her: 'Yeah I Fucking thought so'.

Me: 'Whatever.'

And que the shouting, swearing and screaming. I just walked off. I reckon she just wanted to fight someone. Probably a Crackwhore πŸ˜•

I could've gone over and kicked off, but I'm in work uniform, she could have had a boyfriend round the corner or anything etc. πŸ€”

Sometimes it's best just to walk away. Fucking hate this town πŸ‘Ž

A flake returns to Spider's Web πŸ•·

So I hit up some of my previous flakes etc. Brief Report:

- Latina Milf - 'You're not my type.'
- Italian Pole Dancer - 'You're too nice'.


Sexologist who bailed on me a while back got back in contact and she's apologised for messing me around. Wants to meet tomorrow. Sent nudes and seems down to Fuck. Told her 'okay, I'll come round after work…’ πŸ›Œ

Could be getting laid tomorrow. Here's hoping! πŸ’¦

I'll keep you all posted on this one πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 284: 21/07/2022 βœ…

The Sexologist Part 2 Electric Boogaloo! πŸ›Œ

Currently typing this one out on the train - headed to the City πŸ™

Meeting the Sexologist who flaked on me last time. Was a bit sceptical about meeting because of that, but she sent nudes which shows she’s keen and explained she hadn’t long been through a breakup, so fair enough I’ll give her another chance. πŸ•Š

Sent a confirmation text which she’s replied positively to, so looks like we’re a go βœ…

Asked her to meet me by train station πŸš‰ and we’ll head back to hers after a coffee β˜•οΈ

She can do the travelling as she bailed on me last time 😎

I’ll keep you all posted tomorrow - hopefully this is Lay 13 in the bag πŸ›Œ

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 285: 22/07/2022 βœ…

⭐️LAY 13⭐️ Spider Fucks a Sexologist and Stands His Ground πŸ›‘

⭐️LAY 13⭐️ Spider Fucks a Sexologist

Got laid again last night.

Took the train πŸš‚ into the city straight after I finished work to meet this Sexologist chick who previously flaked on me πŸšͺ

Met her in the train station and she was blonde, busty, big boobs and had a big ass πŸ‘ Plus a very posh accent (she was from Kent here in the U.K which is a very posh area) 🎩

We had a chat for an hour or two over coffee then headed back to her place β˜•οΈ

Hopped in the shower to start with as we'd both come straight from work (which was fun) 🚿

This chick was very submissive calling me 'Daddy' and asking to be told what to do next πŸ‘€

So I did the following:

- Ordered her to go onto her bed face down, ass up and to wear this blindfold (I brought mine and gave it to her). Told her to wait patiently for me and 'no peeking...'. I then went into my bag and got my leather riding crop out. Spanked her with it for about half an hour which had her squirming and moaning 🫦

- Made her get on her knees and suck me. She made me come through this πŸ’¦

- As her 'reward for being a good girl', I used my magic wand on her. Took about half an hour, but I eventually made her come really hard πŸͺ„

- I went down on her πŸ‘…

- We then Fucked. She put the Condom on me which was pretty hot not gonna lie. Fucked her legs on shoulders which had her screaming πŸ›Œ

For my own peace of mind, I am stating here that condoms were used every time during sex.

Sex was good. Enjoyed hanging with her, but straight after the sex? This is where things got a little weird... πŸ‘Ύ

She pretty much got changed straight away and told me I needed to leave πŸšͺπŸ‘ˆ

I said 'Cool. Let me know if you wanna hang again' πŸšͺ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ πŸ‘‹

So I got dressed and got out of there πŸš—

Got back home and told her thanks for a fun night and she text me back saying how she wanted it to just be a 'one night thing'. 🌘

She did tell me earlier how she wants to explore with different men having been in a relationship for years. She's also signed up for a sex club etc. so looks like she's having a 'ho phase' πŸ›Œ

Spider Stands His Ground πŸ›‘

I was kinda expecting this to be honest. She asked me to do a couple of things during the sex which I refused to do as I wasn't comfortable with. I'll explain after once you read the list πŸ“

- She wanted me to tie her up
- She wanted me to 'Punch her'
- She asked me to 'Slap her around'
- She told me to 'Choke me until I pass out...'


I stood my ground on these and refused to do them βœ‹

I explained to her it's our first time meeting and those kind of things are a little hardcore for a first meet and take a certain level of trust βš–οΈ

I'd need to be more comfortable with her and a level of trust would need to be established before we look at trying out any of those things, but blindfolds and spanking I was happy with for now πŸ‘ πŸ‘‹

Call me wary, but if this chick who'd already gone flakey on me suddenly decided she regretted last night, it would be pretty Fucking convincing if she had bruises all over her, rope marks on her ankles and wrists and choke marks all over her neck if she walked into a Fucking police station the next day and dropped the 'R word' πŸš”

I had a bad experience with a girl a while back where a girl changed her mind the next day after we slept together. I went into detail on this with KillYourInnerLoser on the podcast we did together πŸŽ™

I now take every opportunity to protect myself from false allegations and I've got a bit wiser in my late 20's from when I was a dumb teenager πŸ™ƒ

I don't know this Fucking chick apart from texting and an hour's coffee date πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ She coulda been a man hating feminist or crazy or something. This was not something I was willing to roll the dice on 🎲

Probably a good thing she doesn't want to see me again if she can't respect the fact I won't do things in the bedroom I'm not comfortable with πŸšͺπŸ‘ˆ

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot... πŸ’­

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·

Never ever ever punch a woman during sex. And choking until she passes out is legitimately life-threatening if you don't know what you're doing (and even then...)

Putting your hand on a girl's neck and applying pressure with your fingers on the side (not with the palm of your hand on the throat itself) is good enough to give her that psychological sensation of being choked. If a girl wants more than that, I refuse.

If you build up trust with a girl and want to explore shit like that, then tell her you will make a sound recording of the entire date and afterwards tell her you had fun and make her say she had fun too. Just say you had a "crazy ex" and that's why you want to record it.
hey Spider Jerusalem

As my name suggests, this is a bit my field of play ;)

You did absolutely right. especially the breath play, that is something that only very VERY experienced doms can do
Holden said:

Never ever ever punch a woman during sex. And choking until she passes out is legitimately life-threatening if you don't know what you're doing (and even then...)

Putting your hand on a girl's neck and applying pressure with your fingers on the side (not with the palm of your hand on the throat itself) is good enough to give her that psychological sensation of being choked. If a girl wants more than that, I refuse.

If you build up trust with a girl and want to explore shit like that, then tell her you will make a sound recording of the entire date and afterwards tell her you had fun and make her say she had fun too. Just say you had a "crazy ex" and that's why you want to record it.

Thanks mate and yeah Fuck doing any of that kinda shit!

I do do the thumb and forefinger on the sides of the neck where the veins are which gives that sensation. I can imagine some inexperienced idiots thinking 'Fuck it' and have ended up seriously Fucking a girl up.

Won't be seeing this one again

Thanks again
AskTheDom said:
hey @Spider Jerusalem

As my name suggests, this is a bit my field of play

You did absolutely right. especially the breath play, that is something that only very VERY experienced doms can do


Hey Dom! Thanks for the input my man

100%! I don't Fuck around with Breath play unless it's very, very light 'choking' with the thumb and forefinger on the sides of the neck to just give the feeling impression as per @Holden's reply above

Appreciate you dropping by!

Yeah, you did the right thing. Light BDSM like hair pulling or the "choking" Holden described is one thing, but the more aggressive stuff shouldn't be done without a lot of trust.

The truth is like, breath play really is not ever 100% safe at all. Cutting off or restricting oxygen supply for any amount of time is really not safe.
Spider Jerusalem said:
Call me wary, but if this chick who'd already gone flakey on me suddenly decided she regretted last night, it would be pretty Fucking convincing if she had bruises all over her, rope marks on her ankles and wrists and choke marks all over her neck if she walked into a Fucking police station the next day and dropped the 'R word' πŸš”

Yeah, that's a serious risk nowadays. You did well not to fuck her roughly.

Anyway, congrats for your new lay ! :)
Yeah man you did the right thing. BDSM in general requires a lot of trust.

Congrats on the lay
Day 286: 23/07/2022 βœ…

Amsterdam Prep πŸ’Ό and Post-Lay Lethargy 😴

Been at work all day again today (I'm in all weekend). One thing I have managed to do is get some things ready for my vacation to Amsterdam next week ✈️

- Booked a Hotel for Sunday right next to the airport so I don't have to stress too much about travelling
- Packed my bag πŸ’Ό
- Booked my Trains and Return coach back to my area for when I come home (Fucking train drivers going on strike!)
- Got some cash Euros spending money for when I'm there πŸ’Ά

This is pretty much everything sorted now. Just gotta get through this bullshit week of work and I'll be all good 😎

Looking forward to getting high and clapping cheeks all week! 🌲 πŸ’¨ πŸ‘

Post-Lay Lethargy 😴

Yesterday was a bit of a struggle after seeing that Sexologist chick πŸ‘Ž

Just woke up feeling groggy and I literally did Fuck-all the whole day 😐

I went for a walk last night just to clear my head before I went to bed to try and alleviate it 🌘 Woke up feeling a bit crappy again today, but I'm hoping once I finish work I can come home and get a good night's sleep tonight πŸ›Œ

I think I need to start having things to look forward to and need to work harder at getting my life back on track. Think I'm going to bed too late, my diet is shit and I'm not exercising enough πŸ‘Ž

Probably doesn't help my anxiety living like this. I need to realise these are conscious lifestyle choices that I am making and I need to take some responsibility and step up πŸ‘Š

I'm going to have a think on what I can implement when I get back from vacation and make a note on this log. I have a few ideas already in mind which I may make tomorrow's post about πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 287: 24/07/2022 βœ…

Short-Term Goals: No-Fap πŸ’‘ Sleep πŸ›Œ Jiu-Jitsu πŸ₯‹ Cardio πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Reading πŸ“– The Gym πŸ‘Ÿ Diet 🍽Money πŸ’΅

Now my mental health has been successfully managed, I've decided to make a list of a couple of short-term goals I want to get ticked off to get things back on track πŸ“

I feel this will be more manageable and easier for me to do βœ…

A couple of things I've started now, but a few others I'll look at when I get back from Amsterdam in a couple of weeks πŸ”œ

I've made a list on the 'Notes' app. on my phone so that I can keep track of these πŸ“±

So far I've got:

- Re-Start No-Fap βœ… I'm on Day 2/90.
- Reset Sleep Schedule using Iphone App βœ… Schedule set for 21:00 Hrs - 05:00 Hrs. Daily.
- Start Jiu-Jitsu
- Cardio - Running
- Start Reading
- Get back in the Gym properly
- Start saving money again

I get back from vacation on the 7th, so that'll be the start date once I'm settled in. I also get paid on the 1st of July which is going to help me finance these goals πŸ“…

No-Fap πŸ’‘

I've started No-Fap again πŸ’‘

I'm conscious I'm likely going to be getting laid pretty regularly with my American FWB for the week I'm in Amsterdam πŸ›Œ so I started this now to help avoid any erection issues whilst I'm over there πŸ† In the past when I was fapping non-stop, I had a couple of very embarrassing situations where I simply couldn't perform πŸ‘Ž

On one occasion, I ended up with this girl who I had been crushing on for a while. Best looking girl I ever got with and I was totally out of her league and I just couldn't perform πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

This is difficult to talk about, but that was one of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn't even look at her again in public after because I was so ashamed of myself πŸ‘Ž

I now carry Viagra (Sildenafil) as a backup, but at 27 years old, it bothers me probably a lot more than it should that I have to do this πŸ’Š

So that's my little story on No-Fap πŸ“–

Sleep πŸ›Œ

I've reset my sleep pattern on iPhone to 21:00 Hrs. - 05:00 Hrs. 🌘

This is something I'll look at more when I'm back from Amsterdam as I'll be on vacation and I'm not really going to want to be getting up at 5 every morning as it won't be much of a holiday then really πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Start Jiu-Jitsu πŸ₯‹

I've found a local Jiu-Jitsu gym which is easier to get to than the one I used to train at. I went and checked it out after I finished work earlier on my way home. Looks pretty decent βœ…

I could have chosen the Gym I used to train at, but I'll be straight up honest, I'm a bit embarrassed to go back. I had a panic attack due to COVID and worries about my parent's health last time I went and was out of pocket 100 bucks πŸ’ΈI don't want to go back and be known/remembered as 'that guy' πŸ˜’

I'm going to ring the place up when I get back from Amsterdam. Pretty pointless starting it now before I'm about to go away for a week or 2. I'll book in for my first session which I think I get for free and post on here for accountability when I've done this πŸ“

Cardio πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

I'd also like to get a bit of Cardio in. Going to Jiu-Jitsu a couple times a week will help with this, but it wouldn't hurt to run 2/3 times a week either. Might do Couch to 5K or just start with some light jogs and then move onto it πŸ”œ

Reading πŸ“–

I was doing well with the reading earlier this year, but it kinda fell by the wayside a little which I'm disappointed in myself for πŸ‘Ž

I'm going to look at picking this back up and maybe reading for half hour a day - 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night or on my lunch break at work or something. Small start, but it'll add up over the course of weeks/months. Might even take a book with me to Amsterdam πŸ“š

The Gym πŸ‘Ÿ

Did try and start this recently, but no luck due to one thing after the other: COVID, Fucked my Back up then work got busy 😣 Sick of making excuses on this one as it's been part of my main goal. Will address this when I get back as priority πŸ’―

My P.T is all paid up for another round of sessions, so I've made the financial commitment πŸ’°

Diet 🍽

I'm all stocked up on weight gainer shakes and protein bars. Bought a couple more recently and I have a good diet plan in place. Goes hand-in-hand with my gym goal above, so will do both of these at the same time. No use getting my workout in if I'm not fuelling my body properly 🍽

Money πŸ’΅

Made a bit of a deal with myself that once I'm back from Amsterdam, I'll be looking at grinding hard with the financial side of things πŸ’°

This vacation has cost me a fair bit and I've decided the saving needs to start. Especially after taking a few months off work due to health reasons πŸ₯

On top of this, there is currently a cost of living crisis going on in my country as well as most of the world due to various bullshit. Everything seems to be going up from what I can see except for my Fucking wages of course! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Couple of things I've noticed:

- Tinder prices have shot up including gold subscription cost, boosts and super-likes which you now get less of ⚑️
- Price of food has also shot up πŸ’΅
- Xbox Live have raised their monthly subscription cost πŸ‘Ž
- Transport costs have skyrocketed e.g. train tickets, petrol ⛽️

To get what I want and still save every month I have a plan πŸ“ˆ

What this will look like:

- Taking any overtime that becomes available ⏰
- Cutting down on my outgoings πŸ’°
- Not driving as much due to fuel costs πŸ›‘
- Focusing on my gym and diet expenses as the 1 main hobby 'expenditure(s)'
- Taking a back seat on everything else - dating and dating sites, going out, meals, takeaways etc. (adios Tinder Gold!) πŸ‘‹

I'm hopeful that after 6 months of following these goals and committing to them, I'll be in a much better place economically, physically and mentally πŸ’­

I have also put these in my signature with progress updates so I can be constantly reminded of them πŸ‘€

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 288: 25/07/2022 βœ…

Train Trip up North πŸš‚

American Girl I'm going to Amsterdam with is in the U.K this week, so I'm heading up North to go and see her today and work out the last trip details πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Gonna have something to eat with her and make a day of it too 🍽 Only blow is I'm at work early tomorrow, so won't be able to stay with her too long πŸ‘Ž

I've packed a few books etc. for the trip as it's about an hour and a half each way, so I'll try use the dead travelling time productively πŸ“š

I'm gonna leave it there for today. At least I can say I'm getting out more and working on my social skills πŸ—£

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 289: 26/07/2022 βœ…

American Cougar β€˜Date’ Report πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ†

So I guess yesterday was a β€˜sort of’ date πŸ—“

Met my American Cougar FWB πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ†. Also met her folks which was interesting. They wanted to thank me for looking after their daughter 🀝

Nice people.

Long story short, she’s gone through some shit and on top of that, lost a nephew. Whole family was really struggling at one point and she was in a bad place πŸ•³

I been there myself and know what it’s like.

I helped her through the rough times and she’s doing better now. We had dinner then we went for a walk just me and her to discuss our trip next week πŸ”œ

She did look pretty Fuck-able today πŸ‘€
Looking forward to clapping her cheeks all week next week πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

Also kinda seeing hanging with her as a bit of an β€˜investment’: I’m investing in our friendship which is working out well as she’s offered me a place to stay in the States when I go visit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

That’s gonna save me a shitload of cash πŸ’΅

A Victory Against Anxiety πŸ’―

On a brief side note, travelled a lot yesterday. Lots of trains, busy, slightly stressful, but I handled it πŸ’―

Couple of months ago, I couldn't get out of bed and would not have coped at all with something like that πŸ›Œ

A small victory perhaps, but Fuck it, it's one I'm taking βœ…

Any other business:

Other than that? Not much to report. Putting in a 9 hour shift today then I'll clean my room when I get home if I'm not too tired 🌘

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 290: 27/07/2022 βœ…

Long-Ass Day πŸ₯±

Worked 07:30-17:30 today and I’m Fucked πŸ’€

Taking a night off 🌘

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 291: 28/07/2022 βœ…

Old Lay Comes into Spider's Work πŸ‘€ The Paramedic Bails πŸš‘ and Vacation!

Old Lay Comes into Spider's Work πŸ‘€

Vegan Vixen ended up coming into where I work yesterday…


Was going to post about it, but I was absolutely shattered after the 9.5 Hour shift I put in ⏰ πŸ€›

She was with her mom which was quite funny as I kept my cool and had a bit of a smirk on my face 😏 She was going all red probably because she knew that she hadn't text me back πŸ˜‚

What made this even funnier is that I still have a pair of her underwear from when I saw her πŸ‘™

I didn't tease her too terribly and just made polite conversation about how she is, her degree etc. Didn't wanna embarrass her in front of her mom as I'm not a bastard like that πŸ•Š

Was funny as she walked out I said 'Feel free to pop in anytime, I'm always here. I'll drop you a text sometime...' and she went all red and put her head down as she walked out looking all sheepish like 🫒


Pretty funny. I was giggling for about half an hour after to myself πŸ˜…

A couple of years ago a ghost would've annoyed me, but nowadays, I just see it as part of the game πŸ‘» πŸ”«

The Paramedic Bails πŸš‘

Looks like things are off with Paramedic Chick πŸ‘Ž She's met a 'nice man' who wants a relationship and can give her the marriage and kids that she needs (or so he says) πŸ˜’

My response?

'Cool. All the best' πŸ‘‹

She was trying to guilt trip me by saying about how she's going to start dating others as I 'can't give her what she needs' etc. πŸ₯±

I've seen this tactic before and have used it myself. She's not really up for the regular sex that I want. Believe this is due to medical reasons, so I cannot hold this against her 🀝

She's heading for 30 very soon and she wants to settle and I can't give her that 🚫

Told her I just want her to be happy whether that's with or without me

It is what it is. Nice girl and very cute, so that's a bit of a shame, but oh well πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Vacation Starts Now!

Just knocked off work and I'm now off until the 9th of August. Very grateful for that trust me! πŸ–

Gonna get my room straight as I don't want to come back home to it looking awful πŸ‘Ž It's piled up over the past few days with me working overtime and only having the Monday off so I could go to the city up north to meet American Cougar πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Just gotta pack the rest of my shit πŸ’Ό and make sure that I got all the necessary paperwork and travel documents πŸ“‚ and I'm good to go ✈️

I'll start on these now after this post as I knocked off work a little earlier today ⏰

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 292: 29/07/2022 βœ…

Filler Post: Cleaning and Travel Prep ✈️

Been cleaning and sorting shit out for vacation next week, so just a quick post πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·